07/16/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularBARRICADING STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT ISSUED BY THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL TO CLOSE OR PARTIALLY BLOCK PUBLIC ROADWAYS IN CERTAIN CASES; PROVIDING FOR STANDARDS ON APPLICATION TO SECURE PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL, DISAPPROVAL AS APPROVAL OF PERMIT SUBJECT TO SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT BY THE RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR RESTORATION OF WORK SITE IN THE EVENT OF REVOCATION OF PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND FOR REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES SPECIFICALLY; PROUIFING PENALTY -TO $200.00 FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. 14. Other Matters: (a) Cooper discussed with Council diesel fuel at power plant. (b) It was noted that Allen Calvert and Ken Cornell is to be billed for water that was used to fill up their swimming pools. (c) Mayor Cole requested the City crew go back to Wayne Richie's and level off where the city worked. ATTEST: MINUTES: July 16, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Spindle, and Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: City Sec., City Att., Lindon Carr, Donn Nesbitt, Bill Enlow, Don Holsom, Guy Bennett, Mrs. Eunice Gray, Biilye Hollingsworth, H.G. Howard, Bill Gentry, Tom Pardue, Terry Smith, Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Benjamin Martinez, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fangman,. Martha E. Elliott, Martha Bea Elliott, Billie Pennington, Etta Stogsdill, Mrs. Clyde Sanders, Mrs. Don Shuffield, Mrs. Jack L. Morris, Mrs. Burle Richardson, Mrs. Jack Garland, Margaret Hernandez, Eddie Hernandez, Mrs. Eva Mae Lynch, JoDean Pace, Rev. Burle Richardson, James Roy Pennington, Dave Howard 1. The minutes of the July 2, 1979 meeting were approved on a motion by Coker. Brdiges second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $8488.29, with $2403:77 being paid from the emergency fund savings, was approved on a motion by Spindle. Cooper second: Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for the amount of $5041.33 were approved on a motion by Hampton. Coker second. Voted unan. 4. On a motion by Hampton, seconded by Cooper it was voted unan. not to rezone property requested by Petition Z-44 from Hubert Schertz. 5. Tom Pardue discussed with Council the first phasd of our Step I application for sewer grant funds. The Sanger sewer system was determined to have excessive infiltration/inflow. The engineers are now waiting for the Texas Department of Water Resources certification of the report. Mr. Pardue displayed maps and visual aids and explained the how and why of the infiltration into the City's system. A 6. Motion was made by Coker to reject bids for the 2 T. Pickup. Cooper second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Hampton to change the Electrical Inspectors fee on a $10.00 commercial add -on from $3.00 (30%) to $8.00. 8. After a lengthy discussion with Rev. Burel Richardson, repre- senting the Assembly of God Church, and Mr. Don Holsom, motion was made by Spindle to grant the issuance of the building permit, For Lot 17, Block A, Section III, of the Holsom Plat. Hampton second the motion. Voted unan. Rev. Richardson brought Council up-to-date by diagrams and discussion as to what had been done and agreed to between the City and the Church. Mayor Cole ask Rev. Richardson what the time schedule on the street (Freese Drive) would be. Rev. Richardson said he could not give us a time schedule. He would have to talk with Dewey Fields and also they have not sold the old church. property which would aid in their construction cost of the street. Certificates of obligation was brought up with reference to Jesse Coffey's subdivision. Mayor Cole explained what a Certificate of Obligation was and further stated when the payments became due that Jesse Coffey would make these and not the City. Rev. Richardson ask if the City woudl be willing to obligate itself and go with Certificate of Obligation which the Church, Holsom and Bucklew. Hampton stated he would prefer the City stay with the agreements already made. John Sullivan stated it was his understanding that putting water and sewer under the Interstate Highway was not to benefit any one particular person. It was simply an. extending of the City's system. As far as the City having authority generally to obligate itself - he would- have to state an unqualified no. It was explained that the bore under the highway was a part of the City's Master Plan. More discussion. Don Holsom stated he would build the street if necessary but no time schedule was given by either Holsom or Rev. Richardson. John Coker made the motion the electricity and water be turned back on. Bridges second. Voted unan. 9. Mr. Bill Gentry engineer for CATV was representative for the Company. Discussion. Mayor Cole appointed John Coker and Danny Spindle to study ordinance and make changes. Council called a special meeting on Tuesday, July 24, 1979 at 6:30 for action on this item. Interviews with applicants were set up for the July 24th meeting at 30 minute intervals. John Coker requested Jesse Coffey's Final Plat on Gateway also be on Agenda in case it was approved by P & Z on the 17th of July. 10. H.G. Howard with Hunter & Associates spoke to Council with regards to the Water and Sewer Rate study. They propose a fair and uniform rate increas.e and will have some definite proposals at the August meeting. 11. It was motioned by Price was mentioned an the welder he feels will purchasing, discuss with Welder to be paid out of Coker that the City purchase a new welder. 12. Dorothy Smith stated 13. Monthly Budget report for June and reports on current city funds on hand was accepted by Council. It was agreed by Council to stop the monthly deposits to the equipment replacement funds. 14. Other such matters: (A) Motion was made by Bridges to .instruct Sidney George to keep bicycles off city sidewalks. Hampton second. Voted unan. (B) Water leak behind slaughter house needs to be repaired. (C) Coker was requested to get with Lindon Carr and buy a fixture to illuminate the flag in the park. (D) Water leak in front of old Shamrock service station needs to be fixed. (E) Water leak North of Middle School in ditch needs to be fixed. ATTEST: MINUTES: Special Called Meeting July 24, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Protein Coker, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges, and Spindle ABSENT: Mayor Cole OTHERS PRESENT: City Sec., City Att., Donn Nesbitt, Jack Armstrong, Jesse Coffey, Wendall Thomas, Billy Barclay, Lynn Mullin and Ben Campbell Mayor Protein Coker took charge of the special meeting in lieu of Mayor Cole's absence. 1. Item No. 1 on the agenda was CATV-Cable T.V. Lynn Mullin and Ben Campbell with CATV went over the Ordinance that City Attorney John L. Sullivan had drawn up. Mayor Protem Coker read just the changes the City Attorney had made in the Ordinance. They are as follows. Section 1. Grant of Authority: ...."within 10 days after the passage hereof, and also subject to, and conditioned upon the satisfactory basic and previous CATV service to the residents of City, for the term of (15) years.... CATV had requested a term of 20 years but found no problem with agreement to the 15 year term. was a Section dded. 1. Grant of Authority Entire second paragraph .- Grantee herein, by its acceptance of this franchise, hereby agrees to forthwith make application for all necessary permits to construct and operate said CATV system in the City, and to commence construction of said system as soon as possible, and to proceed with said construction in an expeditious manner, and to substantially complete said system and have such CATV system fully operational within City within 12 months from the date hereof. After said system is place in operation, and for the life of thisfranchise, Grantee agrees to, and assumes the duties and obligations to, provide and maintain satisfactory basic and premium CATV service to the residents of Sanger, and to comply with all reasonable requests of the City of Sanger for expansion of service or available channels, provided that Grantee's compliance with such requests is reasonably practicable, and can be performed without un-n=asorable rate increases. Initial premium CATV service will include HOME BOX OFFICE, a subsidiary of Life and Time, service in the categories described in Grantee's application for this franchise, and may be expanded to include service of Warner Communications System Star Channel, or other premium pay TX service as .the same may become available.