11/20/1978-CC-Minutes-Regulara Minutes: November 20, 1978 City Council Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel and Coker Absent: Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., Guy Bennett, Susan Cornell and Jerry Jenkins 1. Minutes of the November 6, 1978 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $1084.00 were approved on a motion by McDaniel. Hampton second. Voted unan. 3. Upgrading Electrical Service Policy - John Coker made the motion the City furnish electrical service to the house for residential customers. The homeowner would bear the expense from there. J.P. Hampton felt if the customer wanted to up- grade their service they should bear the expense. Discussion. Henry Cooper second. Voting for were Coker, Cooper and McDaniel. Voting against was Hampton. Motion carried 3-1. It was further agreed by Council that those people that have paid under the service policy be refunded. 4. Minimum Building and Housing Standards - It was brought to Council's attention that the City of Denton had a law suit pending regarding this. John L. talked to Paul Isham an he is of the opinion the City has the right to require it done. Coker - Are there other codes involved? Ans. Yes. Coker recommended this go to P&Z for their consideration and recommendation. It was agreed by Council. 5. Ambulance Contract - The City received Denton's copy of the revised contract. John L. stated he would prefer they left out Paragraph Three all together or accept it as we had changed it. Hampton - What is necessary to get ambulance service certified for Medicare? John L. said he would check. Jerry Jenkins stated the men operating the service would be certified by the state which would qualify the service. John L. to take our copy of the Ambulance Contract to Paul Isham for further consideration. 6. Other Matters: a. City Mgr. read letter from PUC regarding telephone service. b. Single lot subdivision for Thomas Moore discussed. It is necessary to be platted. c. Street grant funding only available at this time for high accident locations. d. Keaton Road upkeep. 2 belongs to City and 2 belongs to county. City to fill in pot holes. e. City to check on drainage problem in front of gym on 7th Street. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. ATTEST. MAYOR