11/14/1977-CC-Minutes-Speciala. City Manager referred Council to the letter received from Texas Department of Water Resources regarding balance of bond funds to be reimbursed as per audit of Water Quality Board. The City must pay back $5.000.00 and in the manner described in the letter of November 3. 1977. Cooper made the motion this be approved. Enlow second. Unan. b. Mike Grogan°s retainer contract was discussed and it -was agreed by the Council that it was too vague. Contract was given to John L. for legality clarification and re -doing. c. Council discussed past due commercial customer bill owed to Sanger Electric, Directed Lindon Carr to draw up a policy on this. Council went into executive session. Council reopened session. .nore per year. Bridges second. Unan. Cooper made the motion t� adjourn. ATTESTS Minutes: Special Meeting City Council November 14• 1977 Others Presets City Manager Bridges made motion to approve Retaine 3. Need to discuss with Brazos why we should pay wholesale cost anA fuel adjustment on deliquent accounts which are not collected by the office here in Sanger. Coker made a motion meeting adjourn. McDaniel second. Mayor ATTESTS