08/07/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularL, Pf U. Ken Cornell's Line - Discussion. Cooper made the motion the City pay $900.00 on the line to Ken Cornell's property West of Sanger on Duck Creek and FM 455. Hampton second. Voted unan. City Mgr. was advised to get with Lindon and set up policy regarding electric utilities extension. 8. Council went into executive session. Meeting reopened and Council was adjourned. ATTEST: Mayor Minutes: City Council, August 7, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, Cooper, McDaniel, Hampton, and Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Rev. Burke Richardson, Jack Garland, -Autry Burke, Eddie Hernandez, Jack Armstrong, Bob Shawn, Ken Cornell, Vernetta Powell, Bob Wallace, Melvin January, Hardy Burke 1. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $20,949.89 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Brazos Contracts - Mayor Cole discussed several points from the text of the contract. General discussion concerning the interpretations of the contract. City Mgr. was directed to write Lindon Carr and underline Section I and II of the contract which the Council feels directs Brazos Electric to operate and maintain the City's generating plant. Mayor Protem Coker annoinced that he had appointed Councilman Bridges and McDaniel to a Committee to serve with two Brazos Electric personnel to draft a 1979 Sanger Electric Budget, 4. John Coker made the motion to approve. the resolution setting places for council members. Bridges second. Voting for were: Coope, Bridges, Hampton, and Coker. Voting against was McDaniel. Motion carried 4-1. Council places are as follows: Place 1 - Henry Cooper Place 2 - John W. Coker Place 3 - Danny McDaniel Place 4 - J. P. Hampton Place 5 - Benny Bridges 5. Hardy Burke, Attorney for Ned Wilson was present to speak on Mr. Wilson's behalf. Mr. Wilson requested disannexation of 32 acres recently annexed in by the City. It was mentioned that Mayor Cole and past Mayor Cornell had made a verbal agreement with Mr. Wilson if he would give the City an easement for laying a sewer line that the City would not annex his property. Discussion. City Council informed Mr. Burke that the City would need a Letter from Ned Wilson as property owner requesting disannexation. Council further stated this item will be placed on the agenda for August 21, 1978. John L. Sullivan does not feel that the Annexation Ordinance can be attacked. He feels. there could be a problem regarding (10.) It also appears to me that Brazos should have been including in the budget a specific amount of money to retire the debt of Sanger Electric Capital Improvements. Ans. That's exactly what we would like to do. But you have to have some money to be able to do that. Unless more funds are available for Brazos we can show $25,000. a year in this budget to recover capital improvements and we can recover it, but if the money is there all you can do is transfer the pay off of the capital improvements and have a bigger operating loss. What's the difference! You have got to have the money there. (11.) As you know the City of Sanger pays back Electric System monies capial improvements as well as electrical power usage: My answer to that last time was you pay for a comodity that has value. (12.) Last year Sanger returned approximately $60,000. to the system, and your proposed budget calls for the City to return more than $120,000. during 1978. Ans. As you well know the construction budget is based on projections of building within the City of Sanger. If those projections don't come to pass then the money is not expendable. Light discussion. No action taken on budget until Mayor is present and council has opportunity to agian go over with Brazos what the City wants to do and what Brazos can do. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for May, 1978 in the amount of $2,862.06 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Bridges second. Unan. 4. The Gheen Subdivision Plat was approved on a motion by Cooper. Bridges second. Unan. City Attorney was requested to draw up Annexation Ordinance for the lot not already in the City as recommended by Planning & Zoning. 5. The Letter Agreement on placement of passive warning devices at public railroad grade crossings was approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper seconded. Unan. 6. It was motioned by Cooper to make the Emergency Fund transfer of $4,908.50. Hampton second. Unan. 7. Other such matters: a. Cooper made a motion the City grant the building permit for E.E. Horst's carport. Hampton second. Unan. b. City Mgr. was advised to get with Lindon and set up ordinance or policy for electric utility extensions. c. City Mgr. was advised to get signs on Willow & 7th where they could be clearly seen. d. City received a refund check of $1,459.00 from Muir Agency representing a credit on our Workmen's Compensation Audit. 9. Water connection on Rice Property on West Austin Street. David Ballinger requested a water connection to his property outside the City. It is not a policy of the City to grant new service hookups to residents outside the City. The City asked Mr. Ballinger if he was opposed to being annexed into the City. Stated he would rather not. Council explained the tax rates as opposed to double rates for outside users. Said he would consider and let council know. the easement due to verbal agreements previously made. Council feels that Mayor Cole should work out something with Ned Wilson and report back to Council. 6. Indian Springs Subdivision Preliminary Plat - Mayor Cole read aloud the five (5) stipulations stated in the Planning and Zoning minutes of August 1, 1978. Bob Shawn, City Engineer, presented staff discussion regarding the plat. Shawn suggested the City go with what the Texas Highway Department has set out. In 1976 the THD adopted a more detailed method and limited the "rational method" to areas of 200 acres and less. Shawn stated the preliminary plat shows 60 feet of right-of-way for West Austin Street. West Austin Street is proposed as an east -west collector and 80 feet of right-of-way is needed. Melvin January, Engineer, apoke on behalf of his client Bennie Parrent. He stated that Austin Street shows a 30 foot right-of-way. A high water flood line is what the City Orinance calls for. The THD method is not mentioned in the ordinance, therefore, they feel they would not be bound. He questioned Bob Shawn's calculations. Stated an area of 960 cfs would inundate the whole area. Further stated they could not live with 1762 cfs. Any factor would be arbitrary since the City Ordinance does not feel secifically state this. Mayor Cole brought out the fact that the City does have a Flood Ordinance which would regulate this. Jack Armstrong spoke r�arding the easement. Stated the Planning and Zoning Commission would recommend what ever is required. January stated there would be a 50' flat bottom channel with a 42 foot to one side slope. If the subdivision has to meet the requirements of Bob Shawn there will be no subdivision. Stated he did not know about Bob's letter and did not know about THD's rational method. City Manager. recommended the preliminary plat go back to Planning and Zoning. He would like for the engineers to arrive at a means of setting the 100 year flood plain that is agreeable to both the City and the developer. J. P. Hampton questioned "What about the right-of-way?" City Mgr. stated he would have to take another look at that. Mayor Cole - Council can approve the preliminary plat but it will still need to go back to Planning and Zoning. If the right-of-way and flood plain is shown, I don't see why we cannot approve it. January - The purpose of the preliminary plat has been accomplished. The developer has to make up his mind at this time to see if he wants to spend the money that will be necessary. J.P. Hampton made the motion to accept the preliminary plat. Bridges second. Voted unan. City Mgr. is to write a letter to January advising the preliminary plat has been approved. 7. Council accepted the resignation of Main LaFrentz & Co. as City auditors. Council advised City Mgr. to screen local auditing firms. 8. Bridges made the motion the City reapply for Industrial Developement Grant Funding. Hampton second. Voted unan. 9. Water connection for Robert B. Tomlinson on West Austin Street was discussed briefly. Mayor Cole said give him water. 10. McDaniel made the motion the City accept the designation as a recommended agency within the Trinity River Basin. Cooper second. Voted unan. 11. Coker made the motion to take the necessary actions conserning extension of Post Office Department Lease for $2400.00 per year. Hampton second. Voting for were: Hampton, Coker, Cooper and McDaniel. Bridges abstained. otion carried 4-0. 12. John L. is in process of drawing up the Time Warrants to the First National Bank of Sanger. There will be five (5) equal payments. The warrants will carry a non-taxable interest rate, no higher that 70. Hampton made the motion authorizing adoption of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the necessary prep work. McDaniel second. Voted unan. 13. Council was advised of TML meeting to be held August 28, 1978 in Lake Worth. All were urged to attend. 14. Kennel Ordinance - Ordinance was tabled at previous meeting. Hampton made the motion to bring the Ordinance back to Council for consideration. Cooper second. Voted unan. Discussion. Hampton made the motion to adopt the Kennel Ordinance limiting the number of dogs to two. Motion died for lack of second. 15. Bob Wallace with Life Investors Insurance Company of America presented a proposed Retirement Program for City Employees. No action taken. Other such matters: a. Assembly of God Church - Rev. Burle Richardson spoke on behalf of the church with regards to the cost estimate for laying the main water and sewer line to church. Council estimated the cost of laying 100' of water line and 100' of sewer line to be $1104.00. Bridges made a motion to approve 200' based on $5.52 per foot for a total of $1104.00. Coker second. Voted unan. It was the general consensus of Council that work in future of this nature should be done by City crew. If individuals desiring this service cannot wait until City crew is available they will bear entire expense of laying of line, b. Councilman Bridges requested to have Research Associates contract on next agenda. c. Ken Cornell stated Sanger Electric had made another hook-up on the Bolivar line. They set 2 poles. Cost was $125.00 plus hook-up to house. He wish to have an explanation of the difference in this hook-up and his hook-up. City Mgr. is to get with Lindon Carr on this. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: