05/01/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: May 1, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, McDaniel, Bridges Others Present: City Mgr. City Sec, City Att., Susan Cornell, Jerry Jenkins, Georgia Royal, Charles and Charlene Williams, Valinda Wylie, Donald Grimmer, Sunny Yeatts, and Roy Lemmons. 1. Benny Bridges nominated Henry Cooper nominated J.P. were cast by secret ballot were tied 2-2. Mayor Cole tie. John Coker for Mayor Protein. Hampton for Mayor Protem. Votes with J.P. Hampton abstaining. Votes voted for John Coker, breaking the 2. Minutes were approved as printed. 3. Cooper made the motion to approve disbursements for $1948.33. Bridges second. Unan. 4. Roy Sims was not present. City Manager discussed with Council the problem. No action taken. 5. Tom Elliot was unable to attend Council but submitted a letter of request for hearing. Council agreed to advise Mr. Elliot he had 30 days to screen the vehicle from public view. 6. Georgia Royal was present letter. She asked Council for in the vehicle with plastic. John L. gave his legal opinion Council advised Mrs. Royal to from public view. regarding junk vehicle abatement a yes or no answer as to cover - Answer from Council was "no". on several points of the ordianance. abate within 30 days by screening 7. Susan Cornell presented Council with data on computer. McDaniel made the motion the City advertise for bids for new Computer system. Cooper second. Unan. 8. Little League - Jerry Jenkins was spokesman for Little League. Read aloud the letter from Vern Hammett with two requests for City (1) to provide electricity for the operation of the Concession stand (Sanger Electric estimate cost for 6 poles and a 10KV Transformer for around $1700.00) (2) to move the five acres which belongs to Sanger Summer League. ('_okar made a motion that the City commit itself to the construction of electricity to the Little League concession stand subject to the League's decision to use the field. Bridges second. Voting for were Coker and Bridges. Voting agai nst were Cooper, FlanezPEon , and McDaniel. Motion failed 3-2. Counrcil did agree to mow the acerage. 9. Mayor Cole and Tony gave a report on their meeting with a prospective industry in Dallas. A Garment Factory is consider- ing locating in the Sanger area. The factory would employ some 80-100 persons. They have requested the City to do- two interviews with the populace for an assurance of a labor force in this area. This will be conducted on the 13th and 20th of May. 10. Other matters: (a) It was agreed by Council to hire high school students or other outside persons to spray for mosquitoes. Spraying to be done twice a week. (b) J.P. Hampton wants police to observe bicycle riders on City sidewalks, double parking; and people making U-turns. (c) Wynema Schertz drainage problem was given top priorty. r,1a-rt �p,�n (d) City to remove buggy axle from side of Bill EnIow's property. (e) City to advise owner of trailer behind Chatfield'a building with tongue toward street to change position of trailer. (f) Coker requested the City change from a voting at large to a placesystem. Mayor suggested the City present request to Justice Department and see if this can be done. (g) Council requested the status of the Kennel Ordinance Truck Ordinance and Maintenance figures. Meeting adjourn. ATTEST: T / j ayor Minutes: May 15, 1978 Present: Mayor Protem Coker, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel and Bridges Absent: Mayor Cole Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Gilbert Banks, Bob Shawn, L. Carr., Rev. Burle Richardson, and Ken Cornell Mayor Protem Coker presided at the meeting in lieu of Mayor Cole's absence. 1. Minutes of the May 1, 1978 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $15,434.17 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Unan. 3. Mayor Protem Coker gave a brief report on the meeting with Mr. Monahans and Mr. Swenke from Brazos. Stated that Mr. Monahans went over the letter that Brazos had received from the City and answered most of the questions. Coker further stated that Brazos does want a rate increase. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for March, 1978 in the amount of $6,094.52 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Unan. Lindon Carr stated that in 1973 Sanger Electric came in and asked for a 7% rate increase. GJhen the rates were figured, municipal rates were figured in. No one caught it until later. Sanger Electric is asking that council rescind the municipal rate set in 1973 therefore allowing the rates to revert to those acquired under our contract. No action was taken. 4. Vance Travelstead was not at the meeting, but City Manager advised council that the vehicle had been moved. 5. Gilbert Banks was at the meeting to discuss the problem regarding his truck. Council advised Mr. Banks he had 10 days to register and tag the vehicle or 30 days to screen it from the public view. 6. A.E. Ashcraft was not at the meeting but City Manager advised council that the vehicle had been moved.