05/21/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularAu , kJly L Coker made the motion remuneration. Spindle ATTEST: to grant all city employees a 7% salary second. Voted unan. MAYOR MINUTES: City Council May 21, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle Others Present: City Mgr., Bill Barclay, Ida Mae Richie, Rene Heard, Deborah Roeder, Joe Roeder, Frank Rodgers, Mike Reeves, Donn Nesbitt, Sandi Meisenheimer, Diane Arnett, Jimmy Frazier, Jerry Jenkins, City Attorney 1. The Revenue Sharing hearing was recessed until the next meeting with the exception of action on the mosquito sprayer. Motion to recess was made by Coker, Spindle second. Voted unan. 2. The minutes.of .the May 8, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $1,353.59 were approved on a motion by Coker,- seconded by Spindle and .voted unan. 4. Cooper made the motion the City adopt Ordinance No. 79-3 requiring 20 mph in Northgate Addition. Spindle second. Voted unan. SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE NO. 79-3 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING A NEW SPEED LIMIT FOR VEHICLES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ADDITION ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, ON 8TH STREET NORTH'OF FM 455, AND 7TH STREET NORTH OF FM 455,_WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING THAT VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL CONSTITUTE A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY UPON CONVICTION OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. 5. Ken Cor-nell's Delinquent. Bill - Discussion. Council ask John Sullivan's opinion.. Sullivan asked "was anyone negligent?" More discussion. A motion was made by Bridges to write this account off. Hampton second. Voted unan. 6. Preliminary Plat on Gateway _Addition - No action taken. Item tabled until next Council meeting.. 7. Water Line .Extension North Berry Street - Mayor Cole stated the City's policy is to extend 100' of line to serve a customer. Bridges asked what started the project and why. Coker stated that he told the City Manager to get the water meter out of Miss Holt's back door. Discussion concerning the staff's error in starting on this project without Council approval. Motion was made by Coker to extend a 6 inch main line to begin loop to 2 inch in Keaton Road as far as the City has 6 inch pipe on hand to go. Bridges stated this was to upgrade the service for the west side area and not Just for the Richie's. Spindle second. Voted unan. City Manager was instructed to get measurements to see how much line will be needed to get water tp Mrs. Richie's property.__ He was further instructed to get easements for the 2 inch line. 8. Water service on Rogers property on West Austin Street - Mayor Cole stated City's policy on service outside City limits. Bridges stated the intent was there to serve when the line was constructed. Coker agreed. Mayor Cole stated the policy is no new service outside the City limits. Without a meter there is no service. Discussion. Motion was made to classify as existing service and give service. The City to set a meter for construction at West Austin and Rogers to extend the two inch line under City inspection and specifications. When they are ready for permanent service meter is to be moved to the house with Rogers furnishing the proper easements. Bridges second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Coker to accept the resignation of Jerry Jenkins on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Bridges second. Voted unan. 10. Other such matters: (a) Joe Roeder and others discussed the Truck Route Ordinance. Stated he felt it was unfair to small operators. Roeder asked Council if Motor Homes were exempt? Sullivan studied the Ordinance and stated it does not apply to a Motor Home. Mayor Cole stated he would instruct police not to ticket and it was agreed to place Truck Route Ordinance on next agenda to determine if Council wishes to amend the ordinance. (b) City Mgr. to get with Joe Ashcraft about possibly storing his wrecked cars at sewer plant. (c) Donn Nesbitt stated that White's Auto had supplied the paints, brushes, etc. for the trash barrels in City Park and he had supplied the labor and decals. (d) Questions were asked regarding when_ the 20 mph signs would be placed in Northgate Addition. Signs will be purchased when grant becomes in effect. (e) Hampton ask questions regarding the policy on checking voltage by Brazos and. what the required voltage to service a home is. Mayor Cole said this could be done but the customer would be billed. Item to be placed on next agenda and Lindon is requested to be on hand to answer questions. (f) Council agreed to pay Mrs. Mack Cole $273.89 as final payment. City Manager was instructed to pay her and have her sign a final payment agreement. Tony ask this to be placed on next Council agenda. (g) Bridges ask about the electrician's exam. City Mgr. explained testing and reciprocal agreements. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: June 4, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: City Sec., City Att., Lindon Carr, -Billy Barclay, Donn Nesbitt, Joe & Deborah Roeder, Rene Heard, Charlie Haskins, Hubert Schertz, Bennie Schertz, Kerry Schertz, Jerry Schertz, Terry Schertz, Jimmy Frazier, Jim Bob Ready, David Hammons, Johnny Looper, Gene Hughes, and Bennie Parrent