02/19/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularMayor Cole would like for Sanger, Pilot Point, and Aubrey to form their own Solid Waste Disposal District. Other Such Matters: (a) Jesse A. Coffey Contract - Tony went over the contract with Council and the changes which John L. suggested. Mayor Cole suggested that we needed some means of protesting the City in the event rock is encountered. Construction plans will be complete by February 15, 1979. City will advertise for bids the week of February 19th. Bids should be in the week of the 19th of March. Contracts will let around the 26th of March. Ninety days construction time which wI ll lead to a completion date of the last week in June, 1979. The City might have to consider construction of a lift station if bids came in too high. (b) Council was advised that Ken Cornell requested the City to remove the debirs in Sanger South at his expense. (c) Councilman Bridges requested Tony to get with J.M. Sims and see what prices he could.give us on tires. (d) Chatfield burned out building discussed and junk cars on Church Street and 4th and Willow. ATTEST: MINUTES: February 19, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Cooper, Coker, Hampton and McDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., J.D. Copeland, Gary Lamb, R. Muir, and Don Nesbitt 1. Minutes of the February 5, 1979 meeting were approved as 2. Disbursements in the amount of $3,050.00 were approved on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Budget: Council directed questions to Mr. J.D. Copeland and Mr. Gary Lamb of the Brazos Coop. Mayor Cole stated that $63,000. had been spent on vehicle expense and the City of Sanger still dosen't own any of them. Figures on Transportation Cost are as follows: $1.06 per hr. on Lindon's car based on a 40 hour week; $2.29 on the bucket truck and $1.15 per hour on the pickup. With regards to the labor budget Coker wanted to know why Brazos did not give us labor figures for 1978. Brazos answered that they were not working a full crews for 1978. Brazos stated that the notes at the bank totaled $42,500.00. They are six month notes with changing interesr rates. The notes have reduced from $50,000. to $42,500 over the past two years. Question on Item 2 b (i). What is the billing charge for? Brazos: Computer charges for bill preparation. Mayor Cole advised Brazos officials of the necessity to present an Amended Budget to the City on the items which exceed budget projections. Stated this must also be filed with the County Clerk. Mayor Cole went over each Alternative Budget Request method presented by Brazos. 1. Alternative A included a 3% Base Rate Increase and a 60/40 Revenue Split with Forfeited Discount Excluded. 2. Alternative B assumes no base rate increase and a 58/42 Revenue Split and Foofeited Discounts Included. 3. Alternative C assumes no rate base increase and a 56/44 Revenue Split and Forfeited Discounts Included. 4. Alternative D assumes a 64 base rate increase with Forfeited Discounts Included. Mayor Cole was in favor of B or C and putting the 60/40% back in. Gary Lamb stated once the capital money is paid back to Brazos they would go back to the 60/40 split under Alternative B or C. Question: What was the original amount of the debt with Brazos - $120,000. City owes $60,000. now. John Coker had to leave the meeting and wanted it stated in the minutes he was not for any rate increase and wants to keep the 60/40 split. Mayor Cole asked Brazos officials if they could get by with Alternative B and include the 60/40 split. Brazos officials stated no way. Further stated that if Council wished to have no rate increase and pay indebtedness with capital funds this would probably be acceptable. Mayor Cole stated to Brazos that he thinks Council would be receptive to anything Brazos would ask. After further discussion Mr. Lamb and Mr. Copeland prepared to leave the meeting prior to action being taken on budget. Councilman Bridges noted that he felt that it was extremely impolite for the Brazos Officials to attmept to leave the meeting prior to the action on budget being completed. Mayor Cole figured the differences on Alternative B, Schedule E, Net Revenues of $211,966. with a 60/40 too and the difference was $4,239.00. This is the amount of revenues which under this split would be deleted from available operating revenues. Cooper made the motion the City would guarantee an amount not to exceed $4,239.00 if Brazos was unable to recover the entire $10,971.00 previously budgeted for debt retirement. Hampton second. Voting for were Cooper, Hampton and Bridges. Voting against was McDaniel. Motion carried 3-1. Cooper made themotion that the Sanger Electric Budget, Alternative B, with a 60/40 Split and Forfeited Discounts Excluded be accepted. Hamtton second. Voted unan. 4. Denton -Collin County Waste Disposal District Item to be placed on next Council agenda. John Sullivan was not at Council Meeting to discuss this item. 5. Motion to dispose of old advaloren tax rendition forms for the years 1961 through 1970 was made by Hampton. Bridges second. Voted unan. 6. ..Risk Management letter from Hartford Insurance Company was discussed with Council by Richard Muir and Tony Franzen. The following recommendations will have to be made by the City for the Hartford Insurance Company to continue coverage.under our package insurance. 79-1 Provide a gate at the stairs going up the sewage tank to prevent a child from going up the stairs if one should get in the yard. 79-2 Insure that the gate to the sewage yard is locked when not attended to prevent entry into the yard. 79-3 Remove or drain the old diesel storage tank alongside the tractor storage building to reduce the fire explosure. Indications are that the.fuel is old and not useable and will probably be removed or relocated. 79-4 Upgrade the wiring in the plumbing supply shed to reduce the chance'of an electrical accident and a possible fire which would communicate to the tractor storage building. 79-5 Place a barrier around the legs of the above ground storage tank to hinder a person from climbing the tower. 79-6 Establish a program to repair and correct defects noticed in City sidewalks. Cracked concrete alongside the walk could cause a City resident or visitor to fall. 79-7 Design barricades to meet the uniform traffic standards. 79-8 Provide a fire extinguisher for the City Hall. 79-10 Provide triangle reflectors on off -the -road equipment to alert motorists to slow moving equipment on the highway. 79-11 Establish a complaint log to establish=a record of unsafe conditions noted by the City residents. Calls concerning manhole covers, downed utility lines, sewage back-ups, etc. should be recorded and action taken on timely basis. 79-12 Establish at least an annual inspection on ground and elevated storage tank maintenance as outlined in the rules and regulation for public water systems issued by the Texas Department of Health. Richard also stated that the Police Department would need s police manual and Tony has already requested this. 7. New Fill Location for Fire Department - Tony told the Council of the need for a new fill location at the Fire Department. Stated there had been a near accident at the Power Plant with the water being left on after a late night fire which could have put our electric system completely down. He suggested that we tap the 6' line which is immediately west of Fire Station and extend the line eastward to a location which is between the bay doors where the International and small Chevrolet trucks are stored and at this location install a fire hydrant. Tony reported that the materials necessary for the job are presently on hand. The current fill location will not be disturbed. 8. McDaniel made the motion to accept the Sanger Electric -Line Extension Policy with the following addition: "to serve one customer. 9. City Manager presented Council with plan for future sewer bore under I-35. Engineers estimated contract price is $30,850. Estimated cost of water line, if constructed at the same time of sewer bore, would cost approximately $22,400. Standard plans and specification forms will be used. Coker made the motion to advertise for bids. Bridges second. Voted unan. Bid opening date is scheduled for March 8, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. at City Hall. 10. Mayor Cole reported on the meeting with Pilot Point concerning a landfill site. Pilot Point is interested in going with Sanger on a joint landfill. Letters were sent to Krugerville, Aubrey, Crossroads, and Little Elm to determine if there is any interest in them joining us. They are to respond by February 26 if interested. 11. Monthly Budget Report was accepted by Council. 12. Other Such Matters: (a) City Manager told Council of Charlie Haskins retirement on February 16, 1979. Stated it would be -nice to do something special such as hold open house, give him a watch,- plaque or something. (b) Bridges wanted to know when Jesse Coffey could start work on his subdivision. Answer: Anytime he desires.. Contract is being redrafted by City Attorney. ATTEST: