02/06/1978-CC-Minutes-Regularspoke in opposition of the variance. Motion to delay for further study was made by Bridges. McDaniel second. Unan. U. Mayor Cole read aloud the P&Z letter recommending approval of the final plat on West Side Industrial Park -owned by Harry Down. Enlow made the motion to approve. Cooper second. Unan. 11. Jim Peterson was not at meeting. Item not discussed. 12. Bridges made the motion Jimmy Frazier be appointed to fill the vacancy on the P&Z Commission. Enlow second. Unan. Other Matters: a. Bridges requested the City Mgr. get with Fire Chief,. Johnny Looper and see what is necessary to equip the emergency vehicle with proper equipment. Stated with regards to accident on I-35 when driver was pinned beneath truck we had to send to Denton to get tool to free victim. b. City Mgr. reported that in accordance with instructions re- ceived in previous executive session contacts have been made con- cerning the purchase of land for a new landfill site. Meeting adjourned 10:53 p.m. ATTEST MA Minutes: February 6, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Enlow and Bridges Absent: McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Jimmy Waggoner, Billy Jack Looper, Charles R. Thomas, Marion L. Brockette, Jr. 1. Minutes were approved as printed with the following deletion in Item 3. Third sentence of Item 3 to be deleted. It reads as Follows: Mayor Cole allowed Mayor Pro-Tem Coker to chair this portion of the meeting. 2. Monthly disbursements for the amount of $18,874.31 were approved on a motion by Cooper, second by Enlow and voted unanimous. Mayor Cole suggested to City Manager that he tell Brazos we have just bought fuel oil from the electric plant and work out the. purchase price. 3. Mr. Charlie R. Thomas with Main LaFrentz was present and presented the final City Audit to Council. Mr. Thomas stated that Brazos had a $10,000.00 deficit as of 8-31-77. Question was asked Mr. Thomas, "Did Brazos make any money last year?" He Answered "Yes, they did." Councilman Coker ask the question "Do we have any outstanding power bills?" Mr. Thomas replied, "As of August 31, 1977 the City had, approximately two and one-half months of outstanding power bills due" Cost of which is about $120,000. He further explained that if the contract with Brazos is lived up, then Brazos would owe the City $120,000. This he explained was an accounting opinion and not a legal opinion. Bridges made the motion to accept the audit as presented. Cooper second. Voted unan. Mayor Cole read aloud the letter he received from James E. Monhan, Executive Vice -President and General Manager of Brazos Coop. (Council received copy of the letter) Council discussed the Brazos situation. Councilman Coker made a motion the City write Brazos Electric asking for the return of the Sanger Electric books and control of Sanger Electric collections and expenditures of Sanger Electric monies. Motion died for lack of a second. 4. Zoning Petition Z-40 (Jimmy Kirby property) was approved on a motion by Cooper. Enlow second. Voted unan. 5. City manager explained to Council the need for "Public Officials Liability Insurance Coverage". Mayor suggested the City Manager get figures for such Blanket Coverage by next Council meeting. 6. Mayor Cole stated that the issue with regards to combining the school and City tax offices is dead. 7. Animal Control - The City received a letter from Judge Dan Trammell regarding a county animal shelter. The fourth paragraph of Judge Trammell's letter states, "If we have not received a reply we will assume that your animal control problem is not severe enough to warrant your City's participation in the project." The Council made the decision not to reply. 8. A �2' set back variance was granted Bruce Anthony on Lot 2A, Towne North Subdivision. Enlow made the motion to grant the variance. Bridges second. Voted unan. 9. Fire Department Equipment - The Sanger Fire Department sub- mitted a list of equipment needed. Mayor and Council instructed City Mgr. to find out more about prices submitted. Approximate cost for the smoke ejector, porto-power, and zip gun is $800.00. 10. City Manager was advised to set up a fee schedule(with regards to Open Records Law) and John L. Sullivan would write the Ordinance to include same. 11. Rev. Ed Seale was unable to attend the Council Meeting but did submit a letter with reerence to the need for an Ordinance that would control the establishment of private clubs. The Mayor explained to Council that the City had received a copy of a letter from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (council received copy) regarding Ken Cornell's application for permit for the Coleus Supper Club. The City has in turn written a letter of protest to the Commission in Dallas. The City Manager further called the Alcoholic Board official in Denton and advised him the City was mailing their letter of protest to the Commission. John L. Sullivan was directed to prepare a Zoning Ordinance to regulate private cl dabs . Question was asked John L. if the City could advertise for P&Z public hearing and Council hearing on the same date but for different hours. ie felt we could but would check the statutes and advise. Other Matters: a. City Mgr. stated that John Porter had offered his property East of Sanger for consideration by the Landfill Site Committee in Denton. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: Mayo