12/19/1977-CC-Minutes-RegularHinutess December 19, 1977 Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Bridges, McDaniel, and Coker Others Presents City Mgr., City Sec., Milt Crans, Eunice Gray,and Brace Anthony. 1. Minutes were approved as presented with the exclusion of the following sentence in the minutes of November 21, 1977 and December 5, 1977. (To exclude) It would be a small animal clinic only. Motion by McDaniel, second by Bridges. Unan. _ 2. Disburasements for the amount of $2,657.86 were approved.. Motion by McDaniel, second by Coker. Unan, 3. Cooper made the motion to delay payment of SangerElectric Capitol Improvements. Enlow second. Unan. tJ Books back under CCICy control. City to arrive at cost figures for this and report back to Council, Billing Machine czw Mgr. was directed to prepare specifications for bid. 6. Tow�e North Sub -Division - Bruce Anthony explained to the Council that it cost hire $1500 as opposed to $60.00 because of a bore he was required to make under IM4 :5 when in fact there was a sewer lime already in the front of the . property but was not shoe. on City Sewer Map. Bruce ask the City to drop charges for sewer tap and related other charges done by the City in the amount of $%l0.46. Cooper made the Notion to drop the charges. Enlow second. Unan. Bruce explained to the Council that he ?�iad fade a water tap on the N.E. Corner from the cabinet shop on 6t11 street. die thought he was Laying the line through an alley but it was property owned by Dick Charfield. Bruce wanted to know if Chaffield could in the future construct a budding over the water line. City Mgr. stated he would talk with Mr. Chatfield and see what could be done. 7® It was agreed by Council not to have the January 2, 1078 meeting due to the holiday. 8. Bruce Anthony presented his Final Plat on the Sim®s property. Motion to accept by Cooper. McDaniel second. Unan. Preliminary Plat of Reenssubdivision of Lt.2, Blk- 78, Towne North �,o approve preliminary plat by Bridges. Cooper second, Unan. �Vestside Industrial Park Subdivision preliminary plat was City Mgr. explained the Following changes as recommended by P��® Change#1 - S. Berry Street should be changed to Keaton Ed. Change '�2 - Descr0:pt0on and dedication of the street right-oF-way. Change #3 - Extend utility easement west along the south line of Lot 5 to Keaton Rd. Change #4 - 2 inch water lines Need to be shown on plat. Enlow motioned to approve preliminary plat with changes as recommended. McDaniel second. Unan. g. Police Car - Bridges made the motion to purchase through SherifFs office a Black anal White policewith decal on side and with 351-CID engine. Cooper second. Unan. Other Hatteras b. Council agreed to give all city employees 15.00 each for extra work caused by holiday season® Councilman Coker brought to Councilts attention the bid sale he Bennie Hughes property located at 2nd and Bolivar Street. B ooper second, VotingCooper,Bridges. t Motion to adjourn by Enl_ow. Second by Bridges. Unan. AmTEST: Minutes: January 16, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, and Bridges. Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Jerry Jenkins, Billy J. Hollingsworth, Harry Down, Lindon Carr, Al Talley, J. D. Copeland, Jack Ard, Ken and Susan Cornell, Johnny and Mary Forrest, Mary Huston, John Wilson, Jesse Coffey, & Virgil Ward, Jr. 1. Minutes of previous meeting were approved as printed -with the following deletion of part of Item 4 & 5 which follows: "Billing Machine - Mgr. was directed to prepare specifications for bid." 2. Total disbursements for $17,988.07 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges Second. Unan. 3. Central Telephone Co. - Mayor Cole introduced Mr. Al Tapley, repre- sentative of Central Telephone Company. Mr. Talley was on hand to hear from the general public. Mayor Cole allowed Mayor Pro-Tem Coker to chair this portion of the meeting. Councilman Coker ex- plained that Sanger had experienced problems with their telephone service and opened at this point to those individuals who wished to speak in regards to the telephone service. (a) Jerry Jenkins was first to speak and explained that he had a problem getting a dial tone and seven out of ten long distance calls he would get a busy signal on the first try. With reference to the phone books he mentioned they listed several towns but only three can be reached from Sanger without toll. He would be willing-- to pay extra for service to Denton if we could get it. Also would like push button phone service. (b) Jack Hollingsworth stated that his phone bill was around $1100.00 each month. He has constant problems with incoming and long distance calls. These problems have existed for six or seven years He has also been charged with calls that did not go through. He has written the Utility Commission four times with no results and feels this is a disgusting situation. He recommended that Council write to the Utility Commission and head man at Kileen regarding the problems discussed. I(c) Mary Huston lives in the country and stated she had been without service six times. When dialing direct she gets the wrong numger. She has asked for wall phone and extention and because of older home cannot get this service. Also has a lot of noise on her line. (d) Virgil Ward with Associated Milk Producers has also written to the Utility Commission with no results. Has trouble with incoming and out going calls. Has talked with phone company several times regarding same. - (e) Johnny Forrest with Forrest Trucking can't dial direct. His phone service cost him between $1100.00 and 1200.00 each month. He knows he misses numerous incoming calls and -those getting through have problems hearing from his end because 'of a bad connection. 'Mr. Forrest stated all telephone personnel know his voice, he has called and complained so many times. (f) Ken Cornell as a builder thought he had solved the problem of telephone service by prewiring but charges had gotten somewhat out of hand. Cornell requested the possibility of separate list- ing in telephone directory or having our own directory. (g) _Susan Cornell wanted to know about 1-minute charges on bills and stated problems she had experienced with installation at