Minutes: Emergency Meeting _.
May 30, 1978
Present: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Coker and Cooper
Others Present: City Manager
City Manager presented Standard E.P.A. form engineering contract
for a Step I Grant. John L. has previously seen and read the
contract. The City Manger reported this is the only form of a
contract which is acceptable to E. P. A.
Motion to approve was made by Benny Bridges. John Coker second.
Voted unan.
Minutes: June 5, 1978
Present. Mayor Cole, Coker, McDaniel:; Cooper
Absent. Bridges, Hampton
Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., Susan Cornell, Milt Crans,
Nick Pollard, Billye and Jack Hollingsworth,
L. Carr, and Steve Bowles
Councilman Bridges was unable to attend because he was attending
a,TML meeting in Galveston.
Councilman Hampton was unable to attend because he was attending
the graduation of his grandson.
1. Minutes of the Special Meeting were approved on a motion
by Coker, seconded by Cooper. Unan.
Minutes of the regular meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper,
seconded by McDaniel. Unan.
2. Disbursements for the total amount of $13,779.73 were approved
on a motion by McDaniel. Cooper second. Unan.
3. It was agreed by Council to set up a meeting with Brazos
officials on one of the following dates, June 12th, 16th, 19th
or 27th to discuss the Sanger Electric Budget and question
previously directed to Brazos.
Lindon Carr discussed with Council extending a line to Ken
Cornell's property west of Sanger between the old Duck Creek
Road and FM455. Lindon estimated the total package to be
$2,083.92. This would run around $1400. Over and above what
the City would normally pay. Coker suggested the City pay
$629.13. It was agreed.