12/04/1978-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: December 4, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, Coker and:Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., Guy Bennett, Lindon Carr, Ken Cornell, Cecil Snellgrove, Willard Bounds, Harold Easley, Billye Hollingsworth, Tony Wright, Howard Ashcraft and Jack Armstrong 1. The minutes of the November 20, 1978 meeting were approved as printed. 2. J. P. Hampton made the motion to approve disbursements. Coker second. Voted unan. 3. Capital Improvements were not available. Lindon Carr discussed service the proposed Richard Taliaferro home west of Sanger on the south side of FM 455 at Duck Creek. Taliaferro will require two services, one for his home and one for his business. It will take 455 feet of line to service this customer. Total estimated cost is $1892.00 with a 58 month pay back or recoevey by the system. Taliaferro is also negotiating with Denton Coop. For the Coop to service Taliaferro, they would have to extend their line 2M feet and they would give 1M feet to their customer. Mayor Cole asked Carr if the future Cornell residence could be serviced by the same transformer. Carr stated not on an all electric as Ken had proposed. It was agreed by Council that Tony and Lindon get together and work out a policy like the Coop. 4. Zoning Petition 7-42 for Howard Ashcraft to change Block 1 of the Sullivan North Addition from Local Business to Light Industry was approved on a motion by McDaniel. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. Ambulance Con r - John Sullivan was not present to discuss this item. 6. Discussion concerning minimum building and housing standards with Planning and Zoning Commission. City Mgr. reported John L. found a law which was enacted in 1875 which would allow the City to require removal by ordinance any frame structure which had been damaged to the extent of 50% of the value of the structure if it is within the fire zone. Council directed City Mgr. to have John L. prepare proper ordinance and get in paper. 7. Tony Wright, auditor for the City passed out the 1977-78 audit to all Councilmen. They were asked to review the audits and write down any questions they had and the auditor would go over the audit in more detail at the next meeting. 8. The NCTCOG legislative dinner was discussed and all Councilmen were urged to attend. 9. The Wednesday Study Club has requested the City to help with the financing of a monument to be placed in the City Park for World War I and II Vets in action. Total cost of the project will be $1200.00. Cooper made the motion the City pay $600.00. Bridges second. Discussio. It was agreed by Council to use Revenue Sharing Funds to finance the City's portion. City Mgr. was advised to run notice for a public hearing. Cooper and Bridges withdrew motion and second. 10. Ken Cornell to discuss Electrical Inspection - Ken Cornell stated there was a conflict - with the City's electrical inspector. Stated he didn't know if it was a personality clash or whether they just didn't like one another. He felt he should not have to pay a $10.00 reinspection fee on a house turned down in Sanger South. Stated the inspector said the wires were covered and he couldn't see to inspect them. Felt he was being picked on. Further stated it was not right that one electrician inspected an -other `el"ectrican's work. Bennett- Stated he had a job to do and did it the way he felt the City wanted it done. He tried to work out any problems and tries to treat everybody the same. Goes by the Nation�Electrical Code. Stated the house in question was a finished product. Walls were up and he couldn't inspect the wiring. Also the location of the panels should be in an open area, not inside closets. Stated if we don't inspect and have homes wired to code, real problems can develop. Cornell - One hundred and fifty homes were built before you became inspector. I question whether people are in as much danger as you say. Stated he had always cooperated with the electric company as to where the pole would be located. Stated Bennett was picking on him and should be stopped. Discussion: Mayor Cole said he saw -all the wiring but could not see the plugs. Bennett was right in that the plugs were covered. Cornell was right that you could see the wiring. Bridges stated we should not deviate from the code. Lindon Carr stated there were lots of trouble calls on both old as well as new houses until after the Electrical Ordinance was passed. 17. Other matters: a. City Mgr. showed the new Amtrak Site Plan. b. Christmas lights to be turned on the second week in December. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council Meeting December 18, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, Bridges and Coker Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Alford Talley, Tony Wright and Jess Coffey 1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Coker. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. Mayor Cole arrived to conduct other items on agenda. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements were postponed until Lindon could be present. 3. Alford Talley with Central spoke to Council. Stated the Company had added additional toll trunks and additional traffic measuring equipment. They were visited by the PUC in April, 1978 for a testing and the results were not as good as they had hoped. Agai-n in September, 1978 the PUC made a return visit and the test showed improvement. Today out of 1M calls there is a 97% completion rate. He went on to say the system had added touch tone and in the future additional circuits would be added and there will be a change in the present way of dialing to a two digit access code. New toll processing equipment has been budgeted. This should reduce the error rate. They are planning to change out the microwave equipment in the Decatur exchange. They are going to establish a paging with repeator (tone and voice). Further stated that he was at the meeting to advise Council of the need for a rate increase. This should be filed Wednesday. Discussion. Mayor Cole told Council they had 10 days to file a protest. Question: Does