05/15/1978-CC-Minutes-Regular(d) City to remove buggy axle from side of Bill Enlow's property. (e) City to advise owner of trailer behind Chatfield'a building with tongue toward street to change position of trailer. (f) Coker requested the City change from a voting at large to a placesystem. Mayor suggested the City present request to Justice Department and see if this can be done. (g) Council requested the status of the Kennel Ordinance Truck Ordinance and Maintenance figures. Meeting adjourn. ATTEST: ayor Minutes: May 15, 1978 Present: Mayor Protem Coker, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel and Bridges Absent: Mayor Cole Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Gilbert Banks, Bob Shawn, L. Carr., Rev. Burle Richardson, and Ken Cornell Mayor Protem Coker presided at the meeting in lieu of Mayor Cole's absence. 1. Minutes of the May 1, 1978 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $15,434.17 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Unan. 3. Mayor Protem Coker gave a brief report on the meeting with P1r. Monahans and Mr. Swenke from Brazos. Stated that Mr. Monahans went over the letter that Brazos had received from the City and answered most of the questions. Coker further stated that Brazos does want a rate increase. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for March, 1978 in the amount of $6,094.52 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Unan. Lindon Carr stated that in 1973 Sanger Electric came in and asked for a 70/ rate increase. UJhen the rates were figured, municipal rates were figured in. No one caught it until later. Sanger Electric is asking that council rescind the municipal rate set in 1973 therefore allowing the rates to revert to those acquired under our contract. No action was taken. 4. Vance Travelstead was not at the meeting, but City Manager advised council that the vehicle had been moved. 5. Gilbert Banks. was at the meeting to discuss the problem regarding his truck. Council advised Mr. Banks he had 10 days to register and tag the vehicle or 30 days to screen it from the public view. 6. A.E. Ashcraft was not at the meeting but City Manager advised council that the vehicle had been moved. 7. Monthly budget report was accepted by council. 8. Cooper made the motion to appoint Dr. J. Clyde Chapman as City Health Officer for another term. Hampton second. Unan. 9. Bob Shawn discussed with council the Resolutions for application to the E.P.A. grant which the City has previously made Pre - application for. Grant is funded 3/4 by Feds and 1/4 by City. There are three steps in which to follow: ...._.._..... (1) Facility plant (reduce infiltration inflow (2) Design (3) Actual construction Mr. Shawn stated it will take approximately 3 1/2 years to go through the Federal steps. The State's funding list indicates a Step I grant of $16,500.00 which would mean the City's share would be $5,500.00 for a total project cost of $22,000.00 If a I/I survey is necessary this would be done by a grant amendment. Hampton made the motion the City adopt two separate resolutions as follows: (1) Designate Anton A. Franzen, Jr. as signatory agent of the applicant, (2) Resolution establishing project schedule; and the assurance of compliance for Title VI amendments 1972. Bridges second. Unan. 10. Upcoming meetings designed for council members were discussed. Cooper, Coker, Bridges and Hampton plan to try and make the Cleburne meeting, May 25, 1978. Subject at that meeting will be "The Rate Structure and Fuel Cost Outlook for the Texas Utilities System." President of T.P.L. will be the guest speaker. 11. Labor Survey - Eleven applicants were interviewed by Linda Jo and thirty-one by Research Associates. Coker suggested that Tony write article for Sanger Courier. 12. Planning Assistance Grant. No action was taken. 13. Ambulance Service - There will be a meeting with the county Wednesday, May 17, 1978 to discuss ambulance service in the county. Sanger appointed John Coker to represent the City. 14. John L. Sullivan discussed the truck ordinance. Stated the City would need a special ordinance for trucks carrying flammable materials and explosives. 15. Other Matters: a. Rev. Burle Richardson met with council on behalf of Assembly of God Church. The church wants to continue south down the middle of Freeze Drive with the water line. The church has agreed to do stub -outs for nine proposed lots of Don Holson and J.W. Bucklew properties. It was the general concensus of council this be approved as requested. b. Ken Cornell met with council to dispute City Manager concerning water and sewer tap fees for lot located at the corner of Railroad Ave. and Willow Streets. Cornell stated that he wished to be treated in the same manner as others in community with specific reference to three houses. 1. House on corner of Peach & 10th 2. Doggett House - 7th Street 3. Albert Lynch House - 2nd Street City Manager was directed to investigate and report to council June 5th. c. The City Manager was directed to investigate the cost involved for providing police protection 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. 16. Cooper made a motion to approve the Gheen Subdivision as recommended by Planning and Zoning. P&Z requested Jack Gheen to ask for the one lot not included in our recent annexation be,annexed into the city. Bridges second. Unan. ATTEST: Minutes: Emergency Meeting May 30, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Coker and Cooper Others Present: City Manager City Manager presented Standard E.P.A. form engineering contract for a Step I Grant. John L. has previously seen and read the contract. The City Manger reported this is the only form of a contract which is acceptable to E.. P. A. Motion to approve was made by Benny Bridges. John Coker second. Voted unan. ATTEST: v Minutes: June 5, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, McDaniel:, Cooper Absent: Bridges, Hampton Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., Susan Cornell, Milt Crans, Nick Pollard, Billye and Jack Hollingsworth, L. Carr, and Steve Bowles Councilman Bridges was unable to attend because he was attending a,TML meeting in Galveston. Councilman Hampton was unable to attend because he was attending the graduation of his grandson. . L. Minutes of the Special Meeting were approved on a motion by Coker, seconded by Cooper. Unan. Minutes of the regular meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper, seconded by McDaniel. Unan. 2. Disbursements for the total amount of $13,779.73 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Cooper second. Unan. 3. It was agreed by Council to set up a meeting with Brazos officials on one of the following dates, June 12th, 16th, 19th or 27th to discuss the Sanger Electric Budget and question previously directed to Brazos. Lindon Carr discussed with Council extending a line to Ken Cornell's property west of Sanger between the old Duck Creek Road and FM455. Lindon estimated the total package to be $2,083.92. This would run around $1400. Over and above what the City would normally pay. Coker suggested the City pay $629.13. It was agreed.