09/18/1978-CC-Minutes-Regular,k Minutes: September 18, 1978, City Council Meeting Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker,- McDaniel, and Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Sidney George, Bill Enlow, Gene Hughes 1. Minutes of September 11, 1978 were approved as printed with the following corrections: show J.P. Hampton present. --- 2. City Manager Resignation - Cooper made the motion not to accept the City Manager's resignation. Bridges second. Discussion. Mayor Cole stated he would work more closely with Tony and assign departments for each councilman. Hampton stated Council should apologize and start all over to work for the good of the City. All were in agreement they would try again. Franzen stated he too would be willing to try again. Voted unan. 3. Bennie Parrent thanked the Council for their cooperation on the Indian Springs Sub -division. Mayor Cole read aloud the letter dated September 14, 1978 from Bob Shawn regarding the Final Plat, Phase One, Indian Springs Estate. Listed below are those comments: (1) Construction plans for street, water and drainage facilities should be submitted for the City's approval, prior to approval of the plat. (2) Drainage calculations have not been submitted on the creek. (The previous calculations were inaccurate and were to be re -submitted.) (3) A 25' building limit line should be established for Lots 5 x 6 along Austin Street. (4) An additional 10 feet of right-of-way is needed on Austin Street. (5) The flood limits should be shown on the plat and the area subject to flooding should be included in a drainage easement. (6) A 20 foot wide utility easement should be dedicated along the creek for a future sewer line. Discussion followed regarding these points. No. 1 would follow County Road specifications and the Council would need to grant a variance. No. 4 was omitted. (Council failed to require additional easement on Westside Industrial Subdivision) resulting to this exclusion. No. 5 - Parrent stated the City Ordinance_ does not include the flooding. On Phase I, however, if the flood limit is there it will be shown. Parrent stated he would be willing to give sewer easement on Phase II - not Phase I. Further stated no houses would face Austin Street. 4. Krueger Sub -division Plat - Curbing and guttering were discussed. Mayor Cole stated the_Planning & Zoning approved subject to Lot 3 being added and nothing said regarding curbing and guttering; however, Bruce Anthony was made to curb and gutter his property --- on 6th Street. He felt the City should make same requirements on this Sub -division. He took a straw poll regarding how Council feels. Four Councilman were in favor of the curbing and guttering and one opposing. It was agreed to delay action until the Final Plat is presented. 5. Ned Wilson Disannexation - Ned Wilson talked with the Mayor and stated he would like the line drawn at to feet. This would exclude 490 feet depth of property. Coker made the motion to disannex all but 10 feet of depth on the Wilson property. Bridges second. Voted unan. 6. Auditors - Bridges made the motion the City hire the auditing firm of Montgomery and Wright. Coker second. Voting for were McDaniel, Bridges, Coker, and Cooper. Abstainging was Hampton. Motion carried. Their fee not to exceed $3500.00 7. Personnel Policy - Discussion of Policy in its entirety. Changes were given to City Manager. Policy with corrections to be presented to Council at next meeting. 8. Other matters: A. Electricity - J.P. Hampton Be Sewer - John Coker C. Water - Benny Bridges D. Streets - Henry Cooper E. Sanitation - Danny McDaniel r. Police - Ralph Cole 9. A motion was made by Bridges to adjourn the meeting. Coker seconded. Voting unan. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council Emergency Meeting September 21, 1978 Present: Mayor Protem Coker, PcDaniel, Hampton and Bridges Others Present. City Manager, Harold Easley 1. Emergency Meeting was called to order by Mayor Protem Coker. 2. Harold Easley discussed t:he.�plat and the additional 30 foot Right-of-way on 7th Street. The easement in front of Sophia Krueger's house is left to enable a 25 foot set back on her present house. 3. City Manager reported that the P & Z had favorably reported their approval of the plat. 4. Motion to accept the plat was made by J.P. Hampton. Seconded by Benny Bridges. Voted unna. Councilman Bridges moved that if the Krueger Subdivision is re -subdivided for commercial purposes, with all commercial properties having frontage on Loop 138, the subdivider will be excluded from completing 7th Street including the requirement of providing curbing and guttering. He further moved that if the Krueger Subdivision is re -subdivided for residential purposes with residential lots fronting on 7th Street the subdivider will be required to complete 7th Street including curbing and guttering. J.P. Hampton seconded the motion. Voting for were Hampton and Bridges. Voting against was McDaniel. Motion carried 2-1. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: