11/21/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: November 21, 1977 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Enlow, McDaniel and Bridges Others Present: Dr. Nub Neighbors, C. Neighbors, Milt Crans, George Adams, Tim Jackson, Hans L. Erdman, John Cundiff, John Porter, Buddy Hardaway, City Mgr., City Sec., and City Attorney. 1. Minutes of the November 7, 1977 and November 143 1977 meetings were approved as presented. 2. Coker made the motion to pay disbursements with the exclusion of #10 (McDonald'sConoco).Enlow second. Unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-39 (Dr. Nub Neighbors) - Mayor Cole opened the Public Hearing. Dr. Neighbors spoke in favor of his petition and stated he had no plans for outside pens. It would be a small animal clinic only. Questions: ;(McDaniel) Will this be your only practice. Ans. Yes, I's operating out of my pickup and off of our kitchen table at present. John Cundiff, representing First Nationl`Bahk spo�e'.in oppo�it�on of the petition. He discussed the planned future use of the pro- perty owned by the bank and stated he felt the planned area for this vicinity was not complimentary with the petition. Cundiff further stated that the recommendation letter from the P and Z should bear Jack Armstrong's signature since Cundiff had dis- qualified himself at the meeting. He further stated there would need to be a variance with regards to the Livestock Ordinance. Dr. Neighbors stated again that he would not have large animals except those that were ambulatory and he was seeking a zoning change and not a variance. John Porter spoke briefly in opposition. Stated it was not their contention to stop any business locating in Sanger. Mayor Cole closed the public hearing. He read aloud a petition signed by 26 residents of the City in favor of the petition and read aloud the letter from the P & Z Commission which recommended the change be approved. Motion to accept the P & Z recommendation by McDaniel. Cooper second. John Coker made the motion to table the petition decision for further study. Bridges second. General discussion. Voted unan. Coker stated he would like to have a committee to study the petition further. Mayor Cole wanted to know if he wanted a committee from Council or a citizen committee. Mayor felt Council should act on this petition since there had already been a long wait by Dr. Neighbors. Discussion. 4. Information regarding TEC was explained by the City Mgr. The City will become liable for unemployment compensation on Jan.l, 1978. This is manatory) The City has two choices of payment for this responsibility. #1. Reimburse the State Fund for actual benefits paid to their employees. #2. Pay taxes each quarter. (Council, agreed on #2) 5. City Mgr. reviewed with Council the sewer line problem on North 8th Street, stating that the City had received numerous complaints regarding the overflow. Because of the lack of an adequate grade on the existing line which flows to FM455 there is a buildup of solids in the line which prevent the liquids from flowing. The estimated cost for materials is $1025.00. This will be to construct a new line using inhouse labor. Work will take approximately two weeks. Council advised City Mgr. to have the work done. 6. Denton Community Emergency Medical Services President and Co - Mgr., Hans L. Erdman spoke to the Council regarding authoriza- tion to provide subscription ambulance service within the City of Sanger. General Discussion. No action taken. 7. Milt Crans, Marketing Representative with Burroughs Corporation presented cost figures on a new computer billing machine. Council decided to wait on the purchase of the machine until it is decided whether the school and city will combine tax offices. 8. Bridges made the motion the City adopt the Flood Hazard Prevention Ordinance. Cooper Second. Unan. Ordinance to take effect _ immediately. (Flood Hazard Prevention Ordinance 77-7) Coker made the motion to adopt the Resolution to be used when applying for the flood insurance program. Bridges second. Unan. 9. Mike Grogan Contract - Cooper made the motion to adopt the contract. Enlow second. Unan. 10. Motion by Coker to call Zoning Case Z-39 from table. Bridges second. Unan. Discussion. Bridges made the motion to deny the petition Z-39. Coker second. Voting for were: Bridges, Coker, and Enlow. Voting against: Cooper and McDaniel. Motion carried 3-2. 11. Other matters: a. City Mgr. went over the present insurance coverage on the City tanks and water tower. Discussed with Council possibility of increasing coverages. No action taken. b. Diesel Fuel - City Mgr. informed Council that Sanger Electric has 7500 gallons of diesel fuel on hand at the light plant which they might be willing to sell to the City. City Mgr. was directed to look into the matter further. No a on t en Mayor ATTEST: Minutes: City Council Meeting - December 5, 1977 Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, Cooper, McDaniel, Bridges, Enlow. Others Present: City Manager 1. Minutes were read and approved with exception of third sentence in Item #3 that read as follows: It would be a small animal clinic only. 2. Bridges made motion to pay all disbursements with exception of Item #4, McDonald's Conoco. Coker second. Unan. 3. Item #3 was withdrawn from agenda. 4. Other matters: 5. 6. 7. A. Garbage Containers: Billy Jack Hollingsworth can build some of the containers at the present and City Manager was directed to come back in two weeks with further study on containers. Mayor Cole called the meeting into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. Meeting reopened from Executive Session. Bridges made motion ATTEST: meeting adjourn. F�nlow second. d v` Mayor