01/16/1978-CC-Minutes-Regular$1 t Motion to adjourn by Enlow, ATTEST0 Minutes: January 16, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Enlow, Coker, McDaniel, and Bridges. Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Jerry Jenkins, Billy J. Hollingsworth, Harry Down, Lindon Carr, Al Talley, J. D. Copeland, Jack Ard, Ken and Susan Cornell, Johnny and Mary Forrest, Mary Huston, John Wilson, Jesse Coffey, & Virgil Ward, Jr. 1. Minutes of previous meeting were approved as printed with the following deletion of part of Item 4 & 5 which follows: "Billing Machine - Mgr. was directed to prepare specifications for bid." 2. Total disbursements for $17,988.07 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges Second. Unan. 3. Central Telephone Co. - Mayor Cole introduced Mr. Al Talley, repre- sentative of Central Telephone Company. Mr. Talley was on hand to hear from the general public. Mayor Cole allowed Mayor Pro-Tem Coker to chair this portion of the meeting. Councilman Coker ex= plained that Sanger had experienced problems with their telephone service and opened at this point to those individuals who wished to speak in regards to the telephone service. (a) Jerry Jenkins was first to speak and explained that he had a problem getting a dial tone and seven out of ten long distance - calls he would get a busy signal on the first try. With reference to the phone books he mentioned they listed several towns but only three can be reached from Sanger without toll. He would be willing to pay extra for service to Denton if we could get it. Also would like push button phone service. (b) Jack Hollingsworth stated that his phone bill was around $1100.00 each month. He has constant problems with incoming and long distance calls. These problems have existed for six or seven years He has also been charged with calls that did not go through. He has written the Utility Commission four times with no results and feels this is a disgusting situation. He recommended that Council write to the Utility Commission and head man at Kileen regarding the problems.discussed. I(c) Mary Huston lives in the country and stated she had been without service six times. When dialing direct she gets the wrong numger. She has asked for wall phone and extention and because of older home cannot get this service. Also has a lot of noise on her line. (d) Virgil Ward with Associated Milk Producers has also written to the Utility Commission with no results. Has trouble with incoming and out going calls. Has talked with phone company several times - regarding same. (e) Johnny Forrest with Forrest Trucking can't dial direct. His phone service cost him between $1100.00 and 1200.00 each month. He knows he misses numerous incoming calls and those getting through have problems hearing from his end because of a bad connection. 'Mr. Forrest stated all telephone personnel know his voice, he has called and complainedsomany times. (f) Ken Cornell as a builder thought he had solved the problem of telephone service by prewiring but charges had gotten somewhat out of hand. Cornell requested the possibility of separate list- ing in telephone directory or having our own directory. (g) _Susan Cornell wanted to know about 1-minute charges on bills and stated problems she had experienced with installation at her home and apartments. (h) Jesse Coffey has trouble receiving incoming calls. Suggested we go back to crank type operator service. He ask the questions: What length of time is our Franchise for and does our Franchise offer termination on any grounds? (i) John Wilson questioned Mr. Talley regarding trunk service. Ask will equipment coming in be new or used. Mr. Wilson was told by telephone company employees we were getting the run around and obsolete equipment. He has kept a log of telephone troubles for three years. Has very poor service and lost lots of business because of it. In his opinion the telephone company is making expenditures only when there are enough people complaining. Mr. Talley stated that through re -organization of the system they had gotten behind in service. Sanger has a mazimum access of 16-trunks for dialing long distance and has 15-(2Way) trunks for incoming calls. The telephone company provides service to all customers in the northern area and will have a total of 108 ticketed trunks by March 1, 1978. They realize they are not where they want to be and will be adding additional trunks throughout the year. Mr. Talley stated the telephone company could provide touch tone dialing within 60 to 90 days if the people of Sanger wanted it. It would add an approximate cost of $2.00 to residential bills and $3.00 to businesses. It would be necessary that the Council write a letter to Decatur requesting such service. Talley responded Councilman Coker that a survey of operator assisted calls had been done on January 13, 14, and 15th, which resulted as follows: 13th - 6 calls; 14th - 5 calls; 15th - 6 calls. Stated complaint letters sent to management at Decatur would be copied and sent to Kileen and Utility Commission. Mr. Talley talked with each individual regarding their particular service problems. Councilman Coker made a motion to write a letter to Utility - Commission outlining problems and asking them to run a survey by an outside firm regarding the equipment for the Sanger area. Bridges second. Unan. 4. Capital Improvements for October $5,639.42; and November, 1977 $5,688.64 were approved on a motion by Coker. McDaniel second. Unan. Council received copy of the Budget for Sanger Electric. It was presented by Mr. Jack Ard with Brazos. Mr. Ard explained the schedules of the budget and the service fee changes listed on separate cover were discussed. He explained there were only four major changes Brazos is requesting (1)Miscellaneous Services (2) Forfeited Discounts (not to be split on 40/60 split) (3) Schedule changes, (4) Change split ration to 55/45%. Mayor Cole recommended to Council they send the budget back to Waco for re -working. On the Pro Forma Schedule $116,553 was still listed as past due power bills which the City does not owe. Dis- cussion followed. Budget was returned for correction. 5. Sanger Electric Books - City Attorney has been requested to obtain the Attorney General's opinion concerning the legality of Brazos handling City money. .............. 6. Susan Cornell was retained by the City to help in the selection of a new billing system. 7. Ordiance No. 78 -1 was adopted by Council setting up the Equali- zation Board and date of hearing for 1978. Motion to adopt the Ordianance and appointment to Gene Hughes, Jerry Jenkins, and Aaron Yeatts to Board and hearing for August 9, 1978 was made by Cooper. Enlow second. Unan. 8. The order calling our election for April 1, 1978 was adopted on a motion by Cooper. Bridges second. Unan. 9. City manager presented set back variance: request in absence of Mr. Bruce Anthony. Stated Mr. Anthony was requesting a 22' set back from the right -if -way of FM455 on Lot 2A, Towne North Subdivision. Stated this was approved by P&Z at their last meeting. Cornell to spoke in opposition of the variance. Motion to delay for further study was made by Bridges. McDaniel second. Unan. 10. Mayor Cole read aloud the P&Z letter recommending approval of the final plat on West Side Industrial Park.owned by Harry Down. Enlow made the motion to approve. Cooper second. Unan. 11. Jim Peterson was not at meeting. Item not discussed. 12. Bridges made the motion Jimmy Frazier be appointed to fill the vacancy on the P&Z Commission. Enlow second. Unan. Other Matters: a. Bridges requested the City Mgr. Looper and see what is necessary to with proper equipment. Stated with when driver was pinned beneath truck get tool to free victim. get with Fire Chief,. Johnny equip the emergency vehicle regards to accident on I-35 we had to send to Denton to b. city Mgr. reported that in accordance with instructions re ceived in previous executive session contacts have been made con- cerning the purchase of land for a new landfill site. Meeting adjourned 10:53 p.m. ATTEST: r Minutes: February 6, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Enlow and Bridges Absent: McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Jimmy Waggoner, Billy Jack Looper, Charles R. Thomas, Marion L. Brockette, Jr. 1. Minutes were approved as printed with the following deletion in Item 3. Third sentence of Item 3 to be deleted. It reads as follows: Mayor Cole allowed Mayor Pro-Tem Coker to chair this portion of the meeting. 2. Monthly disbursements for the amount of $18,874.31 were approved on a motion by Cooper, second by Enlow and voted unanimous. Mayor Cole suggested to City Manager that he tell Brazos we have just bought fuel oil from the electric plant and work out the purchase price. 3. Mr. Charlie R. Thomas with Main LaFrentz was present and presented the final City Audit to Council. Mr. Thomas stated that Brazos had a $105000.00 deficit as of 8-31-77. Question was asked Mr. Thomas, "Did Brazos make any money last year?" He Answered "Yes, they did." Councilman Coker ask the question "Do we have any outstanding power bills?" Mr. Thomas replied, "As of August 31, 1977 the City had, approximately two and one-half months of outstanding power bills due.' Cost of which is about $120,000. He further explained that if the contract with Brazos is lived up, then Brazos would owe the City $120,000. This he explained was an accounting opinion and not a legal opinion. Bridges made the motion to accept the audit as presented. Cooper second. Voted Unan. Mayor Cole read aloud the letter he received from James E. Monhan, Executive Vice -President and General Manager of Brazos Coop. (Council received copy of the letter) Council discussed the Brazos situation. Councilman Coker made a motion the City write Brazos Electric asking for the return of the Sanger Electric books and control of Sanger Electric collections and expenditures of Sanger Electric monies.