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12/02/2024-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 02, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Discussion on assessing Roadway Impact Fees and setting a collection rate. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION The Regular Meeting will begin following the Work Session but not earlier than 7:00 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Council with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Councilmember to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 2. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the November 18, 2024, meeting. 1 3. Consideration and possible action on the 2024-2025 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Fire Protection and EMS Services between Denton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. 4. Consideration and possible action on awarding a contract to Pyro Shows Texas in the amount of $40,000 for the 2025 Freedom Fest show and authorizing the City Manager to sign. 5. Consideration and possible action on awarding a contract to Extreme Sound Production for Stage, Lighting, and Sound for 2025 events and authorizing the City Manager to sign. 6. Consideration and possible action on awarding a contract to Duran Photography for Videography/Photography and Podcast services for 2025 and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract. 7. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of Marley Meadows being 19.653 acres described as A0658A JANUARY TR 3, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the west side of Sam Bass Road and approximately 1307 feet north of the intersection of FM 455 and Sam Bass Road. 8. Consideration and possible action on the remount of the Ambulance box to a new chassis for Medic 671 not to exceed the amount $170,000.00. 9. Consideration and possible action to approve the City of Sanger Surplus Item list for public auction. 10. Consideration and possible action on Amendment No. 3 in the amount of $45,000.00 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc for the I-35 Utility Relocations for TXDOT and authorize the City Manager to execute said Amendment No. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11. Conduct a public hearing on Ordinance No. 12-22-24 amending Ordinance No. 09-29- 03 (PD 09-29-03) as further amended by Ordinance No. 05-16-18 to amend the front, rear, and side yard setbacks on the 60-foot lots, for land described A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 58 & 59, 22.85 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 6, A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 57, 14.16 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 5, within the City of Sanger, and generally located North of McReynolds Road and East of Indian Lane. 12. Conduct a Public Hearing on assessing Roadway Impact Fees and setting a collection rate. 2 ACTION ITEMS 13. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 12-22-24 amending Ordinance No. 09-29-03 (PD 09-29-03) as further amended by Ordinance No. 05-16-18 to amend the front, rear, and side yard setbacks on the 60-foot lots, for land described A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 58 & 59, 22.85 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 6, A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 57, 14.16 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 5, within the City of Sanger, and generally located North of McReynolds Road and East of Indian Lane. 14. Consideration and possible action on assessing Roadway Impact Fees and setting a collection rate. 15. Consideration and possible action on purchasing three (3) Transformers from Techline Inc. for the Belz Road Retail Addition and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and all necessary documents. 16. Consideration and possible action on the 2024 Facility Use Agreement between the City of Sanger and The Farmer’s Wife North TX, LLC d/b/a Downtown Sanger Farmer’s Market, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and Councilmembers to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Councilmember may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. 17. Rider GCR - Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 - November 20, 2024 ADJOURN NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. 3 CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on November 27, 2024, at 4:30 PM. /s/Kelly Edwards Kelly Edwards, City Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 4 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the November 18, 2024, meeting. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the minutes from the meeting on November 18, 2024. ATTACHMENTS: City Council minutes 5 Item 2. City Council Minutes 11-18-2024 Page 1 of 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, and Police Chief Tyson Cheek. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.086. CERTAIN PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES: COMPETITIVE MATTERS. - For deliberations regarding Transmission Operations. Council convened into open session at 6:01 p.m. 6 Item 2. City Council Minutes 11-18-2024 Page 2 of 4 RECONVENE INTO WORK SESSION Council reconvened into open session at 7:32 p.m. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA No additional discussion. ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the work session at 7:32 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the regular meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett arrived at 7:47 p.m. Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton-Hemb, Electric Director Ronnie Grace, Police Chief Tyson Cheek, Police Lt. Justin Lewis. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Dillon gave the Invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Gann. 7 Item 2. City Council Minutes 11-18-2024 Page 3 of 4 CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Council. REPORTS 1. Annual presentation and overview of the Electric Department. Director Grace provided a presentation and overview of the Electic Department. Discussion ensued regarding the need for the five-year plan as presented, upgrades to the system, updating the electric standards, and the meter replacement project. CONSENT AGENDA 2. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the October 21, 2024, meeting. 3. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the November 4, 2024, meeting. 4. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of Duck Creek Ridge, being 1.010 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the south side of Duck Creek Road at the intersection of Duck Creek Road and Mesa Drive 5. Consideration and possible action on a Sign and Light Easement Agreement with Sanger Retail, Ltd. The Council removed Item 3 for additional discussion. Motion to approve Items 2, 4, and 5 made by Councilmember Bilyeu, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued to complete Councilmember Dillon’s inquiry on page 6 of the minutes. Motion to approve Item 3 made by Councilmember Dillon, Seconded by Councilmember Bilyeu. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. 8 Item 2. City Council Minutes 11-18-2024 Page 4 of 4 ACTION ITEMS 6. Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-17 adopting covered applications and prohibited technology policy and providing an effective date. Director Staton-Hemb provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the policy for government-issued devices. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Bilyeu, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Ayes: Barrett, Bilyeu, Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No requests. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.086. CERTAIN PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES: COMPETITIVE MATTERS. - For deliberations regarding Transmission Operations. Council did not convene into Executive Session. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m. _______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 9 Item 2. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Casey Welborn, Assistant Chief AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the 2024-2025 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Fire Protection and EMS Services between Denton County and the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 2024-2025 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Fire Protection Services Exhibit A - Fire Map Exhibit B - EMS Map 10 Item 3. 11 Item 3. 12 Item 3. 13 Item 3. 14 Item 3. 15 Item 3. 16 Item 3. 17 Item 3. 18 Item 3. 19 Item 3. 20 Item 3. 21 Item 3. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Donna Green, Director of Marketing and Civic Engagement AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on awarding a contract to Pyro Shows Texas in the amount of $40,000 for the 2025 Freedom Fest show and authorizing the City Manager to sign. SUMMARY: On November 4th, the City Council authorized staff to issue an RFP for Fireworks for the 2025 Freedom Fest show. Three companies responded to the RFP. Pyro Shows of Texas was not the least expensive bid but provided a more robust show. Their bid included 66 more shells than the lowest bid and included larger shell sizes for a more impressive show. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: No Amount: GL Account: 31-5270.1 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval to award the contract to Pyro Shows of Texas and authorizing the City Manager to Sign ATTACHMENTS: City Council Communication Copy of the RFP 22 Item 4. Total Cost Shot Counts Size & Number of References Score Rushing's Pyrotechnics $36,000.00 Opener Finale - 104 Main Body - 846 Total - 950 Grand Finale - 4773in - 720 4in - 402 5in - 180 6in - 117 8in - 8 Total 1,427Provided - All the references were cities of Score 1-5 5 4 4 3 16 Pyro Shows Texas $40,000.00 Opener/Main Body - 1065 Grand Finale - 4283in - 720 4in - 390 5in - 240 6in - 135 8in - 8 Total - 1493Pyro Shows is located in several states across the Score 1 - 5 4 5 5 5 19 Illumination Fireworks $43,175.00 Company does not provide a breakdown of Company does not References are excellent including the City of Score 1 - 5 3 0 0 5 8 Fireworks RFP Score Card 23 Item 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Donna Green, Director of Marketing and Civic Engagement AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on awarding a contract to Extreme Sound Production for Stage, Lighting, and Sound for 2025 events and authorizing the City Manager to sign. SUMMARY: On November 4th, the City Council authorized staff to issue an RFP Stage, Lighting, and Sound for the 2025 events. One company responded. Extreme Sound FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: No Amount: $14,500 GL Account: 31-5270.1/31-5270.5 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval to award the contract to Extreme Sound and authorize the City Manager to sign it. ATTACHMENTS: City Council Communication Copy of the RFP 24 Item 5. 25 Item 5. 26 Item 5. 27 Item 5. 28 Item 5. 29 Item 5. 30 Item 5. 31 Item 5. 32 Item 5. 33 Item 5. 34 Item 5. 35 Item 5. 36 Item 5. 37 Item 5. 38 Item 5. 39 Item 5. 40 Item 5. 41 Item 5. 42 Item 5. 43 Item 5. 44 Item 5. 45 Item 5. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Donna Green, Director of Marketing and Civic Engagement AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on awarding a contract to Duran Photography for Videography/Photography and Podcast services for 2025 and authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract. SUMMARY: On November 4th, the City Council authorized staff to issue an RFP for Videography, Photography, and Podcast Services One company responded. Duran Photography has been providing these services to the City of Sanger for the last 2 years. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: No Amount: $24,200 GL Account: multiple RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval to award the contract to Duran Photography and authorize the City Manager to sign it. ATTACHMENTS: City Council Communication Copy of the RFP 46 Item 6. 47 Item 6. 48 Item 6. 49 Item 6. 50 Item 6. 51 Item 6. 52 Item 6. 53 Item 6. 54 Item 6. 55 Item 6. 56 Item 6. 57 Item 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of Marley Meadows being 19.653 acres described as A0658A JANUARY TR 3, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the west side of Sam Bass Road and approximately 1307 feet north of the intersection of FM 455 and Sam Bass Road. SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing to create 17 single-family lots from 1 unplatted tract. This site is located on the west side of Sam Bass Road. The lots have a minimum of 1 acre. This development is located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ The houses will be served by onsite septic. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL on 2-12-24. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Final Plat Application Letter of Intent 58 Item 7. 57214 244850 57504 57250 57254 656762 57262 149584 56354 57188 56305 57484 57245134541 56366 57521 56358 134538 149570 SA M B A S S R D /Project Name: Marley Meadows Final PlatProject: 24SANZON-0001 0 400 800200 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generated by GIS data providedby the Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sanger does not guarantee the correctness oraccuracy of any features on this map. These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitable for site-specific decision making.GIS data is subject to constant changes, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 1/22/2023 4:08:57 PMDoc Name: 23SANZON-0003_Marley Meadows Prelim PlatCity Limits Exhibits SubjectArea 59 Item 7. CIRF "PLS INC" 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF 1" IPF 7/8" IRF 7/8" IRF POINT (NO ACCESS) 12" WOOD POST FND. S89°14'24"E 1240.09' S0 ° 0 5 ' 0 0 " E 31 4 . 2 4 ' N0 ° 0 5 ' 0 0 " W 25 4 . 2 2 ' N89°14'24"W 258.52' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 4 . 1 1 ' N0 ° 0 0 ' 1 5 " E 41 4 . 9 1 ' N88°52'58"W 105.09' N0 ° 0 5 ' 0 2 " W 27 8 . 3 3 ' 7/8" IRF (N 12°13'43" E, 1.2') CIRS 1" IPF (S 0°05'02" E, 0.9') 1/2" IRF PKS ROW DEDICATION 2.454 ACRES 106,898 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 8 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 9 1.177 ACRES 51,284 SQ. FT.BLOCK B LOT 8 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 7 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 6 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 5 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 3 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 2 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK B LOT 4 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 5 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 7 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 6 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 4 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 3 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 2 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. BLOCK A LOT 1 1.022 ACRES 44,514 SQ. FT. BLOCK B, LOT 1 1.000 ACRES 43,560 SQ. FT. N: 7183084.50 E: 2358552.72 NAD83 P.O.B. PKS N: 7182733.57 E: 2360122.76 NAD83 40.0' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' R=6 0 ' R = 6 0 ' 31 4 . 2 4 ' 146.39'143.27' L =1 0 0 .3 5 ' L = 2 5 . 3 1' 127.06'143.33'143.35'143.37'21.11' L=125.6 6 ' 27.64' 28.44' L =5 8 .8 4 'L=66.8 3' 70.62'131.97'131.97'131.97'111.69'L =3 0 .4 0 ' L =95.27' 55.03'131.97'135.22' 30 . 0 ' N89°14'24"W 1464.74' 702.59' 682.15' 80.00' 30 . 0 0 ' 30 . 0 0 ' 30 . 0 0 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 3 . 8 0 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 30 4 . 0 6 ' 30 4 . 0 2 ' 28 5 . 3 3 ' 30 3 . 9 3 ' 30 3 . 8 9 ' 30 3 . 8 5 ' 143.27'149.97'143.90'143.33'143.35'143.37'148.67' 30 3 . 7 9 ' 51 . 1 2 ' 70.13' N3 ° 0 3 ' 2 4 " W 3 0 0 . 8 7 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 33 0 . 0 7 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 30 8 . 6 3 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 33 0 . 0 7 ' 166.24'146.60'131.97'131.97'131.97'132.77'137.87'131.97'128.72' 146.39' 30' B.L. 30' B.L. 30' B.L. 30' B.L. C1 C2 C3 C4 15' B.W.S. EASEMENT 15' U.E. 60 . 0 ' JAMES B . P . J A N U A R Y S U R V E Y , ABSTRA C T N O . 6 5 8 W. G. HU D S O N S U R V E Y , ABSTRA C T N O . 5 6 3 AP P R O X I M A T E S U R V E Y L I N E REAGAN ROAD S89°14'24"E 327.97' S0 ° 2 2 ' 0 2 " E 33 0 . 1 4 ' CIRF "RPLS 6854 CIRF "RPLS 6854 POINT (NO ACCESS) S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 22 0 . 0 3 ' S0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " W 22 4 . 0 0 ' S44°13'53"E 14.14' S45°46'07"W 42.43' S89°13'22"E 228.66' 65' D.E. & A.E. 44' D.E. & A.E. 92.97' N0°45'36"E 10.00' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 20 3 . 6 9 ' N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 15 4 . 5 2 ' S89°14'24"E 210.56' N89°14'24"W 538.18' S89°13'22"E 792.24' JAMES RANDEL HOLDER, JOHN JEFFREY SPRINGER AND ELIZABETH ANN SPRINGER RAYBURN EXHIBIT "B" CALLED 167.75 ACRES DOC. NO. 2004-28833 O.R.D.C.T. GRAY DOG PROPERTIES, LLC CALLED 25.798 ACRES DOC. NO. 2018-87831 O.R.D.C.T. SUSAN WHITT ARNOLD CALLED 1.0 ACRE DOC. NO. 2022-78189 O.R.D.C.T. REDEEMED ASSETS LLC TRACT 1 CALLED 21.394 ACRES DOC. NO. 2022-40814 O.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION FIRST TRACT CALLED 0.07 ACRES VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. JUDY K. SELPH DOC. NO. 2010-20064 O.R.D.C.T. REFERENCE: MORRIS KNOWLES AND WIFE, JUEL DEAN KNOWLES CALLED 214.7 ACRES VOL. 345, PG. 247, D.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION SECOND TRACT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORP. CALLED 2,500 SQ. FT. DOC. NO. 2015-4254 O.R.D.C.T. SA M B A S S R O A D (A P P A R E N T P U B L I C R . O . W . , NO R E C O R D F O U N D ) 15 0 ' R A D I U S S A N I T A R Y EA S E M E N T VO L . 6 0 8 , P G . 6 1 8 D. R . D . C . T . NO ACCESS BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION CALLED 1.740 ACRES DOC. NO. 2022-134931 O.R.D.C.T. S&E, A CALLED 20' X 20' VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. 15' U.E. DOC. NO. 2024-72466 O.R.D.C.T. ROBERT G. SNYDER AND WIFE MARY SNYDER CALLED 2.500 ACRES VOL. 1632, PG. 83 D.R.D.C.T. ROW DEDICATION 2.454 ACRES 106,898 SQ. FT. 50' D.E. & A.E. 70 ' D . E . & A . E . N89°14'24"W 217.64' 70 ' D . E . & A . E . 16 ' D . E . & A . E . N89°13'22"W 40.00' MIN. FF: 749.03'MIN. FF: 747.57'MIN. FF: 742.93'MIN. FF: 740.45'MIN. FF: 739.14'MIN. FF: 738.08' MIN. FF: 737.22' MIN. FF: 737.70' MIN. FF: 751.46'MIN. FF: 747.25'MIN. FF: 742.70'MIN. FF: 740.30'MIN. FF: 738.84'MIN. FF: 737.71' MIN. FF: 736.55' MIN. FF: 737.27' 74' D.E. & A.E. 35.0'35.0' 39.00' S3 ° 3 2 ' 0 3 " W 82 . 6 5 ' S2 ° 0 1 ' 1 1 " E 82 . 4 8 ' N44°14'24"W 25.46' 65 . 1 4 ' 39.00' 75' D.E. & A.E. N0 ° 4 5 ' 3 6 " E 23 0 . 1 0 ' 16 ' D . E . & A . E . 16 ' D . E . & A . E . 15' B.W.S. EASEMENT 15' B.W.S. EASEMENT 15' B.W.S. EASEMENT 15' U.E. 16' D.E. DOC.NO. 2024-72466 O.R.D.C.T. 15' U.E. 15' U.E. 16' D.E. 16' D.E. 16' D.E. 16' D.E. LORNE WEBSTER REMAINDER OF CALLED 12.50 ACRES DOC. NO. 2022-73400 O.R.D.C.T. LEIGHTON WEBSTER AND BROOKE LOTFIS CALLED 4.60 ACRES DOC. NO. 2023-6792 O.R.D.C.T. DANIELLE VICTORIA ROSELLI AND CHAD DAVID WEBSTER CALLED 2.00 ACRES DOC. NO. 2022-116473 O.R.D.C.T. 10' ACCESS EASEMENT VOL. 608, PG. 618 D.R.D.C.T. LORNE WEBSTER REMAINDER OF CALLED 12.50 ACRES DOC.NO. 2022-73400 O.R.D.C.T. N89°13'22"W 1162.25' 62.89' CIRF "RPLS 6854 60 . 0 ' CURVE TABLE NO. C1 C2 C3 C4 DELTA 120°00'00" 120°00'00" 120°00'00" 120°00'00" RADIUS 60.00' 60.00' 60.00' 60.00' LENGTH 125.66' 125.66' 125.66' 125.66' CHORD BEARING S89°14'24"E N89°14'24"W N89°14'24"W N89°14'24"W CHORD 103.92' 103.92' 103.92' 103.92' LOT TABLE LOT NO. BLOCK A LOT 1 BLOCK A LOT 2 BLOCK A LOT 3 BLOCK A LOT 4 BLOCK A LOT 5 BLOCK A LOT 6 BLOCK A LOT 7 BLOCK A LOT 8 BLOCK B, LOT 1 BLOCK B LOT 2 BLOCK B LOT 3 BLOCK B LOT 4 BLOCK B LOT 5 BLOCK B LOT 6 BLOCK B LOT 7 BLOCK B LOT 8 BLOCK B LOT 9 BOUNDARY LOT 217 ROW DEDICATION ACRES 1.022 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.177 19.653 19.653 SQ. FT. 44,514 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 43,560 51,284 856,096 856,096 DW G N A M E : Z: \ S H A R E D D R I V E S \ O F F I C E \ P R O J E C T F O L D E R \ 2 0 2 2 \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D - S A N G E R ( B E N B U R N S I D E ) \ D W G \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D _ F P . D W G P L O T T E D B Y MI C H A E L B L A C K 11 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 9 : 1 6 A M L A S T S A V E D 11 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 9 : 1 5 A M GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 060'30'60'120' 1" = 60'@ 24X36 NORTH N.T.S.VICINITY MAP NORTH SA M B A S S R D . F. M. 4 5 5 HARBERSON RD. FLOOD STATEMENT: According to Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48121C0205G, for Denton County, Texas and incorporated areas, dated April 18, 2011, this property is located within: Zone X (unshaded) defined as "Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain" If this site is not within an identified special flood hazard area, this flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structures thereon will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This flood statement shall not create liability on the part of the surveyor. Scale FINAL PLAT MARLEY MEADOWS BLOCK A, LOTS 1-8 AND BLOCK B, LOTS 1-9 17 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 2.454 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION BEING 19.653 ACRES OUT OF THE JAMES B.P. JANUARY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 658, CITY OF SANGER E.T.J, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Drawn by MLB Checked by Date Project No.Sheet No. TLS 11/22/2024 2022-014 SURVEYOR: Trinity Land Surveying, LLC 4401 N. Interstate 35, Suite 202 Denton, TX 76207 Ph: (940) 293-3180 Email: mblack@trinity-surveying.com Contact: Michael Black, RPLS OWNER / APPLICANT: Redeemed Assets LLC 2701 Wind River Ln. Denton, Texas 76210 Ph. 940-368-0963 Email: ben.burnside@yahoo.com Contact: Ben Burnside ENGINEER: iCivil Engineering 1001 W. Euless Blvd., Ste. 412h Euless, TX 76040 Ph: (972) 523-5493 Email: omgc@icivileng.com Contact: Om Gharty Chhertri, P.E. 4401 N. Interstate 35, #202 Denton, Texas 76201 FIRM # 10194687 Tel. No. (940) 293-3180 1" = 60' SANITARY EASEMENT QUOTE, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 608, PAGE 618, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: "Further, as part of the consideration herein, Grantor, Lois N. Wolters, agrees not to build or maintain any septic tank or open-jointed drain field therefrom, cess pool, privy, stock pen, dump ground, or any other facility which might create a danger of pollution of the water of any well which might be drilled upon Tract Two above described for a distance of 150 feet from the well as drilled and developed. This sanitary easement shall constitute a covenant running with the land and shall bind the undersigned, his successors and assigns, and this grant of Sanitary Easement is made to the said BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION, its successors and assigns." 1 OF 2 LEGEND CIRS PKS IRF 5/8" IRON ROD W/ "6854" CAP SET PK NAIL SET IRON ROD FOUND POINT OF BEGINNINGP.O.B. IPF IRON PIPE FOUND MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT SET OFFICIAL RECORDS DENTONO.R.D.C.T. COUNTY, TEXAS DEED RECORDS DENTOND.R.D.C.T. COUNTY, TEXAS VOLUMEVOL. PAGEPG. UTILITY EASEMENTU.E. DRAINAGE EASEMENTD.E. 60 Item 7. DW G N A M E : Z: \ S H A R E D D R I V E S \ O F F I C E \ P R O J E C T F O L D E R \ 2 0 2 2 \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D - S A N G E R ( B E N B U R N S I D E ) \ D W G \ 2 0 2 2 - 0 1 4 8 9 4 9 S A M B A S S R O A D _ F P . D W G P L O T T E D B Y MI C H A E L B L A C K 11 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 9 : 1 6 A M L A S T S A V E D 11 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 9 : 1 5 A M OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS Redeemed Assets LLC, is the owner of the land shown on this plat within the area described by metes and bounds as follows: BEING a tract of land situated in the James B. P. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, City of Sanger E.T.J., Denton County, Texas and being part of a called 21.394 acre tract described in a Warranty Deed to Redeemed Assets LLC, as recorded in Document No. 2022-40814 of the Official Records of said county, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a PK nail set in Sam Bass Road (an apparent public right-of-way, no record found), same being the most easterly northeast corner of said 21.394 acre tract and the southeast corner of a called 2.500 acre tract described in a Deed to Robert G. Snyder and wife, Mary Snyder, as recorded in Volume 1632, Page 83 of the Deed Records of said county; (NOTE: BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE BASED ON U. S. STATE PLANE NAD 1983 COORDINATES, TEXAS CENTRAL ZONE - 4203); THENCE South 00°05'00" East, along said Sam Bass Road and the most easterly east line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 314.24 feet to a pk nail set for the northeast corner of a called 0.07 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed, Access Easement and Sanitary Easement to Bolivar Water Supply Corporation, as recorded in Volume 608, Page 618 of said Deed Records; THENCE North 89°13'22" West, leaving said Sam Bass Road and along the north line of said 0.07 acre tract, a distance of 40.00 feet to a point for the most easterly southeast corner of a called 1.740 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed to Bolivar Water Supply Corporation, as recorded in Document No. 2022-134931 of said Official Records; THENCE North 00°05'00" West, along the east line of said 1.740 acre tract, being 40 feet from and parallel with the east line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 254.22 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow cap, stamped "RPLS 6854", found for the northeast corner of said 1.740 acre tract; THENCE North 89°14'24" West, along the north line of said 1.740 acre tract, a distance of 258.52 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow cap, stamped "RPLS 6854", found for the northwest corner of said 1.740 acre tract; THENCE South 00°45'36" West, along the west line of said 1.740 acre tract, a distance of 304.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow cap, stamped "RPLS 6854", found on the north line of a called 12.50 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed to Lorne Webster, as recorded in Document No. 2022-73400 of said Official Records and the south line of said 21.394 acre tract, for the southwest corner of said 1.740 acre tract; THENCE North 89°13'22" West, along the south line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 1,162.25 feet to a 7/8 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of a called 1.0 acre tract described in a Quit Claim Deed to Susan Whitt Arnold, as recorded in Document No. 2022-78189 of said Official Records and the most southerly southwest corner of said 21.394 acre tract; THENCE North 00°00'15" East, leaving the north line of said 12.50 acre tract and along the east line of said 1.0 acre tract and the most southerly west line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 414.91 feet to a iron rod with a cap, stamped "PLS INC", found for the northeast corner of said 1.0 acre tract and an inner “L” corner of said 21.394 acre tract; THENCE North 88°52'58" West, along the north line of said 1.0 acre tract and the most westerly south line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 105.09 feet to a 7/8 inch iron rod found on the east line of a called 25.798 acre tract described in a General Warranty Deed to Gray Dog Properties, LLC, as recorded in Document No. 2018-87831 of said Official Records, for the northwest corner of said 1.0 acre tract and the most westerly southwest corner of said 21.394 acre tract; THENCE North 00°05'02" West, along the east line of said 25.798 acre tract and the most northerly west line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 278.33 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow cap, stamped "RPLS 6854", set on the south line of Exhibit “B”, a called 167.75 acre tract, for the northeast corner of said 25.798 acre tract and the northwest corner of said 21.394 acre tract; THENCE South 89°14'24" East, along the south line of said 167.75 acre tract and the most northerly north line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 1,240.09 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of the aforementioned 2.500 acre tract and the most northerly northeast corner of said 21.394 acre tract; THENCE South 00°22'02" East, along the west line of said 2.500 acre tract and the most northerly east line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 330.14 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the southwest corner of said 2.500 acre tract and an inner “L” corner of said 21.394 acre tract; THENCE South 89°14'24" East, along the south line of said 2.500 acre tract and the most easterly north line of said 21.394 acre tract, a distance of 327.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 856,096 square feet or 19.653 acres of land, more or less. General Notes : ·The grid bearings and coordinates shown hereon are based on grid north of the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983(2011). ·All corners are 5/8" iron rods set with a plastic cap stamped "RPLS 6854" unless otherwise noted. ·Minimum Finished Floor Elevations on lots were provided by iCivil Engineering, (972) 523-5493. ·The purpose of this plat is to create 17 residential lots from a previously unplatted tract of land. ·No 100-year floodplain exists on the site. ·This property lies within the ETJ of of the City of Sanger, Texas. ·All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. ·This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. ·All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by the HOA/POA. Any common area within the City’s right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City. ·Notice – selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. ·This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. ·Water service to be provided by:Bolivar Water Supply, 4161 FM 455 West, Sanger, Texas (940) 458-3931 ·Sanitary sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Public Health. ·Electric Service to be provided by: CoServ Energy, 7701 I-35E Frontage Road, Corinth, Texas 76210, (940) 321-7800 ·The maintenance of paving, grading and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owner and DOES NOT constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County. ·All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundation, plantings and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. ·Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited. ·Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. ·The existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots. ·Construction not complete within two years of the Commissioners Court approval shall be subject to current County Subdivision Rules and Regulations. ·A driveway culvert permit must be obtained from the Road and Bridge Department by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right-of-way. ·No construction, without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified “FIRM” floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies show that no rise in the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation. ·Denton County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces; and the owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces, and said owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless Denton County from all claims, damages and losses arising out of or resulting from performance of the obligations of said owners set forth in this paragraph. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Michael L. Black, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat and the field notes made a part thereof from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subdivision regulations of the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, Texas. _______________________________________ Michael L. Black Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6854 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael L. Black, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the __________ day of ____________________, 2024. _______________________________________________ Notary Public, State of Texas PRELIMINARY THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Redeemed Assets LLC, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as MARLEY MEADOWS, an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public utility entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND, this ___________ day of ___________________, 2024. BY: Ben Burnside By: _____________________________________ Signature Title: Owner STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Ben Burnside , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on the __________ day of ____________________, 2024. _______________________________________________ Notary Public, State of Texas ________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name My Commission Expires APPROVAL BLOCK Approved: __________________________________ _____________________ Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date City of Sanger, TX __________________________________ _____________________ Mayor Date City of Sanger, TX Attested by: __________________________________ _____________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, TX Date Scale FINAL PLAT MARLEY MEADOWS BLOCK A, LOTS 1-8 AND BLOCK B, LOTS 1-9 17 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 2.454 ACRES RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION BEING 19.653 ACRES OUT OF THE JAMES B.P. JANUARY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 658, CITY OF SANGER E.T.J, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Drawn by MLB Checked by Date Project No.Sheet No. TLS 11/22/2024 2022-014 SURVEYOR: Trinity Land Surveying, LLC 4401 N. Interstate 35, Suite 202 Denton, TX 76207 Ph: (940) 293-3180 Email: mblack@trinity-surveying.com Contact: Michael Black, RPLS OWNER / APPLICANT: Redeemed Assets LLC 2701 Wind River Ln. Denton, Texas 76210 Ph. 940-368-0963 Email: ben.burnside@yahoo.com Contact: Ben Burnside ENGINEER: iCivil Engineering 1001 W. Euless Blvd., Ste. 412h Euless, TX 76040 Ph: (972) 523-5493 Email: omgc@icivileng.com Contact: Om Gharty Chhertri, P.E. 4401 N. Interstate 35, #202 Denton, Texas 76201 FIRM # 10194687 Tel. No. (940) 293-3180 2 OF 2 61 Item 7. 62 Item 7. February 7, 2024 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Tx. 76266 Re: Final Plat Letter of Intent – Marley Meadows Ms. Hammonds, On behalf of our client, Redeemed Assets LLC, we respectfully submit this letter of Intent for the attached Final Plat for the Marley Meadows project. Marley Meadows is a proposed 19.653 acre subdivision within the City of Sanger ETJ. The project is located north of FM 455 on Sam Bass Road, more specifically, 8949 Sam Bass Road. Marley Meadows proposes to create 1 dedicated street and 17 residential lots. We appreciate your review and consideration of our request. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (940) 293-3180 or by email at mblack@trinity- surveying.com. Sincerely, Michael L. Black, RPLS #6854 (Tx) PLS #1982 (Ok) Trinity Land Surveying LLC Firm # 10194687 1222 Greenbriar St. Denton, Texas 76201 Ph. 940-293-3180 Email: mblack@trinity-surveying.com Website: www.trinity-surveying.com 63 Item 7. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Casey Welborn, Assistant Fire Chief AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the remount of the Ambulance box to a new chassis for Medic 671 not to exceed the amount $170,000.00. SUMMARY: This is to remount the existing Ambulance Box to a new chassis. We will be rewiring all electrical. We will be repairing any dents, and paint defects. We will be replacing all emergency lights. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $170,000.00 GL Account: 24-6106 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL ATTACHMENTS: HGAC - Frazer Quote 64 Item 8. 65 Item 8. 66 Item 8. 67 Item 8. 68 Item 8. 69 Item 8. 70 Item 8. 71 Item 8. 72 Item 8. 73 Item 8. 74 Item 8. 75 Item 8. 76 Item 8. 77 Item 8. 78 Item 8. 79 Item 8. 80 Item 8. 81 Item 8. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 02, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Director of Parks & Recreation AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action to approve the City of Sanger Surplus Item list for public auction. SUMMARY: City staff routinely recommends disposing of surplus vehicles and equipment. The attached surplus auction list and pictures outline items identified as surplus by various departments. Pending Council approval, these items will be listed for public auction. This proactive approach ensures the efficient management of City assets and generates revenue through the responsible disposal of unneeded property. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: No Amount: GL Account: RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS: City Council Communication Surplus auction item list Surplus auction pic. 82 Item 9. Lot Number Description 1 Miscellaneous Christmas decorations 2 Multiple Halloween light displays 3 Display Case (Brown) 4 Plat Printer 5 (2) Car Bumpers, Black 6 (164) Fire Extinguishers 7 (6) Twin Mattress 8 Outdoor Lights & Equipment 9 (3) Porta Coolers 10 (34) Traffic Marking Paint 11 Lockers & Shelves 12 Washer 13 Pressure washer/heater/miscellaneous shop equipment 14 Portable Sound System 15 Miscellaneous Computer Equipment and Electronics 16 Oxygen Bottle refill 17 Miscellaneous Office Furniture 18 Miscellaneous Furniture 19 Miscellaneous computer Screens & Equipment 20 Office Desk/Police Radios 21 Brown Piano 22 TV/Computer Equipment with Miscellaneous 23 Desk/Drawers 24 Pool Table (legs not attached) & Cue Sticks 25 Miscellaneous Office Cabinets 26 Book Shelves/Desk 27 Lawn Equipment & Generator 28 Fire Department Helmets, Tanks, Harnesses 29 Animal Traps 30 Pet Kennels & Supplies 31 Miscellaneous Computer Equipment 32 Filing cabinets 33 Green, Black, Brown Chairs 34 Filing cabinets 35 Rolling Chairs 36 6ft Brush Hog 37 Tank 38 (2) Old Picnic Tables 39 11ft Brush Hog 40 Hopper 41 Jacob Tractor 206 hrs 42 John Deer 3 Wheel 43 Commercial Spray Rig 83 Item 9. 44 Residential Spray Rig 45 Ford Tractor (Blue) 46 (2005) Chevy 3500 Dura Max Diesel 1 Ton City Truck Engine Size:V8, Mileage:N/A [working last in service] 47 (2004) Chevy Colorado Waste Water Truck Engine Size:4-Cylinder, Mileage:N/A [working last in service] 48 (2009) Dodge Ram Fire Truck 1 Ton Engine Size:V8, Mileage:94,442 [working last in service] 49 (2003) GMC Jet Truck W-5500 Engine Size:5.2L Turbo Diesel Motor, Mileage:15,547 [working last in service] 50 (2012) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage:107,434 [working last in service] 51 (2003) Chevy Cab 2500 HD 3 quarter ton Engine Size:V8, Mileage:138,699 [working last in service] 52 (1999) Ford F-550 Super Duty Regular Cab Engine Size:V8, Mileage:94,298 [working last in service] 53 (2009) Ford F-250 Super Duty XL Truck Engine Size:V8, Mileage:71,054 [working last in service] 54 (2013) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage:57,275 [working last in service] 55 (2013) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage:N/A [working last in service] 56 (2014) Chevy Silverado Engine Size:V8, Mileage:N/A [working last in service] 57 (2001) International 4700 T444E City Dump Truck, Engine Size:4700 Cummins, Mileage:N/A [working last in service] 84 Item 9. Photo Name 1.jpg 1a. 2.jpg 1a. 3.jpg 3a.3b.3c. 4.jpg 4a.4b 5.jpg 5a.5b.5c 6.jpg 6a.6b.6c. 7.jpg 7a.7b.7c. 8.jpg 8a.8b.8c. 9.jpg 9a.9b.9c. 10.jpg 10a.10b.10c. 11.jpg 11a.11b.11c. 12.jpg 12a.12b.12c.12d. 13.jpg 13a.13b.13c.13d. 14.jpg 14a.14b. 15.jpg 15a.15b.15c. 16.jpg 16a.16b.16c. 17.jpg 17a.17b.17c.17d. 18.jpg 18a.18b.18c. 19.jpg 19a.19b. 20.jpg 20a.20b. 21.jpg 21a.21b.21c.21d.21e. 22.jpg 22a.22b.22c. 23.jpg 23a.23b.23c. 24.jpg 24a.24b. 25.jpg 25a.25b.25c. 26.jpg 26a.26b.26c. 27.jpg 27a.27b.27c. 28.jpg 28a.28b.28c. 29.jpg 29a.29b.29c. 30.jpg 30a.30b. 31.jpg 31a.31b.31c. 32.jpg 32a.32b. 33.jpg 33a.33b. 34.jpg 34a.34b. 35.jpg 35a. 36.jpg 36a.36b. 37.jpg 37a.37b.37c. 38.jpg 38a.38b. 39.jpg 39a.39b. 40.jpg 40a.40b.40c. 41.jpg 41a.41b. 42.jpg 42a.42b. 43.jpg 43a.43b. 85 Item 9. 44.jpg 44a.44b. 45.jpg 45a.45b.45c. (2005) Chevy 3500 Dura Max Diesel 1 Ton City Truck Engine Size:V8, Mileage:N/A [working last in service]46.jpg 46a.46b.46c.46d.46e.46f. (2004) Chevy Colorado Waste Water Truck Engine Size:4-Cylinder, Mileage:N/A [working last in service]47.jpg 47a.47b.47c.47d.47e.47f.47g.47h. (2009) Dodge Ram Fire Truck 1 Ton Engine Size:V8, Mileage:94,442 [working last in service]48.jpg 48a.48b.48c.48d.48e.48f. (2003) GMC Jet Truck W-5500 Engine Size:5.2L Turbo Diesel Motor, Mileage:15,547 [working last in service]49.jpg 49a.49b.49c.49d.49e.49f.49g.49h (2012) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage:107,434 [working last in service]50.jpg 50a.50b.50c.50d.50e.50f.50g.50h (2003) Chevy Cab 2500 HD 3 quarter ton Engine Size:V8, Mileage:138,699 [working last in service]51.jpg 51a.51b.51c.51d.51e.51f. (1999) Ford F-550 Super Duty Regular Cab Engine Size:V8, Mileage:94,298 [working last in service]52.jpg 52a.52b.52c.52d.52e.52f. (2009) Ford F-250 Super Duty XL Truck Engine Size:V8, Mileage:71,054 [working last in service]53.jpg 53a.53b.53c.53d.53e.53f.53g.53h.53i. (2013) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage:57,275 [working last in service]54.jpg 54a.54b.54c.54d.54e.54f. (2013) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage:N/A [working last in service]55.jpg 55a.55b.55c.55d.55e.55f.55g.55h 56.jpg 56a.56b.56c.56d.56e.56f.56g.56h (2001) International 4700 T444E City Dump Truck, Engine Size:4700 Cummins, Mileage:N/A [working last in service]57.jpg 57a.57b.57c.57d.57e.57f.57g. 86 Item 9. Location Address and Contact Person 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 940-458-2718 103 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 76266, Blake Junker: 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Junker: 940-458-2718 90 Item 9. Sanger Auction Items December 1, 2024 91 Item 9. Lot # 1 Description: Miscellaneous Christmas Decorations Lot # 2 Description: Multiple Halloween light displays 92 Item 9. Lot # 3 Description: Display Case (Brown) Lot # 4 Description: Plat Printer 93 Item 9. Lot # 5 Description: (2) Car Bumpers Lot # 6 Description: (164) Fire Extinguishers 94 Item 9. Lot # 7 Description: (6) Twin Mattress Lot # 8 Description: Outdoor Lights & Equipment 95 Item 9. Lot # 9 Description: (3) Porta Coolers Lot # 10 Description: (34) Traffic Marking Paint 96 Item 9. Lot # 11 Description: Lockers & Shelves Lot # 12 Description: Washer 97 Item 9. Lot # 13 Description: Pressure Washer/Heater/Miscellaneous Shop Equipment Lot # 14 Description: Portable Sound System 98 Item 9. Lot # 15 Description: Miscellaneous Computer Equipment Lot # 16 Description: Oxygen Bottle Refill 99 Item 9. Lot # 17 Description: Miscellaneous Office Furniture Lot # 18 Description: Miscellaneous Furniture 100 Item 9. Lot # 19 Description: Miscellaneous Computer Equipment Lot # 20 Description: Office Desk/Police Radios 101 Item 9. Lot # 21 Description: Piano Lot # 22 Description: TV/Computer Equipment with Miscellaneous 102 Item 9. Lot # 23 Description: Desk/Drawers Lot # 24 Description: Pool Table & Cue Sticks (legs not attached) 103 Item 9. Lot # 25 Description: Miscellaneous Office Cabinets Lot # 26 Description: Book Shelves/Desk 104 Item 9. Lot # 27 Description: Lawn Equipment & Generator Lot # 28 Description: Fire Department Helmets, Tanks, Harnesses 105 Item 9. Lot # 29 Description: Animal Traps Lot # 30 Description: Pet Kennel, Supplies 106 Item 9. Lot # 31 Description: Miscellaneous Computer Equipment Lot # 32 Description: Filing Cabinets 107 Item 9. Lot # 33 Description: Green, Black, Brown Chairs Lot # 34 Description: Filing Cabinets 108 Item 9. Lot # 35 Description: Rolling Chairs Lot # 36 Description: 6ft Brush Hog 109 Item 9. Lot # 37 Description: Tank Lot # 38 Description: (2) Old Picnic Tables 110 Item 9. Lot # 39 Description: 11ft Brush Hog Lot # 40 Description: Hopper 111 Item 9. Lot # 41 Description: Jacobsen Tractor (206 Hours) Lot # 42 Description: John Deer 3 Wheel 112 Item 9. Lot # 43 Description: Commercial Spray Rig Lot # 44 Description: Residential Spray Rig 113 Item 9. Lot # 45 Description: Ford Tractor (Blue) Lot # 46 Description: (2005) Chevy 3500 Dura Max Diesel 1 Ton City Truck Engine Size: V8, Mileage: N/A [working last in service] 114 Item 9. Lot # 47 Description: (2004) Chevy Colorado Waste Water Truck Engine Size: 4-Cylinder, Mileage: N/A [working last in service] Lot # 48 Description: (2009) Dodge Ram Fire Truck 1 Ton, Engine Size: V8, Mileage: 94,442 [working last in service] 115 Item 9. Lot # 49 Description: (2003) GMC Jet Truck W-5500 Engine Size:5.2L Turbo Diesel Motor, Mileage: 15,547 [working last in service] Lot # 50 Description: (2012) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size:V8, Mileage: 107,434 [working last in service] 116 Item 9. Lot # 51 Description: (2003) Chevy Cab 2500 HD 3 quarter ton, Engine Size: V8, Mileage: 138,699 [working last in service] Lot # 52 Description: (1999) Ford F-550 Super Duty Regular Cab Engine Size: V8, Mileage: 94,298 [working last in service] 117 Item 9. Lot # 53 Description: (2009) Ford F-250 Super Duty XL Truck Engine Size: V8, Mileage: 71,054 [working last in service] Lot # 54 Description: (2013) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size: V8, Mileage: 57,275 [working last in service] 118 Item 9. Lot # 55 Description: (2013) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruiser Engine Size: V8, Mileage: N/A [working last in service] Lot # 56 Description: (2014) Chevy Silverado Engine Size: V8, Mileage: N/A [working last in service] 119 Item 9. Lot # 57 Description: (2001) International 4700 T444E City Dump Truck, Engine Size: 4700 Cummins, Mileage: N/A [working last in service] 120 Item 9. Thank You 121 Item 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Jim Bolz, Director of Public Works AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Amendment No. 3 in the amount of $45,000.00 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc for the I-35 Utility Relocations for TXDOT and authorize the City Manager to execute said Amendment No. 3. SUMMARY: Several water and sewer lines were found to be different than the TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement and required plan revisions This amendment will allow us to continue to perform these services throughout the end of construction The cost of this amendment will be added to the Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: NO Amount: $45,000.00 GL Account: 840-50-6529.1 & 840-54- 6529.1 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS: Amendment No. 3 122 Item 10. Individual Project Order Number 2022 I-35 Utility Relocations for TxDOT CSJ 0195-02-074 rev 1/22 Page 1 of 4 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES Professional Services Agreement: 2022 SANGER I-35 - UTILITY-RELOCATIONS Amendment Scope of Services This is Amendment Number 03 to the Professional Service Agreement between Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (ENGINEER) and the City of Sanger (City) executed on February 09, 2022. Identification of Project: 061322300-02 Sanger 2022 I-35 Utility Relocations for TxDOT CSJ 0195- 02-074 Project Understanding: The CITY has requested that the ENGINEER perform the following additional services due to ongoing construction and in order to aid the City in the reimbursement process. Specific scope of basic Services:See Below Task 3 - Construction Contract Administration Consultant will provide additional professional construction phase services to the Client during construction of this project. The estimated construction period of the project is twelve (12) months for the basis of establishing the Consultant’s Fee. The construction phase services are as follows: A.Visits to Site and Construction Observation – the Consultant will provide on-site construction observation services during the construction phase. Consultant will make visits at intervals as directed by Client in order to observe the progress of the Work. Such visits and observations by Consultant are not intended to be exhaustive or to extend to every aspect of Contractor's work in progress. Observations are to be limited to spot checking, selective measurement, and similar methods of general observation of the Work based on Consultant’s exercise of professional judgment. Based on information obtained during such visits and such observations, Consultant will evaluate whether Contractor's work is generally proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents, and Consultant will keep Client informed of the general progress of the Work. B.Clarifications and Interpretations – the Consultant will respond to reasonable and appropriate Contractor requests for information and issue necessary clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents to Client as appropriate to the orderly completion of Contractor's work. Any orders authorizing variations from the Contract Documents will be made by Client. C.Inspections and Tests – the Consultant may require special inspections or tests of Contractor's work as Consultant deems appropriate, and may receive and review certificates of inspections within Consultant’s area of responsibility or of tests and approvals required by laws and regulations or the Contract Documents. Consultant’s review of such certificates will be for the purpose of determining that the results certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents and will not constitute an independent evaluation that the content or procedures of such inspections, tests, or approvals comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Consultant shall be entitled to rely on the results of such tests and the facts being certified. 123 Item 10. Individual Project Order Number 2022 I-35 Utility Relocations for TxDOT CSJ 0195-02-074 rev 1/22 Page 2 of 4 D.Disagreements between Client and Contractor – the Consultant will, if requested by Client, render written decision on all claims of Client and Contractor relating to the acceptability of Contractor's work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the progress of Contractor's work. In rendering such decisions, Consultant shall be fair and not show partiality to Client or Contractor and shall not be liable in connection with any decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. E.Applications for Payment – Based on its observations and on review of applications for payment and accompanying supporting documentation, Consultant will determine the amounts that Consultant recommends Contractor be paid. Such recommendations of payment will be in writing and will constitute Consultant’s representation to Client, based on such observations and review, that, to the best of Consultant’s knowledge, information and belief, Contractor’s work has progressed to the point indicated and that such work-in-progress is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents subject to any qualifications stated in the recommendation. In the case of unit price work, Consultant’s recommendations of payment will include determinations of quantities and classifications of Contractor's work, based on observations and measurements of quantities provided with pay requests. F.By recommending any payment, Consultant shall not thereby be deemed to have represented that its observations to check Contractor's work have been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of Contractor's work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to Consultant in this Agreement. It will also not impose responsibility on Consultant to make any examination to ascertain how or for what purposes Contractor has used the moneys paid on account of the Contract Price, nor to determine that title to any portion of the work in progress, materials, or equipment has passed to Client free and clear of any liens, claims, security interests, or encumbrances, nor that there may not be other matters at issue between Client and Contractor that might affect the amount that should be paid. G.Substantial Completion – the Consultant will, promptly after notice from Contractor that it considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, in company with Client and Contractor, conduct a site visit to determine if the Work is substantially complete. Work will be considered substantially complete following satisfactory completion of all items with the exception of those identified on a final punch list. If after considering any objections of Client, Consultant considers the Work substantially complete, Consultant will notify Client and Contractor. H.Final Notice of Acceptability of the Work – the Consultant will conduct a final site visit to determine if the completed Work of Contractor is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents and the final punch list so that Consultant may recommend, in writing, final payment to Contractor. Accompanying the recommendation for final payment, Consultant shall also provide a notice that the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents to the best of Consultant’s knowledge, information, and belief based on the extent of its services and based upon information provided to Consultant upon which it is entitled to rely. I.Limitation of Responsibilities – the Consultant shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any Contractor, or of any of their subcontractors, suppliers, or of any other individual or entity performing or furnishing the Work. Consultant shall not have the authority or responsibility to stop the work of any Contractor. J.Record Drawings – Prepare project “Record Drawings” based on information provided by the Contractor and/or Client as to the actual field placement of the work including any changes or 124 Item 10. Individual Project Order Number 2022 I-35 Utility Relocations for TxDOT CSJ 0195-02-074 rev 1/22 Page 3 of 4 deletions. Consultant is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Contractor and/or the Client. Consultant will provide the following deliverables: a)One (1) set of reproducible (22” x 34”) Record Drawings. b)One (1) set of .pdf file Record Drawings (each sheet will be a separate .pdf file) K. Additional coordination time with TxDOT to aid in the reimbursement agreement. This includes creating a Supplemental Agreement with TxDOT and aiding the City with reimbursable invoice preparation. Deliverables: a.Shop Drawing Reviews – as described above. b.Contractor’s Estimates – as described above. Services/Deliverables provided by the Client: a.Provide input on progress of work. b.Payment of the Contractor. Method of compensation: Kimley-Horn will perform the Services on a labor fee plus expense basis. Labor fee will be billed on an hourly basis according to our then-current rates. See below for Task budget breakdowns. The additional services described above will be accommodated by increasing the contract amount by $40,000. The following table summarizes the revised contract amount: Task Original Contract Amd No. 1/2 Amd No. 3 Revised Contract Task 1 – Water and Sewer Design $408,600 $0 $0 $408,600 Task 2 – Bidding $16,000 $0 $0 $16,000 Task 3 – Construction Contract Administration $75,000 $75,000 $45,000 $150,000 Total Estimated Fee $499,600 $75,000 $45,000 $619,600 This amendment and including the IPO 061322300- 02 for easement acquisition services, brings the new total contract amount to $662,015. All permitting, application, and similar project fees will be paid directly by the Client. Fees and expenses will be invoiced monthly based, as applicable, upon the percentage of services performed or actual services performed, and expenses incurred as of the invoice date. Payment will be due within 25 days of your receipt of the invoice. 125 Item 10. Individual Project Order Number 2022 I-35 Utility Relocations for TxDOT CSJ 0195-02-074 rev 1/22 Page 4 of 4 Other special terms of Individual Project Order:None. ACCEPTED: CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. BY:BY: John Noblitt John R. Atkins. P.E. TITLE:City Manager TITLE:Senior Vice President DATE:DATE:11/22/2024 126 Item 10. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 02, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on Ordinance No. 12-22-24 amending Ordinance No. 09-29-03 (PD 09-29-03) as further amended by Ordinance No. 05-16-18 to amend the front, rear, and side yard setbacks on the 60-foot lots, for land described A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 58 & 59, 22.85 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 6, A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 57, 14.16 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 5, within the City of Sanger, and generally located North of McReynolds Road and East of Indian Lane. SUMMARY: The applicant wants to modify the setbacks on the 60-foot lots. The applicant wants to modify the setbacks to Front – 20 feet, Back – 15 feet, Side yard – 5, and Corner lot side yard – 15 feet. The current setbacks are as follows, Front – 25 feet, Back – 25 feet, Side yard – 8, Corner lot side yard – 20 feet. Staff mailed out 55 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and as of this meeting has not received any response. Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL on 11-11-24. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 127 Item 11. 1013135 307255 307273 281820 745871 1049625 270796 699334 307324 307271 307207 307310 307270 699323 699327 307328 307304 1049620 307285 282039 281862 281839 281860281846 307288 281856 281841 281843281831 281848 281838 307291 307303 307332 1013170 699344 80179 1013165 768446 768463 307189 768465270813 270810 270837 270776307231 270799 172741 699332 307265 307235 270833 307336 60056307212 270851 270802 978246 60050 307219 307199 307220 307225 768459 745872 307314 768451 281881 307216 699338 165045 270806 307239 60236 307244 307228 307281 172736 172746 172750 307223 270774 282032 307242 307184 172755 307268 307236 307276 281884 307263 307296 527316 270793 711898 307227 307203 270827 274517 274524274468 172759 172764 274469 274513 274482 274494 274506 274475 274528 274488274484 274479 172740 274467 172769 274500 274464 179677 768456 768424 60061 768469 768433 681295 1044529726939 768445 768441 768432 60054 84530 681295 681295 Denton CAD Web Map © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, Texas Department of Transportation Parcels County 10/24/2024, 8:42:01 AM 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Denton County Appraisal District, BIS Consulting - www.bisconsulting.com Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of boundaries. 128 Item 11. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing on assessing Roadway Impact Fees and setting a collection rate. SUMMARY: The City engaged Kimley-Horn to perform a Roadway Impact Study and recommend Roadway Impact Fees. Fee recommendations are based on future Capital Improvement Plans. Roadway Impact Fees collected within a service area must be spent within 10 years in the same service area. Fees can be used on a number of different parts of a project such as; o Construction o Planning o Surveying o Engineering o Land acquisition o Interest and finance costs o Local share of State and Federal roadways Planning & Zoning reviewed and provided a recommendation of approval to move the Roadway Impact Fee Study to the City Council. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Draft Roadway Impact Fee Study 129 Item 12. City of Sanger ROADWAY IMPACT FEE STUDY Ju l y 2 0 2 4 Prepared for: DR A F T 130 Item 12. DR A F T 131 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study i July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 1 A.Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 B.Impact Fee Basics ................................................................................................................................................. 1 C.Impact Fee Calculation ....................................................................................................................................... 3 D.Chapter 395 Required Adoption Process ....................................................................................................... 4 E.Collection and Use of Roadway Impact Fees ................................................................................................ 4 2.Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.Land Use Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 7 A.Purpose and Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 7 B.Land Use Assumptions Methodology................................................................................................................ 8 C.Impact Fee Service Area .................................................................................................................................... 8 D.Data Format....................................................................................................................................................... 10 E.10-Year Growth Summary ............................................................................................................................. 10 F.Land Use Assumptions Summary .................................................................................................................... 11 4.Capital Improvements Plan ...................................................................................................... 12 5.Methodology For Roadway Impact Fees .................................................................................. 15 A.Service Area ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 B.Service Units....................................................................................................................................................... 15 C.Cost Per Service Unit ........................................................................................................................................ 16 D.Capital Improvements Plan Costing Methodology..................................................................................... 16 E.Summary of Capital Improvements Plan ...................................................................................................... 19 F.Service Unit Calculation ................................................................................................................................... 21 6.Roadway Impact Fee Calculation ............................................................................................. 25 A.Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit .................................................................................... 25 B.Plan for the Roadway Impact Fee Credit .................................................................................................... 27 C.Service Unit Demand Per Unit of Development .......................................................................................... 29 7.Sample Calculations ................................................................................................................. 32 8.Adoption and Administration of Roadway Impact Fees .......................................................... 33 A.Adoption Process .............................................................................................................................................. 33 B.Collection and Use of Roadway Impact Fees ............................................................................................. 33 9.Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 34DR A F T 132 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study ii July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1.Roadway Service Area Map .............................................................................................. 9 Exhibit 2.Capital Improvements Plan .............................................................................................. 14 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.Residential and Non-Residential Growth Projections (2024 – 2034) ............................... 10 Table 2.Capital Improvements Plan .............................................................................................. 13 Table 3.Service Volumes for Proposed Facilities .......................................................................... 15 Table 4.Service Volumes for Existing Facilities ............................................................................. 16 Table 5.10-Year Capital Improvements Plan with Conceptual Level Cost Projections .................. 20 Table 6.Transportation Demand Factor Calculations .................................................................... 23 Table 7.10-Year Growth Projections ............................................................................................. 24 Table 8.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation .............................................. 25 Table 9.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation (continued) ........................... 27 Table 10.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee ................................................................... 28 Table 11.Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) .................................................... 30 Table 12.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) .................. 34 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A – Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections Appendix B – Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of Supply Appendix C – Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory DR A F T 133 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 1 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A.INTRODUCTION Impact fees are a mechanism for funding the public infrastructure necessitated by new development. Across the country, they are used to fund police and fire facilities, parks, schools, roads, and utilities. In Texas, the legislature has allowed their use for water, wastewater, roadway, and drainage facilities. Historically, they have been used to fund both public water, wastewater, and roadway improvements in the City of Sanger. In the most basic terms, impact fees are meant to recover the incremental cost of the impact of each new unit of development creating new infrastructure needs. In the case of roadway impact fees, the infrastructure need is the increased capacity on arterial and collector roadways that serve the overall transportation system. The purpose of the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is to identify the fee per unit of new development necessary to fund these improvements in accordance with the enabling legislation, Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. B.IMPACT FEE BASICS Roadway impact fees are determined by several key variables, each described below in greater detail. Impact Fee Study The primary purpose of the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is to determine the maximum impact fee per unit of new development chargeable as allowed by the state law. This determination is not a recommendation; the actual fee amount ultimately assessed is at the discretion of the Sanger City Council, so long as it does not exceed the maximum assessable allowed by law. The study looks at a period of 10 years to project new growth and corresponding capacity needs, as required by state law. The study (and corresponding maximum fees) must be restudied at least every five years. However, the study can be updated at any time to accommodate significant changes in any of the key variables of the impact fee equation. Service Areas A service area is a geographic area within which a unique maximum impact fee is determined. All fees collected within the service area must be spent on eligible improvements within the same service area. For roadway impact fees, the service area may not exceed 6 miles. Considering this restriction, the entire corporate boundary of the City of Sanger is proposed to be evaluated as one (1) service area. DR A F T 134 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 2 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Land Use Assumptions The maximum roadway impact fee determination is required to be based on the projected growth and corresponding capacity needs in a 10-year window. This study considers the years 2024-2034. To project future development in the 10-year window, growth assumptions were made based on the City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive plan, parcel data, historical census data, existing and future known development characteristics, and input from City of Sanger staff. Acknowledging that development is ongoing and changing constantly, this study is based on conditions as they were on December 20, 2023. In order to arrive at a reasonable projection of growth, existing residential and non-residential estimates were obtained using parcel data and aerial survey of existing developments. For the remaining undeveloped areas, assumptions were utilized based upon City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan, historical growth projections, and known planned developments. Consultation with City staff helped with finalizing the growth assumptions. Capital Improvements Plan The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) is the list of projects eligible for funding through impact fees. Only those capacity improvements included in the City’s Future Thoroughfare Plan are included in the CIP. Capacity improvements may include the widening of an existing roadway, addition of lanes, or the construction of a new roadway. Resurfacing or other maintenance activities do not qualify as capacity improvements under impact fee laws in Texas. The cost of the CIP is one of the fundamental factors in the calculation of the per-unit maximum impact fee. The CIP’s cost was calculated through systematic evaluation of each eligible project. The presence of any special conditions (such as the need for significant drainage improvements or railroad crossings) and whether various additional construction costs were applicable (such as construction phase traffic control) were considered. In determining project limits, the team identified roadway segments with uniform need. The team utilized a standard methodology for estimating construction costs. Referencing multiple roadway projects in Sanger’s vicinity, uniform costs were determined for the major items of work, additional construction items, and project delivery costs. Chapter 4 provides a listing of the 10-Year CIP in Table 2 and map of the CIP in Exhibit 2. Finally, detailed cost projections by project can be found in Appendix A. It should be noted that these cost projections are based on conceptual level planning and are subject to refinement upon final design. Only the projects listed in the CIP are eligible to utilize impact fee funds. Only the costs associated with providing the additional capacity necessitated by 10 years of growth can be used to calculate the maximum impact fee. DR A F T 135 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 3 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas In order to calculate the maximum impact fee, the total cost of the CIP was reduced to account for: ·The portion of new capacity that will address existing needs, and ·The portion of new capacity that will not be necessitated until beyond the 10-year growth window. A ratio that compares 10 years’ demand for capacity to the net supply of capacity (total new capacity in the CIP minus existing needs) can be calculated. This ratio, which may not exceed 100%, is then applied to the cost of the net capacity supplied. The result is a determination of the costs attributable to the next 10 years’ growth, which is then used to calculate the maximum impact fee in accordance with state law. The result is known as the Cost of the CIP Attributable to New Growth Between 2024-2034 (i.e. recoverable portion of the CIP): Service Units The impact fee law defines a service unit as follows: “Service Unit means a standardized measure of consumption attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards and based on historical data and trends applicable to the political subdivision in which the individual unit of development is located during the previous 10 years.” The 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study defines vehicle-miles as the service unit. Based on the City’s 10-year growth projections, the associated demand (consumption) value in vehicle-miles is as follows: C.IMPACT FEE CALCULATION The maximum impact fee allowable in the service area is then calculated by dividing the Cost of the CIP Attributable to New Growth by the projected vehicle-miles of demand in the service area in the above table. The resulting value is multiplied by 50% to account for ad valorem credits. Below is the listing of the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study’s Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile): SANGER COST OF CAPACITY ADDED ATTRIBUTABLE TO NEW GROWTH $ 220,690,065 SERVICE AREA: SANGER TOTAL VEH-MI OF NEW DEMAND OVER 10 YEARS 47,852 SERVICE AREA: SANGER MAX ASSESSABLE FEE PER SERVICE UNIT ($ PER VEH-MI) $ 2,305 SERVICE AREA: DR A F T 136 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 4 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas D.CHAPTER 395 REQUIRED ADOPTION PROCESS Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code stipulates a specific process for the adoption of roadway impact fees. A Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) is required to review the Land Use Assumptions and CIP used in calculating the maximum fee, and to provide the Committee’s findings for consideration by the City Council. This CIAC also reviews the roadway impact fee ordinance and provides its findings to the City Council. The composition of the CIAC is required to adequately represent the building and development communities. The City Council then conducts a public hearing on the Land Use Assumptions, CIP, and roadway impact fee ordinance. Following policy adoption, the CIAC is tasked with advising the City Council of the need to update the Land Use Assumptions or the CIP at any time within five years of adoption. Finally, the CIAC oversees the proper administration of the roadway impact fee, once in place, and advises the City Council as necessary. E.COLLECTION AND USE OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES Roadway impact fees are assessed when a final plat is recorded. The assessment defines the impact of each unit at the time of platting, according to land use, and may not exceed the maximum impact fee allowed by law. Roadway impact fees are collected when a building permit is issued. Therefore, funds are not collected until development-impacts are introduced to the transportation system. Funds collected within a service area can be used only within the same service area. Finally, fees must be utilized within 10 years of collection, or must be refunded with interest. DR A F T 137 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 5 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 2.INTRODUCTION Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code describes the procedure political subdivisions must follow in order to create and implement impact fees. Chapter 395 defines an Impact Fee as “a charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development.” Accordingly, the City of Sanger has developed its Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan with which to implement roadway impact fees. The City has retained Kimley-Horn and Associates to provide professional transportation engineering services for the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study. This report includes details of the roadway impact fee calculation methodology in accordance with Chapter 395, the applicable Land Use Assumptions, development of the Capital Improvements Plan, and refinement of the Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table. This report introduces and references two of the basic inputs to the roadway impact fee: 1.Land Use Assumptions 2.Capital Improvements Plan Information from the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan are used extensively throughout the remainder of the report. There is a detailed discussion of the methodology for the computation of impact fees. This discussion is broken into three components: 1.Methodology for Roadway Impact Fees 2.Roadway Impact Fee Calculation 3.Plan for the Roadway Impact Fee Credit The components of the Methodology for Roadway Impact Fees include development of: ·Service Area ·Service Units ·Cost Per Service Unit ·Capital Improvements Plan Costing Methodology ·Summary of Capital Improvements Plan ·Service Unit Calculation DR A F T 138 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 6 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas The Roadway Impact Fee Calculation includes the determination of the: ·Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit ·Service Unit Demand Per Unit of Development The Plan for the Roadway Impact Fee Credit outlines a 50% reduction of the Capital Improvements Plan as outlined in Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. The final chapter of the report is the Conclusion, which presents the findings of the analysis and summarizes the report. DR A F T 139 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 7 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 3.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS A.PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code describes the procedure Texas political subdivisions must follow in order to assess impact fees for new development. The first step required in updating impact fees is the development of Land Use Assumptions. These Land Use Assumptions, which include both residential and non-residential estimates, form the basis for the development of impact fees for roadway facilities. Reasonable future growth estimates are necessary in order to aid the City of Sanger in establishing the need for roadway projects required to serve future development. In accordance with Chapter 395, Kimley-Horn has compiled the information required to complete the Land Use Assumptions using the following sources: ·City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan; ·Parcel Data Information from Denton Central Appraisal District; ·Historical Census Data; ·Aerial Overview of City Development Potential; and ·City of Sanger Staff. The Land Use Assumptions include the following components: 1.Land Use Assumptions Methodology – Overview of the general methodology used to generate the land use assumptions. 2.Impact Fee Service Area – Determination of the Sanger service area for roadway impact fees. 3.Data Format – Discussion into the categorical groupings assumed for roadway impact fees. 4.10-Year Growth Summary – Data on residential and non-residential growth within each service area over the next 10 years (2024-2034). 5.Land Use Assumptions Summary – Synopsis of the land use assumptions.DR A F T 140 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 8 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas B.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS METHODOLOGY The residential and non-residential growth projections formulated in this chapter were done using reasonable and generally accepted planning principles. The following factors were considered in developing these projections: ·Character, type, density, and quantity of existing development; ·Known planned developments; ·Location of vacant land; ·Historical population growth; and ·Input from City of Sanger staff. Existing residential and non-residential data was compiled using parcel data and aerial survey of existing developments. For the remaining undeveloped areas, assumptions were utilized based upon City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan, historical growth projections, and known planned developments. Consultation with City staff helped with finalizing the growth assumptions. C.IMPACT FEE SERVICE AREA According to Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code, a service area refers to the area within the corporate boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the political subdivision to be served by the capital improvements or facilities specified in the impact fee. Funds collected in the specific service areas must be spent in the service area collected. The geographic boundary of the proposed impact fee service area for roadway facilities is shown in Exhibit 1. The roadway service area covers the entire corporate boundary of the City of Sanger. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that “the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of a political subdivision and shall not exceed six (6) miles.” The City of Sanger is proposed to be considered as one (1) service area for roadway impact fee purposes. For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to those areas within the current corporate limits. Therefore, areas within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are excluded from the study.DR A F T 141 Item 12. Ma r i o n R d McReynolds Rd FM 455 5th St Indian L n Lois Rd E Co w l i n g R d Belz Rd Lois Rd W Willow St Union HillRd Exhibit 1 Roadway Service Area Map ´ 0 10.5 Miles Legend Service Area ETJ Railroads Thoroughfare Plan Network Local Roads DR A F T 142 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 10 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas D.DATA FORMAT The residential and non-residential estimates were all compiled in accordance with the following categories and format: ·Residential Units – Number of dwelling units, both single-family and multifamily. ·Non-Residential Units – Square feet of building area based on three (3) different classifications: o Basic: Land use activities that produce goods and services, including those that are exported outside the local economy (i.e. manufacturing, construction, transportation, wholesale, trade, warehousing, and other industrial uses). o Service: Land use activities which provide personal and professional services such as government and other professional and administrative offices. o Retail: Land use activities which provide for the retail sale of goods that primarily serve households and whose location choice is oriented toward the household sector (i.e. grocery stores and restaurants). E.10-YEAR GROWTH SUMMARY Table 1 summarizes the residential and non-residential 10-year growth projections within the roadway service area. These projections were prepared based upon existing land use, anticipated future land use, and consultation with City staff. Table 1.Residential and Non-Residential Growth Projections (2024 – 2034) Single-Family Multifamily Basic Service Retail 2023 (Existing)3,228 805 1,113,500 978,500 1,620,000 2033 (3% Annual Growth)4,338 1,082 1,496,500 1,315,000 2,177,000 Net Growth 1,110 277 383,000 336,500 557,000 Known Planned Developments 2,138 1,160 2,071,000 152,000 608,000 Total Projected Growth 3,248 1,437 2,454,000 488,500 1,165,000 Condition Residential (Dwelling Units) Non-Residential (Square Feet) DR A F T 143 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 11 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas F.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS SUMMARY The following is a summary of the land use assumptions for roadway impact fees. The roadway land use assumptions are confined to growth projected within the City Limits. The 10-year (2024-2034) growth projections are: ·Residential o Single-Family = 3,248 Dwelling Units o Multifamily = 1,437 Dwelling Units ·Non-residential o Basic = 2,454,000 ft2 o Service = 488,500 ft2 o Retail = 1,165,000 ft2 DR A F T 144 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 12 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 4.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN The City has identified the roadway projects needed to accommodate the projected growth within the City. The City of Sanger Future Thoroughfare Plan is the ultimate plan for the infrastructure within the City Limits. Only capacity improvements still needed to build out the Future Thoroughfare Plan to accommodate the expected growth within the next 10 years are included in the Capital Improvements Plan. The Capital Improvements Plan includes arterial and collector roadway facilities and consists of four (4) categories of projects. They are as follows: ·New – Any future roadway identified by the City to be included in the Capital Improvements Plan. ·Widening – Existing roadways not currently built to the ultimate classification in the Future Thoroughfare Plan and must be completely reconstructed. ·1/3 Widening – Existing roadways that only have one-third of the ultimate cross section to be built. ·Construction – Roadway currently under construction which the City has contributed funds towards. All the roadway facilities identified are part of the currently adopted Future Thoroughfare Plan. For costing purposes, four-lane divided cross sections are assumed for principal arterial facilities, four-lane undivided cross sections are assumed for minor arterial facilities, and two-lane undivided cross sections are assumed for collector facilities. A thoroughfare’s costing assumptions may be assumed with an alternative cross section depending on existing adjacent facilities. The proposed Capital Improvements Plan is listed in Table 2 and mapped in Exhibit 2. The table shows the length of each project as well as the facility’s impact fee classification. The Capital Improvements Plan was developed in conjunction with input from City of Sanger staff and represents those projects that will be needed to accommodate the growth projected in Chapter 3. Land Use Assumptions. DR A F T 145 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 13 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 2.Capital Improvements Plan Service Area Proj. #Roadway Limits Project Type Length (mi) % In Service Area 1 North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.57 100% 2 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.83 100% 3 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.69 100% 4 Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.10 100% 5 Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR New 0.05 100% 6 Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.28 100% 7 South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.93 100% 8 Utility Rd I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.36 100% 9 Belz Rd Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.91 100% 10 Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR to FM 455 New 1.07 100% 11 Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd Widening 1/3 0.24 100% 12 Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd New 0.64 100% 13 FM 455 (1)FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd Construction 5.47 100% 14 FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 Widening 2.84 100% 15 Willow St Cowling Rd to Indian Ln Widening 0.95 100% 16 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 Widening 1.08 100% 17 5th St Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.17 100% 18 Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100% 19 Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100% 20 N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd New 0.25 100% 21 Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W to Belz Rd New 1.54 100% 22 Jennifer Cir (2)Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd Widening 0.29 100% 23 Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr New 0.13 100% 24 Keith Dr Jennifer Cir to FM 455 Widening 0.27 100% 25 Cowling Rd 5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector Widening 1.06 100% 26 2nd St Indian Ln to FM 455 New 0.69 100% 27 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 Widening 0.60 100% 28 Union Hill Rd FM 455 to McReynolds Rd New 1.04 100% Sanger DR A F T 146 Item 12. Me t z R d JenniferCir 5t h S t In dia n L n UtilityRd S Keaton Rd R e c t o r Rd Avion Dr Ma r i o n R d 2nd S t Lois Rd W Ke a t o n R d C h i s a m Rd Belz Rd Willow St Union HillRd Cowling Rd McReynolds Rd F M 4 5 5 5 4 2 3 17 11 20 24 6 2 2 8 19 18 1 27 12 2 6 3 2 9 7 15 28 25 10 16 2 1 14 13 Legend Service Area ETJ Floodplain Railroads Local Roads Project Type New Widening Widening 1/3 Construction Thoroughfare Plan Network Exhibit 2 Capital Improvements Plan ´ 0 10.5 Miles DR A F T 147 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 15 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 5.METHODOLOGY FOR ROADWAY IMPACT FEES A.SERVICE AREA The one (1) service area used in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is shown in the previously referenced Exhibit 1. This service area covers the entire corporate boundary of the City of Sanger. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that “the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six (6) miles.” The service area in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is consistent with the specification of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. B.SERVICE UNITS The “service unit” is a measure of consumption or use of the roadway facilities by new development. In other words, it is the unit of measure used in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study to quantify the supply and demand for roads in the City. For transportation purposes, the service unit is defined as a vehicle-mile as explained below: ·Vehicle-Mile: The capacity consumed in a single lane in the PM peak hour by a vehicle making a trip one mile in length. The PM peak hour is used as the basis for transportation planning and the estimation of trips caused by new development. ·Total Vehicle-Miles of Supply: Based on the total length (miles), number of lanes, and capacity (vehicles per hour) (see Appendix B). ·Total Vehicle-Miles of Demand: Based on the 10-year growth projections. The demand is equal to PM Trip Rate (trips) * Trip Length (miles). The hourly service volumes used in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study are based upon thoroughfare capacity criteria published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and applied to the City of Sanger’s thoroughfare classifications.Table 3 and Table 4 show the service volumes as a function of the Impact Fee classification and existing cross sections, respectively. Table 3.Service Volumes for Proposed Facilities Roadway Type (Impact Fee Classifications) Description Hourly Vehicle-Mile Capacity per Lane-Mile of Roadway Facility Principal Arterial Four-Lane Divided 650 Minor Arterial Four-Lane Undivided 525 Collector Two-Lane Undivided 425 DR A F T 148 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 16 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 4.Service Volumes for Existing Facilities C.COST PER SERVICE UNIT A fundamental step in the impact fee process is to establish the cost for each service unit. In the case of roadway impact fees, this is the cost for each vehicle-mile of travel. Thus, it is the cost to construct a roadway (lane-mile) needed to accommodate a vehicle-mile of travel. The cost per service unit is calculated for each service area based on the roadway projects within that service area. The second component of the cost per service unit is the determination of the number of service units in each service area. This number is the measure of the growth in transportation demand that is projected to occur in the 10-year period. Chapter 395 requires that roadway impact fees be assessed only to pay for growth projected to occur in the City Limits within the next 10 years. As noted earlier, the units of demand are vehicle-miles of travel. D.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN COSTING METHODOLOGY All of the project costs for a facility which serves the overall transportation system are eligible to be included in the Capital Improvements Plan. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that the allowable costs are “…including and limited to the: 1.Construction contract price; 2.Surveying and engineering fees; 3.Land acquisition costs, including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney’s fees, and expert witness fees; and 4.Fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the Capital Improvements Plan who is not an employee of the political subdivision.” The engineer’s opinion of the probable costs of the projects in the Capital Improvements Plan is based, in part, on the calculation of a unit cost of construction. This means that a cost per linear foot of roadway is calculated based on an average price for the various components of roadway construction. This allows the probable cost to be determined by the type of facility being constructed, the number of lanes, and the Roadway Type Description Hourly Vehicle-Mile Capacity per Lane-Mile of Roadway Facility 3U Three-Lane Undivided 525 2U Two-Lane Undivided 425 2U-G Two-Lane Undivided (Gravel or Dirt)150 DR A F T 149 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 17 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas length of the project. The costs for location-specific items such as drainage structures and railroad crossings are added to each project as appropriate. The following is a detailed description of the costing worksheet/methodology for the Capital Improvements Plan. Where actual City contributions to a project’s cost are known, the specific cost amounts are utilized in lieu of the conceptual level project cost projections. Overview of Capital Improvements Plan Costing Worksheets A specific costing worksheet has been developed for each project (see Appendix A). Each worksheet contains project information, construction pay items, construction component allowances, and a summary of costs and allowances. An example costing sheet can be seen below. Project Information In order to correctly estimate the cost of a roadway project, several attributes are first identified: ·Project Number – Identifies each project with a corresponding number. The corresponding number does not represent any prioritizations and is used only to identify projects. ·Name – A unique identifier for each project. Project Cost Summary Roadway Construction Pay Items Project Information Major Construction Component Allowances DR A F T 150 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 18 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas ·Limits – Represents the beginning and ending location for each project. ·Impact Fee Class – The costing class to be used in the analysis. The impact fee class provides the width for the various elements in the roadway. The construction costs are variable based on the proposed Future Thoroughfare Plan classification of the roadway. An additional classification is utilized for Indian Lane (2) where a portion of the facility currently exists and the road is only to be partially widened. The following notation is used for this project: o “(1/3)” for facilities where one additional lane is to be constructed to match the existing, adjacent section of Indian Lane. ·Length (ft) – The distance measured in feet that is used to cost out the project. ·Service Area – Represents the service area where the project is located. ·Description – Used to describe the project type assumed in the costing such as a widening or a new project. Roadway Construction Pay Items A typical roadway project consists of several costs, including planning, survey, design engineering, permitting, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and inspection. While the construction cost component of a project may actually consist of hundreds of various pay items, a simplified approach was used for developing the conceptual level project costs. The roadway construction components pay items are listed below: •Unclassified Roadway Excavation •Lime-Treated Subgrade •Reinforced Concrete •Concrete Sidewalk •Curb & Gutter •Topsoil •Turn Lanes and Median Openings Major Construction Component Allowances A percentage of the paving construction cost is allotted for various major construction component allowances, as appropriate. These allowances include traffic control, pavement markings, roadway drainage, utility adjustments, landscaping, and illumination. Lump sum dollar allowances are provided for special drainage structures and railroad crossings where needs are anticipated. The paving and allowance subtotal is given a fifteen percent (15%) contingency, five percent (5%) mobilization, and either five (5%) or one percent (1%) preparation of right-of-way (ROW) based on whether the project is new or existing to determine the construction cost total.DR A F T 151 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 19 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Project Cost Summary To determine the total Impact Fee Project Cost, sixteen percent (16%) of the construction cost total is added for engineering, surveying, and testing. Percentages are also allotted for ROW/easement acquisition. ROW/easement acquisition was based on whether the project was an existing alignment or future alignment. For an existing alignment, the ROW/easement acquisition cost was provided an allotment equal to ten percent (10%) of the construction cost total. For a new alignment, the ROW/easement acquisition cost was equal to twenty percent (20%) of the constriction cost total. The value for ROW/easement acquisition is an estimated contribution allocation and does not represent actual ROW/easement acquisition needs. TxDOT facilities and partial widening projects assumed no ROW/easement acquisition. The Impact Fee Project Cost Total is the Construction Cost Total plus engineering, surveying, testing, and inspection, plus ROW/easement acquisition. Based upon discussions with City of Sanger staff, state highway projects were included with a projected City contribution of twenty percent (20%) of the total project cost. E.SUMMARY OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Table 5 provides the Capital Improvements Plan list for the service area with planning level project costs. Individual project cost worksheets are provided in Appendix A, Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections. It should be noted that these tables reflect only conceptual-level opinions or assumptions regarding the portions of future project costs that are potentially recoverable through impact fees. Actual project costs are likely to change with time and are dependent on market and economic conditions that cannot be precisely predicted. The Capital Improvements Plan establishes the list of projects for which Roadway Impact Fees may be utilized. Projects not included in the Capital Improvements Plan are not eligible to receive impact fee funding. The cost projections utilized in this study should not be utilized for the City’s building program or construction CIP.DR A F T 152 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 20 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 5.10-Year Capital Improvements Plan with Conceptual Level Cost Projections Service Area Proj. #Roadway Limits Project Type Length (mi) % In Service Area Total Project Cost Total Cost in Service Area 1 North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.57 100%6,251,000$6,251,000$ 2 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.83 100%10,309,000$10,309,000$ 3 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.69 100%11,535,000$11,535,000$ 4 Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.10 100%1,549,000$1,549,000$ 5 Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR New 0.05 100%745,000$745,000$ 6 Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.28 100%6,333,000$6,333,000$ 7 South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.93 100%9,509,000$9,509,000$ 8 Utility Rd I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.36 100%4,448,000$4,448,000$ 9 Belz Rd Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.91 100%15,788,000$15,788,000$ 10 Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR to FM 455 New 1.07 100%19,659,000$19,659,000$ 11 Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd Widening 1/3 0.24 100%725,000$725,000$ 12 Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd New 0.64 100%6,484,000$6,484,000$ 13 FM 455 (1)FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd Construction 5.47 100%7,850,949$7,850,949$ 14 FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 Widening 2.84 100%11,020,000$11,020,000$ 15 Willow St Cowling Rd to Indian Ln Widening 0.95 100%18,725,000$18,725,000$ 16 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 Widening 1.08 100%21,576,000$21,576,000$ 17 5th St Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.17 100%489,000$489,000$ 18 Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100%8,167,000$8,167,000$ 19 Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100%8,141,000$8,141,000$ 20 N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd New 0.25 100%2,545,000$2,545,000$ 21 Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W to Belz Rd New 1.54 100%16,029,000$16,029,000$ 22 Jennifer Cir (2)Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd Widening 0.29 100%2,965,000$2,965,000$ 23 Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr New 0.13 100%1,359,000$1,359,000$ 24 Keith Dr Jennifer Cir to FM 455 Widening 0.27 100%2,679,000$2,679,000$ 25 Cowling Rd 5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector Widening 1.06 100%19,706,000$19,706,000$ 26 2nd St Indian Ln to FM 455 New 0.69 100%9,052,000$9,052,000$ 27 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 Widening 0.60 100%10,573,000$10,573,000$ 28 Union Hill Rd FM 455 to McReynolds Rd New 1.04 100%16,773,000$16,773,000$ 250,984,949$ 50,000$ 251,034,949$ Sanger Project Cost Subtotal Roadway Impact Fee Study Cost Total Cost DR A F T 153 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 21 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas F.SERVICE UNIT CALCULATION The basic service unit for the computation of the City of Sanger’s roadway impact fee is the vehicle-mile of travel during the PM peak hour. To determine the cost per service unit, it is necessary to project the growth in vehicle-miles of travel for the service area for the 10-year period. The growth in vehicle-miles from 2024 to 2034 is based upon projected changes in residential and non- residential growth for the period. These growth projections are discussed in Chapter 3. Land Use Assumptions. The residential and non-residential statistics in the Land Use Assumptions provide the “independent variables” that are used to calculate the existing (2024) and projected (2034) transportation service units (vehicle-miles) used to establish the roadway impact fee maximum rates within the service area. The roadway demand service units (vehicle-miles) for the service area are the sum of the vehicle-miles “generated” by each category of land use in the service area. For the purpose of impact fees, all developed and developable land is categorized as either residential or non-residential. For residential land uses, the number of dwelling units in each service area is multiplied by a transportation demand factor to compute the vehicle-miles of travel that occur during the PM peak hour. This factor computes the average amount of demand caused by the residential land uses in the service area. The transportation demand factor is discussed in more detail later in this section. For non-residential land uses, the process is similar. The Land Use Assumptions provide the projected number of building square footages for three (3) categories of non-residential land uses – basic, service, and retail. These categories correspond to an aggregation of other specific land use categories based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Building square footage is the most common independent variable for the estimation of non-residential trips in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. This characteristic is more appropriate than the number of employees because building square footage is tied more closely to trip generation and is known at the time of application for any development, or development modification, that would require the assessment of an impact fee. The existing and projected Land Use Assumptions for the dwelling units and the square footage of basic, service, and retail land uses provide the basis for the projected increase in vehicle-miles of travel. As noted earlier, a transportation demand factor is applied to these values and then summed to calculate the total peak hour vehicle-miles of demand for the service area. The transportation demand factors are aggregate rates derived from three sources – the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, NCTCOG, and open-source data specific to Sanger. DR A F T 154 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 22 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas ITE’s Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition provides the number of trips that are produced or attracted to the land use for each dwelling unit, square foot of building, or other corresponding unit. For the retail category of land uses, the rate is adjusted to account for the fact that a percentage of retail trips are made by people who would otherwise be traveling past that particular establishment anyway, such as a trip between work and home. These trips are called pass-by trips, and since the travel demand is accounted for in the land use calculations relative to the primary trip, it is necessary to discount the retail rate to avoid double counting trips. The next component of the transportation demand factor accounts for the length of each trip. The average trip length for each category is based on the region-wide travel characteristics survey conducted by NCTCOG, open-source data specific to Sanger, and other generally accepted planning principles. The computation of the transportation demand factor is based on the following equation: Variables: TDF = Transportation Demand Factor, T = Trip Rate (peak hour trips / unit), Pb = Pass-By Discount (% of trips), L = Average Trip Length (miles), Lmax = Maximum Trip Length (miles), OD = Origin-Destination Reduction (50%) SAL = Maximum Service Area Trip Length The maximum trip length was limited to six (6) miles based on the maximum trip length within the City Limits. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code allows for a service area of six (6) miles. The adjustment made to the average trip length statistic in the computation of the maximum trip length is the origin-destination reduction. This adjustment is made because the roadway impact fee is charged to both the origin and destination end of the trip. For example, impact fee methodology will account for a trip from home to work within Sanger to both residential and non-residential land uses. To avoid counting these trips as both residential and non-residential trips, a 50% origin-destination (OD) reduction factor is applied. Therefore, only half of the trip length is assessed to each land use, and the total trip is only counted once. Table 6 shows the derivation of the Transportation Demand Factor for the two (2) residential land uses and the three (3) non-residential land use categories. The values utilized for all variables shown in the transportation demand factor equation are also shown in the table. )SAor*(min *)1(* Lmax max where...ODLL LPTTDFb = -= DR A F T 155 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 23 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 6.Transportation Demand Factor Calculations The application of the demographic projections and the transportation demand factors are presented in the 10-Year Growth Projections in Table 7. This table shows the total growth projected in total vehicle- miles by service area between the years 2024 and 2034. These estimates and projections lead to the Vehicle-Miles of Travel for the 10-year period. Single-Family Multifamily T 0.94 0.51 0.65 1.44 3.40 Pb 0%0%0%0%29% Lmax*5.17 5.17 6.00 6.00 5.15 TDF 4.86 2.64 3.90 8.64 12.43 RetailVariableResidentialBasicService DR A F T 156 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 24 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 7.10-Year Growth Projections Table 7. 10-Year Growth Projections 20 24 - 203 4 Gr owth P ro jec tio ns1 TO TAL T rip Rate T DF2 T rip Rate T DF3 BASIC7 SERVICE8 RET AIL9 0.94 0.51 0.65 1.44 3.40 SANGER 3,248 1,437 19,579 2,454,000 488,500 1,165,000 9,571 4,221 14,481 28,273 47,852 VEH IC LE-MILES O F IN CREASE (2024 - 2034) Note s: SANG ER 47,852 1 From C hapter 3: Land Use As sum ptions 2 Transportation Demand Factor (from LUVMET) us ing Single-Family Detac hed Hous ing land use and trip generation rate 3 Transportation Demand Factor (from LUVMET) us ing Multifamily Hous ing (Low-Rise) land us e and trip generation rate 4 C alc ulated by multiplying TD F by the number of dw elling units 5 From C hapter 3: Land Use As sum ptions 6 Trip generation rate and Trans portation Dem and Factors from LUVMET for each land us e 7 'Basic' corres ponds to General Light Industrial land us e and trip generation rate 8 'Service' c orresponds to General Office Building land use and trip generation rate 9 'Retail' corres ponds to Shopping C enter (>150k SF) land us e and trip generation rate 10 Calc ulated by multiplying Transportation Demand Fac tor by the number of thousand s quare feet for eac h land us e 11 Res idential plus non-res idential vehic le-mile totals SERVICE AREA R ESIDENT IAL VEH ICLE-MILES NO N-RESID ENTIAL SQUARE FEET5 TRANS. DEMAND FACT OR6 NON-R ESIDENTIAL VEHICLE-MILES10 SINGLE- FAMILY UNIT S M ULTIFAM ILY U NIT S VEHICLE MILES4 T OT AL VEHICLE MILES11 BASIC SERVICE RETAIL BASIC 4.86 2.64 3.90 8.64 12.43 SERVICE R ET AIL SERVICE AREA VEH-MILESDR A F T 157 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 25 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 6.ROADWAY IMPACT FEE CALCULATION A.MAXIMUM ASSESSABLE IMPACT FEE PER SERVICE UNIT This chapter presents the maximum assessable impact fee rate calculated for the service area. The maximum assessable impact fee is the sum of the eligible Capital Improvements Plan costs for the service area divided by the growth in travel attributable to new development projected to occur within the 10- year period. A majority of the components of this calculation have been described and presented in previous chapters. The purpose of this section is to document the computation and to demonstrate that the guidelines provided by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code have been addressed. Tables 8-9 illustrate the computation of the maximum assessable impact fee. Each row in the tables is numbered to simplify explanation of the calculation. The calculation of the maximum assessable impact fee is shown in Table 10. Table 8.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation Line Title Description 1 Total Vehicle-Miles of Capacity Added by the Capital Improvements Plan The total number of vehicle-miles added to the service area based on the capacity, length, and number of lanes in each project (from Appendix B – Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of Supply) Each project identified in the Capital Improvements Plan will add a certain amount of capacity to the City’s roadway network based on its length and classification. This line displays the total amount added within each service area. 2 Total Vehicle-Miles of Existing Demand A measure of the amount of traffic currently using the roadway facilities upon which capacity is being added. (from Appendix B – Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of Supply) A number of facilities identified in the Capital Improvements Plan have traffic currently utilizing a portion of their existing capacity. This line displays the total amount of capacity along these facilities currently being used by existing traffic. 3 Total Vehicle-Miles of Existing Deficiencies Number of vehicle-miles of travel that are not accommodated by the existing roadway system (from Appendix C – Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory) In order to ensure that existing deficiencies on the City’s roadway network are not recoverable through impact fees, this line is based on the entire roadway network within the service area. Any thoroughfare within the service area that is deficient, even those not identified on the Capital Improvements Plan, will have these additional vehicle-miles removed from the calculation.DR A F T 158 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 26 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 4 Net Amount of Vehicle- Miles of Capacity Added A measurement of the amount of vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan that will not be utilized by existing demand.(Line 1 – Line 2 – Line 3) This calculation identifies the portion of the Capital Improvements Plan (in vehicle-miles) that may be recoverable through the collection of impact fees. 5 Total Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan within the Service Area The total cost of the Capital Improvements Plan projects within each service area (from Table 5: 10-Year Capital Improvements Plan with Conceptual Level Cost Projections) This line simply identifies the total cost of all of the roadway projects identified in the service area. 6 Cost of Net Capacity Supplied The total Capital Improvements Plan cost (Line 5) prorated by the ratio of Net Capacity Added (Line 4) to Total Capacity Added (Line 1).[(Line 4 / Line 1) * (Line 5)] Using the ratio of vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan available to serve future growth to the total vehicle-miles added, the total cost of the Capital Improvements Plan is reduced to the amount available for future growth (i.e. excluding existing usage and deficiencies). 7 Cost to Meet Existing Needs and Usage The difference between the Total Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan within the Service Area (Line 5) and the Cost of the Net Capacity supplied (Line 6). (Line 5 – Line 6) This line is provided for information purposes only – it is to present the portion of the total cost of the Capital Improvements Plan that is required to meet existing demand. 8 Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand over 10 Years Based upon the growth projection provided in Chapter 3: Land Use Assumptions, an estimate of the number of new vehicle-miles within the service area over the next ten years (from Table 7) This line presents the amount of growth (in vehicle-miles) projected to occur within each service area over the next 10 years. 9 Percent of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth The result of dividing Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand (Line 8) by the Net Amount of Capacity Added (Line 4), limited to 100%. This calculation is required by Chapter 395 to ensure capacity added is attributable to new growth.(Line 8 / Line 4) ≤ (100%)10 Chapter 395 Check In order to ensure that the vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan do not exceed the amount needed to accommodate growth beyond the 10-year window, a comparison of the two values is performed. If the amount of vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan exceeds the growth projected to occur in the next ten years, the Capital Improvements Plan cost is reduced accordingly. DR A F T 159 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 27 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 11 Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth The result of multiplying the Cost of Net Capacity Supplied (Line 6)by the Percent of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth, limited to 100% (Line 10).(Line 6 * Line 10) This value is the total Capital Improvements Plan project costs (excluding financial costs) that may be recovered through impact fees. This line considers the limitations to impact fees required by the Texas legislature. 12 Pre-Credit Maximum Fee Per Service Unit Found by dividing the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth (Line 11) by the Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand Over 10 Years (Line 8). (Line 11 / Line 8) This value is the total pre-credit maximum fee per service unit that may be recovered through impact fees. B.PLAN FOR THE ROADWAY IMPACT FEE CREDIT Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code requires the Capital Improvements Plan to contain specific enumeration of a plan for awarding the impact fee credit. Section 395.014 of the Code requires: “(A) a credit for the portion of ad valorem tax and utility service revenues generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements, including the payment of debt, that are included in the capital improvements plan; or (B) In the alternative, a credit equal to 50 percent of the total projected cost of implementing the capital improvements plan…” The City of Sanger has determined the maximum assessable impact fee per service unit shall be 50% of the total projected cost of implementing the Capital Improvements Plan. Therefore, the Credit Calculation (Line 13) is assumed to be half of the Cost of the Capacity Added Attributable to Growth (Line 11). The sum of these values represents the Recoverable Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan (Line 14). The Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit (Line 15) is then found dividing the Recoverable Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan (Line 14) by the Total Vehicle-Miles of Demand over 10 Years (Line 8).Table 9 summarizes the additional computations carried out to provide the maximum assessable impact fee. Table 9.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation (continued) Line Title Description 13 Credit Calculation Assumed to be 50% of the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth (Line 11) as allowed by Chapter 395.(Line 11 * 50%) 14 Recoverable Cost of Capital Improvements Plan The sum of the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth (Line 11) and the Credit Calculation (Line 13).(Line 11 + Line 13) 15 Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit Found by dividing the Recoverable Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan (Line 14) by the Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand Over 10 Years (Line 8).(Line 14 / Line 8) DR A F T 160 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 28 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 10 summarizes the calculations walked through in Tables 8 – 9 and provides the maximum assessable impact fee for the service area. Table 10.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee SANGER 1 TOTAL VEH-MI OF CAPACITY ADDED BY CIP (FROM CIP UNITS OF SUPPLY,APPENDIX B)45,591 2 TOTAL VEH-MI OF EXISTING DEMAND (FROM CIP UNITS OF SUPPLY,APPENDIX B)5,455 3 TOTAL VEH-MI OF EXISTING DEFICIENCIES (FROM EXISTING ROADWAY FACILITIES INVENTORY,APPENDIX C)56 4 NET AMOUNT OF VEH-MI OF CAPACITY ADDED (LINE 1 - LINE 2 - LINE 3)40,080 5 TOTAL COST OF CIP WITHIN SERVICE AREA (FROM TABLE 5 ) $ 251,034,949 6 COST OF NET CAPACITY SUPPLIED (LINE 4 / LINE 1) * (LINE 5) $ 220,690,065 7 COST TO MEET EXISTING NEEDS AND USAGE (LINE 5 - LINE 6) $ 30,344,884 8 TOTAL VEH-MI OF NEW DEMAND OVER 10 YEARS (FROM TABLE 7 AND LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS )47,852 9 PERCENT OF CAPACITY ADDED ATTRIBUTABLE TO GROWTH (LINE 8 / LINE 4)119.4% 10 CHAPTER 395 CHECK (IF LINE 8 > LINE 4, REDUCE LINE 9 TO 100%, OTHERWISE NO CHANGE) 100.0% 11 COST OF CAPACITY ADDED ATTRIBUTABLE TO NEW GROWTH (LINE 6 * LINE 10) $ 220,690,065 12 PRE-CREDIT MAX FEE PER SERVICE UNIT ($ PER VEH-MI) (LINE 11 / LINE 8) $ 4,611 13 CREDIT CALCULATION (50% OF LINE 11) $ (110,345,033) 14 RECOVERABLE COST OF CIP (LINE 11 + LINE 13) $ 110,345,032 15 MAX ASSESSABLE FEE PER SERVICE UNIT ($ PER VEH-MI) (LINE 14 / LINE 8) $ 2,305 SERVICE AREA: DR A F T 161 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 29 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas C.SERVICE UNIT DEMAND PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT The roadway impact fee is determined by multiplying the impact fee rate by the number of service units projected for the proposed development. For this purpose, the City will utilize the Land Use/Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET), presented in Table 11. This table lists the predominant land uses that may occur within the City of Sanger. For each land use, the development unit that defines the development’s magnitude with respect to transportation demand is shown. Although every possible use cannot be anticipated, the majority of local uses are found in this table. If the exact use is not listed, one similar in trip-making characteristics can serve as a reasonable proxy. The individual land uses are grouped into categories, such as residential, office, commercial, and industrial. The trip rates presented for each land use are a fundamental component of the LUVMET. The trip rate is the average number of trips generated during the PM peak hour by each land use per development unit. The next column, if applicable to the land use, presents the number of trips to and from certain land uses reduced by pass-by trips, as previously discussed. The source of the trip generation and pass-by statistics is the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, the latest edition. This manual utilizes trip generation studies for a variety of land uses throughout the United States, and is the standard used by traffic engineers and transportation planners for traffic impact analysis, site design, and transportation planning. However, for land uses not contained within the 11th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, an alternative service unit demand could be calculated by completing a trip generation study based on the procedure identified in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook. To convert vehicle trips to vehicle-miles, it is necessary to multiply trips by trip length. The trip length values are based on land use, as explained in Section 5.F. Service Unit Calculation. The remaining column in the LUVMET shows the vehicle-miles per development unit. This number is the product of the trip rate and the maximum trip length. This number, previously referred to as the Transportation Demand Factor, is used in the impact fee to compute the number of service units attributed to each land use category. The number of service units is multiplied by the impact fee rate (established by City ordinance) in order to determine the impact fee for a development.DR A F T 162 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 30 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 11.Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) ITE Land Use Code Development Unit Trip Gen Rate (PM) Pass-by Rate Pass-by Source Trip Rate Trip Length (mi) Adj. For O-D Adj. Trip Length (mi) Max Trip Length (mi) Veh-Mi Per Dev- Unit PORT AND TERMINAL Truck Terminal*030 Acres 6.55 6.55 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 39.30 INDUSTRIAL General Light Industrial 110 1,000 SF GFA 0.65 0.65 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 3.90 Industrial Park 130 1,000 SF GFA 0.34 0.34 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 2.04 Warehousing 150 1,000 SF GFA 0.18 0.18 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 1.08 Mini-Warehouse 151 1,000 SF GFA 0.15 0.15 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 0.90 RESIDENTIAL Single-Family Detached Housing 210 Dwelling Units 0.94 0.94 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 4.86 Single-Family Attached Housing 215 Dwelling Units 0.57 0.57 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 2.95 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise)220 Dwelling Units 0.51 0.51 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 2.64 Mobile Home Park 240 Dwelling Units 0.58 0.58 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 3.00 Senior Adult Housing - Single-Family 251 Dwelling Units 0.30 0.30 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 1.55 Senior Adult Housing - Multifamily 252 Dwelling Units 0.25 0.25 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 1.29 Congregate Care Facility 253 Dwelling Units 0.18 0.18 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 0.93 Assisted Living 254 Beds 0.24 0.24 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 1.24 LODGING Hotel 310 Rooms 0.59 0.59 5.78 50%2.89 2.89 1.71 Motel 320 Rooms 0.36 0.36 5.78 50%2.89 2.89 1.04 RECREATIONAL Golf Course 430 Acres 0.28 0.28 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 1.68 Miniature Golf Course 431 Holes 0.33 0.33 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 1.98 Golf Driving Range 432 Tees 1.25 1.25 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 7.50 Movie Theater 445 Movie Screens 13.96 13.96 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 83.76 Ice Skating Rink 465 1,000 SF GFA 1.33 1.33 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 7.98 Racquet / Tennis Club 491 Tennis Courts 3.82 3.82 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 22.92 Recreational Community Center 495 1,000 SF GFA 2.50 2.50 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 15.00 INSTITUTIONAL Elementary School 520 Students 0.16 0.16 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.83 Middle School / Junior High School 522 Students 0.15 0.15 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.78 High School 525 Students 0.14 0.14 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.73 Junior / Community College 540 Students 0.11 0.11 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.57 University / College 550 Students 0.15 0.15 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.78 Church 560 1,000 SF GFA 0.49 0.49 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 2.55 Day Care Center 565 1,000 SF GFA 11.12 44%C 6.23 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 32.44 MEDICAL Hospital 610 Beds 1.69 1.69 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 10.14 Nursing Home 620 Beds 0.14 0.14 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 0.84 Clinic 630 1,000 SF GFA 3.69 3.69 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 22.14 Animal Hospital / Veterinary Clinic 640 1,000 SF GFA 3.53 3.53 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 21.18 OFFICE General Office Building 710 1,000 SF GFA 1.44 1.44 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 8.64 Corporate Headquarters Building 714 1,000 SF GFA 1.30 1.30 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 7.80 Single Tenant Office Building 715 1,000 SF GFA 1.76 1.76 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 10.56 Medical-Dental Office Building 720 1,000 SF GFA 3.93 3.93 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 23.58 Office Park 750 1,000 SF GFA 1.30 1.30 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 7.80 *Uses data from ITE Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition Key to Sources of Pass-by Rates: A: ITE Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition (September 2017) B: Estimated by Kimley-Horn based on ITE rates for similar categories C: 2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices Land Use Category DR A F T 163 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 31 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 11 (continued).Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) ITE Land Use Code Development Unit Trip Gen Rate (PM) Pass-by Rate Pass-by Source Trip Rate Trip Length (mi) Adj. For O-D Adj. Trip Length (mi) Max Trip Length (mi) Veh-Mi Per Dev- Unit COMMERCIAL Automobile Related Automobile Sales (New)840 1,000 SF GFA 2.42 2.42 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 13.70 Automobile Sales (Used)841 1,000 SF GFA 3.75 3.75 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 21.23 Automobile Parts Sales 843 1,000 SF GFA 4.90 43%C 2.79 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 15.81 Tire Store 848 1,000 SF GFA 3.75 25%C 2.81 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 15.92 Quick Lubrication Vehicle Shop 941 Servicing Positions 4.85 20%B 3.88 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 21.96 Automobile Care Center 942 1,000 SF GFA 3.11 3.11 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 17.60 Gasoline / Service Station 944 Vehicle Fueling Positions 13.91 57%C 5.98 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 3.59 Convenience Store / Gas Station 945 Vehicle Fueling Positions 18.42 56%C 8.10 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 4.86 Self-Service Car Wash 947 Wash Stalls 5.54 40%B 3.32 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 1.99 Automated Car Wash 948 Car Wash Tunnels 77.50 40%B 46.50 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 27.90 Dining Fine Dining Restaurant 931 1,000 SF GFA 7.80 44%C 4.37 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 21.01 High Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 1,000 SF GFA 9.05 43%C 5.16 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 24.81 Fast-Food Restaurant without Drive-Thru Window 933 1,000 SF GFA 33.21 55%B 14.94 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 71.88 Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru Window 934 1,000 SF GFA 33.03 55%C 14.86 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 71.49 Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru Window (No Indoor Seating)935 Drive-Thru Lanes 59.50 31%C 41.06 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 197.47 Coffee/Donut Shop with Drive-Thru Window 937 1,000 SF GFA 38.99 70%B 11.70 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 56.26 Other Retail Construction Equipment Rental Store 811 1,000 SF GFA 0.99 26%B 0.73 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 3.77 Free-Standing Discount Store 815 1,000 SF GFA 4.86 20%C 3.89 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 20.02 Nursery (Garden Center)817 1,000 SF GFA 6.94 30%B 4.86 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 25.02 Shopping Center (>150k)820 1,000 SF GLA 3.40 29%C 2.41 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 12.43 Shopping Plaza (40-150k)821 1,000 SF GLA 5.19 40%C 3.11 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 16.04 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)822 1,000 SF GLA 6.59 40%B 3.95 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 20.36 Supermarket 850 1,000 SF GFA 8.95 24%C 6.80 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 35.03 Convenience Store 851 1,000 SF GFA 49.11 51%A 24.06 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 123.93 Home Improvement Superstore 862 1,000 SF GFA 2.29 42%C 1.33 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 6.84 Toy / Children's Superstore 864 1,000 SF GFA 5.00 30%B 3.50 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 18.03 Department Store 875 1,000 SF GFA 1.95 30%B 1.37 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 7.03 Pharmacy / Drugstore without Drive-Thru Window 880 1,000 SF GFA 8.51 53%C 4.00 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 20.60 Pharmacy / Drugstore with Drive-Thru Window 881 1,000 SF GFA 10.25 49%C 5.23 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 26.92 SERVICES Walk-in Bank 911 1,000 SF GFA 12.13 35%B 7.88 3.39 50%1.69 1.69 13.32 Drive-in Bank 912 Drive-in Lanes 27.07 35%C 17.60 3.39 50%1.69 1.69 29.74 Hair Salon 918 1,000 SF GFA 1.45 30%B 1.02 3.39 50%1.69 1.69 1.72 *Uses data from ITE Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition Key to Sources of Pass-by Rates: A: ITE Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition (September 2017) B: Estimated by Kimley-Horn based on ITE rates for similar categories C: 2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices Land Use Category DR A F T 164 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 32 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 7.SAMPLE CALCULATIONS The following section details two (2) examples of maximum assessable Roadway Impact Fee calculations. Example 1: Development Type - One (1) Unit of Single-Family Housing Step 1 Determine Development Unit and Vehicle-Miles Per Development Unit From Table 11 [Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table] Development Type: 1 Dwelling Unit of Single-Family Detached Housing Development Units: 1 Dwelling Unit Veh-Mi Per Development Unit: 4.86 Step 2 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) From Table 10, Line 15 [Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit] Sanger Service Area: $2,305 Step 3 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Impact Fee = # of Development Units * Veh-Mi Per Development Unit * Max. Fee Per Service Unit Impact Fee = 1 * 4.86 * $2,305 Maximum Assessable Impact Fee = $11,202 Example 2: Development Type - 150,000 Square Foot Home Improvement Superstore Step 1 Determine Development Unit and Vehicle-Miles Per Development Unit From Table 11 [Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table] Development Type: 150,000 square feet of Home Improvement Superstore Development Units: 1,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area Veh-Mi Per Development Unit: 6.84 Step 2 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) From Table 10, Line 15 [Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit] Sanger Service Area: $2,305 Step 3 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Impact Fee = # of Development Units * Veh-Mi Per Development Unit * Max. Fee Per Service Unit Impact Fee = 150 * 6.84 * $2,305 Maximum Assessable Impact Fee = $2,364,930DR A F T 165 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 33 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 8.ADOPTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES A.ADOPTION PROCESS Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code stipulates a specific process for the adoption of Roadway Impact Fees. A Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) is required to review the Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan used in calculating the maximum fee, and to provide the Committee’s findings for consideration by the City Council. The CIAC also reviews the calculation and resulting maximum fees and provides its findings to the City Council. The composition of the CIAC is required to adequately represent the building and development communities. The City Council then conducts a public hearing on the roadway impact fee assumptions (Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan) and Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance. Following policy adoption, the CIAC is tasked with advising the City Council of the need to update the Land Use Assumptions or the Capital Improvements Plan at any time within five years of adoption. Finally, the CIAC oversees the proper administration of the impact fee, once in place, and advises the City Council as necessary. B.COLLECTION AND USE OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES Roadway impact fees are assessed when a final plat is recorded. The assessment defines the impact of each unit at the time of platting, according to land use, and may not exceed the maximum impact fee allowed by law. Roadway impact fees are collected when a building permit is issued. Therefore, funds are not collected until development-impacts are introduced to the transportation system. Funds collected within a service area can only be used within the same service area. Finally, fees must be utilized within 10 years of collection, or must be refunded with interest. DR A F T 166 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study 34 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 9.CONCLUSIONS The City of Sanger has established a process to implement the assessment and collection of roadway impact fees through the adoption of an impact fee ordinance that is consistent with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. This report establishes the maximum allowable roadway impact fee that could be assessed by the City of Sanger, as shown in the previously referenced Table 10. This document serves as a guide to the assessment of roadway impact fees pertaining to future development, and the City’s need for transportation improvements to accommodate that growth. Following the public hearing process, the City Council may establish an impact fee amount to be collected, up to the calculated maximum and establish the Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance accordingly. In conclusion, it is our opinion that the data and methodology used in this analysis are appropriate and consistent with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. Furthermore, the Land Use Assumptions and the proposed Capital Improvements Plan are appropriately incorporated into the development of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee. Table 12 below lists the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study’s Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile): Table 12.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) Service Area Maximum Fee Per Service Unit (per Vehicle-Mile) Sanger $2,305 DR A F T 167 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas APPENDIX A –CONCEPTUAL LEVEL PROJECT COST PROJECTIONS DR A F T 168 Item 12. From To 1 3,030 Collector North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR None 2U New 100%6,251,000$ 2 4,375 Collector Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 2U Widening 100%10,309,000$ 3 3,645 Minor Arterial Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%11,535,000$ 4 525 Minor Arterial Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR 525' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%1,549,000$ 5 250 Minor Arterial Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR 775' E of I-35 NBFR None 4U New 100%745,000$ 6 1,480 Minor Arterial Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%6,333,000$ 7 4,935 Collector South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR None 2U New 100%9,509,000$ 8 1,920 Collector Utility Rd I-35 NBFR 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 2U Widening 100%4,448,000$ 9 4,820 Minor Arterial Belz Rd Metz Rd I-35 SBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%15,788,000$ 10 5,630 Minor Arterial Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR FM 455 None 4U New 100%19,659,000$ 11 1,290 Minor Arterial (1/3)Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd McReynolds Rd 2U 3U Widening 1/3 100%725,000$ 12 3,365 Collector Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd None 2U New 100%6,484,000$ 13 28,860 Principal Arterial FM 455 (1)FM 2450 830' E of Marion Rd 2U 4D Construction 100%7,850,949$ 14 15,015 Principal Arterial FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd 2,110' S of FM 2164 2U 4D Widening 100%11,020,000$ 15 5,015 Minor Arterial Willow St Cowling Rd Indian Ln 2U 4U Widening 100%18,725,000$ 16 5,715 Minor Arterial McReynolds Rd Indian Ln 600' E of PR 6630 2U 4U Widening 100%21,576,000$ 17 900 Minor Arterial 5th St Keaton Rd I-35 SBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%489,000$ 18 2,740 Minor Arterial Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd Railroad Ave None 4U New 100%8,167,000$ 19 2,730 Collector Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave Railroad Ave None 2U New 100%8,141,000$ 20 1,320 Collector N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd None 2U New 100%2,545,000$ 21 8,105 Collector Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W Belz Rd None 2U New 100%16,029,000$ 22 1,555 Collector Jennifer Cir (2)Belz Rd 1,555' S of Belz Rd 2U 2U Widening 100%2,965,000$ 23 705 Collector Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd Keith Dr None 2U New 100%1,359,000$ 24 1,405 Collector Keith Dr Jennifer Cir FM 455 2U-G 2U Widening 100%2,679,000$ 25 5,615 Minor Arterial Cowling Rd 5th St 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector 2U 4U Widening 100%19,706,000$ 26 3,630 Collector 2nd St Indian Ln FM 455 None 2U New 100%9,052,000$ 27 3,185 Minor Arterial Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr FM 455 2U 4U Widening 100%10,573,000$ 28 5,490 Minor Arterial Union Hill Rd FM 455 McReynolds Rd None 4U New 100%16,773,000$ 250,984,949$TOTAL NOTE: These planning level cost projections listed in this Appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. These planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. City of Sanger - 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study Capital Improvements Plan #Length (ft) Impact Fee Class Project Limits Existing Cross Section Ultimate Cross Section Status Percent in Service Area Total Cost in Service Area 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, TexasDR A F T 169 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.1 Name:North Metz to I-35 Connector Limits:3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):3,030 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 6,060 cy 40.00$242,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 11,783 sy 35.00$412,417$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 9,763 sy 120.00$1,171,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 30,300 sf 10.00$303,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 6,060 lf 30.00$181,800$ 603 Topsoil 5,723 sy 15.00$85,850$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,397,067$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%71,912$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%599,267$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing -250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%119,853$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%119,853$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%95,883$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%143,824$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,400,592$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:3,797,659$ Construction Contingency:15%569,649$ Mobilization 5%189,883$ Prep ROW 1%37,977$ Construction Cost TOTAL:4,596,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-4,596,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%735,360$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%919,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:6,251,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 170 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.2 Name:Chisam Rd Limits:I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):4,375 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 8,750 cy 40.00$350,000$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 17,014 sy 35.00$595,486$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 14,097 sy 120.00$1,691,667$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 43,750 sf 10.00$437,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 8,750 lf 30.00$262,500$ 603 Topsoil 8,264 sy 15.00$123,958$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,461,111$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%173,056$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%103,833$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%865,278$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2)-500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%173,056$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%173,056$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%138,444$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%207,667$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:3,084,389$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:6,545,500$ Construction Contingency:15%981,825$ Mobilization 5%327,275$ Prep ROW 5%327,275$ Construction Cost TOTAL:8,182,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-8,182,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,309,120$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%818,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:10,309,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 171 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.3 Name:Lois Rd W Limits:3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):3,645 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 10,834 cy 40.00$433,350$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 21,263 sy 40.00$850,500$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 19,035 sy 130.00$2,474,550$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 36,450 sf 10.00$364,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 7,290 lf 30.00$218,700$ 602 Topsoil 7,898 sy 15.00$118,463$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:4,460,063$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%223,003$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%133,802$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,115,016$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2)-500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%223,003$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%223,003$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%178,403$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%267,604$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,863,833$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:7,323,896$ Construction Contingency:15%1,098,584$ Mobilization 5%366,195$ Prep ROW 5%366,195$ Construction Cost TOTAL:9,155,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-9,155,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,464,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%915,500$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:11,535,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 172 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.4 Name:Lois Rd E (1) Limits:I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):525 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 1,560 cy 40.00$62,417$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 3,063 sy 40.00$122,500$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 2,742 sy 130.00$356,417$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 5,250 sf 10.00$52,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 1,050 lf 30.00$31,500$ 602 Topsoil 1,138 sy 15.00$17,063$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:642,396$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%32,120$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%19,272$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%160,599$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%32,120$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%32,120$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%25,696$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%38,544$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:340,470$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:982,866$ Construction Contingency:15%147,430$ Mobilization 5%49,143$ Prep ROW 5%49,143$ Construction Cost TOTAL:1,229,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-1,229,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%196,640$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%122,900$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:1,549,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 173 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.5 Name:Lois Rd E (2) Limits:525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):250 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 743 cy 40.00$29,722$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 1,458 sy 40.00$58,333$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 1,306 sy 130.00$169,722$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 2,500 sf 10.00$25,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 500 lf 30.00$15,000$ 602 Topsoil 542 sy 15.00$8,125$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:305,903$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%9,177$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%76,476$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%15,295$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%15,295$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%12,236$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%18,354$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:146,833$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:452,736$ Construction Contingency:15%67,910$ Mobilization 5%22,637$ Prep ROW 1%4,527$ Construction Cost TOTAL:548,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-548,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%87,680$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%109,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:745,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 174 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.6 Name:Lois Rd E (3) Limits:775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):1,480 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 4,399 cy 40.00$175,956$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 8,633 sy 40.00$345,333$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 7,729 sy 130.00$1,004,756$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 14,800 sf 10.00$148,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 2,960 lf 30.00$88,800$ 602 Topsoil 3,207 sy 15.00$48,100$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,810,944$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%90,547$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%54,328$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%452,736$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing -500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%90,547$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%90,547$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%72,438$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%108,657$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,209,801$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:4,020,745$ Construction Contingency:15%603,112$ Mobilization 5%201,037$ Prep ROW 5%201,037$ Construction Cost TOTAL:5,026,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-5,026,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%804,160$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%502,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:6,333,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 175 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.7 Name:South Metz to I-35 Connector Limits:4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):4,935 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 9,870 cy 40.00$394,800$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 19,192 sy 35.00$671,708$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 15,902 sy 120.00$1,908,200$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 49,350 sf 10.00$493,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 9,870 lf 30.00$296,100$ 603 Topsoil 9,322 sy 15.00$139,825$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,904,133$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%117,124$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%976,033$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%195,207$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%195,207$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%156,165$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%234,248$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,873,984$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:5,778,117$ Construction Contingency:15%866,718$ Mobilization 5%288,906$ Prep ROW 1%57,781$ Construction Cost TOTAL:6,992,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-6,992,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,118,720$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,398,400$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:9,509,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 176 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.8 Name:Utility Rd Limits:I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,920 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 3,840 cy 40.00$153,600$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 7,467 sy 35.00$261,333$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 6,187 sy 120.00$742,400$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 19,200 sf 10.00$192,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 3,840 lf 30.00$115,200$ 603 Topsoil 3,627 sy 15.00$54,400$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,518,933$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%75,947$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%45,568$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%379,733$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing -500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%75,947$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%75,947$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%60,757$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%91,136$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,305,035$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:2,823,968$ Construction Contingency:15%423,595$ Mobilization 5%141,198$ Prep ROW 5%141,198$ Construction Cost TOTAL:3,530,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-3,530,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%564,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%353,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:4,448,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 177 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.9 Name:Belz Rd Limits:Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):4,820 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 14,326 cy 40.00$573,044$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 28,117 sy 40.00$1,124,667$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 25,171 sy 130.00$3,272,244$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 48,200 sf 10.00$482,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 9,640 lf 30.00$289,200$ 602 Topsoil 10,443 sy 15.00$156,650$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:5,897,806$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%294,890$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%176,934$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,474,451$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2), Major Stream Crossing -1,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%294,890$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%294,890$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%235,912$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%353,868$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:4,125,837$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:10,023,643$ Construction Contingency:15%1,503,546$ Mobilization 5%501,182$ Prep ROW 5%501,182$ Construction Cost TOTAL:12,530,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-12,530,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,004,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,253,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:15,788,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 178 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.10 Name:Indian Ln (1) Limits:I-35 SBFR to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,630 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,734 cy 40.00$669,344$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 32,842 sy 40.00$1,313,667$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 29,401 sy 130.00$3,822,144$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 56,300 sf 10.00$563,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 11,260 lf 30.00$337,800$ 602 Topsoil 12,198 sy 15.00$182,975$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,888,931$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%206,668$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,722,233$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing (2)-1,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%344,447$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%344,447$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%275,557$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%413,336$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:5,056,687$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:11,945,617$ Construction Contingency:15%1,791,843$ Mobilization 5%597,281$ Prep ROW 1%119,456$ Construction Cost TOTAL:14,455,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-14,455,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,312,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%2,891,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:19,659,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 179 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.11 Name:Indian Ln (2) Limits:1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial (1/3) Length (lf):1,290 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 104 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 1,003 cy 40.00$40,133$ 204 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 1,935 sy 40.00$77,400$ 304 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 1,577 sy 130.00$204,967$ 404 4" Concrete Sidewalk 6,450 sf 10.00$64,500$ 504 Curb & Gutter 1,290 lf 30.00$38,700$ 604 Topsoil 1,362 sy 15.00$20,425$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:446,125$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%22,306$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%13,384$ Roadway Drainage None Anticipated 0%-$ Special Drainage Structures Existing Major Stream Crossing --$ Water None Anticipated 0%-$ Sewer None Anticipated 0%-$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%17,845$ Illumination None Anticipated 0%-$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:53,535$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:499,660$ Construction Contingency:15%74,949$ Mobilization 5%24,983$ Prep ROW 5%24,983$ Construction Cost TOTAL:625,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-625,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%100,000$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:No ROW Acquisition Costs included 0%-$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:725,000$ This project consists of the construction of the additional one lane of a three-lane undivided arterial in continuity with the adjacent cross-sections. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 180 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.12 Name:Indian Ln (3) Limits:McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):3,365 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 6,730 cy 40.00$269,200$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 13,086 sy 35.00$458,014$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 10,843 sy 120.00$1,301,133$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 33,650 sf 10.00$336,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 6,730 lf 30.00$201,900$ 603 Topsoil 6,356 sy 15.00$95,342$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,662,089$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%79,863$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%665,522$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%133,104$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%133,104$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%106,484$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%159,725$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,277,803$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:3,939,892$ Construction Contingency:15%590,984$ Mobilization 5%196,995$ Prep ROW 1%39,399$ Construction Cost TOTAL:4,768,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-4,768,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%762,880$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%953,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:6,484,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 181 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.13 Name:FM 455 (1) Limits:FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd Impact Fee Class:Principal Arterial Length (lf):28,860 Service Area(s):Sanger Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction: Engineering/Survey/Testing: ROW/Easement Acquisition: Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:7,850,949$ This project consisted of the City's contribution of the widening to the ultimate section. The overall City contribution was $7,850,949. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 7,850,949$ 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 182 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.14 Name:FM 455 (2) Limits:830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 Impact Fee Class:Principal Arterial Length (lf):15,015 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 101 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 49,216 cy 40.00$1,968,633$ 201 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 95,095 sy 40.00$3,803,800$ 301 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 85,085 sy 130.00$11,061,050$ 401 4" Concrete Sidewalk 150,150 sf 10.00$1,501,500$ 501 Curb & Gutter 60,060 lf 30.00$1,801,800$ 601 Topsoil 61,728 sy 15.00$925,925$ 701 Turn Lanes and Median Openings 12,588 sy 170.00$2,140,017$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:23,202,725$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%1,160,136$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%696,082$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%5,800,681$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2), Major Stream Crossing (4)-2,500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%1,160,136$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%1,160,136$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%928,109$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%1,392,164$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:14,797,444$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:38,000,169$ Construction Contingency:15%5,700,025$ Mobilization 5%1,900,008$ Prep ROW 5%1,900,008$ Construction Cost TOTAL:47,501,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-47,501,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%7,600,160$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:TxDOT Roadway 0%-$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL (20% City Contribution):11,020,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane divided TxDOT arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 183 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.15 Name:Willow St Limits:Cowling Rd to Indian Ln Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,015 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 14,906 cy 40.00$596,228$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 29,254 sy 40.00$1,170,167$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 26,189 sy 130.00$3,404,628$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 50,150 sf 10.00$501,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 10,030 lf 30.00$300,900$ 602 Topsoil 10,866 sy 15.00$162,988$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,136,410$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%306,820$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%184,092$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,534,102$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing, Major Stream Crossing, Bridge Crossing -1,750,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%306,820$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%306,820$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%245,456$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%368,185$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:5,752,297$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:11,888,707$ Construction Contingency:15%1,783,306$ Mobilization 5%594,435$ Prep ROW 5%594,435$ Construction Cost TOTAL:14,861,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-14,861,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,377,760$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,486,100$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:18,725,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 184 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.16 Name:McReynolds Rd Limits:Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,715 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,986 cy 40.00$679,450$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 33,338 sy 40.00$1,333,500$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 29,845 sy 130.00$3,879,850$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 57,150 sf 10.00$571,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 11,430 lf 30.00$342,900$ 602 Topsoil 12,383 sy 15.00$185,738$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,992,938$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%349,647$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%209,788$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,748,234$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing (2), Bridge Crossing (2)-3,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%349,647$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%349,647$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%279,718$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%419,576$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:6,706,257$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:13,699,194$ Construction Contingency:15%2,054,879$ Mobilization 5%684,960$ Prep ROW 5%684,960$ Construction Cost TOTAL:17,124,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-17,124,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,739,840$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,712,400$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:21,576,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 185 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.17 Name:5th St Limits:Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):900 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 2,675 cy 40.00$107,000$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 5,250 sy 40.00$210,000$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 4,700 sy 130.00$611,000$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 9,000 sf 10.00$90,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 1,800 lf 30.00$54,000$ 602 Topsoil 1,950 sy 15.00$29,250$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,101,250$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%55,063$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%33,038$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%275,313$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%55,063$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%55,063$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%44,050$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%66,075$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:583,663$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,684,913$ Construction Contingency:15%252,737$ Mobilization 5%84,246$ Prep ROW 5%84,246$ Construction Cost TOTAL:2,107,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-2,107,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%337,120$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:TxDOT Roadway 0%-$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL (20% City Contribution)489,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided TxDOT arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 186 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.18 Name:Cowling to Railroad Connector Limits:Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):2,740 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 8,144 cy 40.00$325,756$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 15,983 sy 40.00$639,333$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 14,309 sy 130.00$1,860,156$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 27,400 sf 10.00$274,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 5,480 lf 30.00$164,400$ 602 Topsoil 5,937 sy 15.00$89,050$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,352,694$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%100,581$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%838,174$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%167,635$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%167,635$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%134,108$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%201,162$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,609,293$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:4,961,988$ Construction Contingency:15%744,298$ Mobilization 5%248,099$ Prep ROW 1%49,620$ Construction Cost TOTAL:6,005,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-6,005,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%960,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,201,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:8,167,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 187 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.19 Name:Rector Rd Limits:2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):2,730 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 5,460 cy 40.00$218,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10,617 sy 35.00$371,583$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 8,797 sy 120.00$1,055,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 27,300 sf 10.00$273,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 5,460 lf 30.00$163,800$ 603 Topsoil 5,157 sy 15.00$77,350$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,159,733$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%64,792$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%539,933$ √Special Drainage Structures Bridge Crossing -1,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%107,987$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%107,987$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%86,389$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%129,584$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,786,672$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:4,946,405$ Construction Contingency:15%741,961$ Mobilization 5%247,320$ Prep ROW 1%49,464$ Construction Cost TOTAL:5,986,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-5,986,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%957,760$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,197,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:8,141,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 188 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.20 Name:N Tejas Dr Limits:1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,320 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 2,640 cy 40.00$105,600$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 5,133 sy 35.00$179,667$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 4,253 sy 120.00$510,400$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 13,200 sf 10.00$132,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 2,640 lf 30.00$79,200$ 603 Topsoil 2,493 sy 15.00$37,400$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,044,267$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%31,328$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%261,067$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%52,213$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%52,213$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%41,771$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%62,656$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:501,248$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,545,515$ Construction Contingency:15%231,827$ Mobilization 5%77,276$ Prep ROW 1%15,455$ Construction Cost TOTAL:1,871,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-1,871,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%299,360$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%374,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:2,545,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 189 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.21 Name:Jennifer Cir (1) Limits:Lois Rd W to Belz Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):8,105 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,210 cy 40.00$648,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 31,519 sy 35.00$1,103,181$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 26,116 sy 120.00$3,133,933$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 81,050 sf 10.00$810,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 16,210 lf 30.00$486,300$ 603 Topsoil 15,309 sy 15.00$229,642$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,411,956$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%192,359$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,602,989$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing -250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%320,598$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%320,598$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%256,478$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%384,717$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:3,327,739$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:9,739,694$ Construction Contingency:15%1,460,954$ Mobilization 5%486,985$ Prep ROW 1%97,397$ Construction Cost TOTAL:11,786,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-11,786,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,885,760$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%2,357,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:16,029,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 190 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.22 Name:Jennifer Cir (2) Limits:Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,555 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 3,110 cy 40.00$124,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 6,047 sy 35.00$211,653$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 5,011 sy 120.00$601,267$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 15,550 sf 10.00$155,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 3,110 lf 30.00$93,300$ 603 Topsoil 2,937 sy 15.00$44,058$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,230,178$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%61,509$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%36,905$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%307,544$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%61,509$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%61,509$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%49,207$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%73,811$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:651,994$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,882,172$ Construction Contingency:15%282,326$ Mobilization 5%94,109$ Prep ROW 5%94,109$ Construction Cost TOTAL:2,353,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-2,353,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%376,480$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%235,300$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:2,965,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 191 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.23 Name:Jennifer Cir (3) Limits:1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):705 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 1,410 cy 40.00$56,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 2,742 sy 35.00$95,958$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 2,272 sy 120.00$272,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 7,050 sf 10.00$70,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 1,410 lf 30.00$42,300$ 603 Topsoil 1,332 sy 15.00$19,975$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:557,733$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%16,732$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%139,433$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%27,887$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%27,887$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%22,309$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%33,464$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:267,712$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:825,445$ Construction Contingency:15%123,817$ Mobilization 5%41,272$ Prep ROW 1%8,254$ Construction Cost TOTAL:999,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-999,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%159,840$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%199,800$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:1,359,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 192 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.24 Name:Keith Dr Limits:Jennifer Cir to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,405 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 2,810 cy 40.00$112,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 5,464 sy 35.00$191,236$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 4,527 sy 120.00$543,267$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 14,050 sf 10.00$140,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 2,810 lf 30.00$84,300$ 603 Topsoil 2,654 sy 15.00$39,808$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,111,511$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%55,576$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%33,345$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%277,878$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%55,576$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%55,576$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%44,460$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%66,691$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:589,101$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,700,612$ Construction Contingency:15%255,092$ Mobilization 5%85,031$ Prep ROW 5%85,031$ Construction Cost TOTAL:2,126,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-2,126,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%340,160$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%212,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:2,679,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 193 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.25 Name:Cowling Rd Limits:5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,615 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,689 cy 40.00$667,561$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 32,754 sy 40.00$1,310,167$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 29,323 sy 130.00$3,811,961$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 56,150 sf 10.00$561,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 11,230 lf 30.00$336,900$ 602 Topsoil 12,166 sy 15.00$182,488$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,870,576$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%343,529$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%206,117$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,717,644$ √Special Drainage Structures Bridge Crossing (2)-2,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%343,529$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%343,529$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%274,823$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%412,235$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:5,641,405$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:12,511,982$ Construction Contingency:15%1,876,797$ Mobilization 5%625,599$ Prep ROW 5%625,599$ Construction Cost TOTAL:15,640,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-15,640,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,502,400$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,564,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:19,706,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 194 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.26 Name:2nd St Limits:Indian Ln to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):3,630 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 7,260 cy 40.00$290,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 14,117 sy 35.00$494,083$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 11,697 sy 120.00$1,403,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 36,300 sf 10.00$363,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 7,260 lf 30.00$217,800$ 603 Topsoil 6,857 sy 15.00$102,850$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,871,733$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%86,152$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%717,933$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing, Bridge Crossing -1,250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%143,587$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%143,587$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%114,869$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%172,304$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,628,432$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:5,500,165$ Construction Contingency:15%825,025$ Mobilization 5%275,008$ Prep ROW 1%55,002$ Construction Cost TOTAL:6,656,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-6,656,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,064,960$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,331,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:9,052,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 195 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.27 Name:Marion Rd Limits:270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):3,185 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 9,467 cy 40.00$378,661$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 18,579 sy 40.00$743,167$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 16,633 sy 130.00$2,162,261$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 31,850 sf 10.00$318,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 6,370 lf 30.00$191,100$ 602 Topsoil 6,901 sy 15.00$103,513$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,897,201$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%194,860$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%116,916$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%974,300$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing, Major Stream Crossing -750,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%194,860$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%194,860$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%155,888$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%233,832$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,815,517$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:6,712,718$ Construction Contingency:15%1,006,908$ Mobilization 5%335,636$ Prep ROW 5%335,636$ Construction Cost TOTAL:8,391,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-8,391,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,342,560$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%839,100$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:10,573,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 196 Item 12. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.28 Name:Union Hill Rd Limits:FM 455 to McReynolds Rd Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,490 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,318 cy 40.00$652,700$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 32,025 sy 40.00$1,281,000$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 28,670 sy 130.00$3,727,100$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 54,900 sf 10.00$549,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 10,980 lf 30.00$329,400$ 602 Topsoil 11,895 sy 15.00$178,425$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,717,625$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%201,529$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,679,406$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing -250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%335,881$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%335,881$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%268,705$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%403,058$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:3,474,460$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:10,192,085$ Construction Contingency:15%1,528,813$ Mobilization 5%509,604$ Prep ROW 1%101,921$ Construction Cost TOTAL:12,333,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-12,333,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,973,280$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%2,466,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:16,773,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 197 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas APPENDIX B –CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN SERVICE UNITS OF SUPPLY DR A F T 198 Item 12. 7/11/2024 VEH-MI VEH-MI VEH-MI EXCESS LENGTH CAPACITY SUPPLY TOTAL CAPACITY (MI)PK-HR PK-HR DEMAND PK-HR PER LN TOTAL PK-HR VEH-MI 1 North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR 0.57 2 Collector New 100%425 485 0 485 6,251,000$ 2 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR 0.83 2 Collector 16 100%425 706 13 692 10,309,000$ 3 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR 0.69 4 Minor Arterial 42 100%525 1,449 29 1,420 11,535,000$ 4 Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR 0.10 4 Minor Arterial 288 100%525 210 29 181 1,549,000$ 5 Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR 0.05 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 105 0 105 745,000$ 6 Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR 0.28 4 Minor Arterial 148 100%525 588 41 547 6,333,000$ 7 South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR 0.93 2 Collector New 100%425 791 0 791 9,509,000$ 8 Utility Rd*I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR 0.36 2 Collector 100 100%425 306 36 270 4,448,000$ 9 Belz Rd*Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR 0.91 4 Minor Arterial 200 100%525 1,911 182 1,729 15,788,000$ 10 Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR to FM 455 1.07 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 2,247 0 2,247 19,659,000$ 11 Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd 0.24 1 Minor Arterial (1/3)N/A 100%525 126 0 126 725,000$ 12 Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd 0.64 2 Collector New 100%425 544 0 544 6,484,000$ 13 FM 455 (1)FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd 5.47 4 Principal Arterial 580 100%650 14,222 3,173 11,049 7,850,949$ 14 FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 2.84 4 Principal Arterial 434 100%650 7,384 1,233 6,151 11,020,000$ 15 Willow St Cowling Rd to Indian Ln 0.95 4 Minor Arterial 226 100%525 1,995 215 1,780 18,725,000$ 16 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 1.08 4 Minor Arterial 124 100%525 2,268 134 2,134 21,576,000$ 17 5th St Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR 0.17 4 Minor Arterial 286 100%525 357 49 308 489,000$ 18 Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave 0.52 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 1,092 0 1,092 8,167,000$ 19 Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave 0.52 2 Collector New 100%425 442 0 442 8,141,000$ 20 N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd 0.25 2 Collector New 100%425 213 0 213 2,545,000$ 21 Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W to Belz Rd 1.54 2 Collector New 100%425 1,309 0 1,309 16,029,000$ 22 Jennifer Cir (2)*Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd 0.29 2 Collector 100 100%425 247 29 218 2,965,000$ 23 Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr 0.13 2 Collector New 100%425 111 0 111 1,359,000$ 24 Keith Dr*Jennifer Cir to FM 455 0.27 2 Collector 100 100%425 230 27 203 2,679,000$ 25 Cowling Rd 5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector 1.06 4 Minor Arterial 140 100%525 2,226 148 2,078 19,706,000$ 26 2nd St Indian Ln to FM 455 0.69 2 Collector New 100%425 587 0 587 9,052,000$ 27 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 0.60 4 Minor Arterial 196 100%525 1,260 118 1,142 10,573,000$ 28 Union Hill Rd FM 455 to McReynolds Rd 1.04 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 2,184 0 2,184 16,773,000$ 45,591 5,455 40,136 250,984,949$ *Existing peak hour volumes assumed based on road context and development access 50,000$ 251,034,949$TOTAL COST Roadway Impact Fee Study Cost TOTAL COST IN SERVICE AREA SUBTOTAL City of Sanger - 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study Capital Improvements Plan Units of Supply PROJECT ID #ROADWAY LIMITS LANES IMPACT FEE CLASSIFICATION PEAK HOUR VOLUME % IN SERVICE AREA 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix B - Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of SupplyDR A F T 199 Item 12. Roadway Impact Fee Study July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas APPENDIX C –EXISTING ROADWAY FACILITIES INVENTORY DR A F T 200 Item 12. LENGTH LENGTH EXISTING % IN (ft)(mi)SECTION SERVICE AREA NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB 5th St I-35 NBFR FM 455 1,755 0.33 1 1 2U 107 107 100%425 425 141 141 36 36 105 105 5th St FM 455 Willow St 2,610 0.49 1 1 2U 188 188 100%425 425 210 210 93 93 117 117 5th St Willow St Cowling Rd 3,335 0.63 1 1 2U 47 47 100%425 425 268 268 30 30 238 238 5th St Cowling Rd I-35 SBFR 1,835 0.35 1 1 2U 439 439 100%425 425 148 148 153 153 -5 -5 5 5 5th St Keaton Rd I-35 SBFR 900 0.17 1 1 2U 143 143 100%425 425 72 72 24 24 48 48 Avion Dr*Utility Rd Marion Rd 2,970 0.56 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 239 239 28 28 211 211 Belz Rd*Metz Rd Jennifer Cir 1,660 0.31 1 1 2U 100 100 100%425 425 134 134 31 31 103 103 Belz Rd*Jennifer Cir I-35 SBFR 3,160 0.60 1 1 2U 100 100 100%425 425 254 254 60 60 194 194 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR 4,375 0.83 1 1 2U 8 8 100%425 425 352 352 7 7 345 345 Cowling Rd 5th St Cowling to Railroad Connector 2,275 0.43 1 1 2U 70 70 100%425 425 183 183 30 30 153 153 Cowling Rd Cowling to Railroad Connector 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector 3,335 0.63 1 1 2U 70 70 100%425 425 268 268 44 44 224 224 Duck Creek Rd Keaton Rd (W)Keaton Rd (E)810 0.15 1 1 2U 214 214 100%425 425 65 65 33 33 32 32 Duck Creek Rd Keaton Rd (E)I-35 SBFR 675 0.13 1 1 2U 152 152 100%425 425 54 54 19 19 35 35 FM 455 FM 2450 Metz Rd 15,885 3.01 1 1 2U 227 227 100%425 425 1,279 1,279 683 683 596 596 FM 455 Metz Rd N Tejas Dr 965 0.18 1 1 2U 216 216 100%425 425 78 78 39 39 39 39 FM 455 N Tejas Dr Keith Dr 1,525 0.29 1 1 2U 216 216 100%425 425 123 123 62 62 61 61 FM 455 Keith Dr I-35 2,400 0.45 1 1 2U 457 457 100%425 425 193 193 208 208 -15 -15 15 15 FM 455 I-35 5th St 1,535 0.29 1 1 2U 455 455 100%425 425 124 124 132 132 -8 -8 8 8 FM 455 5th St 2nd St 755 0.14 1 1 2U 385 385 100%425 425 61 61 55 55 6 6 FM 455 2nd St Indian Ln 3,180 0.60 1 1 2U 385 385 100%425 425 256 256 232 232 24 24 FM 455 Indian Ln Marion Rd 1,790 0.34 1 1 2U 391 391 100%425 425 144 144 133 133 11 11 FM 455 Marion Rd 830' E of Marion Rd 830 0.16 1 1 2U 231 231 100%425 425 67 67 36 36 31 31 FM 455 830' E of Marion Rd FM 2164 12,905 2.44 1 1 2U 231 231 100%425 425 1,039 1,039 565 565 474 474 FM 455 FM 2164 2,110' S of FM 2164 2,110 0.40 1 1 2U 127 127 100%425 425 170 170 51 51 119 119 Indian Ln FM 455 1,290' N of McReynolds Rd 3,375 0.64 1 1 3U 47 47 100%525 525 336 336 30 30 306 306 Indian Ln 1,290' N of McReynolds Rd McReynolds Rd 1,290 0.24 1 1 2U 47 47 100%425 425 104 104 11 11 93 93 Jennifer Cir*Belz Rd 1,555' S of Belz Rd 1,555 0.29 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 125 125 15 15 110 110 Keaton Rd FM 455 Duck Creek Rd 3,755 0.71 1 1 2U 114 114 100%425 425 302 302 81 81 221 221 Keaton Rd Duck Creed Rd 5th St 2,280 0.43 1 1 2U 135 135 100%425 425 184 184 58 58 126 126 Keith Dr*Jennifer Cir FM 455 1,405 0.27 1 1 2U-G 50 50 100%150 150 40 40 13 13 27 27 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR 3,645 0.69 1 1 2U 21 21 100%425 425 293 293 14 14 279 279 Lois Rd E I-35 NBFR 525' E of I-35 NBFR 525 0.10 1 1 2U 144 144 100%425 425 42 42 14 14 28 28 Lois Rd E 775' E of I-35 NBFR 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR 1,480 0.28 1 1 2U 74 74 100%425 425 119 119 21 21 98 98 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr Avion Dr 270 0.05 1 1 2U 68 68 100%425 425 22 22 3 3 19 19 Marion Rd*Avion Dr FM 455 2,915 0.55 1 1 2U 100 100 100%425 425 235 235 55 55 180 180 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln PR 6630 5,115 0.97 1 1 2U 61 61 100%425 425 412 412 59 59 353 353 McReynolds Rd PR 6630 600' E of PR 6630 600 0.11 1 1 2U 69 69 100%425 425 48 48 8 8 40 40 Metz Rd 545' N of FM 455 FM 455 545 0.10 1 1 2U 27 27 100%425 425 44 44 3 3 41 41 N Tejas Dr*FM 455 1,245' S of FM 455 1,245 0.24 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 100 100 12 12 88 88 S Keaton Rd*5th St 1,150' S of 5th St 1,150 0.22 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 93 93 11 11 82 82 Tejas Dr*1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd Duck Creek Rd 1,490 0.28 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 120 120 14 14 106 106 Utility Rd*I-35 NBFR 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR 1,920 0.36 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 155 155 18 18 137 137 Willow St Cowling Rd Indian Ln 5,015 0.95 1 1 2U 113 113 100%425 425 404 404 107 107 297 297 113,150 21.43 9,100 9,100 3,331 3,331 5,769 5,769 28 28 *Existing peak hour volumes assumed based on road context and development access 18,200 6,662 11,538 56TOTAL VEH-MI SUBTOTAL VOL PER LN TOTAL TOTAL VEH-MI PK-HR EXISTING PEAK CAPACITY SUPPLY DEMAND CAPACITY DEFICIENCIES LANES HOUR PK-HR City of Sanger - 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory 7/11/2024 PM VEH-MI VEH-MI VEH-MI EXCESS EXISTING ROADWAY FROM TO PK-HR PK-HR PK-HR 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix C - Existing Roadway Facilities InventoryDR A F T 201 Item 12. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 02, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 12-22-24 amending Ordinance No. 09-29-03 (PD 09-29-03) as further amended by Ordinance No. 05-16-18 to amend the front, rear, and side yard setbacks on the 60-foot lots, for land described A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 58 & 59, 22.85 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 6, A0029A R. BEEBE, TR 57, 14.16 ACRES, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 5, within the City of Sanger, and generally located North of McReynolds Road and East of Indian Lane. SUMMARY: The applicant wants to modify the setbacks on the 60-foot lots. The applicant wants to modify the setbacks to Front – 20 feet, Back – 15 feet, Side yard – 5, and Corner lot side yard – 15 feet. The current setbacks are as follows, Front – 25 feet, Back – 25 feet, Side yard – 8, Corner lot side yard – 20 feet. Staff mailed out 55 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and as of this meeting has not received any response. Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL on 11-11-24. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Ordinance 12-22-24 PD Ordinance 09-29-03 PD Amendment Ordinance 05-16-18 Application Letter of Intent 202 Item 13. 1013135 307255 307273 281820 745871 1049625 270796 699334 307324 307271 307207 307310 307270 699323 699327 307328 307304 1049620 307285 282039 281862 281839 281860281846 307288 281856 281841 281843281831 281848 281838 307291 307303 307332 1013170 699344 80179 1013165 768446 768463 307189 768465270813 270810 270837 270776307231 270799 172741 699332 307265 307235 270833 307336 60056307212 270851 270802 978246 60050 307219 307199 307220 307225 768459 745872 307314 768451 281881 307216 699338 165045 270806 307239 60236 307244 307228 307281 172736 172746 172750 307223 270774 282032 307242 307184 172755 307268 307236 307276 281884 307263 307296 527316 270793 711898 307227 307203 270827 274517 274524274468 172759 172764 274469 274513 274482 274494 274506 274475 274528 274488274484 274479 172740 274467 172769 274500 274464 179677 768456 768424 60061 768469 768433 681295 1044529726939 768445 768441 768432 60054 84530 681295 681295 Denton CAD Web Map © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, Texas Department of Transportation Parcels County 10/24/2024, 8:42:01 AM 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Denton County Appraisal District, BIS Consulting - www.bisconsulting.com Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of boundaries. 203 Item 13. Ordinance – 12-22-24 – Lake Ridge Estates Addition - PD Amendment Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 12-22-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP BY AMENDING (PD 09-29-03) THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CREATED BY ORDINANCE 09-29-03 AND FURTHER AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 05-16-18 TO AMEND THE LANGUAGE FOR FRONT, REAR, AND SIDE YARD SETBACKS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 11, 2024, duly covered and conducted a public hearing for the purpose of assessing a request for amendment to the Zoning Map, recommending approval for the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, all requests for amendment to the Zoning Map were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, the following provision of proper legal notice requirements, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, were made in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Planned Development (PD 09-29-03) and further amended by Ordinance 05-06-18 is hereby amended as follows; 1. Front Yard Setback 20 feet, Rear Yard Setback 15 feet, Side Yard Setback 5 feet, Side Yard Setback adjacent a street 15 feet. SECTION 2. Except as specifically amended hereby, all provisions of PD 09-29-03 and further amended by 05-06-18 shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. 204 Item 13. Ordinance – 12-22-24 – Lake Ridge Estates Addition - PD Amendment Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 6. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 2nd day of December, 2024. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 205 Item 13. 206 Item 13. 207 Item 13. 208 Item 13. 209 Item 13. 210 Item 13. 211 Item 13. 212 Item 13. 213 Item 13. 214 Item 13. 215 Item 13. 216 Item 13. 217 Item 13. 218 Item 13. 219 Item 13. 220 Item 13. 221 Item 13. 222 Item 13. 223 Item 13. 224 Item 13. 225 Item 13. 226 Item 13. 227 Item 13. 228 Item 13. 229 Item 13. 2785 Rockbrook Drive, Suite 105 Lewisville, Texas 75067 September 16, 2024 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Letter of Intent Rezoning for Lake Ridge Phase 4 Sanger, Texas Dear Ramie: Please accept this Letter of Intent for the rezoning of the Lake Ridge Phase 4 property located just north and east of Lake Ridge Ph 3 in Sanger. The property is approximately 37.128 acres consisting of one (1) property owner – Marion Hills Apartments LLC. This tract is currently cleared with no tree cover. The purpose of this request is to change the zoning from existing PD Ordinance 05-06-18 to an Amended PD. The Cities Future Land Use Plan identifies this area as Medium Density Residential. The proposed PD would modify the front, rear and side yard building setbacks to allow for a larger home to be constructed on the 60-foot lots. We believe this request allows the builders many more options on home types and sizes. The owner for this submittal is Mr. Joseph Palmer and the developer is Mr. Casey McGinnis. If you have any other questions or would like additional information regarding our submittal, please contact me at 972-393-9800 or Mr. McGinnis at 214-232-6180. Sincerely, MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, LLC. Eugene Middleton, P.E. President MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, LLC CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND PLANNERS 230 Item 13. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on assessing Roadway Impact Fees and setting a collection rate. SUMMARY: The City engaged Kimley Horn to perform a Roadway Impact Study and recommend Roadway Impact Fees. Fee recommendations are based on future Capital Improvement Plans. Roadway Impact Fees collected within a service area must be spent within 10 years in the same service area. Fees can be used on a number of different parts of a project such as; o Construction o Planning o Surveying o Engineering o Land acquisition o Interest and finance costs o Local share of State and Federal roadways Planning & Zoning reviewed and provided a recommendation of approval to move the Roadway Impact Fee Study to the City Council. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL ATTACHMENTS: Draft Roadway Impact Fee Study 231 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 1 of 10 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 10-18-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 10 SUBDIVISION, ARTICLE 10.200 ROADWAY IMPACT FEES; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE ASSESSMENT, COLLECTION, COMPUTATION, EXPENDITURE, REFUND AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION, SEVERABILITY, AND CONFLICT CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, Chapter 395, Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code (the “Stature”) provides the requirements and procedures for the adoption of Land Use Assumptions, Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, and Roadway Impact Fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the public health, safety and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 08-15-16 adopting Roadway Impact Fees per service unit on August 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee on November 11, 2024, duly covered and conducted a public hearing and provided written comments on the Roadway Impact Fees, recommending approval to move proposed fee study to City Council; and WHEREAS, as required by Section 395.054, Tex Loc. Gov’t Code, the City Council conducted a public hearing on December 2, 2024 on the adoption of Roadway Impact fees in which any member of the public had the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the plan and proposed fee; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: 232 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 2 of 10 SECTION 1. That Chapter 10 Subdivision, Article 10.200 Roadway Impact Fees and the Sections below are amended as follows: 10.205. Incorporation of Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan. The roadway impact fee capital improvements plan and land use assumptions, as considered and adopted by the city council with the roadway impact fee study as exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24 is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, including any future amendments thereto. 10.206. Definitions. In this article: Assessment. The determination of the amount of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit which can be imposed on new development pursuant to this article. Capital Improvement. A roadway facility with a life expectancy of three or more years, to be owned and operated by or on behalf of the city. City. The City of Sanger, Texas. Credit. A reduction in the amount of a roadway impact fee(s), payments, or charges for approved construction or provision of the same type of capital improvement for which a fee has been assessed for a new development. This is done by either by a proven decrease in the number of service units attributable to such development or a decrease in the amount of roadway impact fees otherwise due, that results from contributions of land, improvements or funds to construct system improvements in accordance with the city’s subdivision and development regulations, policies or requirements, as determined by the city. Final Plat Approval. Authorization by the planning and zoning commission that the final map of a proposed subdivision meets all city standards and conditions in accordance with the city’s subdivision regulations and that the plat may be recorded in the office of the county clerk. The term applies both to original plats and replats. Impact Fee or Roadway Impact Fee. A fee, charge, or assessment for roadway facilities imposed on new development by the city pursuant to this article in order to generate revenue to fund or recoup all or part of the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to such new development. The term includes amortized charges, lump-sum charges, capital recovery fees, contributions in aid of construction and any other fee that functions as described by this article or the statute. The term is inclusive of both the maximum assessable roadway impact fee and the roadway impact fee collection rate as herein described. Land Use Assumptions. The description of the service area and the projections of population and employment growth and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities adopted by the city, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the roadway impact fee capital improvements plan is based. 233 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 3 of 10 Land Use Equivalency Table. A table converting the demands for capital improvements generated by various land uses to numbers of service units, as may be amended from time to time. The land use equivalency table may be incorporated in a schedule of impact fee rates, attached as appendix D of exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24 and incorporated by reference herein. Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee. The impact fee that is established for each service area computed by calculating the total projected costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to new development and subtracting a portion of ad valorem tax revenues to be generated by new service units, including the payment of debt, associated with the roadway CIP, and then dividing that amount by the total number of service units anticipated within the service area based upon the land use assumptions. The maximum assessable roadway impact fee shall be established and reflected in exhibit A, attached to Ordinance 10-18-24 and incorporated herein. The city may adopt a roadway impact fee collection rate that is less than this amount, but in no instance shall the roadway impact fee exceed the maximum assessable roadway impact fee except by amendment of this article. New Development. A project involving the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure, or any use or extension of land, which has the effect of increasing the requirements for capital improvements or facility expansions, measured by the number of service units to be generated by such activity. Recoupment. The imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the city for capital improvements which the city has previously oversized to serve new development. Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate. The current amount of roadway impact fee adopted by the city council to be paid by the property owner, as may from time to time be amended, which is the result of a percentage reduction of the adopted maximum assessable roadway impact fee. The adopted roadway impact fee collection rate shall be established and reflected in exhibit B, attached to Ordinance 10-18-24 and incorporated herein. The adopted roadway impact fee collection rate may be further reduced with credits, designed to fairly reflect the value of roadway facilities provided by a developer in accordance with the city’s development regulations or requirements. Roadway. Any primary and secondary arterial or collector designated in the city’s adopted thoroughfare plan, as may be amended from time to time. Roadway Facility. An improvement or appurtenance to a roadway which includes, but is not limited to, rights-of-way, whether conveyed by deed or easement; intersection improvements; traffic signals; turn lanes; drainage facilities associated with the roadway facility; street lighting or curbs, and water and wastewater improvements affected by the roadway facility. Roadway facility also includes any improvement or appurtenance to an intersection with a roadway officially enumerated in the federal or state highway system, and to any improvements or appurtenances to such federal or state highway, to the extent that the city has incurred capital costs for such facilities, including without limitation local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances and rights- of-way. Roadway facility excludes those improvements or appurtenances to any roadway which is a site-related facility. 234 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 4 of 10 Roadway Facility Expansion. The expansion of the capacity of an existing roadway in the city, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing roadway to better serve existing development. Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan or Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The adopted plan included in exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the roadway facilities or roadway facility expansions and their costs for the service area, which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years, which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of roadway impact fees pursuant to this article. Service Area. The roadway service area within the city’s corporate boundary, within which impact fees for roadway capital improvements or roadway facility expansions may be collected for new development occurring within such area and within which fees so collected will be expended for those types of improvements or expansions identified in the roadway impact fee capital improvements plan applicable to the service area. Service Unit. A vehicle-mile. A vehicle-mile shall be defined as one (1) vehicle traveling a distance of one (1) mile during the afternoon peak hour as calculated herein. Site-Related Facility. An improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of one or more new developments and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of roadway facilities to serve the new development, including access to the development, which is not included in the roadway capital improvements plan, and for which the developer(s) or property owner(s) is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable development regulations. Site-related facility may include a roadway improvement which is located offsite, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. System Facility. A roadway improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the roadway impact fee capital improvements plan and which is not a site-related facility. System facility may include a roadway improvement which is located offsite, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. 10.207. Roadway Service Area. The city hereby establishes one (1) roadway service areas, constituting all land within the city’s corporate boundaries, as depicted in exhibit A attached to Ordinance 10-18-24 and incorporated by reference herein. 10.208. Roadway Impact Fees Adopted. The city hereby adopts the maximum assessable roadway impact fee attached to Ordinance 10-18-24 and incorporated as exhibit A, and the roadway impact fee collection rate attached to Ordinance 10-18-24 and incorporated as exhibit B. Each nonexempt new development shall be assessed the maximum assessable roadway impact fee and shall pay the roadway impact fee collection rate, minus any applicable credits, as described herein. Except as herein otherwise provided, the assessment and collection of a roadway impact fee shall be additional and 235 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 5 of 10 supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment which is lawfully imposed on and due against the property. 10.210. Assessment of Impact Fees. Assessment of the impact fee for any new development shall be made as follows: For a new development which has received final plat approval before the effective date of this article, assessment of impact fees shall occur on the effective date of this article, and shall be the amount of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit as set forth in exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24. However, the roadway impact fee collection rate shall not be collected on any service unit which has received final plat approval before the effective date of this article and for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the date of adoption of this article. For land which is not required to be platted at the time of application for a building permit pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations prior to development, assessment of roadway impact fees shall occur at the time application is made for the building permit, and shall be the amount of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit as set forth in exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24 then in effect. For new development which is submitted for approval pursuant to the city’s subdivision regulations or which is proposed for replatting on or after the effective date of this article, assessment of impact fees shall be at the time of final plat or replat approval, and shall be the amount of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit as set forth in exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24 then in effect. Following assessment of the impact fee pursuant to this section, the amount of the impact fee assessment per service unit for that development cannot be increased, unless the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new application for final plat approval or other development application that results in approval of additional service units, in which case a new assessment shall occur at the exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24 rate then in effect for such additional service units. The city manager or his or her designee shall compute the roadway impact fees for new development by first determining whether the new development is eligible for credits calculated in accordance with this article, which would further reduce impact fees otherwise due in whole or in part. The total amount of impact fees for the new development shall be attached to the development application as a condition of approval. Approval of an amending plat pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, section 212.016 and the city’s subdivision regulations is not subject to reassessment for an impact fee. 10.212. Collection of Impact Fees. Roadway impact fees shall be collected in the following manner; however, the city has the ability to require construction greater than the roadway impact fee collection rate for amounts up to the maximum assessable roadway impact fee: 236 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 6 of 10 The roadway impact fee collection rate shall be paid at the time the city issues a building permit for a new development. For properties requiring a plat, the roadway impact fee collection rate to be paid and collected per service unit for new development shall be the amount listed in exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 in effect at the time of final plat approval for up to a one-year period following such final plat approval. After the one-year period has expired, the roadway impact fee collection rate shall be paid according to the current amount listed in exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 then in effect. For properties that do not require the filing of a plat, the roadway impact fee collection rate shall be paid and collected per service unit for new development in the amount listed in exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 in effect at the time that the building permit is filed. If the building permit for which an impact fee has been paid has expired, and a new application is thereafter filed, the roadway impact fee collection rate shall be computed using exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 in effect at the time of the new application, with credits for previous payment of impact fees being applied against the new impact fees due. Whenever the property owner proposes to increase the number of service units for a development, the additional impact fees collected for such new service units shall be determined by using exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 in effect at the time of the request, and such additional fee shall be collected at the times prescribed by this section. The maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit for roadway facilities, as may be amended from time to time, hereby is declared to be an approximate and appropriate measure of the impacts generated by a new unit of development on the city’s roadway system. To the extent that the roadway impact fee collection rate charged against a new development, as may be amended from time to time, is less than the maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit assessed, such difference hereby is declared to be founded on policies unrelated to measurement of the impacts of the new development on the city’s roadway system. The maximum assessable roadway impact fee may be used in evaluating any claim by a property owner that the dedication or construction of a capital improvement within a service area imposed as a condition of development approval pursuant to the city’s subdivision or development regulations is disproportionate to the impacts created by the development on the city’s roadway system. 10.213. Credits against Impact Fees. The city may credit the contribution of land, improvements or funding for construction of any system facility that is required or agreed to by the city, pursuant to rules established in this section or pursuant to administrative guidelines promulgated by the city with the following limitations: The credit shall be associated with the plat or other detailed plan of development for the property that is to be served by the roadway facility. Master planned community projects, including subdivisions containing multiple phases, and whether approved before or after the effective date of these impact fee regulations, may apply for 237 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 7 of 10 credits against roadway impact fees for the entire project based upon contributions of land, improvements or funds toward construction of system facilities, or other roadway capital improvements supplying excess capacity. Credits shall be determined by comparing costs of roadway capital improvements supplied by the project with the costs of roadway capital improvements to be utilized by development within the project, utilizing a methodology approved by the city. The credit determination shall be incorporated within an agreement for credits, in accordance with this article. The roadway requirements of an agreement for credits shall not be less than what is required by the city’s subdivision ordinance. The city’s current policies and regulations shall apply to determine a new development’s obligations to construct adjacent system facilities. The obligation to construct, however, shall not exceed the maximum assessable roadway impact fee assessed against the new development under exhibit A to Ordinance 10-18-24. Construction required under such policies and regulations shall be a credit against the amount of impact fees otherwise due. If the costs of constructing a system facility in accordance with the current city policies and regulations are greater than the amount of the roadway impact fee collection rate due, the amount of the credit due shall be deemed to be 100% of the assessed impact fees and no impact fee shall be collected thereafter for the development, unless the number of service units is subsequently increased. All credits against roadway impact fees shall be based upon standards promulgated by the city, which may be adopted as administrative guidelines, including the following standards: No credit shall be given for the dedication or construction of site-related facilities. No credit shall be given for a roadway facility which is not identified within the roadway impact fee capital improvements plan, unless the facility is on or qualifies for inclusion on the thoroughfare plan and the city agrees that such improvement supplies capacity to new developments other than the development paying the roadway impact fee and provisions for credits are incorporated in an agreement for credits pursuant to this article. In no event will the city grant a credit when no roadway impact fees can be collected pursuant to this article or for any amount exceeding the roadway impact fee collection rate due for the development, unless expressly agreed to by the city in writing. The city may participate in the costs of a system facility to be dedicated to the city, including costs that exceed the amount of the impact fees due for the development, in accordance with policies and rules established by the city. The amount of any credit for construction of a system facility shall be reduced by the amount of any participation funds received from the city. Where funds for roadway facilities have been escrowed under an agreement that was executed with the city prior to the effective date of this article, the following rules apply: Funds expended under the agreement for roadway facilities shall first be credited against the amount of roadway impact fees that would have been due under exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 for those units of development for which building permits already have been issued; 238 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 8 of 10 Any remaining funds shall be credited against impact fees due for the development under exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 at the time building permits are issued. Credits for construction of capital improvements shall be deemed created when the capital improvements are completed and the city has accepted the facility, or in the case of capital improvements constructed and accepted prior to the effective date of this article, on such effective date. Credits created after the effective date of this article shall expire ten (10) years from the date the credit was created. Credits arising prior to such effective date shall expire ten (10) years from such effective date. Upon application by the property owner, the city may agree to extend the expiration date for the credit on mutually agreeable terms. Unless an agreement for credits, as described herein, is executed providing for a different manner of applying credits against roadway impact fees due, a credit associated with a plat shall be applied at the time of application for the first building permit and, at each building permit application thereafter, to reduce impact fees due until the credit is exhausted. An owner of a new development who has constructed or financed a roadway capital improvement or roadway facility expansion designated in the roadway impact fee capital improvements plans, or other roadway capital improvement that supplies excess capacity, as required or authorized by the city, shall enter into an agreement with the city to provide for credits against roadway impact fees due for the development in accordance with this paragraph. The agreement shall identify the basis for and the method for computing and the amount of the credit due and any reduction in credits attributable to consumption of road capacity by developed lots or tracts served by the roadway capital improvements. For multi- phased projects, the city may require that total credits be proportionally allocated among the phases. If authorized by the city, the agreement also may provide for allocation of credits among new developments within the project, and provisions for the timing and collection of impact fees. 10.217. Updates to Plans and Revision of Fees. The city shall update its land use assumptions and capital improvements plan and make any revision of fees as indicated below: The city shall update its land use assumptions and roadway impact fee capital improvements plans and shall recalculate the roadway impact fees based thereon in accordance with the procedures set forth in Texas Local Gov’t Code, Ch. 395, or in any successor statute. However, this does not preclude the city from reviewing its land use assumptions, roadway impact fee capital improvements plans, roadway impact fees, and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than provided for herein to determine whether the land use assumptions and roadway capital improvements plans should be updated and the roadway impact fees recalculated accordingly, utilizing statutory update procedures. 239 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 9 of 10 Exhibit B to Ordinance 10-18-24 may be amended without revising the land use assumptions and roadway capital improvements plans at any time prior to the update provided for in this section, provided that the roadway impact fee collection rate to be collected under exhibit B do not exceed the maximum assessable roadway impact fees assessed under exhibit A to Ordinance 10- 18-24. If, at the time an update is required as indicated herein and the city council determines that no change to the land use assumptions, roadway impact fee capital improvements plan or roadway impact fees are needed, it may dispense with such update by following the procedures in Texas Local Gov’t Code, section 395.0575 or its successor statute. The city may amend any other provisions of this article in accordance with procedures for ordinance amendments contained in the city’s charter or state law. SECTION 2. Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein and are hereby found to be true and correct factual and legislative determinations of the City of Sanger, Texas. SECTION 3. Purpose. This Ordinance is intended to assure the provision of adequate roadway facilities to serve new development in the City by requiring each development to pay a share of the costs of such capital improvements or roadway facility expansions necessitated by the attributable to such new development. SECTION 4. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Texas Local Government Code (TLGC) Chapter 395 and the Sanger City Charter. Chapter 395 supplements this Ordinance to the extent that its provisions may be applicable hereto and, to such extent, its provisions are incorporated herein by reference. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be construed to limit the power of the City to utilize other methods authorized under State law or pursuant to other City powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this Ordinance. Guidelines may be developed by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise to implement and administer this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Applicability. The provisions of this Ordinance apply to all new, non- exempt development with the corporate boundaries of the City. SECTION 6. Incorporation of Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan. The Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan and Land use Assumptions, as considered and adopted by the City Council with the Roadway Impact Fee Study as Exhibit A hereto is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, including any future amendments thereto. 240 Item 14. Ordinance 10-18-24 Amending Chapter 10 Roadway Impact Fees Page 10 of 10 SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect January 1, 2025, as the law and Charter in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 2nd day of December, 2024. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 241 Item 14. EXHIBIT B Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate Residential Fee Per Service Unit $2305.00 Nonresidential Fee Per Service Unit $2305.00 242 Item 14. City of Sanger ROADWAY IMPACT FEE STUDY Ju l y 2 0 2 4 Prepared for: DR A F T 243 Item 14. DR A F T 244 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study i July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 1 A.Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 B.Impact Fee Basics ................................................................................................................................................. 1 C.Impact Fee Calculation ....................................................................................................................................... 3 D.Chapter 395 Required Adoption Process ....................................................................................................... 4 E.Collection and Use of Roadway Impact Fees ................................................................................................ 4 2.Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.Land Use Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 7 A.Purpose and Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 7 B.Land Use Assumptions Methodology................................................................................................................ 8 C.Impact Fee Service Area .................................................................................................................................... 8 D.Data Format....................................................................................................................................................... 10 E.10-Year Growth Summary ............................................................................................................................. 10 F.Land Use Assumptions Summary .................................................................................................................... 11 4.Capital Improvements Plan ...................................................................................................... 12 5.Methodology For Roadway Impact Fees .................................................................................. 15 A.Service Area ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 B.Service Units....................................................................................................................................................... 15 C.Cost Per Service Unit ........................................................................................................................................ 16 D.Capital Improvements Plan Costing Methodology..................................................................................... 16 E.Summary of Capital Improvements Plan ...................................................................................................... 19 F.Service Unit Calculation ................................................................................................................................... 21 6.Roadway Impact Fee Calculation ............................................................................................. 25 A.Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit .................................................................................... 25 B.Plan for the Roadway Impact Fee Credit .................................................................................................... 27 C.Service Unit Demand Per Unit of Development .......................................................................................... 29 7.Sample Calculations ................................................................................................................. 32 8.Adoption and Administration of Roadway Impact Fees .......................................................... 33 A.Adoption Process .............................................................................................................................................. 33 B.Collection and Use of Roadway Impact Fees ............................................................................................. 33 9.Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 34DR A F T 245 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study ii July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1.Roadway Service Area Map .............................................................................................. 9 Exhibit 2.Capital Improvements Plan .............................................................................................. 14 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.Residential and Non-Residential Growth Projections (2024 – 2034) ............................... 10 Table 2.Capital Improvements Plan .............................................................................................. 13 Table 3.Service Volumes for Proposed Facilities .......................................................................... 15 Table 4.Service Volumes for Existing Facilities ............................................................................. 16 Table 5.10-Year Capital Improvements Plan with Conceptual Level Cost Projections .................. 20 Table 6.Transportation Demand Factor Calculations .................................................................... 23 Table 7.10-Year Growth Projections ............................................................................................. 24 Table 8.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation .............................................. 25 Table 9.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation (continued) ........................... 27 Table 10.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee ................................................................... 28 Table 11.Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) .................................................... 30 Table 12.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) .................. 34 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A – Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections Appendix B – Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of Supply Appendix C – Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory DR A F T 246 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 1 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A.INTRODUCTION Impact fees are a mechanism for funding the public infrastructure necessitated by new development. Across the country, they are used to fund police and fire facilities, parks, schools, roads, and utilities. In Texas, the legislature has allowed their use for water, wastewater, roadway, and drainage facilities. Historically, they have been used to fund both public water, wastewater, and roadway improvements in the City of Sanger. In the most basic terms, impact fees are meant to recover the incremental cost of the impact of each new unit of development creating new infrastructure needs. In the case of roadway impact fees, the infrastructure need is the increased capacity on arterial and collector roadways that serve the overall transportation system. The purpose of the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is to identify the fee per unit of new development necessary to fund these improvements in accordance with the enabling legislation, Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. B.IMPACT FEE BASICS Roadway impact fees are determined by several key variables, each described below in greater detail. Impact Fee Study The primary purpose of the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is to determine the maximum impact fee per unit of new development chargeable as allowed by the state law. This determination is not a recommendation; the actual fee amount ultimately assessed is at the discretion of the Sanger City Council, so long as it does not exceed the maximum assessable allowed by law. The study looks at a period of 10 years to project new growth and corresponding capacity needs, as required by state law. The study (and corresponding maximum fees) must be restudied at least every five years. However, the study can be updated at any time to accommodate significant changes in any of the key variables of the impact fee equation. Service Areas A service area is a geographic area within which a unique maximum impact fee is determined. All fees collected within the service area must be spent on eligible improvements within the same service area. For roadway impact fees, the service area may not exceed 6 miles. Considering this restriction, the entire corporate boundary of the City of Sanger is proposed to be evaluated as one (1) service area. DR A F T 247 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 2 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Land Use Assumptions The maximum roadway impact fee determination is required to be based on the projected growth and corresponding capacity needs in a 10-year window. This study considers the years 2024-2034. To project future development in the 10-year window, growth assumptions were made based on the City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive plan, parcel data, historical census data, existing and future known development characteristics, and input from City of Sanger staff. Acknowledging that development is ongoing and changing constantly, this study is based on conditions as they were on December 20, 2023. In order to arrive at a reasonable projection of growth, existing residential and non-residential estimates were obtained using parcel data and aerial survey of existing developments. For the remaining undeveloped areas, assumptions were utilized based upon City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan, historical growth projections, and known planned developments. Consultation with City staff helped with finalizing the growth assumptions. Capital Improvements Plan The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) is the list of projects eligible for funding through impact fees. Only those capacity improvements included in the City’s Future Thoroughfare Plan are included in the CIP. Capacity improvements may include the widening of an existing roadway, addition of lanes, or the construction of a new roadway. Resurfacing or other maintenance activities do not qualify as capacity improvements under impact fee laws in Texas. The cost of the CIP is one of the fundamental factors in the calculation of the per-unit maximum impact fee. The CIP’s cost was calculated through systematic evaluation of each eligible project. The presence of any special conditions (such as the need for significant drainage improvements or railroad crossings) and whether various additional construction costs were applicable (such as construction phase traffic control) were considered. In determining project limits, the team identified roadway segments with uniform need. The team utilized a standard methodology for estimating construction costs. Referencing multiple roadway projects in Sanger’s vicinity, uniform costs were determined for the major items of work, additional construction items, and project delivery costs. Chapter 4 provides a listing of the 10-Year CIP in Table 2 and map of the CIP in Exhibit 2. Finally, detailed cost projections by project can be found in Appendix A. It should be noted that these cost projections are based on conceptual level planning and are subject to refinement upon final design. Only the projects listed in the CIP are eligible to utilize impact fee funds. Only the costs associated with providing the additional capacity necessitated by 10 years of growth can be used to calculate the maximum impact fee. DR A F T 248 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 3 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas In order to calculate the maximum impact fee, the total cost of the CIP was reduced to account for: ·The portion of new capacity that will address existing needs, and ·The portion of new capacity that will not be necessitated until beyond the 10-year growth window. A ratio that compares 10 years’ demand for capacity to the net supply of capacity (total new capacity in the CIP minus existing needs) can be calculated. This ratio, which may not exceed 100%, is then applied to the cost of the net capacity supplied. The result is a determination of the costs attributable to the next 10 years’ growth, which is then used to calculate the maximum impact fee in accordance with state law. The result is known as the Cost of the CIP Attributable to New Growth Between 2024-2034 (i.e. recoverable portion of the CIP): Service Units The impact fee law defines a service unit as follows: “Service Unit means a standardized measure of consumption attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards and based on historical data and trends applicable to the political subdivision in which the individual unit of development is located during the previous 10 years.” The 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study defines vehicle-miles as the service unit. Based on the City’s 10-year growth projections, the associated demand (consumption) value in vehicle-miles is as follows: C.IMPACT FEE CALCULATION The maximum impact fee allowable in the service area is then calculated by dividing the Cost of the CIP Attributable to New Growth by the projected vehicle-miles of demand in the service area in the above table. The resulting value is multiplied by 50% to account for ad valorem credits. Below is the listing of the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study’s Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile): SANGER COST OF CAPACITY ADDED ATTRIBUTABLE TO NEW GROWTH $ 220,690,065 SERVICE AREA: SANGER TOTAL VEH-MI OF NEW DEMAND OVER 10 YEARS 47,852 SERVICE AREA: SANGER MAX ASSESSABLE FEE PER SERVICE UNIT ($ PER VEH-MI) $ 2,305 SERVICE AREA: DR A F T 249 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 4 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas D.CHAPTER 395 REQUIRED ADOPTION PROCESS Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code stipulates a specific process for the adoption of roadway impact fees. A Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) is required to review the Land Use Assumptions and CIP used in calculating the maximum fee, and to provide the Committee’s findings for consideration by the City Council. This CIAC also reviews the roadway impact fee ordinance and provides its findings to the City Council. The composition of the CIAC is required to adequately represent the building and development communities. The City Council then conducts a public hearing on the Land Use Assumptions, CIP, and roadway impact fee ordinance. Following policy adoption, the CIAC is tasked with advising the City Council of the need to update the Land Use Assumptions or the CIP at any time within five years of adoption. Finally, the CIAC oversees the proper administration of the roadway impact fee, once in place, and advises the City Council as necessary. E.COLLECTION AND USE OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES Roadway impact fees are assessed when a final plat is recorded. The assessment defines the impact of each unit at the time of platting, according to land use, and may not exceed the maximum impact fee allowed by law. Roadway impact fees are collected when a building permit is issued. Therefore, funds are not collected until development-impacts are introduced to the transportation system. Funds collected within a service area can be used only within the same service area. Finally, fees must be utilized within 10 years of collection, or must be refunded with interest. DR A F T 250 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 5 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 2.INTRODUCTION Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code describes the procedure political subdivisions must follow in order to create and implement impact fees. Chapter 395 defines an Impact Fee as “a charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development.” Accordingly, the City of Sanger has developed its Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan with which to implement roadway impact fees. The City has retained Kimley-Horn and Associates to provide professional transportation engineering services for the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study. This report includes details of the roadway impact fee calculation methodology in accordance with Chapter 395, the applicable Land Use Assumptions, development of the Capital Improvements Plan, and refinement of the Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table. This report introduces and references two of the basic inputs to the roadway impact fee: 1.Land Use Assumptions 2.Capital Improvements Plan Information from the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan are used extensively throughout the remainder of the report. There is a detailed discussion of the methodology for the computation of impact fees. This discussion is broken into three components: 1.Methodology for Roadway Impact Fees 2.Roadway Impact Fee Calculation 3.Plan for the Roadway Impact Fee Credit The components of the Methodology for Roadway Impact Fees include development of: ·Service Area ·Service Units ·Cost Per Service Unit ·Capital Improvements Plan Costing Methodology ·Summary of Capital Improvements Plan ·Service Unit Calculation DR A F T 251 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 6 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas The Roadway Impact Fee Calculation includes the determination of the: ·Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit ·Service Unit Demand Per Unit of Development The Plan for the Roadway Impact Fee Credit outlines a 50% reduction of the Capital Improvements Plan as outlined in Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. The final chapter of the report is the Conclusion, which presents the findings of the analysis and summarizes the report. DR A F T 252 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 7 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 3.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS A.PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code describes the procedure Texas political subdivisions must follow in order to assess impact fees for new development. The first step required in updating impact fees is the development of Land Use Assumptions. These Land Use Assumptions, which include both residential and non-residential estimates, form the basis for the development of impact fees for roadway facilities. Reasonable future growth estimates are necessary in order to aid the City of Sanger in establishing the need for roadway projects required to serve future development. In accordance with Chapter 395, Kimley-Horn has compiled the information required to complete the Land Use Assumptions using the following sources: ·City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan; ·Parcel Data Information from Denton Central Appraisal District; ·Historical Census Data; ·Aerial Overview of City Development Potential; and ·City of Sanger Staff. The Land Use Assumptions include the following components: 1.Land Use Assumptions Methodology – Overview of the general methodology used to generate the land use assumptions. 2.Impact Fee Service Area – Determination of the Sanger service area for roadway impact fees. 3.Data Format – Discussion into the categorical groupings assumed for roadway impact fees. 4.10-Year Growth Summary – Data on residential and non-residential growth within each service area over the next 10 years (2024-2034). 5.Land Use Assumptions Summary – Synopsis of the land use assumptions.DR A F T 253 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 8 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas B.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS METHODOLOGY The residential and non-residential growth projections formulated in this chapter were done using reasonable and generally accepted planning principles. The following factors were considered in developing these projections: ·Character, type, density, and quantity of existing development; ·Known planned developments; ·Location of vacant land; ·Historical population growth; and ·Input from City of Sanger staff. Existing residential and non-residential data was compiled using parcel data and aerial survey of existing developments. For the remaining undeveloped areas, assumptions were utilized based upon City of Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan, historical growth projections, and known planned developments. Consultation with City staff helped with finalizing the growth assumptions. C.IMPACT FEE SERVICE AREA According to Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code, a service area refers to the area within the corporate boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the political subdivision to be served by the capital improvements or facilities specified in the impact fee. Funds collected in the specific service areas must be spent in the service area collected. The geographic boundary of the proposed impact fee service area for roadway facilities is shown in Exhibit 1. The roadway service area covers the entire corporate boundary of the City of Sanger. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that “the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of a political subdivision and shall not exceed six (6) miles.” The City of Sanger is proposed to be considered as one (1) service area for roadway impact fee purposes. For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to those areas within the current corporate limits. Therefore, areas within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are excluded from the study.DR A F T 254 Item 14. Ma r i o n R d McReynolds Rd FM 455 5th St Indian L n Lois Rd E Co w l i n g R d Belz Rd Lois Rd W Willow St Union HillRd Exhibit 1 Roadway Service Area Map ´ 0 10.5 Miles Legend Service Area ETJ Railroads Thoroughfare Plan Network Local Roads DR A F T 255 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 10 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas D.DATA FORMAT The residential and non-residential estimates were all compiled in accordance with the following categories and format: ·Residential Units – Number of dwelling units, both single-family and multifamily. ·Non-Residential Units – Square feet of building area based on three (3) different classifications: o Basic: Land use activities that produce goods and services, including those that are exported outside the local economy (i.e. manufacturing, construction, transportation, wholesale, trade, warehousing, and other industrial uses). o Service: Land use activities which provide personal and professional services such as government and other professional and administrative offices. o Retail: Land use activities which provide for the retail sale of goods that primarily serve households and whose location choice is oriented toward the household sector (i.e. grocery stores and restaurants). E.10-YEAR GROWTH SUMMARY Table 1 summarizes the residential and non-residential 10-year growth projections within the roadway service area. These projections were prepared based upon existing land use, anticipated future land use, and consultation with City staff. Table 1.Residential and Non-Residential Growth Projections (2024 – 2034) Single-Family Multifamily Basic Service Retail 2023 (Existing)3,228 805 1,113,500 978,500 1,620,000 2033 (3% Annual Growth)4,338 1,082 1,496,500 1,315,000 2,177,000 Net Growth 1,110 277 383,000 336,500 557,000 Known Planned Developments 2,138 1,160 2,071,000 152,000 608,000 Total Projected Growth 3,248 1,437 2,454,000 488,500 1,165,000 Condition Residential (Dwelling Units) Non-Residential (Square Feet) DR A F T 256 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 11 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas F.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS SUMMARY The following is a summary of the land use assumptions for roadway impact fees. The roadway land use assumptions are confined to growth projected within the City Limits. The 10-year (2024-2034) growth projections are: ·Residential o Single-Family = 3,248 Dwelling Units o Multifamily = 1,437 Dwelling Units ·Non-residential o Basic = 2,454,000 ft2 o Service = 488,500 ft2 o Retail = 1,165,000 ft2 DR A F T 257 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 12 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 4.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN The City has identified the roadway projects needed to accommodate the projected growth within the City. The City of Sanger Future Thoroughfare Plan is the ultimate plan for the infrastructure within the City Limits. Only capacity improvements still needed to build out the Future Thoroughfare Plan to accommodate the expected growth within the next 10 years are included in the Capital Improvements Plan. The Capital Improvements Plan includes arterial and collector roadway facilities and consists of four (4) categories of projects. They are as follows: ·New – Any future roadway identified by the City to be included in the Capital Improvements Plan. ·Widening – Existing roadways not currently built to the ultimate classification in the Future Thoroughfare Plan and must be completely reconstructed. ·1/3 Widening – Existing roadways that only have one-third of the ultimate cross section to be built. ·Construction – Roadway currently under construction which the City has contributed funds towards. All the roadway facilities identified are part of the currently adopted Future Thoroughfare Plan. For costing purposes, four-lane divided cross sections are assumed for principal arterial facilities, four-lane undivided cross sections are assumed for minor arterial facilities, and two-lane undivided cross sections are assumed for collector facilities. A thoroughfare’s costing assumptions may be assumed with an alternative cross section depending on existing adjacent facilities. The proposed Capital Improvements Plan is listed in Table 2 and mapped in Exhibit 2. The table shows the length of each project as well as the facility’s impact fee classification. The Capital Improvements Plan was developed in conjunction with input from City of Sanger staff and represents those projects that will be needed to accommodate the growth projected in Chapter 3. Land Use Assumptions. DR A F T 258 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 13 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 2.Capital Improvements Plan Service Area Proj. #Roadway Limits Project Type Length (mi) % In Service Area 1 North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.57 100% 2 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.83 100% 3 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.69 100% 4 Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.10 100% 5 Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR New 0.05 100% 6 Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.28 100% 7 South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.93 100% 8 Utility Rd I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.36 100% 9 Belz Rd Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.91 100% 10 Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR to FM 455 New 1.07 100% 11 Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd Widening 1/3 0.24 100% 12 Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd New 0.64 100% 13 FM 455 (1)FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd Construction 5.47 100% 14 FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 Widening 2.84 100% 15 Willow St Cowling Rd to Indian Ln Widening 0.95 100% 16 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 Widening 1.08 100% 17 5th St Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.17 100% 18 Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100% 19 Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100% 20 N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd New 0.25 100% 21 Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W to Belz Rd New 1.54 100% 22 Jennifer Cir (2)Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd Widening 0.29 100% 23 Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr New 0.13 100% 24 Keith Dr Jennifer Cir to FM 455 Widening 0.27 100% 25 Cowling Rd 5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector Widening 1.06 100% 26 2nd St Indian Ln to FM 455 New 0.69 100% 27 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 Widening 0.60 100% 28 Union Hill Rd FM 455 to McReynolds Rd New 1.04 100% Sanger DR A F T 259 Item 14. Me t z R d JenniferCir 5t h S t In dia n L n UtilityRd S Keaton Rd R e c t o r Rd Avion Dr Ma r i o n R d 2nd S t Lois Rd W Ke a t o n R d C h i s a m Rd Belz Rd Willow St Union HillRd Cowling Rd McReynolds Rd F M 4 5 5 5 4 2 3 17 11 20 24 6 2 2 8 19 18 1 27 12 2 6 3 2 9 7 15 28 25 10 16 2 1 14 13 Legend Service Area ETJ Floodplain Railroads Local Roads Project Type New Widening Widening 1/3 Construction Thoroughfare Plan Network Exhibit 2 Capital Improvements Plan ´ 0 10.5 Miles DR A F T 260 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 15 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 5.METHODOLOGY FOR ROADWAY IMPACT FEES A.SERVICE AREA The one (1) service area used in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is shown in the previously referenced Exhibit 1. This service area covers the entire corporate boundary of the City of Sanger. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that “the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six (6) miles.” The service area in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study is consistent with the specification of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. B.SERVICE UNITS The “service unit” is a measure of consumption or use of the roadway facilities by new development. In other words, it is the unit of measure used in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study to quantify the supply and demand for roads in the City. For transportation purposes, the service unit is defined as a vehicle-mile as explained below: ·Vehicle-Mile: The capacity consumed in a single lane in the PM peak hour by a vehicle making a trip one mile in length. The PM peak hour is used as the basis for transportation planning and the estimation of trips caused by new development. ·Total Vehicle-Miles of Supply: Based on the total length (miles), number of lanes, and capacity (vehicles per hour) (see Appendix B). ·Total Vehicle-Miles of Demand: Based on the 10-year growth projections. The demand is equal to PM Trip Rate (trips) * Trip Length (miles). The hourly service volumes used in the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study are based upon thoroughfare capacity criteria published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and applied to the City of Sanger’s thoroughfare classifications.Table 3 and Table 4 show the service volumes as a function of the Impact Fee classification and existing cross sections, respectively. Table 3.Service Volumes for Proposed Facilities Roadway Type (Impact Fee Classifications) Description Hourly Vehicle-Mile Capacity per Lane-Mile of Roadway Facility Principal Arterial Four-Lane Divided 650 Minor Arterial Four-Lane Undivided 525 Collector Two-Lane Undivided 425 DR A F T 261 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 16 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 4.Service Volumes for Existing Facilities C.COST PER SERVICE UNIT A fundamental step in the impact fee process is to establish the cost for each service unit. In the case of roadway impact fees, this is the cost for each vehicle-mile of travel. Thus, it is the cost to construct a roadway (lane-mile) needed to accommodate a vehicle-mile of travel. The cost per service unit is calculated for each service area based on the roadway projects within that service area. The second component of the cost per service unit is the determination of the number of service units in each service area. This number is the measure of the growth in transportation demand that is projected to occur in the 10-year period. Chapter 395 requires that roadway impact fees be assessed only to pay for growth projected to occur in the City Limits within the next 10 years. As noted earlier, the units of demand are vehicle-miles of travel. D.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN COSTING METHODOLOGY All of the project costs for a facility which serves the overall transportation system are eligible to be included in the Capital Improvements Plan. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that the allowable costs are “…including and limited to the: 1.Construction contract price; 2.Surveying and engineering fees; 3.Land acquisition costs, including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney’s fees, and expert witness fees; and 4.Fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the Capital Improvements Plan who is not an employee of the political subdivision.” The engineer’s opinion of the probable costs of the projects in the Capital Improvements Plan is based, in part, on the calculation of a unit cost of construction. This means that a cost per linear foot of roadway is calculated based on an average price for the various components of roadway construction. This allows the probable cost to be determined by the type of facility being constructed, the number of lanes, and the Roadway Type Description Hourly Vehicle-Mile Capacity per Lane-Mile of Roadway Facility 3U Three-Lane Undivided 525 2U Two-Lane Undivided 425 2U-G Two-Lane Undivided (Gravel or Dirt)150 DR A F T 262 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 17 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas length of the project. The costs for location-specific items such as drainage structures and railroad crossings are added to each project as appropriate. The following is a detailed description of the costing worksheet/methodology for the Capital Improvements Plan. Where actual City contributions to a project’s cost are known, the specific cost amounts are utilized in lieu of the conceptual level project cost projections. Overview of Capital Improvements Plan Costing Worksheets A specific costing worksheet has been developed for each project (see Appendix A). Each worksheet contains project information, construction pay items, construction component allowances, and a summary of costs and allowances. An example costing sheet can be seen below. Project Information In order to correctly estimate the cost of a roadway project, several attributes are first identified: ·Project Number – Identifies each project with a corresponding number. The corresponding number does not represent any prioritizations and is used only to identify projects. ·Name – A unique identifier for each project. Project Cost Summary Roadway Construction Pay Items Project Information Major Construction Component Allowances DR A F T 263 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 18 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas ·Limits – Represents the beginning and ending location for each project. ·Impact Fee Class – The costing class to be used in the analysis. The impact fee class provides the width for the various elements in the roadway. The construction costs are variable based on the proposed Future Thoroughfare Plan classification of the roadway. An additional classification is utilized for Indian Lane (2) where a portion of the facility currently exists and the road is only to be partially widened. The following notation is used for this project: o “(1/3)” for facilities where one additional lane is to be constructed to match the existing, adjacent section of Indian Lane. ·Length (ft) – The distance measured in feet that is used to cost out the project. ·Service Area – Represents the service area where the project is located. ·Description – Used to describe the project type assumed in the costing such as a widening or a new project. Roadway Construction Pay Items A typical roadway project consists of several costs, including planning, survey, design engineering, permitting, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and inspection. While the construction cost component of a project may actually consist of hundreds of various pay items, a simplified approach was used for developing the conceptual level project costs. The roadway construction components pay items are listed below: •Unclassified Roadway Excavation •Lime-Treated Subgrade •Reinforced Concrete •Concrete Sidewalk •Curb & Gutter •Topsoil •Turn Lanes and Median Openings Major Construction Component Allowances A percentage of the paving construction cost is allotted for various major construction component allowances, as appropriate. These allowances include traffic control, pavement markings, roadway drainage, utility adjustments, landscaping, and illumination. Lump sum dollar allowances are provided for special drainage structures and railroad crossings where needs are anticipated. The paving and allowance subtotal is given a fifteen percent (15%) contingency, five percent (5%) mobilization, and either five (5%) or one percent (1%) preparation of right-of-way (ROW) based on whether the project is new or existing to determine the construction cost total.DR A F T 264 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 19 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Project Cost Summary To determine the total Impact Fee Project Cost, sixteen percent (16%) of the construction cost total is added for engineering, surveying, and testing. Percentages are also allotted for ROW/easement acquisition. ROW/easement acquisition was based on whether the project was an existing alignment or future alignment. For an existing alignment, the ROW/easement acquisition cost was provided an allotment equal to ten percent (10%) of the construction cost total. For a new alignment, the ROW/easement acquisition cost was equal to twenty percent (20%) of the constriction cost total. The value for ROW/easement acquisition is an estimated contribution allocation and does not represent actual ROW/easement acquisition needs. TxDOT facilities and partial widening projects assumed no ROW/easement acquisition. The Impact Fee Project Cost Total is the Construction Cost Total plus engineering, surveying, testing, and inspection, plus ROW/easement acquisition. Based upon discussions with City of Sanger staff, state highway projects were included with a projected City contribution of twenty percent (20%) of the total project cost. E.SUMMARY OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Table 5 provides the Capital Improvements Plan list for the service area with planning level project costs. Individual project cost worksheets are provided in Appendix A, Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections. It should be noted that these tables reflect only conceptual-level opinions or assumptions regarding the portions of future project costs that are potentially recoverable through impact fees. Actual project costs are likely to change with time and are dependent on market and economic conditions that cannot be precisely predicted. The Capital Improvements Plan establishes the list of projects for which Roadway Impact Fees may be utilized. Projects not included in the Capital Improvements Plan are not eligible to receive impact fee funding. The cost projections utilized in this study should not be utilized for the City’s building program or construction CIP.DR A F T 265 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 20 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 5.10-Year Capital Improvements Plan with Conceptual Level Cost Projections Service Area Proj. #Roadway Limits Project Type Length (mi) % In Service Area Total Project Cost Total Cost in Service Area 1 North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.57 100%6,251,000$6,251,000$ 2 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.83 100%10,309,000$10,309,000$ 3 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.69 100%11,535,000$11,535,000$ 4 Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.10 100%1,549,000$1,549,000$ 5 Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR New 0.05 100%745,000$745,000$ 6 Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.28 100%6,333,000$6,333,000$ 7 South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR New 0.93 100%9,509,000$9,509,000$ 8 Utility Rd I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR Widening 0.36 100%4,448,000$4,448,000$ 9 Belz Rd Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.91 100%15,788,000$15,788,000$ 10 Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR to FM 455 New 1.07 100%19,659,000$19,659,000$ 11 Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd Widening 1/3 0.24 100%725,000$725,000$ 12 Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd New 0.64 100%6,484,000$6,484,000$ 13 FM 455 (1)FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd Construction 5.47 100%7,850,949$7,850,949$ 14 FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 Widening 2.84 100%11,020,000$11,020,000$ 15 Willow St Cowling Rd to Indian Ln Widening 0.95 100%18,725,000$18,725,000$ 16 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 Widening 1.08 100%21,576,000$21,576,000$ 17 5th St Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR Widening 0.17 100%489,000$489,000$ 18 Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100%8,167,000$8,167,000$ 19 Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave New 0.52 100%8,141,000$8,141,000$ 20 N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd New 0.25 100%2,545,000$2,545,000$ 21 Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W to Belz Rd New 1.54 100%16,029,000$16,029,000$ 22 Jennifer Cir (2)Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd Widening 0.29 100%2,965,000$2,965,000$ 23 Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr New 0.13 100%1,359,000$1,359,000$ 24 Keith Dr Jennifer Cir to FM 455 Widening 0.27 100%2,679,000$2,679,000$ 25 Cowling Rd 5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector Widening 1.06 100%19,706,000$19,706,000$ 26 2nd St Indian Ln to FM 455 New 0.69 100%9,052,000$9,052,000$ 27 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 Widening 0.60 100%10,573,000$10,573,000$ 28 Union Hill Rd FM 455 to McReynolds Rd New 1.04 100%16,773,000$16,773,000$ 250,984,949$ 50,000$ 251,034,949$ Sanger Project Cost Subtotal Roadway Impact Fee Study Cost Total Cost DR A F T 266 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 21 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas F.SERVICE UNIT CALCULATION The basic service unit for the computation of the City of Sanger’s roadway impact fee is the vehicle-mile of travel during the PM peak hour. To determine the cost per service unit, it is necessary to project the growth in vehicle-miles of travel for the service area for the 10-year period. The growth in vehicle-miles from 2024 to 2034 is based upon projected changes in residential and non- residential growth for the period. These growth projections are discussed in Chapter 3. Land Use Assumptions. The residential and non-residential statistics in the Land Use Assumptions provide the “independent variables” that are used to calculate the existing (2024) and projected (2034) transportation service units (vehicle-miles) used to establish the roadway impact fee maximum rates within the service area. The roadway demand service units (vehicle-miles) for the service area are the sum of the vehicle-miles “generated” by each category of land use in the service area. For the purpose of impact fees, all developed and developable land is categorized as either residential or non-residential. For residential land uses, the number of dwelling units in each service area is multiplied by a transportation demand factor to compute the vehicle-miles of travel that occur during the PM peak hour. This factor computes the average amount of demand caused by the residential land uses in the service area. The transportation demand factor is discussed in more detail later in this section. For non-residential land uses, the process is similar. The Land Use Assumptions provide the projected number of building square footages for three (3) categories of non-residential land uses – basic, service, and retail. These categories correspond to an aggregation of other specific land use categories based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Building square footage is the most common independent variable for the estimation of non-residential trips in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. This characteristic is more appropriate than the number of employees because building square footage is tied more closely to trip generation and is known at the time of application for any development, or development modification, that would require the assessment of an impact fee. The existing and projected Land Use Assumptions for the dwelling units and the square footage of basic, service, and retail land uses provide the basis for the projected increase in vehicle-miles of travel. As noted earlier, a transportation demand factor is applied to these values and then summed to calculate the total peak hour vehicle-miles of demand for the service area. The transportation demand factors are aggregate rates derived from three sources – the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, NCTCOG, and open-source data specific to Sanger. DR A F T 267 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 22 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas ITE’s Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition provides the number of trips that are produced or attracted to the land use for each dwelling unit, square foot of building, or other corresponding unit. For the retail category of land uses, the rate is adjusted to account for the fact that a percentage of retail trips are made by people who would otherwise be traveling past that particular establishment anyway, such as a trip between work and home. These trips are called pass-by trips, and since the travel demand is accounted for in the land use calculations relative to the primary trip, it is necessary to discount the retail rate to avoid double counting trips. The next component of the transportation demand factor accounts for the length of each trip. The average trip length for each category is based on the region-wide travel characteristics survey conducted by NCTCOG, open-source data specific to Sanger, and other generally accepted planning principles. The computation of the transportation demand factor is based on the following equation: Variables: TDF = Transportation Demand Factor, T = Trip Rate (peak hour trips / unit), Pb = Pass-By Discount (% of trips), L = Average Trip Length (miles), Lmax = Maximum Trip Length (miles), OD = Origin-Destination Reduction (50%) SAL = Maximum Service Area Trip Length The maximum trip length was limited to six (6) miles based on the maximum trip length within the City Limits. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code allows for a service area of six (6) miles. The adjustment made to the average trip length statistic in the computation of the maximum trip length is the origin-destination reduction. This adjustment is made because the roadway impact fee is charged to both the origin and destination end of the trip. For example, impact fee methodology will account for a trip from home to work within Sanger to both residential and non-residential land uses. To avoid counting these trips as both residential and non-residential trips, a 50% origin-destination (OD) reduction factor is applied. Therefore, only half of the trip length is assessed to each land use, and the total trip is only counted once. Table 6 shows the derivation of the Transportation Demand Factor for the two (2) residential land uses and the three (3) non-residential land use categories. The values utilized for all variables shown in the transportation demand factor equation are also shown in the table. )SAor*(min *)1(* Lmax max where...ODLL LPTTDFb = -= DR A F T 268 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 23 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 6.Transportation Demand Factor Calculations The application of the demographic projections and the transportation demand factors are presented in the 10-Year Growth Projections in Table 7. This table shows the total growth projected in total vehicle- miles by service area between the years 2024 and 2034. These estimates and projections lead to the Vehicle-Miles of Travel for the 10-year period. Single-Family Multifamily T 0.94 0.51 0.65 1.44 3.40 Pb 0%0%0%0%29% Lmax*5.17 5.17 6.00 6.00 5.15 TDF 4.86 2.64 3.90 8.64 12.43 RetailVariableResidentialBasicService DR A F T 269 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 24 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 7.10-Year Growth Projections Table 7. 10-Year Growth Projections 20 24 - 203 4 Gr owth P ro jec tio ns1 TO TAL T rip Rate T DF2 T rip Rate T DF3 BASIC7 SERVICE8 RET AIL9 0.94 0.51 0.65 1.44 3.40 SANGER 3,248 1,437 19,579 2,454,000 488,500 1,165,000 9,571 4,221 14,481 28,273 47,852 VEH IC LE-MILES O F IN CREASE (2024 - 2034) Note s: SANG ER 47,852 1 From C hapter 3: Land Use As sum ptions 2 Transportation Demand Factor (from LUVMET) us ing Single-Family Detac hed Hous ing land use and trip generation rate 3 Transportation Demand Factor (from LUVMET) us ing Multifamily Hous ing (Low-Rise) land us e and trip generation rate 4 C alc ulated by multiplying TD F by the number of dw elling units 5 From C hapter 3: Land Use As sum ptions 6 Trip generation rate and Trans portation Dem and Factors from LUVMET for each land us e 7 'Basic' corres ponds to General Light Industrial land us e and trip generation rate 8 'Service' c orresponds to General Office Building land use and trip generation rate 9 'Retail' corres ponds to Shopping C enter (>150k SF) land us e and trip generation rate 10 Calc ulated by multiplying Transportation Demand Fac tor by the number of thousand s quare feet for eac h land us e 11 Res idential plus non-res idential vehic le-mile totals SERVICE AREA R ESIDENT IAL VEH ICLE-MILES NO N-RESID ENTIAL SQUARE FEET5 TRANS. DEMAND FACT OR6 NON-R ESIDENTIAL VEHICLE-MILES10 SINGLE- FAMILY UNIT S M ULTIFAM ILY U NIT S VEHICLE MILES4 T OT AL VEHICLE MILES11 BASIC SERVICE RETAIL BASIC 4.86 2.64 3.90 8.64 12.43 SERVICE R ET AIL SERVICE AREA VEH-MILESDR A F T 270 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 25 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 6.ROADWAY IMPACT FEE CALCULATION A.MAXIMUM ASSESSABLE IMPACT FEE PER SERVICE UNIT This chapter presents the maximum assessable impact fee rate calculated for the service area. The maximum assessable impact fee is the sum of the eligible Capital Improvements Plan costs for the service area divided by the growth in travel attributable to new development projected to occur within the 10- year period. A majority of the components of this calculation have been described and presented in previous chapters. The purpose of this section is to document the computation and to demonstrate that the guidelines provided by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code have been addressed. Tables 8-9 illustrate the computation of the maximum assessable impact fee. Each row in the tables is numbered to simplify explanation of the calculation. The calculation of the maximum assessable impact fee is shown in Table 10. Table 8.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation Line Title Description 1 Total Vehicle-Miles of Capacity Added by the Capital Improvements Plan The total number of vehicle-miles added to the service area based on the capacity, length, and number of lanes in each project (from Appendix B – Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of Supply) Each project identified in the Capital Improvements Plan will add a certain amount of capacity to the City’s roadway network based on its length and classification. This line displays the total amount added within each service area. 2 Total Vehicle-Miles of Existing Demand A measure of the amount of traffic currently using the roadway facilities upon which capacity is being added. (from Appendix B – Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of Supply) A number of facilities identified in the Capital Improvements Plan have traffic currently utilizing a portion of their existing capacity. This line displays the total amount of capacity along these facilities currently being used by existing traffic. 3 Total Vehicle-Miles of Existing Deficiencies Number of vehicle-miles of travel that are not accommodated by the existing roadway system (from Appendix C – Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory) In order to ensure that existing deficiencies on the City’s roadway network are not recoverable through impact fees, this line is based on the entire roadway network within the service area. Any thoroughfare within the service area that is deficient, even those not identified on the Capital Improvements Plan, will have these additional vehicle-miles removed from the calculation.DR A F T 271 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 26 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 4 Net Amount of Vehicle- Miles of Capacity Added A measurement of the amount of vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan that will not be utilized by existing demand.(Line 1 – Line 2 – Line 3) This calculation identifies the portion of the Capital Improvements Plan (in vehicle-miles) that may be recoverable through the collection of impact fees. 5 Total Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan within the Service Area The total cost of the Capital Improvements Plan projects within each service area (from Table 5: 10-Year Capital Improvements Plan with Conceptual Level Cost Projections) This line simply identifies the total cost of all of the roadway projects identified in the service area. 6 Cost of Net Capacity Supplied The total Capital Improvements Plan cost (Line 5) prorated by the ratio of Net Capacity Added (Line 4) to Total Capacity Added (Line 1).[(Line 4 / Line 1) * (Line 5)] Using the ratio of vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan available to serve future growth to the total vehicle-miles added, the total cost of the Capital Improvements Plan is reduced to the amount available for future growth (i.e. excluding existing usage and deficiencies). 7 Cost to Meet Existing Needs and Usage The difference between the Total Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan within the Service Area (Line 5) and the Cost of the Net Capacity supplied (Line 6). (Line 5 – Line 6) This line is provided for information purposes only – it is to present the portion of the total cost of the Capital Improvements Plan that is required to meet existing demand. 8 Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand over 10 Years Based upon the growth projection provided in Chapter 3: Land Use Assumptions, an estimate of the number of new vehicle-miles within the service area over the next ten years (from Table 7) This line presents the amount of growth (in vehicle-miles) projected to occur within each service area over the next 10 years. 9 Percent of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth The result of dividing Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand (Line 8) by the Net Amount of Capacity Added (Line 4), limited to 100%. This calculation is required by Chapter 395 to ensure capacity added is attributable to new growth.(Line 8 / Line 4) ≤ (100%)10 Chapter 395 Check In order to ensure that the vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan do not exceed the amount needed to accommodate growth beyond the 10-year window, a comparison of the two values is performed. If the amount of vehicle-miles added by the Capital Improvements Plan exceeds the growth projected to occur in the next ten years, the Capital Improvements Plan cost is reduced accordingly. DR A F T 272 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 27 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 11 Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth The result of multiplying the Cost of Net Capacity Supplied (Line 6)by the Percent of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth, limited to 100% (Line 10).(Line 6 * Line 10) This value is the total Capital Improvements Plan project costs (excluding financial costs) that may be recovered through impact fees. This line considers the limitations to impact fees required by the Texas legislature. 12 Pre-Credit Maximum Fee Per Service Unit Found by dividing the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth (Line 11) by the Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand Over 10 Years (Line 8). (Line 11 / Line 8) This value is the total pre-credit maximum fee per service unit that may be recovered through impact fees. B.PLAN FOR THE ROADWAY IMPACT FEE CREDIT Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code requires the Capital Improvements Plan to contain specific enumeration of a plan for awarding the impact fee credit. Section 395.014 of the Code requires: “(A) a credit for the portion of ad valorem tax and utility service revenues generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements, including the payment of debt, that are included in the capital improvements plan; or (B) In the alternative, a credit equal to 50 percent of the total projected cost of implementing the capital improvements plan…” The City of Sanger has determined the maximum assessable impact fee per service unit shall be 50% of the total projected cost of implementing the Capital Improvements Plan. Therefore, the Credit Calculation (Line 13) is assumed to be half of the Cost of the Capacity Added Attributable to Growth (Line 11). The sum of these values represents the Recoverable Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan (Line 14). The Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit (Line 15) is then found dividing the Recoverable Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan (Line 14) by the Total Vehicle-Miles of Demand over 10 Years (Line 8).Table 9 summarizes the additional computations carried out to provide the maximum assessable impact fee. Table 9.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Computation (continued) Line Title Description 13 Credit Calculation Assumed to be 50% of the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth (Line 11) as allowed by Chapter 395.(Line 11 * 50%) 14 Recoverable Cost of Capital Improvements Plan The sum of the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to New Growth (Line 11) and the Credit Calculation (Line 13).(Line 11 + Line 13) 15 Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit Found by dividing the Recoverable Cost of the Capital Improvements Plan (Line 14) by the Total Vehicle-Miles of New Demand Over 10 Years (Line 8).(Line 14 / Line 8) DR A F T 273 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 28 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 10 summarizes the calculations walked through in Tables 8 – 9 and provides the maximum assessable impact fee for the service area. Table 10.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee SANGER 1 TOTAL VEH-MI OF CAPACITY ADDED BY CIP (FROM CIP UNITS OF SUPPLY,APPENDIX B)45,591 2 TOTAL VEH-MI OF EXISTING DEMAND (FROM CIP UNITS OF SUPPLY,APPENDIX B)5,455 3 TOTAL VEH-MI OF EXISTING DEFICIENCIES (FROM EXISTING ROADWAY FACILITIES INVENTORY,APPENDIX C)56 4 NET AMOUNT OF VEH-MI OF CAPACITY ADDED (LINE 1 - LINE 2 - LINE 3)40,080 5 TOTAL COST OF CIP WITHIN SERVICE AREA (FROM TABLE 5 ) $ 251,034,949 6 COST OF NET CAPACITY SUPPLIED (LINE 4 / LINE 1) * (LINE 5) $ 220,690,065 7 COST TO MEET EXISTING NEEDS AND USAGE (LINE 5 - LINE 6) $ 30,344,884 8 TOTAL VEH-MI OF NEW DEMAND OVER 10 YEARS (FROM TABLE 7 AND LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS )47,852 9 PERCENT OF CAPACITY ADDED ATTRIBUTABLE TO GROWTH (LINE 8 / LINE 4)119.4% 10 CHAPTER 395 CHECK (IF LINE 8 > LINE 4, REDUCE LINE 9 TO 100%, OTHERWISE NO CHANGE) 100.0% 11 COST OF CAPACITY ADDED ATTRIBUTABLE TO NEW GROWTH (LINE 6 * LINE 10) $ 220,690,065 12 PRE-CREDIT MAX FEE PER SERVICE UNIT ($ PER VEH-MI) (LINE 11 / LINE 8) $ 4,611 13 CREDIT CALCULATION (50% OF LINE 11) $ (110,345,033) 14 RECOVERABLE COST OF CIP (LINE 11 + LINE 13) $ 110,345,032 15 MAX ASSESSABLE FEE PER SERVICE UNIT ($ PER VEH-MI) (LINE 14 / LINE 8) $ 2,305 SERVICE AREA: DR A F T 274 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 29 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas C.SERVICE UNIT DEMAND PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT The roadway impact fee is determined by multiplying the impact fee rate by the number of service units projected for the proposed development. For this purpose, the City will utilize the Land Use/Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET), presented in Table 11. This table lists the predominant land uses that may occur within the City of Sanger. For each land use, the development unit that defines the development’s magnitude with respect to transportation demand is shown. Although every possible use cannot be anticipated, the majority of local uses are found in this table. If the exact use is not listed, one similar in trip-making characteristics can serve as a reasonable proxy. The individual land uses are grouped into categories, such as residential, office, commercial, and industrial. The trip rates presented for each land use are a fundamental component of the LUVMET. The trip rate is the average number of trips generated during the PM peak hour by each land use per development unit. The next column, if applicable to the land use, presents the number of trips to and from certain land uses reduced by pass-by trips, as previously discussed. The source of the trip generation and pass-by statistics is the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, the latest edition. This manual utilizes trip generation studies for a variety of land uses throughout the United States, and is the standard used by traffic engineers and transportation planners for traffic impact analysis, site design, and transportation planning. However, for land uses not contained within the 11th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, an alternative service unit demand could be calculated by completing a trip generation study based on the procedure identified in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook. To convert vehicle trips to vehicle-miles, it is necessary to multiply trips by trip length. The trip length values are based on land use, as explained in Section 5.F. Service Unit Calculation. The remaining column in the LUVMET shows the vehicle-miles per development unit. This number is the product of the trip rate and the maximum trip length. This number, previously referred to as the Transportation Demand Factor, is used in the impact fee to compute the number of service units attributed to each land use category. The number of service units is multiplied by the impact fee rate (established by City ordinance) in order to determine the impact fee for a development.DR A F T 275 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 30 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 11.Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) ITE Land Use Code Development Unit Trip Gen Rate (PM) Pass-by Rate Pass-by Source Trip Rate Trip Length (mi) Adj. For O-D Adj. Trip Length (mi) Max Trip Length (mi) Veh-Mi Per Dev- Unit PORT AND TERMINAL Truck Terminal*030 Acres 6.55 6.55 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 39.30 INDUSTRIAL General Light Industrial 110 1,000 SF GFA 0.65 0.65 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 3.90 Industrial Park 130 1,000 SF GFA 0.34 0.34 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 2.04 Warehousing 150 1,000 SF GFA 0.18 0.18 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 1.08 Mini-Warehouse 151 1,000 SF GFA 0.15 0.15 19.33 50%9.66 6.00 0.90 RESIDENTIAL Single-Family Detached Housing 210 Dwelling Units 0.94 0.94 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 4.86 Single-Family Attached Housing 215 Dwelling Units 0.57 0.57 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 2.95 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise)220 Dwelling Units 0.51 0.51 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 2.64 Mobile Home Park 240 Dwelling Units 0.58 0.58 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 3.00 Senior Adult Housing - Single-Family 251 Dwelling Units 0.30 0.30 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 1.55 Senior Adult Housing - Multifamily 252 Dwelling Units 0.25 0.25 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 1.29 Congregate Care Facility 253 Dwelling Units 0.18 0.18 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 0.93 Assisted Living 254 Beds 0.24 0.24 10.34 50%5.17 5.17 1.24 LODGING Hotel 310 Rooms 0.59 0.59 5.78 50%2.89 2.89 1.71 Motel 320 Rooms 0.36 0.36 5.78 50%2.89 2.89 1.04 RECREATIONAL Golf Course 430 Acres 0.28 0.28 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 1.68 Miniature Golf Course 431 Holes 0.33 0.33 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 1.98 Golf Driving Range 432 Tees 1.25 1.25 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 7.50 Movie Theater 445 Movie Screens 13.96 13.96 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 83.76 Ice Skating Rink 465 1,000 SF GFA 1.33 1.33 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 7.98 Racquet / Tennis Club 491 Tennis Courts 3.82 3.82 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 22.92 Recreational Community Center 495 1,000 SF GFA 2.50 2.50 12.36 50%6.18 6.00 15.00 INSTITUTIONAL Elementary School 520 Students 0.16 0.16 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.83 Middle School / Junior High School 522 Students 0.15 0.15 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.78 High School 525 Students 0.14 0.14 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.73 Junior / Community College 540 Students 0.11 0.11 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.57 University / College 550 Students 0.15 0.15 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 0.78 Church 560 1,000 SF GFA 0.49 0.49 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 2.55 Day Care Center 565 1,000 SF GFA 11.12 44%C 6.23 10.43 50%5.21 5.21 32.44 MEDICAL Hospital 610 Beds 1.69 1.69 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 10.14 Nursing Home 620 Beds 0.14 0.14 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 0.84 Clinic 630 1,000 SF GFA 3.69 3.69 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 22.14 Animal Hospital / Veterinary Clinic 640 1,000 SF GFA 3.53 3.53 19.49 50%9.74 6.00 21.18 OFFICE General Office Building 710 1,000 SF GFA 1.44 1.44 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 8.64 Corporate Headquarters Building 714 1,000 SF GFA 1.30 1.30 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 7.80 Single Tenant Office Building 715 1,000 SF GFA 1.76 1.76 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 10.56 Medical-Dental Office Building 720 1,000 SF GFA 3.93 3.93 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 23.58 Office Park 750 1,000 SF GFA 1.30 1.30 19.98 50%9.99 6.00 7.80 *Uses data from ITE Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition Key to Sources of Pass-by Rates: A: ITE Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition (September 2017) B: Estimated by Kimley-Horn based on ITE rates for similar categories C: 2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices Land Use Category DR A F T 276 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 31 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas Table 11 (continued).Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) ITE Land Use Code Development Unit Trip Gen Rate (PM) Pass-by Rate Pass-by Source Trip Rate Trip Length (mi) Adj. For O-D Adj. Trip Length (mi) Max Trip Length (mi) Veh-Mi Per Dev- Unit COMMERCIAL Automobile Related Automobile Sales (New)840 1,000 SF GFA 2.42 2.42 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 13.70 Automobile Sales (Used)841 1,000 SF GFA 3.75 3.75 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 21.23 Automobile Parts Sales 843 1,000 SF GFA 4.90 43%C 2.79 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 15.81 Tire Store 848 1,000 SF GFA 3.75 25%C 2.81 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 15.92 Quick Lubrication Vehicle Shop 941 Servicing Positions 4.85 20%B 3.88 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 21.96 Automobile Care Center 942 1,000 SF GFA 3.11 3.11 11.32 50%5.66 5.66 17.60 Gasoline / Service Station 944 Vehicle Fueling Positions 13.91 57%C 5.98 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 3.59 Convenience Store / Gas Station 945 Vehicle Fueling Positions 18.42 56%C 8.10 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 4.86 Self-Service Car Wash 947 Wash Stalls 5.54 40%B 3.32 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 1.99 Automated Car Wash 948 Car Wash Tunnels 77.50 40%B 46.50 1.20 50%0.60 0.60 27.90 Dining Fine Dining Restaurant 931 1,000 SF GFA 7.80 44%C 4.37 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 21.01 High Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 1,000 SF GFA 9.05 43%C 5.16 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 24.81 Fast-Food Restaurant without Drive-Thru Window 933 1,000 SF GFA 33.21 55%B 14.94 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 71.88 Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru Window 934 1,000 SF GFA 33.03 55%C 14.86 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 71.49 Fast-Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru Window (No Indoor Seating)935 Drive-Thru Lanes 59.50 31%C 41.06 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 197.47 Coffee/Donut Shop with Drive-Thru Window 937 1,000 SF GFA 38.99 70%B 11.70 9.62 50%4.81 4.81 56.26 Other Retail Construction Equipment Rental Store 811 1,000 SF GFA 0.99 26%B 0.73 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 3.77 Free-Standing Discount Store 815 1,000 SF GFA 4.86 20%C 3.89 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 20.02 Nursery (Garden Center)817 1,000 SF GFA 6.94 30%B 4.86 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 25.02 Shopping Center (>150k)820 1,000 SF GLA 3.40 29%C 2.41 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 12.43 Shopping Plaza (40-150k)821 1,000 SF GLA 5.19 40%C 3.11 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 16.04 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)822 1,000 SF GLA 6.59 40%B 3.95 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 20.36 Supermarket 850 1,000 SF GFA 8.95 24%C 6.80 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 35.03 Convenience Store 851 1,000 SF GFA 49.11 51%A 24.06 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 123.93 Home Improvement Superstore 862 1,000 SF GFA 2.29 42%C 1.33 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 6.84 Toy / Children's Superstore 864 1,000 SF GFA 5.00 30%B 3.50 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 18.03 Department Store 875 1,000 SF GFA 1.95 30%B 1.37 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 7.03 Pharmacy / Drugstore without Drive-Thru Window 880 1,000 SF GFA 8.51 53%C 4.00 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 20.60 Pharmacy / Drugstore with Drive-Thru Window 881 1,000 SF GFA 10.25 49%C 5.23 10.31 50%5.15 5.15 26.92 SERVICES Walk-in Bank 911 1,000 SF GFA 12.13 35%B 7.88 3.39 50%1.69 1.69 13.32 Drive-in Bank 912 Drive-in Lanes 27.07 35%C 17.60 3.39 50%1.69 1.69 29.74 Hair Salon 918 1,000 SF GFA 1.45 30%B 1.02 3.39 50%1.69 1.69 1.72 *Uses data from ITE Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition Key to Sources of Pass-by Rates: A: ITE Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition (September 2017) B: Estimated by Kimley-Horn based on ITE rates for similar categories C: 2021 Pass-By Tables for ITETripGen Appendices Land Use Category DR A F T 277 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 32 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 7.SAMPLE CALCULATIONS The following section details two (2) examples of maximum assessable Roadway Impact Fee calculations. Example 1: Development Type - One (1) Unit of Single-Family Housing Step 1 Determine Development Unit and Vehicle-Miles Per Development Unit From Table 11 [Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table] Development Type: 1 Dwelling Unit of Single-Family Detached Housing Development Units: 1 Dwelling Unit Veh-Mi Per Development Unit: 4.86 Step 2 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) From Table 10, Line 15 [Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit] Sanger Service Area: $2,305 Step 3 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Impact Fee = # of Development Units * Veh-Mi Per Development Unit * Max. Fee Per Service Unit Impact Fee = 1 * 4.86 * $2,305 Maximum Assessable Impact Fee = $11,202 Example 2: Development Type - 150,000 Square Foot Home Improvement Superstore Step 1 Determine Development Unit and Vehicle-Miles Per Development Unit From Table 11 [Land Use / Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table] Development Type: 150,000 square feet of Home Improvement Superstore Development Units: 1,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area Veh-Mi Per Development Unit: 6.84 Step 2 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) From Table 10, Line 15 [Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit] Sanger Service Area: $2,305 Step 3 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Impact Fee = # of Development Units * Veh-Mi Per Development Unit * Max. Fee Per Service Unit Impact Fee = 150 * 6.84 * $2,305 Maximum Assessable Impact Fee = $2,364,930DR A F T 278 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 33 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 8.ADOPTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES A.ADOPTION PROCESS Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code stipulates a specific process for the adoption of Roadway Impact Fees. A Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) is required to review the Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan used in calculating the maximum fee, and to provide the Committee’s findings for consideration by the City Council. The CIAC also reviews the calculation and resulting maximum fees and provides its findings to the City Council. The composition of the CIAC is required to adequately represent the building and development communities. The City Council then conducts a public hearing on the roadway impact fee assumptions (Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan) and Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance. Following policy adoption, the CIAC is tasked with advising the City Council of the need to update the Land Use Assumptions or the Capital Improvements Plan at any time within five years of adoption. Finally, the CIAC oversees the proper administration of the impact fee, once in place, and advises the City Council as necessary. B.COLLECTION AND USE OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES Roadway impact fees are assessed when a final plat is recorded. The assessment defines the impact of each unit at the time of platting, according to land use, and may not exceed the maximum impact fee allowed by law. Roadway impact fees are collected when a building permit is issued. Therefore, funds are not collected until development-impacts are introduced to the transportation system. Funds collected within a service area can only be used within the same service area. Finally, fees must be utilized within 10 years of collection, or must be refunded with interest. DR A F T 279 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study 34 July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas 9.CONCLUSIONS The City of Sanger has established a process to implement the assessment and collection of roadway impact fees through the adoption of an impact fee ordinance that is consistent with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. This report establishes the maximum allowable roadway impact fee that could be assessed by the City of Sanger, as shown in the previously referenced Table 10. This document serves as a guide to the assessment of roadway impact fees pertaining to future development, and the City’s need for transportation improvements to accommodate that growth. Following the public hearing process, the City Council may establish an impact fee amount to be collected, up to the calculated maximum and establish the Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance accordingly. In conclusion, it is our opinion that the data and methodology used in this analysis are appropriate and consistent with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. Furthermore, the Land Use Assumptions and the proposed Capital Improvements Plan are appropriately incorporated into the development of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee. Table 12 below lists the 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study’s Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile): Table 12.Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee Per Service Unit (Vehicle-Mile) Service Area Maximum Fee Per Service Unit (per Vehicle-Mile) Sanger $2,305 DR A F T 280 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas APPENDIX A –CONCEPTUAL LEVEL PROJECT COST PROJECTIONS DR A F T 281 Item 14. From To 1 3,030 Collector North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR None 2U New 100%6,251,000$ 2 4,375 Collector Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 2U Widening 100%10,309,000$ 3 3,645 Minor Arterial Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%11,535,000$ 4 525 Minor Arterial Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR 525' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%1,549,000$ 5 250 Minor Arterial Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR 775' E of I-35 NBFR None 4U New 100%745,000$ 6 1,480 Minor Arterial Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%6,333,000$ 7 4,935 Collector South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR None 2U New 100%9,509,000$ 8 1,920 Collector Utility Rd I-35 NBFR 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR 2U 2U Widening 100%4,448,000$ 9 4,820 Minor Arterial Belz Rd Metz Rd I-35 SBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%15,788,000$ 10 5,630 Minor Arterial Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR FM 455 None 4U New 100%19,659,000$ 11 1,290 Minor Arterial (1/3)Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd McReynolds Rd 2U 3U Widening 1/3 100%725,000$ 12 3,365 Collector Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd None 2U New 100%6,484,000$ 13 28,860 Principal Arterial FM 455 (1)FM 2450 830' E of Marion Rd 2U 4D Construction 100%7,850,949$ 14 15,015 Principal Arterial FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd 2,110' S of FM 2164 2U 4D Widening 100%11,020,000$ 15 5,015 Minor Arterial Willow St Cowling Rd Indian Ln 2U 4U Widening 100%18,725,000$ 16 5,715 Minor Arterial McReynolds Rd Indian Ln 600' E of PR 6630 2U 4U Widening 100%21,576,000$ 17 900 Minor Arterial 5th St Keaton Rd I-35 SBFR 2U 4U Widening 100%489,000$ 18 2,740 Minor Arterial Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd Railroad Ave None 4U New 100%8,167,000$ 19 2,730 Collector Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave Railroad Ave None 2U New 100%8,141,000$ 20 1,320 Collector N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd None 2U New 100%2,545,000$ 21 8,105 Collector Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W Belz Rd None 2U New 100%16,029,000$ 22 1,555 Collector Jennifer Cir (2)Belz Rd 1,555' S of Belz Rd 2U 2U Widening 100%2,965,000$ 23 705 Collector Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd Keith Dr None 2U New 100%1,359,000$ 24 1,405 Collector Keith Dr Jennifer Cir FM 455 2U-G 2U Widening 100%2,679,000$ 25 5,615 Minor Arterial Cowling Rd 5th St 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector 2U 4U Widening 100%19,706,000$ 26 3,630 Collector 2nd St Indian Ln FM 455 None 2U New 100%9,052,000$ 27 3,185 Minor Arterial Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr FM 455 2U 4U Widening 100%10,573,000$ 28 5,490 Minor Arterial Union Hill Rd FM 455 McReynolds Rd None 4U New 100%16,773,000$ 250,984,949$TOTAL NOTE: These planning level cost projections listed in this Appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. These planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. City of Sanger - 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study Capital Improvements Plan #Length (ft) Impact Fee Class Project Limits Existing Cross Section Ultimate Cross Section Status Percent in Service Area Total Cost in Service Area 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, TexasDR A F T 282 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.1 Name:North Metz to I-35 Connector Limits:3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):3,030 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 6,060 cy 40.00$242,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 11,783 sy 35.00$412,417$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 9,763 sy 120.00$1,171,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 30,300 sf 10.00$303,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 6,060 lf 30.00$181,800$ 603 Topsoil 5,723 sy 15.00$85,850$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,397,067$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%71,912$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%599,267$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing -250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%119,853$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%119,853$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%95,883$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%143,824$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,400,592$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:3,797,659$ Construction Contingency:15%569,649$ Mobilization 5%189,883$ Prep ROW 1%37,977$ Construction Cost TOTAL:4,596,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-4,596,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%735,360$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%919,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:6,251,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 283 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.2 Name:Chisam Rd Limits:I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):4,375 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 8,750 cy 40.00$350,000$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 17,014 sy 35.00$595,486$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 14,097 sy 120.00$1,691,667$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 43,750 sf 10.00$437,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 8,750 lf 30.00$262,500$ 603 Topsoil 8,264 sy 15.00$123,958$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,461,111$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%173,056$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%103,833$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%865,278$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2)-500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%173,056$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%173,056$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%138,444$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%207,667$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:3,084,389$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:6,545,500$ Construction Contingency:15%981,825$ Mobilization 5%327,275$ Prep ROW 5%327,275$ Construction Cost TOTAL:8,182,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-8,182,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,309,120$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%818,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:10,309,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 284 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.3 Name:Lois Rd W Limits:3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):3,645 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 10,834 cy 40.00$433,350$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 21,263 sy 40.00$850,500$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 19,035 sy 130.00$2,474,550$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 36,450 sf 10.00$364,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 7,290 lf 30.00$218,700$ 602 Topsoil 7,898 sy 15.00$118,463$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:4,460,063$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%223,003$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%133,802$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,115,016$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2)-500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%223,003$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%223,003$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%178,403$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%267,604$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,863,833$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:7,323,896$ Construction Contingency:15%1,098,584$ Mobilization 5%366,195$ Prep ROW 5%366,195$ Construction Cost TOTAL:9,155,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-9,155,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,464,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%915,500$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:11,535,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 285 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.4 Name:Lois Rd E (1) Limits:I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):525 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 1,560 cy 40.00$62,417$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 3,063 sy 40.00$122,500$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 2,742 sy 130.00$356,417$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 5,250 sf 10.00$52,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 1,050 lf 30.00$31,500$ 602 Topsoil 1,138 sy 15.00$17,063$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:642,396$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%32,120$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%19,272$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%160,599$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%32,120$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%32,120$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%25,696$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%38,544$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:340,470$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:982,866$ Construction Contingency:15%147,430$ Mobilization 5%49,143$ Prep ROW 5%49,143$ Construction Cost TOTAL:1,229,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-1,229,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%196,640$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%122,900$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:1,549,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 286 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.5 Name:Lois Rd E (2) Limits:525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):250 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 743 cy 40.00$29,722$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 1,458 sy 40.00$58,333$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 1,306 sy 130.00$169,722$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 2,500 sf 10.00$25,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 500 lf 30.00$15,000$ 602 Topsoil 542 sy 15.00$8,125$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:305,903$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%9,177$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%76,476$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%15,295$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%15,295$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%12,236$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%18,354$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:146,833$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:452,736$ Construction Contingency:15%67,910$ Mobilization 5%22,637$ Prep ROW 1%4,527$ Construction Cost TOTAL:548,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-548,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%87,680$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%109,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:745,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 287 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.6 Name:Lois Rd E (3) Limits:775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):1,480 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 4,399 cy 40.00$175,956$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 8,633 sy 40.00$345,333$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 7,729 sy 130.00$1,004,756$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 14,800 sf 10.00$148,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 2,960 lf 30.00$88,800$ 602 Topsoil 3,207 sy 15.00$48,100$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,810,944$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%90,547$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%54,328$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%452,736$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing -500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%90,547$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%90,547$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%72,438$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%108,657$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,209,801$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:4,020,745$ Construction Contingency:15%603,112$ Mobilization 5%201,037$ Prep ROW 5%201,037$ Construction Cost TOTAL:5,026,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-5,026,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%804,160$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%502,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:6,333,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 288 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.7 Name:South Metz to I-35 Connector Limits:4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):4,935 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 9,870 cy 40.00$394,800$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 19,192 sy 35.00$671,708$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 15,902 sy 120.00$1,908,200$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 49,350 sf 10.00$493,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 9,870 lf 30.00$296,100$ 603 Topsoil 9,322 sy 15.00$139,825$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,904,133$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%117,124$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%976,033$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%195,207$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%195,207$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%156,165$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%234,248$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,873,984$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:5,778,117$ Construction Contingency:15%866,718$ Mobilization 5%288,906$ Prep ROW 1%57,781$ Construction Cost TOTAL:6,992,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-6,992,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,118,720$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,398,400$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:9,509,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 289 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.8 Name:Utility Rd Limits:I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,920 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 3,840 cy 40.00$153,600$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 7,467 sy 35.00$261,333$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 6,187 sy 120.00$742,400$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 19,200 sf 10.00$192,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 3,840 lf 30.00$115,200$ 603 Topsoil 3,627 sy 15.00$54,400$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,518,933$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%75,947$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%45,568$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%379,733$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing -500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%75,947$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%75,947$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%60,757$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%91,136$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,305,035$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:2,823,968$ Construction Contingency:15%423,595$ Mobilization 5%141,198$ Prep ROW 5%141,198$ Construction Cost TOTAL:3,530,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-3,530,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%564,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%353,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:4,448,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 290 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.9 Name:Belz Rd Limits:Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):4,820 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 14,326 cy 40.00$573,044$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 28,117 sy 40.00$1,124,667$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 25,171 sy 130.00$3,272,244$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 48,200 sf 10.00$482,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 9,640 lf 30.00$289,200$ 602 Topsoil 10,443 sy 15.00$156,650$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:5,897,806$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%294,890$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%176,934$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,474,451$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2), Major Stream Crossing -1,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%294,890$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%294,890$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%235,912$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%353,868$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:4,125,837$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:10,023,643$ Construction Contingency:15%1,503,546$ Mobilization 5%501,182$ Prep ROW 5%501,182$ Construction Cost TOTAL:12,530,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-12,530,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,004,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,253,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:15,788,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 291 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.10 Name:Indian Ln (1) Limits:I-35 SBFR to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,630 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,734 cy 40.00$669,344$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 32,842 sy 40.00$1,313,667$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 29,401 sy 130.00$3,822,144$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 56,300 sf 10.00$563,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 11,260 lf 30.00$337,800$ 602 Topsoil 12,198 sy 15.00$182,975$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,888,931$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%206,668$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,722,233$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing (2)-1,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%344,447$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%344,447$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%275,557$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%413,336$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:5,056,687$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:11,945,617$ Construction Contingency:15%1,791,843$ Mobilization 5%597,281$ Prep ROW 1%119,456$ Construction Cost TOTAL:14,455,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-14,455,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,312,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%2,891,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:19,659,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 292 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.11 Name:Indian Ln (2) Limits:1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial (1/3) Length (lf):1,290 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 104 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 1,003 cy 40.00$40,133$ 204 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 1,935 sy 40.00$77,400$ 304 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 1,577 sy 130.00$204,967$ 404 4" Concrete Sidewalk 6,450 sf 10.00$64,500$ 504 Curb & Gutter 1,290 lf 30.00$38,700$ 604 Topsoil 1,362 sy 15.00$20,425$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:446,125$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%22,306$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%13,384$ Roadway Drainage None Anticipated 0%-$ Special Drainage Structures Existing Major Stream Crossing --$ Water None Anticipated 0%-$ Sewer None Anticipated 0%-$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%17,845$ Illumination None Anticipated 0%-$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:53,535$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:499,660$ Construction Contingency:15%74,949$ Mobilization 5%24,983$ Prep ROW 5%24,983$ Construction Cost TOTAL:625,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-625,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%100,000$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:No ROW Acquisition Costs included 0%-$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:725,000$ This project consists of the construction of the additional one lane of a three-lane undivided arterial in continuity with the adjacent cross-sections. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 293 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.12 Name:Indian Ln (3) Limits:McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):3,365 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 6,730 cy 40.00$269,200$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 13,086 sy 35.00$458,014$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 10,843 sy 120.00$1,301,133$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 33,650 sf 10.00$336,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 6,730 lf 30.00$201,900$ 603 Topsoil 6,356 sy 15.00$95,342$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,662,089$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%79,863$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%665,522$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%133,104$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%133,104$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%106,484$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%159,725$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,277,803$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:3,939,892$ Construction Contingency:15%590,984$ Mobilization 5%196,995$ Prep ROW 1%39,399$ Construction Cost TOTAL:4,768,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-4,768,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%762,880$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%953,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:6,484,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 294 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.13 Name:FM 455 (1) Limits:FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd Impact Fee Class:Principal Arterial Length (lf):28,860 Service Area(s):Sanger Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction: Engineering/Survey/Testing: ROW/Easement Acquisition: Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:7,850,949$ This project consisted of the City's contribution of the widening to the ultimate section. The overall City contribution was $7,850,949. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 7,850,949$ 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 295 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.14 Name:FM 455 (2) Limits:830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 Impact Fee Class:Principal Arterial Length (lf):15,015 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 101 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 49,216 cy 40.00$1,968,633$ 201 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 95,095 sy 40.00$3,803,800$ 301 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 85,085 sy 130.00$11,061,050$ 401 4" Concrete Sidewalk 150,150 sf 10.00$1,501,500$ 501 Curb & Gutter 60,060 lf 30.00$1,801,800$ 601 Topsoil 61,728 sy 15.00$925,925$ 701 Turn Lanes and Median Openings 12,588 sy 170.00$2,140,017$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:23,202,725$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%1,160,136$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%696,082$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%5,800,681$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing (2), Major Stream Crossing (4)-2,500,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%1,160,136$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%1,160,136$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%928,109$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%1,392,164$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:14,797,444$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:38,000,169$ Construction Contingency:15%5,700,025$ Mobilization 5%1,900,008$ Prep ROW 5%1,900,008$ Construction Cost TOTAL:47,501,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-47,501,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%7,600,160$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:TxDOT Roadway 0%-$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL (20% City Contribution):11,020,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane divided TxDOT arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 296 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.15 Name:Willow St Limits:Cowling Rd to Indian Ln Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,015 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 14,906 cy 40.00$596,228$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 29,254 sy 40.00$1,170,167$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 26,189 sy 130.00$3,404,628$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 50,150 sf 10.00$501,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 10,030 lf 30.00$300,900$ 602 Topsoil 10,866 sy 15.00$162,988$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,136,410$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%306,820$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%184,092$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,534,102$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing, Major Stream Crossing, Bridge Crossing -1,750,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%306,820$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%306,820$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%245,456$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%368,185$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:5,752,297$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:11,888,707$ Construction Contingency:15%1,783,306$ Mobilization 5%594,435$ Prep ROW 5%594,435$ Construction Cost TOTAL:14,861,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-14,861,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,377,760$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,486,100$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:18,725,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 297 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.16 Name:McReynolds Rd Limits:Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,715 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,986 cy 40.00$679,450$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 33,338 sy 40.00$1,333,500$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 29,845 sy 130.00$3,879,850$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 57,150 sf 10.00$571,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 11,430 lf 30.00$342,900$ 602 Topsoil 12,383 sy 15.00$185,738$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,992,938$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%349,647$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%209,788$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,748,234$ √Special Drainage Structures Major Stream Crossing (2), Bridge Crossing (2)-3,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%349,647$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%349,647$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%279,718$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%419,576$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:6,706,257$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:13,699,194$ Construction Contingency:15%2,054,879$ Mobilization 5%684,960$ Prep ROW 5%684,960$ Construction Cost TOTAL:17,124,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-17,124,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,739,840$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,712,400$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:21,576,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 298 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.17 Name:5th St Limits:Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):900 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 2,675 cy 40.00$107,000$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 5,250 sy 40.00$210,000$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 4,700 sy 130.00$611,000$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 9,000 sf 10.00$90,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 1,800 lf 30.00$54,000$ 602 Topsoil 1,950 sy 15.00$29,250$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,101,250$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%55,063$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%33,038$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%275,313$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%55,063$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%55,063$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%44,050$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%66,075$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:583,663$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,684,913$ Construction Contingency:15%252,737$ Mobilization 5%84,246$ Prep ROW 5%84,246$ Construction Cost TOTAL:2,107,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-2,107,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%337,120$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:TxDOT Roadway 0%-$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL (20% City Contribution)489,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided TxDOT arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 299 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.18 Name:Cowling to Railroad Connector Limits:Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):2,740 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 8,144 cy 40.00$325,756$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 15,983 sy 40.00$639,333$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 14,309 sy 130.00$1,860,156$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 27,400 sf 10.00$274,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 5,480 lf 30.00$164,400$ 602 Topsoil 5,937 sy 15.00$89,050$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,352,694$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%100,581$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%838,174$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%167,635$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%167,635$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%134,108$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%201,162$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:1,609,293$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:4,961,988$ Construction Contingency:15%744,298$ Mobilization 5%248,099$ Prep ROW 1%49,620$ Construction Cost TOTAL:6,005,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-6,005,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%960,800$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,201,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:8,167,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 300 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.19 Name:Rector Rd Limits:2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):2,730 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 5,460 cy 40.00$218,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 10,617 sy 35.00$371,583$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 8,797 sy 120.00$1,055,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 27,300 sf 10.00$273,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 5,460 lf 30.00$163,800$ 603 Topsoil 5,157 sy 15.00$77,350$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,159,733$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%64,792$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%539,933$ √Special Drainage Structures Bridge Crossing -1,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%107,987$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%107,987$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%86,389$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%129,584$ √Other:Railroad Crossing $750,000 750,000$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,786,672$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:4,946,405$ Construction Contingency:15%741,961$ Mobilization 5%247,320$ Prep ROW 1%49,464$ Construction Cost TOTAL:5,986,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-5,986,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%957,760$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,197,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:8,141,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 301 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.20 Name:N Tejas Dr Limits:1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,320 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 2,640 cy 40.00$105,600$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 5,133 sy 35.00$179,667$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 4,253 sy 120.00$510,400$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 13,200 sf 10.00$132,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 2,640 lf 30.00$79,200$ 603 Topsoil 2,493 sy 15.00$37,400$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,044,267$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%31,328$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%261,067$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%52,213$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%52,213$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%41,771$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%62,656$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:501,248$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,545,515$ Construction Contingency:15%231,827$ Mobilization 5%77,276$ Prep ROW 1%15,455$ Construction Cost TOTAL:1,871,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-1,871,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%299,360$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%374,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:2,545,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 302 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.21 Name:Jennifer Cir (1) Limits:Lois Rd W to Belz Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):8,105 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,210 cy 40.00$648,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 31,519 sy 35.00$1,103,181$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 26,116 sy 120.00$3,133,933$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 81,050 sf 10.00$810,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 16,210 lf 30.00$486,300$ 603 Topsoil 15,309 sy 15.00$229,642$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,411,956$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%192,359$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,602,989$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing -250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%320,598$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%320,598$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%256,478$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%384,717$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:3,327,739$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:9,739,694$ Construction Contingency:15%1,460,954$ Mobilization 5%486,985$ Prep ROW 1%97,397$ Construction Cost TOTAL:11,786,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-11,786,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,885,760$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%2,357,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:16,029,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 303 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.22 Name:Jennifer Cir (2) Limits:Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,555 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 3,110 cy 40.00$124,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 6,047 sy 35.00$211,653$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 5,011 sy 120.00$601,267$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 15,550 sf 10.00$155,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 3,110 lf 30.00$93,300$ 603 Topsoil 2,937 sy 15.00$44,058$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,230,178$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%61,509$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%36,905$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%307,544$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%61,509$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%61,509$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%49,207$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%73,811$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:651,994$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,882,172$ Construction Contingency:15%282,326$ Mobilization 5%94,109$ Prep ROW 5%94,109$ Construction Cost TOTAL:2,353,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-2,353,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%376,480$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%235,300$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:2,965,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 304 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.23 Name:Jennifer Cir (3) Limits:1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):705 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 1,410 cy 40.00$56,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 2,742 sy 35.00$95,958$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 2,272 sy 120.00$272,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 7,050 sf 10.00$70,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 1,410 lf 30.00$42,300$ 603 Topsoil 1,332 sy 15.00$19,975$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:557,733$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%16,732$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%139,433$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%27,887$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%27,887$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%22,309$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%33,464$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:267,712$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:825,445$ Construction Contingency:15%123,817$ Mobilization 5%41,272$ Prep ROW 1%8,254$ Construction Cost TOTAL:999,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-999,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%159,840$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%199,800$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:1,359,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 305 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.24 Name:Keith Dr Limits:Jennifer Cir to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):1,405 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 2,810 cy 40.00$112,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 5,464 sy 35.00$191,236$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 4,527 sy 120.00$543,267$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 14,050 sf 10.00$140,500$ 503 Curb & Gutter 2,810 lf 30.00$84,300$ 603 Topsoil 2,654 sy 15.00$39,808$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:1,111,511$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%55,576$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%33,345$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%277,878$ Special Drainage Structures None Anticipated --$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%55,576$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%55,576$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%44,460$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%66,691$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:589,101$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:1,700,612$ Construction Contingency:15%255,092$ Mobilization 5%85,031$ Prep ROW 5%85,031$ Construction Cost TOTAL:2,126,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-2,126,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%340,160$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%212,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:2,679,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 306 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.25 Name:Cowling Rd Limits:5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,615 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,689 cy 40.00$667,561$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 32,754 sy 40.00$1,310,167$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 29,323 sy 130.00$3,811,961$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 56,150 sf 10.00$561,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 11,230 lf 30.00$336,900$ 602 Topsoil 12,166 sy 15.00$182,488$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,870,576$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%343,529$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%206,117$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,717,644$ √Special Drainage Structures Bridge Crossing (2)-2,000,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%343,529$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%343,529$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%274,823$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%412,235$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:5,641,405$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:12,511,982$ Construction Contingency:15%1,876,797$ Mobilization 5%625,599$ Prep ROW 5%625,599$ Construction Cost TOTAL:15,640,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-15,640,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%2,502,400$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%1,564,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:19,706,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 307 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.26 Name:2nd St Limits:Indian Ln to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Collector Length (lf):3,630 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 103 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 7,260 cy 40.00$290,400$ 203 8" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 14,117 sy 35.00$494,083$ 303 8" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 11,697 sy 120.00$1,403,600$ 403 4" Concrete Sidewalk 36,300 sf 10.00$363,000$ 503 Curb & Gutter 7,260 lf 30.00$217,800$ 603 Topsoil 6,857 sy 15.00$102,850$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:2,871,733$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%86,152$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%717,933$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing, Bridge Crossing -1,250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%143,587$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%143,587$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%114,869$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%172,304$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,628,432$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:5,500,165$ Construction Contingency:15%825,025$ Mobilization 5%275,008$ Prep ROW 1%55,002$ Construction Cost TOTAL:6,656,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-6,656,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,064,960$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%1,331,200$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:9,052,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new two-lane undivided collector. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 308 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.27 Name:Marion Rd Limits:270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):3,185 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 9,467 cy 40.00$378,661$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 18,579 sy 40.00$743,167$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 16,633 sy 130.00$2,162,261$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 31,850 sf 10.00$318,500$ 502 Curb & Gutter 6,370 lf 30.00$191,100$ 602 Topsoil 6,901 sy 15.00$103,513$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:3,897,201$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost √Traffic Control Construction Phase Traffic Control 5%194,860$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%116,916$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%974,300$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing, Major Stream Crossing -750,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%194,860$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%194,860$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%155,888$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%233,832$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:2,815,517$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:6,712,718$ Construction Contingency:15%1,006,908$ Mobilization 5%335,636$ Prep ROW 5%335,636$ Construction Cost TOTAL:8,391,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-8,391,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,342,560$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:Existing Alignment 10%839,100$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:10,573,000$ This project consists of widening the existing facility to a four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 309 Item 14. City of Sanger Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study updated:7/10/2024 Conceptual Level Project Cost Projection Project Information:Description:Project No.28 Name:Union Hill Rd Limits:FM 455 to McReynolds Rd Impact Fee Class:Minor Arterial Length (lf):5,490 Service Area(s):Sanger Roadway Construction Cost Projection No.Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost 102 Unclassified Roadway Excavation 16,318 cy 40.00$652,700$ 202 10" Lime Stabilized Subgrade 32,025 sy 40.00$1,281,000$ 302 9" 4,000 psi Reinforced Concrete 28,670 sy 130.00$3,727,100$ 402 4" Concrete Sidewalk 54,900 sf 10.00$549,000$ 502 Curb & Gutter 10,980 lf 30.00$329,400$ 602 Topsoil 11,895 sy 15.00$178,425$ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal:6,717,625$ Major Construction Component Allowances**: Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Traffic Control None Anticipated 0%-$ √Pavement Markings/Markers 3%201,529$ √Roadway Drainage Standard Internal System 25%1,679,406$ √Special Drainage Structures Minor Stream Crossing -250,000$ √Water Minor Adjustments 5%335,881$ √Sewer Minor Adjustments 5%335,881$ √Landscaping and Irrigation 4%268,705$ √Illumination Standard Ilumination System 6%403,058$ Other:$0 -$ **Allowances based on % of Paving Construction Cost Subtotal Allowance Subtotal:3,474,460$ Paving and Allowance Subtotal:10,192,085$ Construction Contingency:15%1,528,813$ Mobilization 5%509,604$ Prep ROW 1%101,921$ Construction Cost TOTAL:12,333,000$ Impact Fee Project Cost Summary Item Description Notes:Allowance Item Cost Construction:-12,333,000$ Engineering/Survey/Testing:16%1,973,280$ ROW/Easement Acquisition:New Roadway Alignment 20%2,466,600$ Impact Fee Project Cost TOTAL:16,773,000$ This project consists of the construction of a new four-lane undivided arterial. NOTE: The planning level cost projections listed in this appendix have been developed for Impact Fee calculations only and should not be used for any future Capital Improvement Planning within the City of Sanger. The planning level cost projections shall not supersede the City’s design standards or the determination of the City Engineer for a specific project. 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix A - Conceptual Level Project Cost Projections DR A F T 310 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas APPENDIX B –CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN SERVICE UNITS OF SUPPLY DR A F T 311 Item 14. 7/11/2024 VEH-MI VEH-MI VEH-MI EXCESS LENGTH CAPACITY SUPPLY TOTAL CAPACITY (MI)PK-HR PK-HR DEMAND PK-HR PER LN TOTAL PK-HR VEH-MI 1 North Metz to I-35 Connector 3,030' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR 0.57 2 Collector New 100%425 485 0 485 6,251,000$ 2 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR to 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR 0.83 2 Collector 16 100%425 706 13 692 10,309,000$ 3 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR 0.69 4 Minor Arterial 42 100%525 1,449 29 1,420 11,535,000$ 4 Lois Rd E (1)I-35 NBFR to 525' E of I-35 NBFR 0.10 4 Minor Arterial 288 100%525 210 29 181 1,549,000$ 5 Lois Rd E (2)525' E of I-35 NBFR to 775' E of I-35 NBFR 0.05 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 105 0 105 745,000$ 6 Lois Rd E (3)775' E of I-35 NBFR to 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR 0.28 4 Minor Arterial 148 100%525 588 41 547 6,333,000$ 7 South Metz to I-35 Connector 4,935' W of I-35 SBFR to I-35 SBFR 0.93 2 Collector New 100%425 791 0 791 9,509,000$ 8 Utility Rd*I-35 NBFR to 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR 0.36 2 Collector 100 100%425 306 36 270 4,448,000$ 9 Belz Rd*Metz Rd to I-35 SBFR 0.91 4 Minor Arterial 200 100%525 1,911 182 1,729 15,788,000$ 10 Indian Ln (1)I-35 SBFR to FM 455 1.07 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 2,247 0 2,247 19,659,000$ 11 Indian Ln (2)1,290' N of McReynolds Rd to McReynolds Rd 0.24 1 Minor Arterial (1/3)N/A 100%525 126 0 126 725,000$ 12 Indian Ln (3)McReynolds Rd to 3,365' S of McReynolds Rd 0.64 2 Collector New 100%425 544 0 544 6,484,000$ 13 FM 455 (1)FM 2450 to 830' E of Marion Rd 5.47 4 Principal Arterial 580 100%650 14,222 3,173 11,049 7,850,949$ 14 FM 455 (2)830' E of Marion Rd to 2,110' S of FM 2164 2.84 4 Principal Arterial 434 100%650 7,384 1,233 6,151 11,020,000$ 15 Willow St Cowling Rd to Indian Ln 0.95 4 Minor Arterial 226 100%525 1,995 215 1,780 18,725,000$ 16 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln to 600' E of PR 6630 1.08 4 Minor Arterial 124 100%525 2,268 134 2,134 21,576,000$ 17 5th St Keaton Rd to I-35 SBFR 0.17 4 Minor Arterial 286 100%525 357 49 308 489,000$ 18 Cowling to Railroad Connector Cowling Rd to Railroad Ave 0.52 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 1,092 0 1,092 8,167,000$ 19 Rector Rd 2,730' W of Railroad Ave to Railroad Ave 0.52 2 Collector New 100%425 442 0 442 8,141,000$ 20 N Tejas Dr 1,245' S of FM 455 to 1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd 0.25 2 Collector New 100%425 213 0 213 2,545,000$ 21 Jennifer Cir (1)Lois Rd W to Belz Rd 1.54 2 Collector New 100%425 1,309 0 1,309 16,029,000$ 22 Jennifer Cir (2)*Belz Rd to 1,555' S of Belz Rd 0.29 2 Collector 100 100%425 247 29 218 2,965,000$ 23 Jennifer Cir (3)1,555' S of Belz Rd to Keith Dr 0.13 2 Collector New 100%425 111 0 111 1,359,000$ 24 Keith Dr*Jennifer Cir to FM 455 0.27 2 Collector 100 100%425 230 27 203 2,679,000$ 25 Cowling Rd 5th St to 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector 1.06 4 Minor Arterial 140 100%525 2,226 148 2,078 19,706,000$ 26 2nd St Indian Ln to FM 455 0.69 2 Collector New 100%425 587 0 587 9,052,000$ 27 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr to FM 455 0.60 4 Minor Arterial 196 100%525 1,260 118 1,142 10,573,000$ 28 Union Hill Rd FM 455 to McReynolds Rd 1.04 4 Minor Arterial New 100%525 2,184 0 2,184 16,773,000$ 45,591 5,455 40,136 250,984,949$ *Existing peak hour volumes assumed based on road context and development access 50,000$ 251,034,949$TOTAL COST Roadway Impact Fee Study Cost TOTAL COST IN SERVICE AREA SUBTOTAL City of Sanger - 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study Capital Improvements Plan Units of Supply PROJECT ID #ROADWAY LIMITS LANES IMPACT FEE CLASSIFICATION PEAK HOUR VOLUME % IN SERVICE AREA 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix B - Capital Improvements Plan Service Units of SupplyDR A F T 312 Item 14. Roadway Impact Fee Study July 2024 City of Sanger, Texas APPENDIX C –EXISTING ROADWAY FACILITIES INVENTORY DR A F T 313 Item 14. LENGTH LENGTH EXISTING % IN (ft)(mi)SECTION SERVICE AREA NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB 5th St I-35 NBFR FM 455 1,755 0.33 1 1 2U 107 107 100%425 425 141 141 36 36 105 105 5th St FM 455 Willow St 2,610 0.49 1 1 2U 188 188 100%425 425 210 210 93 93 117 117 5th St Willow St Cowling Rd 3,335 0.63 1 1 2U 47 47 100%425 425 268 268 30 30 238 238 5th St Cowling Rd I-35 SBFR 1,835 0.35 1 1 2U 439 439 100%425 425 148 148 153 153 -5 -5 5 5 5th St Keaton Rd I-35 SBFR 900 0.17 1 1 2U 143 143 100%425 425 72 72 24 24 48 48 Avion Dr*Utility Rd Marion Rd 2,970 0.56 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 239 239 28 28 211 211 Belz Rd*Metz Rd Jennifer Cir 1,660 0.31 1 1 2U 100 100 100%425 425 134 134 31 31 103 103 Belz Rd*Jennifer Cir I-35 SBFR 3,160 0.60 1 1 2U 100 100 100%425 425 254 254 60 60 194 194 Chisam Rd I-35 NBFR 4,375' E of I-35 NBFR 4,375 0.83 1 1 2U 8 8 100%425 425 352 352 7 7 345 345 Cowling Rd 5th St Cowling to Railroad Connector 2,275 0.43 1 1 2U 70 70 100%425 425 183 183 30 30 153 153 Cowling Rd Cowling to Railroad Connector 3,335' S of Cowling to Railroad Connector 3,335 0.63 1 1 2U 70 70 100%425 425 268 268 44 44 224 224 Duck Creek Rd Keaton Rd (W)Keaton Rd (E)810 0.15 1 1 2U 214 214 100%425 425 65 65 33 33 32 32 Duck Creek Rd Keaton Rd (E)I-35 SBFR 675 0.13 1 1 2U 152 152 100%425 425 54 54 19 19 35 35 FM 455 FM 2450 Metz Rd 15,885 3.01 1 1 2U 227 227 100%425 425 1,279 1,279 683 683 596 596 FM 455 Metz Rd N Tejas Dr 965 0.18 1 1 2U 216 216 100%425 425 78 78 39 39 39 39 FM 455 N Tejas Dr Keith Dr 1,525 0.29 1 1 2U 216 216 100%425 425 123 123 62 62 61 61 FM 455 Keith Dr I-35 2,400 0.45 1 1 2U 457 457 100%425 425 193 193 208 208 -15 -15 15 15 FM 455 I-35 5th St 1,535 0.29 1 1 2U 455 455 100%425 425 124 124 132 132 -8 -8 8 8 FM 455 5th St 2nd St 755 0.14 1 1 2U 385 385 100%425 425 61 61 55 55 6 6 FM 455 2nd St Indian Ln 3,180 0.60 1 1 2U 385 385 100%425 425 256 256 232 232 24 24 FM 455 Indian Ln Marion Rd 1,790 0.34 1 1 2U 391 391 100%425 425 144 144 133 133 11 11 FM 455 Marion Rd 830' E of Marion Rd 830 0.16 1 1 2U 231 231 100%425 425 67 67 36 36 31 31 FM 455 830' E of Marion Rd FM 2164 12,905 2.44 1 1 2U 231 231 100%425 425 1,039 1,039 565 565 474 474 FM 455 FM 2164 2,110' S of FM 2164 2,110 0.40 1 1 2U 127 127 100%425 425 170 170 51 51 119 119 Indian Ln FM 455 1,290' N of McReynolds Rd 3,375 0.64 1 1 3U 47 47 100%525 525 336 336 30 30 306 306 Indian Ln 1,290' N of McReynolds Rd McReynolds Rd 1,290 0.24 1 1 2U 47 47 100%425 425 104 104 11 11 93 93 Jennifer Cir*Belz Rd 1,555' S of Belz Rd 1,555 0.29 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 125 125 15 15 110 110 Keaton Rd FM 455 Duck Creek Rd 3,755 0.71 1 1 2U 114 114 100%425 425 302 302 81 81 221 221 Keaton Rd Duck Creed Rd 5th St 2,280 0.43 1 1 2U 135 135 100%425 425 184 184 58 58 126 126 Keith Dr*Jennifer Cir FM 455 1,405 0.27 1 1 2U-G 50 50 100%150 150 40 40 13 13 27 27 Lois Rd W 3,645' W of I-35 SBFR I-35 SBFR 3,645 0.69 1 1 2U 21 21 100%425 425 293 293 14 14 279 279 Lois Rd E I-35 NBFR 525' E of I-35 NBFR 525 0.10 1 1 2U 144 144 100%425 425 42 42 14 14 28 28 Lois Rd E 775' E of I-35 NBFR 2,255' E of I-35 NBFR 1,480 0.28 1 1 2U 74 74 100%425 425 119 119 21 21 98 98 Marion Rd 270' N of Avion Dr Avion Dr 270 0.05 1 1 2U 68 68 100%425 425 22 22 3 3 19 19 Marion Rd*Avion Dr FM 455 2,915 0.55 1 1 2U 100 100 100%425 425 235 235 55 55 180 180 McReynolds Rd Indian Ln PR 6630 5,115 0.97 1 1 2U 61 61 100%425 425 412 412 59 59 353 353 McReynolds Rd PR 6630 600' E of PR 6630 600 0.11 1 1 2U 69 69 100%425 425 48 48 8 8 40 40 Metz Rd 545' N of FM 455 FM 455 545 0.10 1 1 2U 27 27 100%425 425 44 44 3 3 41 41 N Tejas Dr*FM 455 1,245' S of FM 455 1,245 0.24 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 100 100 12 12 88 88 S Keaton Rd*5th St 1,150' S of 5th St 1,150 0.22 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 93 93 11 11 82 82 Tejas Dr*1,490' N of Duck Creek Rd Duck Creek Rd 1,490 0.28 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 120 120 14 14 106 106 Utility Rd*I-35 NBFR 1,920' E of I-35 NBFR 1,920 0.36 1 1 2U 50 50 100%425 425 155 155 18 18 137 137 Willow St Cowling Rd Indian Ln 5,015 0.95 1 1 2U 113 113 100%425 425 404 404 107 107 297 297 113,150 21.43 9,100 9,100 3,331 3,331 5,769 5,769 28 28 *Existing peak hour volumes assumed based on road context and development access 18,200 6,662 11,538 56TOTAL VEH-MI SUBTOTAL VOL PER LN TOTAL TOTAL VEH-MI PK-HR EXISTING PEAK CAPACITY SUPPLY DEMAND CAPACITY DEFICIENCIES LANES HOUR PK-HR City of Sanger - 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory 7/11/2024 PM VEH-MI VEH-MI VEH-MI EXCESS EXISTING ROADWAY FROM TO PK-HR PK-HR PK-HR 2024 Roadway Impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Appendix C - Existing Roadway Facilities InventoryDR A F T 314 Item 14. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 2, 2024 FROM: Ronnie Grace, Director of Electric AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on purchasing three (3) Transformers from Techline Inc. for the Belz Road Retail Addition and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and all necessary documents. SUMMARY: Ridgemont Commercial Construction, the entity involved in the Belz Road Retail Addition project, has asked the City to procure the Padmount Transformers in advance. Ridgemont Commercial Construction will pay for the purchase of one (1) 1000 KVA Transformer, one (1) 750 KVA Transformer, and one (1) 500 KVA Transformer in advance. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $ 127,048.00 GL Account: 008-00-2260 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS: City Council Communication Techline Quote 315 Item 15. 5401 Martin Street Fort Worth, TX 76119 Phone: 1.800.410.9119 Project: Sanger Transformer Quote Date: 2024-11-11 Justin Gums Attention: Ranell Wolf 209.712.8969 Number of Pages: 1 Justin.Gums@Techline-Inc.com Item# QTY Item Description MFR Catalog # Price UOM Ext. Price Ship QUOTE VALID FOR 30 DAYS PRICING PER LCRA CONTRACT #5045 WITH THE CITY OF SANGER STOCK SUBJECT PRIOR TO SALE 1 1 Howard Industries New Transformer #9585-435626-089 Howard TBD 32,733.00$ E 32,733.00$ STK 500KVA 3-Phase Padmount Dual Voltage 24940/14400 x 12470/7200 to 208/120 Secondary DFLF with Taps 2 1 Howard Industries New Transformer #9589-435643-538 Howard TBD 43,237.00$ E 43,237.00$ STK 750KVA 3-Phase Padmount Dual Voltage 24940/14400 x 12470/7200 to 208/120 Secondary DFLF with Taps 3 1 Maddox Rebuilt Transformer #1000KVA3PHPAD480Y/277 Maddox TBD 51,078.00$ E 51,078.00$ 8-10 WKS 1000KVA 3-phase Padmount 12470GY/7200 to 480Y/277 Secondary DFLF Total: 127,048.00$ ● This quote is valid for 30 days. ● Freight allowed to jobsite. ● Partial award subject to a price increase. ● Taxes not included. 316 Item 15. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: December 02, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the 2024 Facility Use Agreement between the City of Sanger and The Farmer’s Wife North TX, LLC d/b/a Downtown Sanger Farmer’s Market, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement. SUMMARY: Dec. 5, 2022 - Ordinance No. 12-31-22 regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Outside Sales and Display at the west end of Stephen Baker Field for Farmer’s Market Use. Feb. 5, 2024 - Ordinance No. 02-04-24 regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Outside Sales and Display at the west end of Stephen Baker Field for Farmer’s Market Use. Sept. 16, 2024 – Discussion about the possibility of the Farmer’s Market moving to the Sanger Downtown. The Farmer’s Market would operate Saturday and Sunday on the first and third weekends of the month. They would operate approximately 10 months of the year beginning in mid-March and running through December. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: NO Amount: GL Account: RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: City Council Communication Downtown Sanger Farmer’s Market Facility Use Agreement 317 Item 16. 318 Item 16. 319 Item 16. 320 Item 16. 321 Item 16. 322 Item 16. 323 Item 16. 324 Item 16. 325 Item 16. 326 Item 16. 327 Item 16. 328 Item 16. 329 Item 16. 330 Item 16. 331 Item 16. 332 Item 16. 333 Item 16. 334 Item 16. 335 Item 16. 11 Atmos Energy Corporation 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800 Dallas, TX 75240 P 214-206-2568 F 214-206-2126 Christopher.Felan@atmosenergy.com November 20, 2024 City Official Re: Rider GCR - Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 Enclosed is Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's Statement of Rider GCR applicable for the December 2024 billing periods. This Statement details the gas cost component of the residential, commercial, and industrial sales rates for customers within your city. This filing is for informative purposes only and no action is required on your city's part. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Chris Felan Vice President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs Atmos Energy, Mid-Tex Division Attachment Chris Felan Vice President Rates & Regulatory Affairs 336 Item 17. Part (a) - Mid-Tex Commodity Costs Line (a)(b) 1 Estimated Gas Cost per Unit:$0.14347 2 Estimated City Gate Deliveries:263,955,030 3 Estimated Gas Cost:$37,869,628 4 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas %2.5932% 5 Estimated Lost and Unaccounted for Gas $982,035 6 Total Estimated City Gate Gas Cost:$38,851,663 7 Estimated Sales Volume:176,595,330 8 Estimated Gas Cost Factor - (EGCF)0.22000 9 Reconciliation Factor - (RF): (0.00206) 10 Taxes (TXS):0.00000 11 Adjustment - (ADJ):0.00000 Btu Factor Per MMBtu 12 Gas Cost Recovery Factor - (GCRF) (Taxable)0.21794 per Ccf 0.1005 $2.1686 13 Customer Rate Relief - (CRR) (Non-Taxable)0.11800 per Ccf 0.1005 $1.1741 Part (b) - Pipeline Services Costs Line (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Rate I - Industrial Service Rate R - Residential Rate C - Commercial Rate T - Transportation 1 Fixed Costs 14 Fixed Costs Allocation Factors [Set by GUD 10170]100.0000%64.3027%30.5476%5.1497% 15 a. Current Month Fixed Costs of Pipeline Services $61,501,873 39,547,365 18,787,346 3,167,162 16 b. Plus: Second Prior Month Recovery Adjustment $0 $0 $0 $0 17 Net Fixed Costs $61,501,873 $39,547,365 $18,787,346 $3,167,162 Commodity Costs 18 a. Estimated Commodity Cost of Pipeline Services $5,428,925 3,387,634 1,647,143 394,148 19 b. Plus: Second Prior Month Recovery Adjustment $0 $0 $0 $0 20 Net Commodity Cost of Pipeline Services $5,428,925 $3,387,634 $1,647,143 $394,148 21 Total Estimated Pipeline Costs (Line 16 + Line 19)$66,930,798 $42,934,999 $20,434,489 $3,561,310 22 Estimated Billed Volumes 69,903,670 Ccf 46,475,180 Ccf 4,899,761 MMBtu 23 Pipeline Cost Factor (PCF) [Line 20 / Line 21] (Taxable)0.61420 Ccf 0.43970 Ccf $0.7268 MMBtu 24 Gas Cost Recovery Factor - (GCRF) [Line 12] (Taxable)0.21794 Ccf 0.21794 Ccf $2.1686 MMBtu 25 Customer Rate Relief - (CRR) (Non-Taxable)0.11800 Ccf 0.11800 Ccf $1.1741 MMBtu 26 Rider GCR 0.95014 Ccf 0.77564 Ccf Rate I - $4.0695 MMBtu 27 Rate T -$0.7268 MMBtu 1 Industrial Service and Transportation are reported in MMBtu. An MMBtu conversion factor of .1005 is used to convert from Ccf. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION STATEMENT OF RIDER GCR December, 2024 PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GAS UTILITIES DOCKET NO. 10170 337 Item 17.