06/18/1979-CC-Minutes-Regularw Ordinance. Council discussed it in length. Bridges and Cooper were for throwing it out. Coker stated he was on the fence and that he had been threatened business wise regarding this ordinance. It was the general consensus of the Council to rescind the present truck ordinance. mayor Cole instructed John L. to prepare the ordinance. 9. Councilman Coker requested that Drainage be placed on the next Council Agenda and try to get the item in the paper to get public participation. Would like for the City to get started cleaning out Willow Street ditch and also along Ranger Creek. 10. The Agreement for the State to Survey, Inspect, Appraise and Inventory Bridges on Public Roads and Streets was approved on a motion by Hampton. Bridges second. Voted unan. 11. Motion to advertise for bids for a new city pickup was made by John Coker. Bridges second. Voting for were Coker, Bridges, and Spindle. Voting against was Hampton and Cooper. Motion carried 3-2. It was suggested that Tony -get in touch with the County or City of Denton and see if we could get vehicle through them. 12. Monthly Budget report accepted by Council. 13. John L. Is preparing release and will get it to Tony in near, future. 14. Other Matters: a. Mayor Cole read the City Manager's letter of resignation to Council. Council agreed to get started on advertising. b. Barclay discussed trying to hire Alton Bostic. He wants 4.25 per hr. and keep extra hours at landfill. It was agreed this would be overtime and John L. is to do some research and get back with Council. Billv is to talk with Bostic and see what they can work out. c. City Manager to write Assembly of God Church and find out when their portion of Freese Drive will be constructed. d. Ken Cornell submitted a written request for a 9 inch variance on Lot 17, Block A, Section III of the Don Holsom Subdivision and a request that a building permit be issued prior to the completion of Freese Drive. Council agreed no permit would be issued until street is put in. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ATTEST: MAXOR MINUTES: City Council Meeting June ?8, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges, and Spindle Cthers Present: City Mgr., City Sec., City Attorney, Lindon Carr, Sidney George, Roy Lemons, Jimmy Frazier, Cecil Snellgrove, Donn Nesbitt, Winoma Boyd, Jesse Boyd, Mr. & Mrs,. H.D. Robinson, Mrs. M.C. Baker, Mary Lou Jones, Royce Jones, Mrs. Paxton Gray, Mrs. K. L. Watters, Mrs. R.H. Walker, Lynn Mullin, Daisy Cook, Danny McDaniel, Lucille Enlow, David Hammons, W. L. Enlow, Virgie Heffley, Fern Hutto, Mr. & Mrs. L. L. Browning, Joe Roeder, Terry Schertz, Mrs. Jerry Schertz, Billye Hollingsworth, Billy Jack Hollingsworth, Richard Sims, Will Z&chi.esche, Darrell Johnson 1. Mayor. Cole presented Danny McDaniel a plaque for his two year term on the Council. 2. The minutes of the June 4, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements totalling $4,630.61 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges second. Voted unan. 4. A new tractor and mower was discussed. Sidney George stated the City didn't need a new tractor. Discussion. No action taken. 5. Planning & Zoning has requested that Council consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to have a 15 foot set back on the side yard of a corner lot instead of a 25 foot set back. Discussion. It was the general consensus of the Council to keep the 25 foot set back on corner lots. City Manager requested that it not be mandatory to place water lines in the back yards, but out front when in the best interest of the City. He explained the problem of the City's meter readers as to the fencing dogs, and housewife problems. Mayor Cole advised him to draw up an amendment and present it to the Council. 6. Coker made the motion to appoint Virgil Ward to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the vacancy created by Jerry Jenkins. Bridges second. Voted unan. upon his acceptance. 7. Ordinance to rescind Truck Route Ordinance - Mayor Cole called for those in favor of the ordinance to speak first and those in opposition next. Mrs. Eunice Gray stated streets should be selected that trucks go down rather than have all streets all over town damaged. and used at will. She further stated that she was the only house facing 6th Street where the Schertz's traveled and parked their trucks. She is not opposed to their trucks or adding this portion of 6th Street as a part of the truck route. L.L. Browning believes the City needs truck routes, but the owners should be able to take their trucks home but park them off the street. Fern Hutto stated the Council passed faith and three people asked them to felt the Council should work for the three. Mayor Cole explained that the rescinding of the ordinance, but the to be changed. the original ordinance in good i rescind the ordinance and she good of everyone and not just three had not requested the Council felt something needed Mrs. Robinson wanted to know if the truck ordinance was rescinded who did the people look to fow new streets. The City or the truckers? Mayor Cole stated that City Sales Tax was earmarked for street repair Every city street would be done every -five years. Wayne Drive needs to be torn up and rebuilt to handle truck traffic. Sub -division streets were not built for truck traffic. The City Council passed the ordinance to keep from tearing up streets. Mr. Jesse Boyd wanted to know about the petition circulating to get rid of the Schert'z trucks. Who ever called for them to sign the petition said it was to beautify the City. He stated the trucks look a lot better than some of the yards. David Hammons said that he lived on Wayne Drive and that the trucks had turned the curbs upside down. There is no Yield Sign or Stop Sign at the intersection of 2nd and Wayne Drive. The intersection needs to be cemented. He stated he was totally against trucks on Wayne Drive because he lives there, but also understands the truckers need a way in and out from their business. If trucks are allowed to go south on Wayne Drive then the roads should be made to accomodate them. Mayor Cole explained that Wayne Drive was not on the Truck Route Ordinance to begin with. Three trucking firms appeared before Council and stated they needed a south outlet as well as a north outlet. Council said the City would rebuild Wayne Drive. The ordinance was not passed for or against anyone. Mrs. Robinson asked if the ordinance said anything about where trucks can be parked. Mayor Cole said they could park anywhere. Richard Sims stated he wants the streets fixed and the trucks to slow down. The City needs to put up a Stop Sign. Billy Jack Hollingsworth stated that stopping and starting up would do more damage than if they didn't stop. Virgie Heffley stated it would be nicer to have certain routes than all over town. She feels Council will make the right decision. Joe Roeder stated that trucks cost as much as some homes and he has not thought his trailer into sub -division but does not drive tractor portion to his home. Mayor Cole thanked the public for their comments and their attendance and stated Council would consider the issue. Jimmy Frazier stated that this was an open meeting and ask the Council to address the issue at this time. Cooper stated it should be studied more. John Sullivan stated there -would be a conflict between the Truck Ordinance and�Zoning Ordinance if the Truck Ordinance was enforced against trucks operating prior to 1964 as they are a pre-existing non -conforming use as defined -in the Zoning Ordinance. Billy Jack Hollingsworth stated he felt 6th Street to cabinet shop should be made a part of the truck route. On farm implements could change to 3 axles and over. John L. - would require a change in weight limits and would eliminate load limits. Hollingsworth said he was in favor of a truck route ordinance. John Coker said he liked the idea of the 3 axle, and thinks the City needs a truck route. Bridges stated the 3 axle bit might solve the problem. Mayor Cole - John L. can you work up some change to the ordinance anA pu.t under 3 axle in the ordinance? John Sullivan ask Council if they wanted to add existing streets and anyone in business or those in business in 1964. Stated the City Council is obligated to provide access to anyone in business in 1964. What obligation does Council feel they have to people now in business? Coker - Why can't we say "to them that were in business as of passage of the present ordinance." Bridges wants to change the ordinance to show vehicles under 3 axles and redefine trucks. Discussion. Mayor Cole requested that John L. redefine Ordinance for under 3 axles, add Houston Street and 6th Street from Plum to FM 455. 8. Rep7at of Lot 2, Krueger Addition for Harold Easley. Tony stated this did include 2 full streets. Hampton ask the cost of the water line. Franzen stated Mr. Easley would be lay0 ng a 211 line. Coker wanted to see the topography map. Tony said he knew there was one but did not have it available at the meeting. Coker stated he did not want any water put on him. Spindle made the motion to approve the plat. Cooper second. Voting for were Spindle, Cooper, Hampton, and Bridges. Coker abstained. Motion carried. 9. CATV request for cable T.U. Franchise - Lynn Mullin of Lewisville presented Cable T.V. proposal to Council. He made it known that their firm was making application for a franchise. They have 2-24 hour independent T.V. stations, one from Atlanta and one from Chicago. UPI news service and a premium package which includes a children's programming station. This franchise would pay the City 3% of the gross plus a separately negotiated pole touch contract. Mayor Cole turned this item over to John L. for review and his recommendation. 10. Darrell Johnson, with the Rady and Associates Engineering Firm out of Fort Worth, addressed Council to solicit the City's Business. 11. The Metroplex Appraisal firm located in Fort Worth talked to Council about a re -appraisal of City property and showed a film. No action taken. 12. Motion to adopt the following resolution was made by -Cooper. Bridges second. Voting for were Cooper, Bridges, and Hampton. Voting against were Coker and Spindle. Motion carried 3-2. RESOLUTION WHEREAS the legislature of the State of Texas passed a Statute establishing Implementation of the "Tax Relief" Amendment. H.B. 1060 as passed May 28, 1979. WHEREAS the City of Sanger hereby waives the Applicability of Article No. 1, "Appraisal of Agricultural Land" and Article No. 5, "Exemption of Automobiles" and these articles will not apply to the 1979 City of Sanger Taxes. Now therefore be it resolved that the City of Sanger by duly prescribed action will not implement Article No. 1. H.B. 1060 until the tax year 1980. Be it further resolved that the City of Sanger by duly prescribed action will continue to tax all automobiles that are less than five years old. 13. Tony stated the agreement with Nickerson Farm has expired. Spindle made the motion to see if John L. says we can annex property in. Motion withdrawn. 14. Drainage - J.P. Hampton wanted to know why the culverts had not been put in on 3rd Street between Locust and Willow. Cecil Snellgrove stated the water was 12 inches deep in his yard and go up into his air conditioner and burned out the motor in his air conditioner. Coker - Can we request the State Highway Department to do.some work on 5th Street. Mayor Cole stated the State said they would enlarge their capacity of 5th when the City would enlarge beyond 5th. It would take a bond issue to get all the necessary work done. Mary Lou Jones stated she had talked to Tip Hall and he in turn called the Water Control Board. A representative was supposed to have been at the meeting. She said she felt if additional work was done on 5th Street that this would take care of more of the drainage problems. Daisy Cook wanted to know about the survey stakes on her property. Mayor Cole stated the City is determining if there is a designated street. He presented a plat of the M.H. Shirley Addition which shows a 50 foot street. Tony explained the plats further and said the survey runs 150' east of 2nd Street and as far as we can presently tell the adjourning properties do not include the 50 foot strip. The surveyor told Tony that the City would need a legal opinion on this as to what can and cannot be done. John L. stated that a street can be dedicated by use and by filing a plat for record or reserved in a deed. It was his opinion that this is not a properly dedicated street and cannot be opened. 15. There was a discussion concerning purchase of additional, locally constructed, 3 yard garbage cans. 16. This was reported that this was the next item. on the project list. 17. Other such items: a. Ida Richie's water line. b. Weed letter needs to be sent to Harry Down, Anne Kyle, Jimmy Kirby, and Martha Elliott. c. Sidney to see if he can get Snow Cone Stand moved back. Dangerous situation exist there. d. Donn Nesbitt brought Council up to date on 4th of July doings. Requested that all Councilmen and Mayor Cole meet at Miller Hall. The Wednesday Study Club request the City to place a flood light to illuminate the flag at all hours. Council agreed to do this and to be paid out of park funds. 18. Additiona_1 electrical service for North Texas Plastics- Ashcraft has asked for another service permit. Installation cost would run $1400.00. Question: Who is putting in the Tool and Dye Shop? Answer: Ashcraft is. Motion was made by Coker to provide electrical service. Bridges second. Voted unan. It was mentioned to Council that Mike Hughes had signed an agreement for service. ATTEST: MINUTES: July 2, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, MAYOR Cooper, Spindle and Coker a OTHERS PRESENT: City Mgr., City Sec., City Att., -B.en Campbell, Lynn Mullin, Charles King, Jesse Coffey, Gene Hughes, Don Holsom 1. The city received two bids for the new 2 ton pickup. Mad er Ford,_Gainesville, Texas submitted their bid on a 1980 Ford F-100 for $5,750.00 plus tax, and liscense. Sanger Motor Co., Sanger, Texas submitted their bid on a 1979 Chevrolet 2 ton pickup for $5637.00 FOB Sanger and serviced out. No action taken. Item to be placed on next Council Agenda. 2. The minutes of the June 18, 1979 meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper. Spindle second. Voted unan. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $14,782.11 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Spindle second. Voted unan. 4. Mr. Charles King and Don Holsom met with Council regarding a building permit on Lot 17, Blk A. Section III, of the Holsom Plat. Holsom advised Council that he and Bucklew were ready to pay their share whenever the church is ready. Council discussed the failure of the pastor of the church for not responding to correspondence concerning completion of construction of Freese Drive. In view of the lack of cooperation shown in this situation Councilman Coker made the mooion to discontinue all City Utility