03/19/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular(i) Tony told Council that Billy Barclay who is now employed with the City St. Jo applied for the Water Supt.'s job. He has had 8 years experience. Has a B liscense in water and sewer, but could not make the move for less than $900.00 per month. It was the general concensus of the Council to pay this to get him. (j) Hampton talked about a drainage problem from Locust to Willow on 3rd Street. He has talked to residents and they are willing to pay for drainage pipes and have City blade the ditches. Hamtpon made the motion the City do this when they could at the customer's cost for the horns. Coker second. Voted unan. ATTEST: Minutes: March 19, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, McDaniel, Coker, and Bridges Others Present: City Sec., City Att., Gregg Edwards, Donn Nesbitt, Dan Spindle, Lindon Carr,Jesse Coffey, Dave Dennison, and Conrad Callicoate 1. Minutes were approved as printed. 2. Coker made the motion to approve the disbursements in the, amount of $6,094.94. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Coker made the motion to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for Januaryl979 in the amount of $1,711.53. Cooper second the motion. Voted unan. 4. Dave Dennison with Hunter Associates introduced Conrad Callicoate to Council. Mr. Callicoate has been with the firm for 11 years and will now be in charge of the Sanger account since Bob Shawn is no longer associated with the company. Mr. Callicoate plans to take a look at our zoning ordinance to see if it needs updating or changing and stated they will begin acquiring data and doing test or Step I on our grant application for sewer funds. Stated he would be in Sanger, Thursday, March 22, to measure the flow and infiltration into our system. It will take one to two months to gather data. They would then submit a report in June to the Texas Water Resources. They will need to do a survey on our system. It will be necessary to prove there is excessive infiltration into the system. They will submit the survey plan and enviromental impact in the fall and work could possibly be started this fall. 5. Joint Landfill - Mayor Cole reported that he had met with Pilot Point and Little Elm, but Aubrey has -not yet shown an interest. He feels they would possibly let us know something after the April election. The group has:Nagreed to use Hunter & Associates as their engineers and they are now looking for a tract of land. Ralph stated there could be an 80o grant on land. F.H.A. has expressed an interest in giving this to the Sanger area. Sanger would be the controlling or operating City. We would contract with the other cities on.a per capita basis. Each City would know what they would have to pay. (Sanger 360, Pilot Point 350, Little Elm 140) A 90 acre site will be needed for the 4 cities and a 50 acre site will be needed for the two cities. It will take nine months to get liscensed. 6. Bids on Sewer Line I-35 - Council received tabulation of bids on the sewer and water crossing on I-35. Dickerson Construction Co., Inc., Celina, Texas had low bid of $56,000.00. The breakdown is as follows: Base Bid Sanitary Sewer Crossing including carrier pipe - 4'0" Diameter Manholes, 0-6' deep 3 each - 8" PVC Sewer Pipe, 0-6' 400 LF - Subtotal Sewer Watermain Crossing excluding carrier pipe Total Base Bid Alternate No. 1 8" PVC Watermain Total Base Bid & Alternative 1 $28,500.00 2,100.00 4,000.00 $34,600.00 18,000.00 *$52,600.00 3,400.00 $56,000.00 *If awarded both bores and sewer improvements deduct $1,600.00 from this bid, making a total of $51,000.00 Total Base Bid and next with a total bid of $65,270.00. Jesse Coffey stated he was willing to accept the $34,600.00 on the sewer line. When asked about the contract he stated he felt a contract really wasn't necessary since the City was protected by the issuance of permits etc. D4ayor Cole stated the reason for the contract was ro make Mr. Coffey personally liable in case he ever sold the property or transferred ownership to someone else. It is also to set a time limit for completion of the project. Gregg Edwards with Schnell, Fields & Associates stated that Seagoville had nothing but praise for Dickerson Construction Co. They felt he was a competent contractor. After hearing all the information regarding the bid and contractor, Benny Bridges made the motion the City accept the Dickerson Construction Co., Inc., bid for $54:,400.00. Coker second. Voted unan. 7. Telephone Rate Case - No report except Tony is in Austin now for the hearing. 8. Items explained in City Manager's report to Council. 9. Other Matters: a. b. ATTEST: J. P. Hampton stated that a 4-wheel vehicle had cut up the Church of Christ yard. Police action should be taken. Drainage problems discussed. agenda. Item to be placed on next MAYOR Minutes: April 2, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Coker Absent: Danny lZcDaniel Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., L. Carr, Donn Nesbitt, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sheckells, Eddie Romines, and Ned Wilson 1. Minutes of March 19, 1979 were approved as printed.