02/05/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular11. Council adjourned to executive session. L. Council reconvened to open session and adjourned. ATTEST: I MAYOR MINUTES: Februrary 5, 1979 PRESENT: Ralph Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, Coker and Bridges Others Present. City Mgr., City Sec., L. Carr 1. Mayor Cole declared the Revenue Sharing Hearing open. There were no questions. Declared the meeting closed. Council was in agreement to approve the amendment to the Budget as presented - $2500.00 for the fighting of the telephone company rate increase and $600.00 for the War Memorial in the park. 2. The minutes of the January 15th meeting were approved as printed. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $4,209.68 were approved on a motion by Cooper. McDaniel second. Voted unan. Mayor Cole and Council questioned Lindon Carr regarding the amount of settlement on the damage suit for Al Testa. Mayor Cole stated that if Brazos was going to compromise the City Council should be involved. The decision shouldn't be left up to another company. Burrus Affiliated - Lindon presented the following power figures to Council on the new proposed supermarket: Estimated cost of con- struction $6,550.; Gross estimated revenue $2,356. per month; Net per month $673.00; Estimated monthly payout 9.7 months. Hampton made the motion to approve the estimated figures. Coker second. Voted unan. Sanger Electric Budget - Brazos called City Office and stated they would be unable to have all :the. answers to questions in letter for this meeting. It was the general consensus for Council to write a letter to Brazos and tell them not to drag this along, but to get it done. The Council plans to approve the budget at the next meeting with their own cuts to budget if Brazos has not responded. --- 5. Linwood John Roberson Plat - Bridges made the motion to approve the plat. McDaniel second.- Voted unan. 6. Denton - Collin County Waste Disposal District - This is a special _district which was set up by the .legislature. There are 7 cities including Sanger in the District. The District has taxing powers and it is of necessity that if the City has to remain in that they have a representative to attend the meetings. Ralph will contact Cecil Snellgrove, Bill Gentle and Alvin Brown to see if one of these men will be willing to serve. John L. is to check into the act creating this district and report back to Council. Fee for having representative is $223.00. Mayor Cole would like for Sanger, Pilot Point, and Aubrey to form their own Solid Waste Disposal District. Other Such Matters: (a) Jesse A. Coffey Contract - Tony went over the contract with Council and the changes which John L. suggested. Mayor Cole suggested that we needed some means of protesting the City in the event rock is encountered. Construction plans will be complete by February 15, 1979. City will advertise for bids the week of February 19th. Bids should be in the week of the 19th of March. Contracts will let around the 26th of March. Ninety days construction time which will lead to a completion date of the last week in June, 1979. The City might have to consider construction of a lift station if bids came in too high. (b) Council was advised that Ken Cornell requested the City to remove the debirs in Sanger South at his expense. (c) Councilman Bridges requested Tony to get with J.M. Sims and see what prices he could give us on tires. (d) Chatfield burned out building discussed and junk cars on Church Street and 4th and Willow. ATTEST: MINUTES: February 19, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Cooper, Coker, Hampton and McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., J.D. Copeland, Gary Lamb, R. Muir, and Don Nesbitt 1. Minutes of the February 5, 1979 meeting were approved as 2. Disbursements in the amount of $3,050.00 were approved on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Budget: Council directed questions to Mr. J.D. Copeland and Mr. Gary Lamb of the Brazos Coop. Mayor Cole stated that $63,000. had been spent on vehicle expense and the City of Sanger still dosen't own any of them. Figures on Transportation Cost are as follows: $1.06 per hr. on Lindon's car based on a 40 hour week, $2.29 on the bucket truck and $1.15 per hour on the pickup. With regards to the labor budget Coker wanted to know why Brazos did not give us labor figures for 1978. Brazos answered that they were not working a full crews for 1978. Brazos stated that the notes at the bank totaled $42,500.00. They are six month notes with changing interesr rates. The notes have reduced from $50,000. to $42,500 over the past two years. Question on Item 2 b (i). What is the billing charge for? Brazos: Computer charges for bill preparation. Mayor Cole advised Brazos officials of the necessity to present an Amended Budget to the City on the items which exceed budget projections. Stated this must also be filed with the County Clerk. Mayor Cole went over each Alternative Budget Request method presented by Brazos.