04/16/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council Meeting April 16, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Spindle and Bridges Others Present: City Mgr., City Sec., Danny McDaniel, Donn Nesbitt, Glenna Krueger, Maxine Nesbitt, Lilly.Belle Horst, Richard Muir, Gene Hughes, and Eulalia McDaniel. 1. Council canvassed the election returns of the April 7, 1979 City Officials Elections. Results are as follows. Place 1 178 Henry Cooper 128 Donn Nesbitt Place 3 32 C. Co "Bill" Carter 271 Denny L. Bridges 1 Mary Forest (Write In Vote) Place 5 222 Daniel Joe Spindle 83 Eddie L. Romines 1 Emmett Baker (Write In Vote) Coker made the motion to accept the election returns as presented. Hampton second. Voted unan. 2. Newly elected city officials were sworn in by Mayor Cole. 3. TZinutes of the April 2, 1979 meeting were approved on a motion by Hampton. Coker second. Voted unan. 4. Disbursements in the amount of $4,977.26 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges second. Voted unan. .....-...... 5. Maxine Nesbitt, President of the Wednesday Study Club spoke to Council about the War Memorial and special events that were being planned. She thanked Council for the $600.00 donation given by the City. Ground breaking has been scheduled for May 30, 1979, but the time has not been set. Mrs. Nesbitt read a list of the dignitaries which had been sent invitations. Among them were John Tower, Governor Bill Clements, Senator Bentsen, W.T. Hall, Jr., Elroy Kilgore, Jr., Ray Roberts, and many others including the guard of the unknown soldiers. July 4, 1979 is the scheduled date for the unveiling of the monument and this will be performed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Many dignitaries, clubs and organizations will be in attendance for the auspicious occasion. Mr.s Nesbitt requested Mayor Cole.to act as Master of Ceremony and he accepted. She further requested that Mayor Cole proclaim July 4, 1979 as Sanger Veterans Day. She requested the City Council to work out who would raise and lower the flag each day. Also requested the City to clean up the park area and have additional waste respectacles available. Council was behind this effort 100%. 6. Ned Wilson Property Taxes - Mayor Cole told Council he thought the best way to handle this was to get ?7ilson to give the City his check for $275.88 and the City in turn would write him a check for $240.60. Taxes on the remaining 10' width along the Interstate for the length of his property totaled to $35.28. Hampton made the motion this be done. Bridges second. Voted unan. 7. Richard Muir addressed the Council and stated he thought a good project for the Chamber of Commerce to do would be to buy ten trees each year and replace the dead ones and ones that have deteriorated. He would like to see this done along 5th, Bolivar and Elm, and City Park. He wants City to be responsible for watering the new trees. Mayor Cole dais he saw no problem with City watering the trees. 8. Report on Landfill Site - The State Health Department will be looking at one site this Wednesday. We are not looking at any sites in thelake area. It was suggested this discussion continue in the future in executive session. 9. Cleaning Streets — Mayor Cole stated he would get the price of a street sweeper. Coker said he had talked to Switzer and and we could use the county equipment anytime. It was suggested that a piece could be welded on the back of the street sweeper in the city yard (which is only a broom). It was noted this belonged to the County and we would need their approval. Coker was appointed to talk with the City of Denton regarding use of their equipment and personnel, or purchase of their trade-in, or cost of machinery for city to purchase. 10. Subdivision Ordinance - Much discussion pro and con reagrding this ordinance. Mayor Cole recommended amendment of the ordinance. Coker wants it redefined by City Manager and brought to next meeting. Mayor Cole wanted to enlighten Council regarding engineers letters regarding the Jess Coffey contract. Mayor Cole stated he would not sign this contract until we get a contract signed with Jess Coffey. The contractor is doing business under two different names. His bonding company reqires it to be under one name. Coker: Is John L. going to have the City's part of the contract done? Mayor Tony has tried to get him and he's been out of town. Coker. What would keep us from getting another attorney? Franzen. Another attorney would cost from $50.00 to $100.00 per hour. It was further discussed that the Coty possibly pay John L. for special items. City Manager to talk with attorney. 11. Coker made the motion to accept the Single Loy Subdivision of Block H, White Addition as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. Bridges second. Voted unan. 12. Drainage - There was much discussion regarding the many drainage problems located throughout the City. Prime target was along 5th Street. Tony said he had checked at the courthaouse and the City had a 50' opening from 5th to 3rd, and extention of Houston Street. Mayor said it would be necessary to have a survey done on this. Tony is to get Schoell's and Fields to do this. No funds in City Budget. Hampton suggested to bring this problem before the people by referendum. More discussion. Tony was instructed to get somthing done on this. Coker stated he had ridden around with Billy Barclay all one day and that he knows what to do. Tony was questioned reagrding grant funds. None available. 13. City Clean-up Canpaign - Glenna Krueger spoke on behalf of Chamber of Commerce. Stated she would like to divide the City into section and would like the City to provide the truck for removing debris. City agreed. Slogan is to be Pride. Campaign to begin the middle of May through June. 14. Mayor Cole was appointed to serve as voting representative to NCTCOG. 15. No action taken. 16. Other such matters. a. Bridges: When is Chief of Police coming back on days? We really need him. Ans. May lst. b. Bridges: Somthing needs to be done about the refrigerator at Otis Jone's rent house. Doors are still on and this is against the law. c. Bridges wanted to nominate Coker as Mayor Pro-Tem. It was agreed to be placed on next agenda so proper action could be taken. Meeting adjourned 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: LZAYOR Minutes: May •7, 1979 u Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle Others Present: City E�gr., City Sec., City Att., H. G. HoG�ard, Tom Perdue, Donn Nesbitt, Mrs. Billy Tage, r. & Mrs. Clyde Sanders, Billy Barclay, Terry Schertz, Sandie Meisenheimer, Carolyn Belcher 1. The minutes of the Apri11E, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Mayor Cole made the folloe.Ting departmental appointments: Sewer Department ---------------John Coker Water Department ----------- Bennv Bridges Fire Department -----------------Danny Spindle Street Department -------------Henry Cooper Sanitation Department ---------J. P. Hampton 3. Disbursements of $17,0603.11 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Ha.m.pton second. voted unan. finny Bridges nominated John Coker to serve as Mayor Protein. J. P. Hampton second. No opposition. Henry Cooper moved that Coker be elected by acclamation. Voted unan. _ 1. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for March, 1979, in the amount of $5,Q29.3� were approved on a motion by Coker_. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. Street Cleaning Equipment Report -- Johr_ Coker stated that he had talked with the State �Iighway Department and they could bring their sweeper in and do Fifth Street West of City Park. The City of Denton has said that we could use their equipment during the daytime. They Tt.ould have to have it at night. John talked with King Cole. Stated that Ron Adkthatns would be handling this with Denton and we are to keep a very low profile on this thing. 6. Re -defining of Subdivision Ordinance - John Sullivan stated that Tony had talked to him about removing the single lot portion frorn the Subdivision Ordinance. John stated ��e didn't believe i-t would be practical to do that. It is highly desirable for certain applications on these lots. He stated that these lots needed a streamline procedure. V.yen someone wants to divide one lot into two lots, it should go through Council. It shouldn't be necessary to go through P & Z. I don't see any harm to bypass P & Z on these applications, but this, of course, would be contrary to P & Z approving everything. The customary procedure is the way we are doing it. Process them through P & Z and then through Council. John L. stated he was inclined to think this should not be subject to the pro-rata change. Mayor Cole stated that it did in most cases fall under the pro/rata ordinance. Mayor Cole asked John L. if the wording might be changed to "when one piece of land is divided into three or more lots." Discussion. Tony stated he would write John L. to research the Ordinance and give a written. opinion.