09/06/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularSEPTEMBER 6, 1977 presents i `iaTor Cole, B'nl® , Coker, Cooper, Bridges, and i oBan ei Others P resent r City Manager, City Sec., N ® McCoy, J, Buoklew, ® i'irs® B`® Tra elstead, BTay or, d® Garland, A. Burke, Rev. Be Richardson and Adams and C o Thomas l® ik'iinutes ere appro ed as printed with the exception off' oorrectior.s on Item and Item ` They are as ollo , s (-zo 5 lreliriinary stud- on. future growth of City Cfficies City 'gre vvas instructed to contact postal a°uthori ies to see what their plans are for future growth, 17) City Auditors- Council in lieu of Coker® 2® Cn a motion by Cooper, second by Bridges and a unanirsous Grote it vas agreed to pa5 disbursement with the exce stion o lterr: 7l9 to Sirnmons Air Conditioning until the unit at the Post Office is checked out as agreed® It was requested by Council that the disbursements be pre- seated twice a month and prior to the meeting 3® Sanger :electric Capital lmproements - Item postponed until Sept® 19, 1977 meeting, commendation assembly of Cod Church Plat- Mayor Cole read aloud the re- letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission, The ® Za reco ends ith the i`dlloing stipulations °°By unanim.ous Grote the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the plat be accepted assuming the letter concerning the ex- tention of the street and utilities which was previously ::equir ed and 2n executed cdpy dP tne plat and ded=cation are provided®Le ter S7 2, ed by Church officials 2 -tt2ohed)-® Coker made L, e Lotion td'accept the Y. and Z® reco mendat=cn® Bridges second, Noted unan® Boward could dig the ditches and lay the water and sewer lines Por the clau�rc�' w t th Ci ty inspection and final approval dP the lanes® CQKer made tie r�Qt1Qn tQ gd ahead and "ter ant t�'?e bZ?? lding p�:r"1 before the street ? s laved® Bridges second.- Noting -for® Coker, Brdges, McDaniel and Cooper, En' w _absta ned, Vote carried i -0• ��ScuSS�Qn regarding i3CbQ aS tQ dd tT�e-Street �7Qr?= do T�'reeSe -Br® iiayor Cole advised Bev® Richardson that the County could no longer dd -worK for Churche but could do it for Cities 71ae Cltv could have the work done by the County and b 11 the 'urccost, �?e ther the City or Church Belre® h or the street ser?uat �Te were clear on iwhd is to prep=are the road bed, he County or Church? - - - Audi_ vda'S Charlie Thomas dress with Main Dallas Off', Ce spoke briefly on the Pyrr,?'-s methods of auditing the City books® Act4on on a co a rscL, W4th-the flnM was dela7ed ant4l the next Council mee L,an , ®- Budget Ordinance - Coker r?ade the motion to accept the 7 977'8 -Budget Ord_-narbcee Br dEre - G.. s second. _ Grote-c unar _ ?® Ta-x LeV7 Crd narace - T.TcDaniel made the motion to accep-t the - tax levyv- or.6i.nan3e. E�nlo w second. Toted u an® Monthly budget report for my was accepted by she Cdu� d21a 9® Other Matters; _ his �e b® _��@ W.- Bucklew presented. the Cduncll with _ rel��lnar�f plat_deszgr�at?n� lots® BueKle�w re�uesvec ld�ng per- ? for !.ct # � re�elonging to �Tdrman m%CQya _t vSS "QtZd ed by _Bridges to release Jot ,�L+ Por a _build = oernn-Lt. voKer secor?de_dC Voted. unan Lync?Qn 'Carr presented cost eatirr:ateS to Co-urZcil 'or 800 p of S�r�gle paSe l�neS td Service a rlehw reS�der�.`r.'e--a 1S�ited Q�:�.t® Side the City by George Adams. m ie hoTme would virtually be all ale-etr c except Por the -stove and oven w1--jLch would be butane-® --Payout or'_ -this Ser-VI c-e -Would be ap-rpro�ii late= 7 s3 Ye -arcs '® rid _ s is re . estin undergaoud�se=ice dr. -the- d-rop ©le-,- 7 s CU s S-1 on Cost estimate for t'.a -entizre ;Qb 281 mOd �Discu sS on. - Bridges made -��,he motion that the. City put service to the drop pole provPding that a 2C Pdd � eaSemerit be db��� r_ed Prom Adams along tae est property lire to run north and Sout xel t tQ Betz Boad and he bear the expense dP the underground line®-Cd'_.er- second, I),iScussJon, `vrotang y d ' were ^veer anc Br age S, gas nit was Enlow. Ab ta- n3 n. tc7 were Cooper and 1lcT` nzel. Ca-rried 2 . _ �OQunc:�?- lr�s trueted nLt7 a*Tgs ® to write va pollcy concerning ei.ed�,rac �.L��3tZT e�;.;,eT?S?� Q?S or use �� the �'�?:,ure® c ® vJ Ly �ogr, was instructed to call the HI way Thep. � ® regarding the repair dP K h street by the Pour -Inlay Stop.® _ CPty Manager was requested to talk td Sidney about attending the football games® CdKer requested the list QP items Council requested be done and report oP disposition QP those items® T°'�eetirlg ddjdurned® r S, Minutes: September 21, 1977 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Bridges, and McDaniel. Absent: Enlow Others Present: Ed Stapleton, City Mgr., City Sec., Bill And Betty Rice, Frank and Mary Smith, Olen Higgs, Lindon Carr, Ken Hoope, Harry Down, Jr., and Ken Cornell. 1. Minutes of September 6, 1977 were approved as written. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $1�51.51 were approved for payment on a motion by McDaniel, second by Coker. Voted unan. 3. Cooper made the motion to approve payment of Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $3,017.93. Bridges second. Unan. 1}. Harry Dawns Petition - Mayor Cole Declared the public hearing open. Mr. Down spoke in favor for the petition. Down presented a plat of the property (different from the original plat) in that he stated he would be willing to leave 167 feet(this is measured from the center of the road) on the West end of the property which joins South Berry Street and Keaton Road as Single Family to act as a buffer zone to residential area. The land use is designated for Sheet Metal Fabrication Business. He stated the industries would bring in an estimated two hundred thousand on the City Tax roll and possibly add 20 to 25 people in this area, Against - Ed Stapleton, Attorney, spoke as representative of area residents contesting the petition, He introduced the Comprehensive Master Plan as developed by City Planners with specific reference to mixed land use and industrial noise nuisance. He further brought out the possible traffic problem this type of business could create. He was not in favor of a piece mill effect and requested Council to consider rejection of petition. Bill Rice, resident spoke against the petition. He commented on the noise factor created from the factory already there. He stated this zoning change would be an invasion of the residential area. it would create non-residential traffic and would also be spot zoning. He further stated that manufactur- ing was not harmonious with residential zoning, the original petition contained no buffer zone and the water pressure was already a problem in the area. Frank Smith stated he purchased land with the understanding the land in front of and across the road from him would be residential. He felt that the zoning change would lower the value of his property. Ken hoops felt he would be affected more that the others because he is only one in the -City Limits. He felt there was no logic to arguing tax revenues when we are a city of people. He wants 300' to remain residential. Olen Higgs remarked that his deed stated no Commercial Building would be built on either side of the road.