07/02/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularJohn L. stated that a street can be dedicated b,y use and by filing a plat for record or reserved in a deed. It was his opinion that this is not a properly dedicated street and cannot be opened. 15. There was a discussion concerning purchase of additional, locally constructed, 3 yard garbage cans. 16. This was reported that this was the next item on the project list. 17. Other such items: a. Ida Richie's water line. b. Weed letter needs to be sent to Harry Down, Anne Kyle, Jimmy Kirby, and Martha Elliott. c. Sidney to see if he can get Snow Cone Stand moved back. Dangerous situation exist there. d. Donn Nesbitt brought Council up to date on 4th of July doings. Requested that all Councilmen and Mayor Cole meet at Miller Hall. The Wednesday Study Club request the City to place a flood light to illuminate the flag at all hours. Council agreed to do this and to be paid out of park funds. 18. Additional electrical service for North Texas Plastics- Ashcraft has asked for another service permit. Installation cost would run $1400.00. Question: Who is putting in the Tool and Dye Shop? Answer: Ashcraft is. Motion was made by Coker to provide electrical service. Bridges second. Voted unan. It was mentioned to Council that Mike Hughes had signed an agreement for service. ATTEST: MINUTES: PRESENT: July 2, 1979 _ Mayo-r Cole, Cooper, Spindle and Coker OTHERS PRESENT: City Mgr., C-ity Sec., City Att., -Ben Campbell, Lynn Mullin, Charles King, Jesse Coffey, Gene Hughes, Don Holsom 1. The city received two bids for the new 2 ton pickup. Marler Ford,_Gainesville, Texas submitted their bid on a 1980 Ford F-100 for $53750.00 plus tax, and liscense. Sanger Motor Co., Sanger, Texas submitted their bid on a 1979 Chevrolet 2 ton pickup for $5637.00 FOB Sanger and serviced out. No action taken. Item to be placed on next Council Agenda. 2. The minutes of the June 18, 1979 meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper. Spindle second. Voted unan. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $14,782.11 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Spindle second. Voted unan. 4. Mr. Charles King and Don Holsom met with Council regarding a building permit on Lot 17, Blk A. Section III, of the Holsom Plat. Holsom advised Council that he and Bucklew were ready to pay their share whenever the church is ready. Council discussed the failure of the pastor of the church for not responding to correspondence concerning completion of construction of Freese Drive. In view of the lack of cooperation shown in this situation Councilman Coker made the mooion to discontinue all City Utility services to the church building on Freese Drive. Cooper second. Voted unan. City staff was advised to send certificate letter to Church deacons and include the two previous letters mailed to Brother Richardson from the City Manager. This item to be placed on next council agenda. 5. CATU Cable TV - The Cable T Company is seeking a 15 year franchise. The City would like to have franchise tax be 3% of gross revenues to include revenues from premium service. There were a number of questions regarding regulating rates and availability of getting Cowboy football games. Total system investment would be approximately $175,000. Thsi woudl include tower satellite and one year operation. Volume of business in the Sanger area was estimated at about 50% of those homes having cable in front of them. 6. Redefine Truck Route Ordinance - Cooper made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 79-5. Spindle second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 79-5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 78-2 (1) OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, BY REDEFINING THE TERM "LIGHT TRUCK," ADDING ADDITIONAL STREETS TO THE DEFINED TRUCK ROUTES, PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTION OF TRAVEL TRAILERS, AND OTHER RECREATIONAL VEHICLES FROM THE TERMS OF THE ORDINANCE, DELETING THE REPEALING CLAUSE, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. Ordinance Amending Subdivision Ordinance - Spindle made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 79-4. Cooper second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 79-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 1-20-72 OF THE CITY OF SANGER,:TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE PLATTING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2-26 OF SAID ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LOCATION OF WATER AND SEWER MAINS WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8. Petition Z-43 for Jesse A. Coffey from (R-1) Single Family to (LB) Local Business was approved on a motion by Coker. Spindle second. Voted unan. 9. Preliminary Budget Proposal - This item was discussed with Council by Tony. Budget figures at this point do not include salary figures - Expense figures are based on a low inflation of 10% high of 25% on gasoline only. Estimated electric revenue is estimated at 8% and this could be high. Water and sewer growth is projected at 5%. It was suggested that the City Council consider a rate increase on water, sewer, sanitation, and possibly taxes. 10. Elimination of Electric Multi - Certificated Areas as required by PUC - Mayor Cole appointed John Coker and Lindon Carr and himself as committee to get with Denton County and T P & L to study this. 11. Final Plat - Resubdivision of W.B. Shirley Addn. - Plat was approved as presented with 15' set back on Lot 7, Block 2; and Lots 35 69 and 85 Block 1. Motion to approve was made by Coker and seconded by Spindle. Voted unan. 12. Monthly Budget Report was accepted by Council. 13. Ordinance No. 79-6 to set standards for placing barricades in public right-of-way was adopted on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 79-6 'PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR THE CLOSING OR PARTIAL BLOCKING OF PUBLIC STREETS, THOROUGHFARES, SIDEWALKS AND ALLEYS" PROVIDIPG AND ADOPTION OF MANUAL OR UNIFORM BARRICADING STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT ISSUED BY THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL TO CLOSE OR PARTIALLY BLOCK PUBLIC ROADWAYS IN CERTAIN CASES; PROVIDING FOR STANDARDS ON APPLICATION TO SECURE PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL, DISAPPROVAL AS APPROVAL OF PERMIT SUBJECT TO SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT BY THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR RESTORATION OF WORK SITE IN THE EVENT OF REVOCATION OF PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND FOR REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES SPECIFICALLY; PROVIFING PENALTY .TO $200.00 FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. 14. Other Matters: (a) Cooper discussed with Council diesel fuel at power plant. (b) It was noted that Allen Calvert and Ken Cornell is to be billed for water that was used to fill up their swimming pools. (c) Mayor Cole requested the City crew go back to Wayne Richie's and level off where the city worked. ATTEST: MINUTES: July 16, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Spindle, and Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: City Sec., City Att., Lindon Carr, Donn Nesbitt, Bill Enlow, Don Holsom, Guy Bennett, Mrs. Eunice Gray, Billye Hollingsworth, H.G. Howard, Bill Gentry, Tom Pardue, Terry Smith, Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Benjamin Martinez, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fangman,_ Martha E. Elliott, Martha Bea Elliott, Billie Pennington, Etta Stogsdill, Mrs. Clyde Sanders, Mrs. Don Shuffield, Mrs. Jack L. Morris., Mrs. Burle Richardson, Mrs. Jack Garland, Margaret Hernandez, Eddie Hernandez, Mrs. Eva Mae Lynch, JoDean Pace, Rev. Burle Richardson, James Roy Pennington, Dave Howard 1. The minutes of the July 2, 1979 meeting were approved on a motion by Coker. Brdiges second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $8488.29, with $2403.77 being paid from the emergency fund savings, was approved on a motion by Spindle. Cooper second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for the amount of $5041.33 were approved on a motion by Hampton. Coker second. Voted unan. 4. On a motion by Hampton, seconded by Cooper it was voted unan. not to rezone property requested by Petition Z-44 from Hubert Schertz. 5. Tom Pardue discussed with Council the first phasd of our Step I application for sewer grant funds. The Sanger sewer system was determined to have excessive infiltration/inflow. The engineers are now waiting for the Texas Department of Water Resources certification of the report. Mr. Pardue displayed maps and visual aids and explained the how and why of the infiltration into the City's system.,