03/06/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council March 6, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Enlow, Coker, Bridges, and McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., and Lindon Carr. (See list for those attending public hearing) 1. Mayor Cole called the public hearing open. The City Manager read aloud the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Those speaking in favor of the Ordinance were Mr. Schaffer, Bro. Caraway, Alvin Brown, and Orlie Davis. Susan Cornell stated she objected to the paved parking area requirement. Ken Cornell spoke in opposition stating the Ordinance was discriminatory and gave the following 4 points he felt should be changed. (1.) Paved Parking Requirement (2.) 100' set back from a residence (3.) 6' Site Barrier Fence (4.) The $250.00 permit fee J.P. Hampton ask the questions with regards to a Special Use Permit. City Manager explained. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing closed. He then read aloud the letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission rec- ommending the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance be approved. Coker made the motion to approve the Amendment to the City's present Zoning Ordinance #64-2. Bridges second. Voted unan. 2. Minutes were approved as printed with the following addition: Mayor Cole called the meeting into Executive Session. Meeting reopened from executive session. Cooper made a motion the City purchase two new garbage containers. Enlow second. Voted unan. Discussion. Coker made the motion to purchase two more garbage containers making a total of four. Bridges second. Unan. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $18,785.06 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Coker second. Unan. 4. Lindon Carr explained that Alfa Oil Company was in process of trying to restore some oil wells on the Old Bowery property two miles west of Sanger. Lindon explained that the old line was still there, but had been de -energized in November, 1973. He stated it would cost approximately $1500. to restore service and then would be an approzimate 20 month pay -out. It was the general concensus of the Council to offer to pay one-half of the $1500. 5. Rearrangement of front office - Discussion continued concerning preliminary sketch. No action taken at present time. 6. Jess Coffey presented his proposal on the Gateway Addition as follows: (1) Coffey would bring sewer service to property line and would like the City to handle the Contract. (2) Would like the City to be responsible for obtaining the right-of-way across I-35. (3) Coffey would pay $28,000. of which he wants the City to pay $6400. (4) Coffey stated he would be willing to assume the liability of a rock clause. (5) Wants to establish a contract with the City that would enable Coffey and the City to recapture cost. (Reim- bursement of tying on) Mayor Cole polled the Council and it was the general consensus not to pay the $6400. Mayor Cole recommended that Mr. Coffey go back through P&Z for their recommendation on his Final Plat. 8. Sanger Electric Books - Discussion. Coker made the motion the City ask Brazos if they would be willing to give Sanger Electric financial records back to the City. Bridges second. Discussion. Bridges, Coker and McDaniel voted for. Cooper and Enlow voted against. Motion carried 3-2. 9. Monthly budget report - To be presented at a later date. 10. Council received a letter from Ken Cornell clarifying the objections regarding the Coleus Club. Ken requested the City write a letter to Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission stating the objections have been clarified. Council was in agreement on this. 11. Bridges made the motion to purchase four garbage containers from Hollingsworth Mgf. Coker second. Unan. 12. Other such matters: (a) Council would like City Manager to update list of things Council request to be done and have it available for each meeting. (b) Council requested that the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements budget be placed on the next agenda. 13. Council was called into executive session. 14. Meeting reopened from executive session. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ayo Minutes: City Council March 20, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, McDaniel, Coker, Enlow. Absent: Bridges Others present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Attorney, Bill Switzer and Susan Cornell. 1. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. Susan Cornell gave a report on the computer study. Out of eight or nine companies contacted, six responded. Cost figures are as follows: (1) The cheapest form of computer system is a Burroughs ledger card system for $15,000.00, virtually just an update from the one we have. (2) The Olivetti sold by Massey Office Supply is a ledger card system for around $18,000.00. Mrs. Cornell does not recommend this machine.