06/05/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularATTEST: Minutes: Emergency Meeting _._._ May 30, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Coker and Cooper Others Present: City Manager City Manager presented Standard E.P.A. form engineering contract for a Step I Grant. John L. has previously seen and read the contract. The City Manger reported this is the only form of a contract which is acceptable to E. P. A. Motion to approve was made by Benny Bridges. John Coker second. Voted unan. ATTEST: y Minutes: June 5, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, McDaniel:, Cooper .Absent. Bridges, Hampton Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., Susan Cornell, Milt Crans, Nick Pollard, Billye and Jack Hollingsworth, L. Carr, and Steve Bowles Councilman Bridges was unable to attend because he was attending a,TML meeting in Galveston. Councilman Hampton was unable to attend because he was attending the graduation of his grandson. . 1. Minutes of the Special Meeting were. approved on a motion by Coker, seconded by Cooper. Unan. Minutes of the regular meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper, seconded by McDaniel. Unan. 2. Disbursements for the total amount of $13,779.73 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Cooper second. Unan. 3. It was agreed by Council to set up a meeting with Brazos officials on one of the following dates, June 12th, 16th, 19th or 27th to discuss the Sanger Electric Budget and question previously directed to Brazos.1. Lindon Carr discussed with Council extending a line to Ken Cornell's property west of Sanger between the old Duck Creek Road and FM455. Lindon estimated the total package to be $2,083.92. This would run around $1400. Over and above what the City would normally pay. Coker suggested the City pay $629.13. It was agreed. 4. Susan Cornell went over the computer bids with Council. Burroughs was low bid for a total of $31,501.00. The five- year maintenance was $10,750.00. This would include 30 day delivery. I.B.M. bid was $37,575.00 with a 270 day delivery date. The five-year maintenance was $11,860.00. NCR's bid came in at $35,243.50 and five-year maintenance was $12,847.80. they bid a machine which we had not looked at and it did not have the ESL. Olivetti -Massey submitted a bid for $32,159.00 and the five-year maintenance was $10,310.00. They failed to answer part of the questions. Univac's bid came in at $34,419.00 and the five-year maintenance was $11,606.40. It met all the specifications. Mayor Cole ask the Burroughs representative "how long their bid was for?" He stated the City had 30 days from the date of opening. No action taken until all Council members are present. 5. Nutrition program for elderly - Mayor Cole poled the Council. McDaniel and Cooper interested. Coker against. 6. Tony and John briefed the Council on the meeting about the ambulance service. Cities will be charged according to population figures which could run Sanger #3,000. or $4,000oper year. A committee was appointed to see what area cities need. Sanger is satisfied with the service they have been getting. 7. Postponed action until next meeting on Truck Ordinance. 8. Kennel Ordinance delayed until next meeting. 9. Public Official Liability Insurance.:- To.ny:gave two prices: quoted for this insurance. The first was an insurance plan sponsored -- by the International City Manager's Assoc. and the National League of Cities. $2500. for basic coverage, excluding the Police Depart- ment. To include the Police Department would cost another $2500. The second one was presented through the Wm. Rigg Co. of Fort Worth. The annual premium was $2,088.00. This excludes most police activities. We are attempting through Muir to obtain the price of coverage for the excluded items. 10. The IPA Grant Resolution was approved on a motion by McDaniel. Cooper second. Voted unan. 11. Council was advised that all receipts were found where those in question had paid their proper fees. 12. Police Protection - Postponed action until next meeting. 13. City Mgr. reported the status on the FMHA and E.P.A. Grants as good. He stated he expected to see the grant agreement in the near future. 14. Council accepted the Manager's questions and answer sheet. 15. Other Matters: --- a. Cooper recommended the City have a clean up month. June was designated and it was agreed that the truck run each Wednesday. b. It was the general consensus of the Council that Susan Cornell's work be concluded at this time. C. Coker requested the city to hire a full time man to mow. d. Cooper requested a determination if .goats could be_raised at the landfill. e. City Secretary was advised to send Dick Chatfield Weed Letter. Meeting adjourned at 5:Q0 P.M. t f� ATTEST: Mayor Minutes: June 19, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, McDaniel, and Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., G. Krueger, Nick Pollard, Milt Crans, City Att., La Rice Elrod, Joyce Parrent, Bennie Parrent, L. Carr, Gene Hughes, B. J. Hollingsworth, Ron Adkins, Virgil Ward, J. Forrest, Randy Rhodes, and Steve Bowles. 1. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. McDaniel Made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $5,416.74. Cooper second. Unan. 3. Bridges made the motion to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $3,965.49. McDaniel second. Unan. Mayor Cole questioned Lindon regarding the Revenue and Expenditure Statement for April, 1978 from Brazos. Stated the purchase power expense i0. ncreased by $17M over last year but the City received less. Lindon calculated the figures and agreed there possibly could be an error. He was requested to find out the difference. Mayor Cole requested to know if Sanger Electric was operating under last year's budget? If so, the City needs an amendment. 4. Computer bids were discussed. Coker made the motion to reject the bids. Bridges second. Voting for were Coker, Bridges, and Hampton. McDaniel voted against and Cooper abstained. Discussion. Nick Pollard, Area Manager with Burroughs explained the L series which are ledger card system and computer system. He gave the following cost information: Ledger Card System L-5000 $8500. Cost Yrly. Maint. $1600.- Leased Machine (No longer Produced) L-6500 $14,000. Yrly. Maint. $1600. (New machine available) L-9000 or L-9500 $19,000.00 Yrly. Maint. $1975. Figures do not include software for L series which would run another $3500.00.