05/07/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularMeeting adjourned 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: MAYOR Minutes: May •7, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle Others Present: City �Zgr. , City Sec. , City Att. , I-i. C. HoGrard, Tom Perdue, Donn Nesbitt, Mrs. Billy Tage, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Sanders, Billy Barclay, 'berry Schertz, Sandie Meisenheimer, Carolyn Belcher I. The minutes of the AprillE, I979 r_r�eeting were approved as printed. 2. Mayor Cole made the foll1ng departmental appointments: Sewer Department Water Department -------------- Benny Bridges Fire Department -_______________Danny Spindle Street Department -------------Henry Cooper Sanitation Department ---------J. P. Hampton 3. Disbursements of $17,n.63.1l were approved on a motion by F32idges. Hampton second. voted unan. Fenny Bridges nominated John Coker to serve as Mayor Protein. J. P. Hampton second. No opposition. Henry Cooper moved that Coker be elected by acclamation. Voted unan. _ 4. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for March, 1979, in the amount of Y5,829.34 were approved on a motion by Coker_. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. Street Cleaning Equipment Report -- John Coker stated that he had talked with the State �Iighway Department and trey could bring their sweeper in and do Fifth Street West of City Park. The City of Denton has said that we could use their equipment during the daytime. They would have to have it at night. John talked with King Cole. Stated that Ron Adkins would be handling this with Denton and we are to keep a very low profile on this thing. 6. Re -defining of Subdivision Ordinance - John Sullivan stated that Tony had talked to rim about removing the single lot portion from the Subdivision Ordinance. John stated ��e didn't believe it would be practical to do that. It is highly desirable for certain applications on these lots. He stated that these lots needed a streamline procedure. P:r yen someone warts to divide one lot into two lots, it should go through Council. It shouldn't be necessary to go through P & Z. I don't see any harm to bypass P & Z on these applications, but this, of course, would be contrary to P & Z approving everything. The customary procedure is the way we are doing it. Process them through P & Z and then through Council. John L. stated he was inclined to think this should not be subject to the pro-rata change. Mayor Cole stated that it did in most cases fall under the pro/rata ordinance. Mayor Cole asked John L. if the wording might be changed to "when one piece of land is divided into three or more lots." Discussion. Tony stated he would write John L. to research the Ordinance and give a written. opinion. 7. Report on drainage problems - The Council considered the internal report and the report from the engineers on the City's drainage problems. Tom Perdue with Hunter & Associates discussed the engineering report. He stated that th.e__prices given were somewhat inflated but some of the cost figures were not considered. Total estimated cost as per the engineering report would be $656.00. Following the presentation Council requested further information concerning various specific portions of the overall project presented. There was discussion concerning areas which channel excavation could be begun to provide temporary relief. Mayor Cole stated that this will be something that would require a bond issue. Council will study and decide. 8. Donn Nesbitt discussed �a?�.t?'1 Council th eproblem of 8th Street from FM455 to Loop 138. Mr. Nesbitt stated that 8th Street was a poorly engineered street to begin with in regards to drainage, and to make matters worse, the City installed a new sewer line on the east side of the street a little over a year ago. From the day digging equipment was moved in, their problems have compounded. Since the project's completion hey have been forced to live with poor drainage, mud holes, deteriorating street surface, plus other problems created by the City. Mr. Nesbitt stated that they had requested many times, through the proper channels that this street must be reworked. In his personal contacts with the City Manager when he would bring up this subject, his conversation begins with "yes we have problems on this street" or words to that effect. Mr. Nesbitt stated they know there are problems but feel they should have been solved in a year's period. He stated that they did not want the "old fashion" drainage ditches on each side of the street as they feel there are other means to bring their street up to standard. They feel curb and gutter is the answer and are willing to pay their share through assessment for such a project. If theCity does not have the resources for this then they requested that action be taken by the Council at this meeting and institute a program for reworking the street for proper drainage and resurfacing on a priority basis. Mr. Nesbitt presented pictures taken on North 8th Street on April 25, 1979 which showed the much needed repair. He further stated that he felt that this street was a disgrace to the City of Sanger and felt that they were being treated as second class citizens due to the delay of the City not making the necessary repairs. Mr. Nesbitt asked the Mayor if the City was opposed to them paying an assessment. Mayor Cole stated he wasn't opposed, but that the City of Sanger had no assessment program at this time. He also stated the City did not have any type of Ordinance for this. Mr. Nesbitt asked Mayor Cole to pole the Council regarding their feelings about the problem. Bridges stated he felt like the City has streets all over town in the same condition. Gave examples. Sanger has a low tax base and we're doing the best we can with what we have to work with. We're trying to balance the budget and we understand the streets are a mess, but the City has tried. Also the weather conditions have been a hindrance. Mr. Nesbitt said he agreed 100%, but did Council feel when you have finished a job, that it should be fixed back in a halfway condition. The City did not complete the job. Spindle stated that we have the same conditions all over town and they are on the list to be repaired. He agreed that a bad job was probably done. Bridges, yes it was a bad job, but we had to go in to give services to the people. Mayor Cole stated that this subdivision was built before the Sub- division Ordinance was passed and it was one of the reasons for passing the Ordinance. Cooper ask Nesbitt how he would have liked the sewer put in. Nesbitt they did a good job when sewer was put in.. He wanted the City to give them a time schedule of when they could expect relief on 8th Street. Mayor Cole stated Summer. Nesbitt - that's pretty broad. Mayor Cole - If it doesn't rain. Tony said if the gravel arrives ttiiednesday on screduie, some work will be done that day. Topping will be done in hot summer :,hen Bill Switzer schedules it. Mr. Tage made a comment regarding the large hole at corner of FM 455 and 8th Street. Sandie Meisenheimer stated she hoped something is done about the traffic since there are so many children in the area. Coker stated he too would like to see the curbing and guttering. Before we could do this we would need a petition with enough signatures for a bond election. Mayor Cole said it would cost a minimum of $100,000. People don't want to pay 32 times as many taxes. Donn Nesbitt stated others had been promised curb and guttering and he would like Council to tell him what they were going to do. Sandie Meisenheimer wanted to know about traffic signs. Mayor Cole stated it was on our agenda. Mayor Cole suggested the City do an inventory on their street signs. Clyde Sanders requested a 20 m.p.h. sign on North 8th. He was told it would take an ordinance and this would be put on next Council agenda for action. 9. Traffic Sign Grant Program - Tony stated for two grants. (1) Street Signs Replacement Sign & Barricade Program. Grant No. 1 provides for the by the community for purchase of Department of Corrections. The will reimburse the City for all following items: ing the City was apply Program (2) Construction reimbursement of expenses incurred traffic signs from the Texas governor's office of Traffic Safety allowable costs expended for the 19 Traffic Control Signs $1,701.15 Ceta employees will be used to install all traffic signs under the supervision of the Project Director. Ceta will reimburse the City for labor expended as follows: 224 Manhours labor $649.60. The City's Matching Funds will be for $1,191.82. Tony told the Council it would be necessary to call a Revenue Sharing hearing to support the Ctiy's portion of the funding. John Coker made motion City pass a resolution stating their desire to participate in the sign replacement program. Resolution named Coolidge Hunt as project director, and Tony Franzen the City's authorized representative. Bridges second. Voted unan. Coker made the motion the City enter into Revenue Sharing Hearing. Cooper second. Voted unan. Project date is June 15, 1979 through August, 1979. 10. Other Matters: (A) Letter from Mrs. Mack Cole on water hook ups was brought to Council's attention. Water line eas laid in 1961. In 1973 City reimbursements were made for 10 taps for a total of $560.00. Mrs. Cole stated the City owes a balance of $273.89. Her letter stated she was paid for 15 taps. Coker stated since nothing can be found in writing something needs to be in writing stating this is all the City will pay (if we owe this). Tony was directed to talk with Mrs. Cole and see if she has anything in writing. (B) J. P. Hampton states the City made mistakes on the drainage ditches on 7th, Willow and Locust. Needs correcting. (C) Easement on McAfee & Chatfield property was discussed. Tony explained that the misunderstanding had to do with the one year working construction easement. The City is requesting a 25' utility easement along the North boundary lines. Motion was made by Coker that Council go into execution session. Bridges second. Voted unan. Council reconvened to open session and John Coker made the motion to make an offer of $800.00 for 118.4 ac. tract of land in No. Denton County as use for a landfill site. Cooper second. Voted unan. Coker made the motion remuneration. Spindle ATTEST: to grant all city employees a 796 salary second. Voted unan. MINUTES: City Council May 21, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle Others Present: City Mgr., Bill Barclay, Ida Mae Richie, Rene Heard, Deborah Roeder, Joe Roeder, Frank Rodgers, Mike Reeves, Donn Nesbitt, Sandi Meisenheimer, Diane Arnett, Jimmy Frazier, Jerry Jenkins, City Attorney 1. The Revenue Sharing hearing was recessed until the next meeting with the exception of action on the mosquito sprayer. Motion to recess was made by Coker, Spindle second. Voted unan. 2. The minuteof .the May 8, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $1,353.59 were approved on a motion by Coker, seconded by Spindle and voted unan. 4. Cooper made the motion the City adopt Ordinance No. 79-3 requiring 20 mph in Northgate Addition. Spindle second. Voted unan. SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE NO. 79-3 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING A NEW SPEED LIMIT FOR VEHICLES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ADDITION ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, ON 8TH STREET NORTH'OF FM 455, AND 7TH STREET NORTH OF FM 455,.WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING THAT VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL CONSTITUTE A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY UPON CONVICTION OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. 5. Ken Cornell's Delinquent -Bill - Discussion. Council ask John Sullivan's opinion.. Sullivan asked "was anyone negligent?" More discussion. A motion was made by Bridges to write this account off. Hampton second. Voted unan. 6. Preliminary Plat on Gateway Addition - No action taken. Item tabled until next Council meeting. 7. Water Line .Extension North Berry Street - Mayor Cole stated the City's policy is to extend 100' of line to serve a customer. Bridges asked what started the project and why. Coker stated that he told the City Manager to get the water meter out of Miss Holt's back door. Discussion concerning the staff's error in starting on this project without Council approval. Motion was made by Coker to extend a 6 inch main line to begin loop to 2 inch in Keaton Road as far as the City has 6 inch pipe on hand to go. Bridges stated this was to upgrade the service for the west side area and not Just for the Richie's. Spindle second. Voted unan. City Manager was instructed to get measurements to see how much line will be needed to get water tp Mrs. Richie's property.__ He was further instructed to get easements for the 2 inch line.