02/20/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: February 20, 1978 Present. Mayor Cole, Coker, Cooper, Bridges, Enlow and McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Se., City Att., L. Carr, R. Muir, Jess Coffey. 1. Minutes of the February 6, 1978 meeting were approved with the following change in paragraph two of Item 2: delete "we have just bought" and add "we would like to purchase." 2. Disbursements for $2316,25 were approved on a motion by McDaniel Bridges second. Unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $2867.94 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Enlow second. Unan. 4. Jesse Coffey discussed with the Council the estimated costs of a lift station or gravity line to service the new Gateway Subdivision Estimated cost figures as prepared by Mr. Coffey's engineers, Schoell, Fields, & Associates, Inc., are as follows: Alternative #1 (which includes use of a lift station) would cost approximately $24,875. Alternative #2 (which includes use of a Gravity line) would cost approximately $28,000. His engineer would prefer the lift station. It was, however the general consnesus of the Council not to use a lift station, subject to the opinion of the City Engineer. Since ther is a $3125. difference between the lift station and gravity line Mr. Coffey requested to now if the City would be willing to pay the difference. No action taken. 5. City Mgr. stated at the present time we have located only one Public Officials Liability Policy and it is available only to members of the N.L.C. and I.C.M.A. We will be investigating this further. Coker made the motion that the City pick up any defense cost of any member of the Council and City Staff. Bridges second. Unan. 6. Fire Department Equipment - Discussion. Cooper made the motion the City pay for the Hein Werner Pushmaster (Deluxe Kit) for $311.95 and the CP 710 Air Chisel (with Kit) for $56.95 and wait on the smoke ejector. Enlow second. Unan. Discussion followed. Bridges made the motion to reconsider this item at the next Council meeting. 7. Other items: a. Bridges ask about the fuel oil. Lindon Carr stated he had sent the letter to Brazos. b. Coker made the motion to ask Brazos to return City Books. He was advised no action could be taken under other matters. Item to be placed on agenda for next Council meeting. c. Telephone Service - No reply from Utilities Commission. d. Private Club Ordinance - Discussion. e. Bridges requested Council to go into executive session. ATTEST: ayor