01/15/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular11. Tony Wright presented the audit and opened for questions. Stated there are several audit opinions and explained each. The City received qualified opinion. Council accepted audit as prepared. Council instructed City Secretary to insure that all checks are stamped For Deposit Only immediately upon receipt. A daily deposit will be made from the first through the fifteenth of each month. From the fifteenth through end of month deposits will be made as often as necessary to prevent not more than $500.00 in cash to be on hand at end of a work day. ATTEST: Emergency Council Meeting: December 2$, 1978 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Coker Absent: McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., Alford Talley, and Roy Lemons 1. The meeting was called to order and declared an emergency due to the filing, deadlines of the Texas Public Utilities Commission. 2. Mayor Cole introduced the petition to intervene in the PUC case as prepared by John Sullivan. Discussed the rate increase and noted it was upward of 87% on some classes of services. A motion to file the petition was made by Hampton. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. A motion to approve the enineering contract for the sewer bore under I-35 was made by Coker. Bridges second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: January 15, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and McDaniel.. OTHERS PRESENT: City Mgr., City Sec., Alford Talley and Lindon Carr 1. Minutes of the December 18, 1978 meeting were approved with the following correction to No. 6 - change unanimous to voting for were: Hampton, Bridges, Cooper, and Coker. McDaniel abstained. Motion carried 4-0. Minutes of the December 29, 1978 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $6,727.80 and $16,745.00 were approved on a motion by Coker, seconded by Bridges and voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for October, 1978 in the mount of $3,107.03 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges seconded. Voted unan. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for November, 1978 in the amount of $3,690.90 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges second. Voted unan. 4. Service Agreement providing for minimum electrical bill. Mayor Cole suggested to Council that they needed to set a minimum time of payout on electrical service extentions for outside customers. He stated that Cornell and Taliaferro should not be included under the new policy since their request was made prior to its origin. Council agreed. Discussion. Cooper made the motion the payout time under the new policy should be 36 months. Hampton second. Voting for were Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel and Bridges. Voting against was Coker. Motion carried 4-1. 5. City Manager gave Council a report on the Centel Rate Case. The Case for the intervening cities will cost approximately $7,000.00. City Manager reported that Centel had acquiesced to the request of the intervening cities and commission staff to delay the effective date of the proposed rate increase from January 26, 1979 to February 26, 1979, which effectively allows an extra month for the commission staff and intervening staff to prepare their cases. City Manager Franzen recommended that the City's portion of funding the rate case come from Revenue Sharing Funds. $2,000.00 toward the hiring of a rate analysist and $500.00 toward expenses for various personnel. John Coker made the motion the City pledge $2,500.00. Bridges second. Voted unan. Council asked Mr. Talley if Centel would be willing to negotiate for less. Talley stated that Centel had considered all aspects before they decided to ask for the rate increase and he felt there was no room for negotiations. 6. City Manager stated that Cornell had been fined $10.00. It was the Mayor's understanding that Cornell's lawyer and John Sullivan were to get together regarding the City cleaning up the debris. 7. Ordinance No. 79-1 was adopted by Council setting up the Equalization Board and date of hearing for 1979. Motion to adopt the Ordinance and appointment of Gene Hughes, Jerry Jenkins and Aaron Yeatts to the Board and set the hearing for August 15, 1979 was made on a motion by Bridges. Coker second. Voted unan. 8. The order calling the City Election for April 17, 1979 was adopted on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Voted unan. 9. Sanger Electric Budget was discussed and it was agreed by Council to have a workshop to study the budget on Thursday, Januaru 18, 1979 at 7:00 P.M. 10. Other such matters: a. Bridges requested again the City make every effort to secure the public officials liability insurance and it was the general consensus of Council to put pressure on Muir to get this done. b. Council was given a copy of the agreement between Jesse Coffey and the City. City Manager was advised to get it to John Sullivan for legal advise. 11. Council adjourned to executive session. 12. Council reconvened to open session and adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: Februrary 5, 1979 PRESENT: Ralph Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, Coker and Bridges Others Present. City Mgr., City Sec., L. Carr 1. Mayor Cole declared the Revenue Sharing Hearing open. There were no questions. Declared the meeting closed. Council was in agreement to approve the amendment to the Budget as presented - $2500.00 for the fighting of the telephone company rate increase and $600.00 for the War Memorial in the park. 2. The minutes of the January 15th meeting were approved as printed. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $4,209.68 were approved on a motion by Cooper. McDaniel second. Voted unan. Mayor Cole and Council questioned Lindon Carr regarding the amount of settlement on the damage suit for Al Testa. Mayor Cole stated that if Brazos was going to compromise the City Council should be involved. The decision shouldn't be left up to another company. Burrus Affiliated - Lindon presented the following power figures to Council on the new proposed supermarket: Estimated cost of con- struction $6,550.; Gross estimated revenue $2,356. per month; Net per month $673.00; Estimated monthly payout 9.7 months. Hampton made the motion to approve the estimated figures. Coker second. Voted unan. Sanger Electric Budget - Brazos called City Office and stated they would be unable to have all :the. answers to questions in letter for this meeting. It was the general consensus for Council to write a letter to Brazos and tell them not to drag this along, but to get it done. The Council plans to approve the budget at the next meeting with their own cuts to budget if Brazos has not responded. - 5. Linwood John Roberson Plat - Bridges made the motion to approve the plat. McDaniel second- ._Voted unan. 6. Denton - Collin County Waste Disposal District - This is a special district which was set up by the.legislature. There are 7 cities including Sanger in the District. The District has taxing powers and it is of necessity that if the City has to remain in that they have a representative to attend the meetings. Ralph will contact Cecil Snellgrove, Bill Gentle and Alvin Brown to see if one of these men will be willing to serve. John L. is to check into the act creating this district and report back to Council. Fee for having representative is $223.00.