08/21/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: August 21, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Cooper, McDaniel, and Hampton Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., L. Carr, Joyce and Bennie Parrent, Wayne and Ida Richie, Tony Wright, Ken Cornell 1. minutes. of the p��evious meeting were corrections: Place 3 - Benny Bridges Place 5 - Danny McDaniel approvved with th.e following 2. Disbursements in the amount of $2456.77 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $5060.79 were approved on a motion by Coker. Second by Bridges. Voted unan. City Mgr. passed out copies of the Sanger Electric Budget Estimates. No action taken. 4. Ned Wilson dsannexation - Mayor Cole stated that Ned Wilson had not talked to him since last Council Meeting. John L. read Article 973 of statutes - the authority for disannexation. rZayor Cole was not of the opinion that the City should disannex the property. Council agreed to leave as is until Wilson makes his request. 5. John Coker made the motion to approve the Annexation Ordinance on property owned by Jack Cheen: Bridges second. Voted unan. 6. Benny Bridges made the motion not to renew the contract with Mike Grogan. of Research Associates. Cooper second. Voted unan. 7. Budget Draft was briefly discussed. Council requested a special meeting be called for August 24, 1978 at 6:30 p.m. to review and study budget items. 8. Auditors Tony Wright with T14 n &nd Wright Auditing firm out S. of Denton met with the Council to discuss performing the City audit. This firm was initially recommended by Councilman Coker. Discussion. John Coker made the motion the City accept the auditing firrn of Mason and Wright. Bridges second. Voting for were Coker and Bridges. Noting against were Hampton, l`il.cDaniel, and. Cooper. Y%llotion failed 3-2. 9. Richie Sub --Division - Johr_ Coker made the motion the Richie Sub -Division be approved subject to r_eceivina the _letter_ or recommendation from the P & Z and subject also to these two items: Cl) that Mr. & Iris. Richie are aware the water pressure is low in the area, and (2) the septic system will be used :n accordance to county regulation. 10. Other Items: a. Benny Parrent wanted to kr_ow <r7ha4- the Council expects him to do with. regards to hi s sub division. '�%�a1�or Cole stated he needed to go back to P & Z with his final plat. Parrent stated the sub=division ordinance calls for curbed and guttered streets and street lights. Wanted to know Council's view on ranchette type estates as he is proposing. Mayor Cole stated in a new area such as this the Council would not be willing to pay for street lights. He further stated he didn't know if Council would require lights. Told Parrent that the bargaining needs to take place with the P & Z. Parrent ask if the Council would be willing to decline curbing & guttering. Mayor Cole poled Council as follows: Bridges ans. No. McDaniel ans. Wants to see final layout Cooper ans. Wants to see final layout Hampton - ans. Wants to stick with subdivision ordinance. Coker ans. Wants to see what P & Z woulE do. Suggestions from Council isto do away with the lots in flood area and show the building line at a higher level. b. Bennie Bridges stated our Fire Department needed a word of accomodation for their speedy response to fires. c. Ken Cornell met with the Council to discuss electric service to his property West of Sanger. Cornell wants the City to run a primary line across FM455 for 186 feet (to the high point), provide a drop transformer and service. Conell gave examples of extensions and cost o Sargent's line, Dr. Adams hook up and the Claycomb Trailer. Discussion with Lindon Carr and Council. Items to be placed on special meeting agenda. Meeting adj. 9:03 P.M. ATTEST: Minutes: Special Meeting City Council August 245 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, Bridges, Hampton, McDaniel, and Cooper Others Present: City Manager 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor ProTem Coker 2. The State Sales Tax was discussed. A motion was made by J.P. Hampton to keep the State Sales Tax and seconded by Benny Bridges. Voted unan. 3. Ken Cornell's electric service was discussed. At a previous meeting of the Council a figure of $2,083 for 450' had been given, and Council had voted to pay $900.00 of this amount. At this time 20' clearance across highway is required by N.E.C. J.P. Hampton made a motion to allow $600.00 on the revised estimate and the drop service not to be longer than 150'. Motion seconded by Benny Bridges. Voted unan. 4. There was no discussion on City Aud%ts at this time. 5The City Manager presented and went over the proposed budget with. the Council and was directed to provide figures on each revenue producing department. 6. A workshop was set for August 26, 1978. ATTEST: