04/17/1978-CC-Minutes-Regulard. It was agreed by continue to care for the Council the park. that Selman T-loss would Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council Meeting April,l7, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Coker, Hampton, McDaniel and Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., L. Carr, Bill Enlow, Mary Forrest, Vern Hammett, Arthur Seely, Donald Grimmer, Billye and Jack Hollingsworth, and Albert Lynch. 1. City Secretary gave oath of office to. Ralph Cole, Mayor, John Coker, Councilman and J. P. Hampton, Councilman. 2. Mayor Cole presented W. L. (Bill) Enlow with a plaque of appreciation for his six years of service to the City. 3. Minutes were approved as printed. 4. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements. for Feb. 1978 totaling $876.66 Caere approved on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Unan. Councilman Coker ask Lindon why such a large difference ($11,000.00) in purchased power expense for year to date 1977 and year to date 1978 on the Revenue and Expense statement for February 1978. Lindon explained there was a 50 line loss in 1977 and 11.80 line loss in 1978. Stated he had found two meters with the seals broken but didn't feel anyone was stealing from them. Difference could possibly be difference in meter reading time. Discussion. 5. Monthly Budget Report was accepted by Council. 6. Bennie Bridges gave council a report on the Little League Park. He favored the use of the six acres behind the Ward Addition and gave a diagram of the problems and what he would propose be done by City to assist the Little League if they were willing to use that facility. This included graveling the southern portion of lst Street which extends to the park area, blade work to make parking area better, a culvert to help with the drainage problem and develope a small park area with table on the south side of property. Mary Forrest stated the reason for leaving the first facility was no funds and drainage problems. Vern Hammett stated that he would be acting Commissioner for the Little League for one year. He said that Mr. Baker had presented to the school board the Little League request. No formal action was taken by the school board. He stated it would take cooperation from all parties and he would keep an open mind and positive attitudes in working with the school. He mention the two main problems of the Little League was (1) kids themselves and (2) adults. Hampton requested Little League to bring back dollar amount necessary to prepare the Little League facility. Mayor requested Tony and Benny to get together with Bill Switzer and get cost estimate. Council requested Little League to present program for Council consideration. Gene Hughes Facility - Problems were discussed from last year for using this facility for a Little League Park. J. P. Hampton wanted to declare this area as a nuisance and close the field which abuts the Seely property. Di.cussion with John L. Sullivan. John Coker made the motion the City gravel lst Street down to the park where the Little League can have access to parking area if the Little League wants to use this park. Bridges second. Discussion Voting for were Coker and Bridges. Against were Cooper, McDaniel and Hampton. Motion failed 3-2. Billy Jack Hollingsworth related the problems he had in past with Little League fans. Wants to have a policeman at all the adult games. City agreed and requested a schedule of the adult games. J.P. Hampton made the motion that the Gene Hughes facility used as a Little League Park be declared a nuisance and be closed. Motion died for lack of second. 7. Kennel Ordinance - J.P Hampton suggested a 100'x100' area be allowed for 2 dogs. Anyone having 3 or more dogs under Kennel Ordinance should pay a $250.00 fee. Area should be kept clean and refuse disposed of and not located up against a neighbor's home. Discussion. City Mgr. was directed to prepare a Kennel Ordinance for Council consideration. 9. Disbursements for $4515.80 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Unan. It was suggested City Sec. get price on coffee maker and supplies and do a comparison. 10. Other Matters: a. On May 8th at 3:00 p.m., Mr. Monahans with Brazos Electric will be in town to meet with Mayor and all interested Council members to answer questions and discuss Sanger Electric Budget. D. Report regarding bank building - Sales price is $30.00 per square foot with approximately 300 square feet. Total purchase price $90,000.00. C. Friday, .April 21st at 8:00 p.m. in Dallas, members of Council and Chamber will be meeting with Chairman of the Board of Industry and Mike Grogan. d. McDaniel requested City Mgr. to see what the City spent for maintenance work over the past year. See if City would need a mechanic. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: