10/03/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: -City Council Meeting October 3, 1977 v ` Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, Enlow, Bridges, McDaniel Absent: None - - - Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec.,City Att., Dr.'Neighbors l.' Two bids were received for`Petroleum Caruthers Oil Oil Company bid on gasoline only Their Their bid on Regular Gasoline was .4715 per gallon. -J. Robert George, -Gulf Oil Distributor bid on Item 1, 2,l}, and 5"of bid specification'sheet.- They areas follows; 1. Regular gasoline 41.7 plus tax if taxable. *2. Motor Oil, 30 wt. per case (6-gale in ea. case) 1038 MotorwOil; 30 wt.--per 55`gal. drum $78.65 This bid is on Gulflube'XHD 30. 3. No Bid-_ ::4- 500 gallon overhead storage tank for diesel - $295.00 FOB Sanger. 5. Diesel No. Q -J.41¢ per gallon. ::Item-#2 - This is an all purpose oil for both trucks and automobiles. Item #4 an Includes tank only. Hose, Cut offs and -nozzles will be at -city expense, All quoted prices to escalate in the event pric-es increase. 2. Minutes were approved as presented. 3. Enl-ow made the motion to pay disbursements with the exception of Item #9. Cooper second. Voted unan.- )t . Sanger Electric -Capital Improvements were postponed until the October-17th meeting. 5 & 6. Coker made the motion to accept the Preliminary Plats on the Gateway Subdivision and Bucklew-Freese Subdivision. Cooper second. Voted unan.- - 7. Other matters - a. City Mgr. and Mayor explained the services of the Research Associates of Texas. - b. City Mgro advised council of TML-meeting7october 15-18 in San Antonio. Urged all Council memb-ers to att-end. c. City Mgr. was advised to talk to Switzer regarding the condition of Cemetery Road. d. Council was advised that the City would have a 25% rate increase -on hospitari-nation. Meeting adjourned. Mayor - ATTEST: -_