06/04/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular8. Water service on Rogers property on West Austin Street - Mayor Cole stated City's policy on service outside City limits. Bridges stated the intent was there to serve when the line was constructed. Coker agreed. Mayor Cole stated the policy is no new service outside the City limits. Without a meter there is no service. Discussion. Motion was made to classify as existing service and give service. The City to set a meter for construction at West Austin and Rogers to extend the two inch line under City inspection and specifications. When they are ready for permanent service meter is to be moved to the house with Rogers furnishing the proper easements. Bridges second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Coker to accept the resignation of Jerry Jenkins on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Bridges second. Voted unan. 10. Other such matters: (a) Joe Roeder and others discussed the Truck Route Ordinance. Stated he felt it was unfair to small operators. Roeder asked Council if Motor Homes were exempt? Sullivan studied the Ordinance and stated it does not apply to a Motor Home. Mayor Cole stated he would instruct police not to ticket and it was agreed to place Truck Route Ordinance on next agenda to determine if Council wishes to amend the ordinance. (b) City Mgr. to get with Joe Ashcraft about possibly storing his wrecked cars at sewer plant. (c) Donn Nesbitt stated that White's Auto had supplied the paints, brushes, etc. for the trash barrels in City Park and he had supplied the labor and decals. (d) Questions were asked regarding when the 20 mph signs would be placed in Northgate Addition. Signs will be purchased when grant becomes in effect. (e) Hampton ask questions regarding the policy on checking voltage by Brazos and. what the required voltage to service a home is. Mayor Cole said this could be done but the customer would be billed. Item to be placed on next agenda and Lindon is requested to be on hand to answer questions. (f) Council agreed to pay Mrs. Mack Cole $273.89 as final payment. City Manager was instructed to pay her and have her sign a final payment agreement. Tony ask this to be placed on next Council agenda. (g) Bridges ask about the electrician's exam. City Mgr. explained testing and reciprocal agreements. ATTEST: MINUTES: June 4, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: City Sec., City Att., Lindon Carr, Billy Barclay, Donn Nesbitt, Joe & Deborah Roeder, Rene Heard, Charlie Haskins, Hubert Schertz, Bennie Schertz, Kerry Schertz, Jerry Schertz, Terry Schertz, Jimmy Frazier, Jim Bob Ready, David Hammons, Johnny Looper, Gene Hughes, and Bennie Parrent 1. An appreciation plaque and gift was presented to Charlie Haskins for his years of faithful service to the City. 2. Minutes of the May 21, 1979 meeting were approved with the following addition to Item No.5. The contractor was told to dig in that certain area by the City. This was reason for digging into the line. 3. Disbursements for $14,290.87 Zr on a motion by Hampton. Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for April, 1979 in the amount of $3,956.08 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Voted unan. 5. Lindon Carr spoke to Council regarding the voltage required to service homes. Brazos policy is to maintain 124 volts, plus one up and one low. Under their contract with the City they must maintain 124 volts. Lindon stated that Sanger Electric would check the voltage anytime without a service fee. If they go inside a home or business and pin point the problem the service fee is charged. 6. Motion was made by Spindle to accept the preliminary plat of the Gateway Addition. Cooper second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Bridges to accept the preliminary plat on the W.B. Shirley Addition with the stipulation that Marshall Street will go all the way to second with a full street. Hampton second. Voted unan. Lindon Carr was asked if he had any figures on the electrical for this subdivision. Lindon stated he planned to build straight into 2nd Street and branch off. Estimated cost of the line would be $3701.10. The transformer and drop service would be $6947.75. -- These estimates are on today's prices and could go up. There will be a total of 19 all electric homes. 8. Truck Route Ordinance - Mayor Cole called for those in favor of the Ordinance to speak first and -those against to speak nex-f; John Looper wanted to know the route that is laid out in the Ordinance. This was explained by Mayor Cole. Jimmy Frazier spoke in favor of the truck ordinance. Stated it was a good ordinance but did need some changes. Suggested a grandfather clause for those who had trucks at the time ordinance was passed. He felt the City should compromise. Brought out the fact that Schertz had put his street in, also that he had nothing against Roeder but felt he should when possible try and park his truck somewhere else. Joe Roeder stated that if he was allowed to bring his truck in he would not bring it in loaded. He would leave the trailer out at the truck stop. Would keep it off the street. Hubert Schertz stated he needed a truck route. Hampton ask Benny Schertz if he could make a deal with Hubert to keep his trucks at,Hubert's. Roeder stated when he moved on Kathryn Lane the road where he parks his truck was a dirt road. He ask Councilman Cooper if he were to rock it himself could he park his truck there. At that time Mr. Cooper said he didn't know why he couldn't. Johnny Looper would like the 20 mph speed enforced in the Ward Addition. David Hammons stated they need a stop sign at 2nd and Wayne Drive. There are large holes where trucks slide through because of no stop sign-. Mayor Cole ask the. Council what they wanted to do on the Truck Ordinance. Council discussed it in length. Bridges and Cooper were for throwing it out. Coker stated he was on the fence and that he had been threatened business wise regarding this ordinance. It was the general consensus of the Council to rescind the present truck ordinance. Mayor Cole instructed John L. to prepare the ordinance. 9. Councilman Coker requested that Drainage be placed on the next Council Agenda and try to get the item in the paper to get public participation. Would like for the City to get started cleaning out Willow Street ditch and also along Ranger Creek. 10. The Agreement for the State to Survey, Inspect, Appraise and Inventory Bridges on Public Roads and Streets was approved on a motion by Hampton. Bridges second. Voted unan. 1l. Motion to advertise for bids for a new city pickup was made by John Coker. Bridges second. Voting for were Coker, Bridges, and Spindle. Voting against was Hampton and Cooper. Motion carried 3-2. It was suggested that Tony get in touch with the County or City of Denton and see if we could get vehicle through them. 12. Monthly Budget report accepted by Council. 13. John L. Is preparing release and will get it to Tony in near future. 14. Other Matters: a. Mayor Cole read the City Manager's letter of resignation to Council. Council agreed to get started on advertising. b. Barclay discussed trying to hire Alton Bostic. He wants 4.25 per hr. and keep extra hours at landfill. It was agreed this would be overtime and John L. is to do some research and get back with Council. Billy is to talk with Bostic and see what they can work out. c. City Manager to write Assembly of God Church and find out when their portion of Freese Drive will be constructed. d. Ken Cornell submitted a written request for a 9 inch variance on Lot 17, Block A, Section III of the Don Holsom Subdivision and a request that a building permit be issued prior to the completion of Freese Drive. Council agreed no permit would be issued until street is put in. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ATTEST: MAXOR MINUTES: City Council Meeting June l8, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges, and Spindle Cthers Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Attorney, Lindon Carr, Sidney George, Roy Lemons, Jimmy Frazier, Cecil Snellgrove, Donn Nesbitt, Winoma Boyd, Jesse Boyd, Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Robinson, Mrs. M.C. Baker, Mary Lou Jones, Royce Jones, Mrs. Paxton Gray, Mrs. K. L. Watters, Mrs. R.H. Walker, Lynn Mullin, Daisy Cook, Danny McDaniel,