09/21/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: September 219 1977 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Bridges, and McDaniel. Absent: Enlow Others Present: Ed Stapleton, City Mgr., City Sec., Bill And Betty Rice, Frank and Mary Smith, Olen Higgs, Lindon Carr, Ken Hoope, Harry Down, Jr., and Ken Cornell. - 1. Minutes of September 6, 1977 were approved as written. 2. Disbursements in the amount of �451.51 were approved for payment on a motion by McDaniel, second by Coker. Voted unan. 3. Cooper made the motion to approve payment of Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for zp3,017.93• Bridges second. Unan. !}. Harry Dawns Petition - Mayor Cole Declared the public hearing open. Mr. Down spoke in favor for the petition. Down presented a plat of the property (different from the original plat) in that he stated he would be willing to leave 167 feet(this is measured from the center of the road) on the West end of the property which joins South Berry Street and Keaton Road as Single Family to act as a buffer zone to residential area. The land use is designated for Sheet Metal Fabrication Business. He stated the industries would bring in an,estimated two hundred thousand on the City Tax roll and possibly add 20 to 25 people in this area. .Against - Ed Stapleton, Attorney, spoke as representative of area residents contesting the petition, He introduced the Comprehensive Master Plan as developed by City Planners with specific reference to mixed land use and industrial noise nuisance. He further brought out the possible traffic problem this type of business could create. He was not in favor of a piece mill effect and requested Council to consider rejection of petition. Bill Rice, resident spoke against the petition. He commented on the noise factor created from the factory already there. He stated this zoning change would be an invasion of the residential area. it would create non-residential traffic and would also be spot zoning. He further stated that manufactur- ing was not harmonious with residential zoning, the original petition contained no buffer zone and the water pressure was already a problem in the area. Frank Smith stated he purchased land with the understanding the land in front of and across the road from him would be residential. He felt that the zoning change would lower the value of his property. Ken hoops felt he would be affected more that the others because he is only one in the -City Limits. He felt there was no logic to arguing tax revenues when we are a city of people. He wants 300' to remain residential. Olen Higgs remarked that his deed stated no Commercial Building would be built on either side of the road. Mr. Down gave rebuttal. He said the land north of the City would be difficult to develop due to"the 6" sewer line. Frank Smith brought out a point that Down would be serviced by a 641 line on the 3 acre tract he had purchased. Down stated the manufacturing is precision type and was not noisy. Further stated the two hundred thousand that would be added to tax roll was land and buildings and not contents which would bring even more tax revenue into the city. Discussion followed. Ken Cornell would like to see the area along I-35 developed. Was disappointed when Planning and Zoning Commission turned" down the petition. Mayor Cole declared the -public hearing closed. He -requested John Sullivan's opinion of the Zoning Ordinance with regards to the 3/4 vote of members of the Council. Wanted to know the legality of voting on the petition until entire council was present. Mr. Sullivan stated that a 3/4 vote was necassary to overide Planning and Zoning recommendation. Also stated petition as presented was not legally sufficient to require a 3/4 vote. As to the legality of voting without the entire council being present it is perfectly legal but the vote to overide would still -require 3/4 vote of council. Mayor Cole --read al-oud the letter of rec-ommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. McDaniel made the motion to reject the reques-t from zoning change -of petition Z-37 as recommended by P and Z. Bridges second.-- Voted unan. 5. Citg Auditors - Coker .made the motion the_City hire Main LaFrentz. Bridges second. Voting for were Coker,Bridges and McDaniel. Cooper abstained. Carried 3-0. 6. Mc Daniel made the motion that the City aid the Assembly of Cod Church and bear the cost of constructing one manhole on Freese Dr. Cooper Second.11 Discussion. Voted unan._ 7. Annexation - City Manager explained. that those persons recently annexed into the City would be receiving lower utility bills on October billing. 8. Mosquito control discussed. It was agreed that the City crew would spray on Wednesday, September 21st and that Cooper, Bridges, and Cole would volunteer for Friday. It was suggested to run in paper and see if volunteer help might,be available.. 9". city Manager was requested to check into the possibility of some organization collecting -and recycling newspapers. P-ossibly through the local scout group. 10. Other -such items; a. The City Council was invited by letter to meet with_. the school board on October 10, 19?7 to discuss the combining of the tax offices. b. Council was advised that a representative with Research Analysis of Texas will be at City Hall Friday to discuss the acquisition of grant funds. c. Council received a letter from Brazos stating the Waco based Brazos Accounting personnel charged $962.00 to the Sanger Electric System for 1976. d. Council directed City Manager to contact each of the residents attending tonights meeting that live outside the city limits, personally, and offer them a petition to annex into the city. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST;