10/16/1978-CC-Minutes-Regular8. Discussion of new Post as City is concerned. City to this effect. Meeting adj ournea 7 : 2 4 P . M. ATTEST: Office Facility. No problem as far Manager directed to draft a letter Minutes: City Council Meeting October 16, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Coker, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, and Bridges Others Present: City 1`Zgr., City Sec., City Att., L. Carr, Sidney George, Gene Hughes, Tony Wright, Joyce Elrod Parrent, Bennie Parrent, J.C. Landers, Jack Armstrong, Glen C. Wilson, James W. Ridout, Vern Hammett, Carl Sadau, Jimmy Frazier, Emmett Baker and Roy Lemons. 1. Minutes of October 2, 1978 were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $3,452.12 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Motion to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $13,210.58 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Seconded by Cooper. Voted unan. 4. Indian Springs Subdivision - Discussion. Mayor Cole stated he did not feel the City should tell Parrent what to do unless we take him into the City. John Coker feels the same. Further stated the City Policy was not to serve utilities to anyone outside the City. Parrent - Bolivar Water has agreed to furnish water if the City did not object. Ask what the City proposed to do on the water line. Mayor Cole - If water is gotten from the City, lines must be built by City specifications. John Coker made the motion to exempt Indian Springs from the City's Sub- division Ordinance. Bridges second. Those voting for were Cooper, Coker, Bridges and Hampton. Voting against was McDaniel. Motion carried 4-1. 5. Coker made the motion to approve the Personnel Policy for the City. Cooper second. Voted unan. 6. Ambulance Service Contract and Agreement - Council discussed proposeA ambulance service with City Attorney. John L. recommends t�zat the Council negotiate with Denton to delete all but the last section in Sec. III and that further negotiations attempt to change the wording to "whatsoever reasons beyond reasonable control" in Sect. V. Based upon these- changes motion was made by McDaniel, seconded by Coker to ratify contract. Voted was unan. 7. Georgia Head was not available to discuss the political rally. 8. The original elec'crical board consisted of Lindon Carr, Orus Everly and Truitt Bishop. Since Ir. Everly is decaesed and Tyr. Bishop has moved there is a need for two appointments. Ron Adkins was called and he stated he would accept the appointment. City Manager is to talk with Ronnie Holder or another of our electricians and report back to the Council. 9. Upgrading Electrical Service Policy - Discussion by Mayor regarding amounts charged to Sanger residents for upgrading residential electrical service. Lindon Carr stated the policy applies to commercial as well as residential. Wants Council to give him something to be fair and equal to all. Mayor Cole stated that Susan Cornell was charged $58.55 to run a new electrical line when her old line had no installation on it at all. Stated Buddy Echols wants to run 220 and it will cost him $75.00 to $78.00. Council advised Tony and Lindon to get together and bring back figures for next meeting. 10. Vern Hammett spokesman for the group of School Board Members in attendance requested assistance concerning vandalism and criminal mischief to school administartor's houses. A recent incident involving the egging of Mr. James Ridout's house was brought to the Council's attention. Those present were notified by Mayor and Municipal Court Judge that five (5) youths had been fined $18.50 each upon conviction for criminal mischief. 11. The Sanger Electric Budget was discussed briefly. Mayor Cole brought out there was no rate increase included in -the budget. Cooper made the motion to approve the budget. Bridges second. Voted unan. 12. Coker made the motion to appoint Harold Easley to the Planning & Zoning Commission to fill the vacancy for Alta Lovell. Bridges second. Voted unan. 13. Tony Wright, auditor for the City stated he was 95o finished with the City audit, and that he and the City Manager would be going to Waco on the 23rd of October. 14. Other matters: _ (a) Randal Garner, the new Water Superintendent was. introduced to and welcomed by Council. (b) City Mgr. noted the TML Conference would be held Oct. 28-31. ATTEST: i2 4f (?4P0_;;0 �a Minutes: City Council Meeting November 6, 1978 Present. Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, Coker and Bridges Others Present: City Secretary, City Attorney, Lindon Carr, Tony Wright, Leonard Herring and Roy Lemons i 1. The minutes of October 16, 1978 were approved as printed. 2. Disbursen�nts for the amount of $151977.13 were approved on a motion by McDaniel and a second by Cooper. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $3,013.48 were approved on a motion by McDaniel and seconded by Coker. Voted unan. 4. Mr. Howard Ashcraft dba North Texas Plastics requested. electrical service to his business located in the old Sanger Motor building at FM 455 and 5th. Lindon Carr stated he would need a 3 240/480 volt, 500 amp load to the plant. This is a 700 load factor at a cost of $5,471.00. He estimates a 11.5 month payout. It would also be on a demand charge. Brought out that five other individuals were on the exsting service and when changed out to accomodate them would involve a cost of $993.00. This would involve extending the primary line 200 feet north. Mr. Ashcraft explained to Council that he would have a contract type of business in communications two color key buttons. He would be doing business with ITT,