07/03/1978-CC-Minutes-Special10. City Manager was directed to call Ray Herd about mowing. 11. Cooper made the motion to grant the six foot set back variance along the north property line of Lot 3, Block 8, Hampton Addition as requested by Ronnie Jones and recommended by P & Z. Bridges second. Voted unan. 12. Bennie Parrent discussed with the Council his proposed Indian Springs Estate Subdivision. This subdivision falls inside the City's extra territorial jurisdiction. He wanted to know if the City would furnish a water line to the property; what restrictions would be on the property if annexed to the City and will his subdivision come under the City subdivision Ordinance if he does not annex in? General consensus of the Council feels it will come under the Subdivision Ordinance and the current policy concerning utilities will be continued. 13. a. City Secretary brought it to the Council's attention that the Ken Cornell property described as Tract 95F, H. Tierwester had been subdivided without going through proper channels or giving the City a property plat of the division. She was advised to add to tax roll under new owner and use dimensions as stated on building permits. b. It was._-agr�ed by Council t� pickup on. every fea�i�a�:e ednesday-as a regular service all collectable items from business and residents at the curb. c. City Mgr. was questioned regarding Highway Department Maintenance Agreement. No action taken. d. All Brazos items will be discussed on July 17th with Mr. Monahan. e. City reviewed letter and questionaire received from County Judge Trammell. Council reported back to county that Sanger is undecided about using county -wide animal facility. ATTEST: i - - - - t Mayor Minutes: Special Council Meeting Present: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Hampton, and Cooper Absent: Coker, McDaniel Others Present: City Manager, Ken Cornell, Roy Lemons, Sanger 1. The Mayor called the meeting to order and declared that it was an emergency. 2. After correcting Item 2 of the minutes of June 19, 1978 to reflect Cooper as seconding the motion, the minutes were approved on motion by Bridges and seconded by Cooper. Voting was unan. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $11,422.40 were approved on a motion by Cooper and seconded by Bridges: Voting was unan. Courier 4. On a motion by Cooper and second by Hampton the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the final plat of Dr. Ben Smith and John Wilson was passed. Voting unan. 5. a. The City Manager reported that tractors for mowing could be purchased from the Denton Ford dealer for between $2700.00 and $7400.00 and the Mayor reported that a used tractor could be purchased for between $1600.00 and $2300.00. No action was taken to obtain bids. Minutes: Present: Absent: b. Ken Cornell requested the Council to reconsider its previous decision concerning service to his property West of Sanger on Duck Creek. He was notified this item would be placed on the Council agenda for July 17, 1978. c. Mr. Roy Lemons reported the need to trim trees from some of the Stop and Yield signs in West Sanger. The City Manager reported this would be done. Motion to adjourn by Bridges and second by Cooper, voting unan. ATTEST: City Council July 17, I978 Mayor Protem McDaniel Mayor Cole riayor Coker , Cooper, Hampton, Bridges, and Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., L. Carr, D. Swenke, Mr. Monahan, Ken Cornell, Bill Rice, David Ballinger, Richard Muir, Mr. Lemons 1. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. Disburements for $3806.69 were approved on a motion by Cooper and seconded by Hampton. 3. Sanger Electric System Budget - Mr. Monahan, General Manager with the Brazos Coop. addressed the Council and apologized for the length of time (10 weeks) in getting back with'the Council. During the last meeting Mr. Monahan stated that he made up a list of questions that came up. He stated there seemed to be a lot of misunderstandings, lot of problems, lot of concerns on both behalves and its ended up with the relationship between the City and the Brazos being a bit strained at the present time. Stated he had a proposal to make to the City and handed a written proposal, to each member of the Council for their consideration. Mr. Monahan stated the SE Budget is based on the same rates we are on now. Monahan went over the philosophy of the approach and stated Dan Swenke would go over the budget detail. Satted everytime we got looking at one problem of the things Council mentioned, something would crop up someplace else, such as the billing, what did that do to this, and we got thinking, that if we got a couple of people, and not any of the people that