08/20/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularINUTES: MAugust 20, 1979, City Council PRESENT. Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Spindle and Bridges Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, David Hammons, Jack Armstrong, Tom Perdue, Johnny Looper, Alford Talley, and Ken Cornell. 1. Minutes of the August 6, 1979 meeting were approved on a motion by Cooper. Spindle second. Voted Unan. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $8650.83 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges second. Voted unan. -°_- 3. CATV - Cable T.V. - City Manager Lloyd Henderson stated he had an excellent meeting between Smith Murrin and John L. regarding the Cable T.B. service. Stated they had worked out the problems with the original ordinance and that John L. would have it rewritten and ready for Council by the September 4, 1979 meeting. City Manager requested Council to have a workshop before the September meeting but Council requested this be done the night of the meeting. Council changed the first meeting in September to Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1979 because of the Labor Day Holiday. 4. Jack Armstrong spoke on behalf of the Planning and Zoning Commission in their request for the requirement of expansion joints to be added in our subdivision ordinance. City Manager to get with John L. Item to be placed on agenda for next meeting. 5. Cooper made the motion the City accept the low bid of Price Barricade for $1571.78 for the sign program. Hampton second. Voted unan. City Manager explained to Council about the new Eye -Erect sign posts. They take no concrete, they drive in, and are easily assembled. The cost per pole is $16.00. The 4' base post cost $4.25 and the 9' sign post card $10.89 plus the strap, nuts and bolts. Motion was made by Hampton to purchase the breakaway posts. Bridges second. Voted unan. _ 6. David Hammons, resident in the ward Addition requested something be done about the condition of Wayne Drive. The street is full of holes and the curbs are turned over. They were promised a stop sign at the corner of Wayne and 2nd but none had been placed. Mayor Cole told Mr. Hammons that the City tonight had approved the signs and the stop would be placed in the near future. Also that the City had gotten the recommendation of the County Commissioner and he felt the entire street should be torn out. Work has been done to patch the street and the City will fill up the hole on Wayne Drive and the repair of the street will get done hopefully this summer. 7. Gas Rate. Increase - Mayor Cole ask Council if they wanted to join in the suit against the gas rate increase? Coker wants the City to check about the cost and about opposing the increase. City Manager to check with the City of Denton. 8. The Police Policies and Procedure item was tabled for further study by Council. To be placed on the Sept. 4 agenda. 9. Pole Sharing Agreement - Mayor. Cole read aloud a letter dated 1976 which Lindon Carr wrote to the City requesting an increase due to the increased prices. Nothing was done. Mayor Cole stated that the City needed to authorize Lindon Carr to renegotiate the pole contract. City Manager was requested to check with the City of Denton and see what their rate is. Centel stated their rate with Denton Coop. is $3.40. Further stated they would be willing to negotiaje with the City's representative. Lloyd to work with Lindon and come up with new agreement. 10. Other such matters: (a) Johnny Looper wanted to know when the fire plug would be placed in front of the Fire Station. Stated it was requested some time ago and they wanted it placed between the two west bay doors on the outside. (b) Ken Cornell voiced a complaint against the City's electrical inspector. He stated he wished all the City employees' worked as hard at their job as Bennett did at his. Mayor Cole ask the City Mgr. to check and see how many houses over the past 6 weeks to two months had been turned down and whose they were. (c) Cooper had questions concerning the dump ground condition. City Manager to check about dozer. (d) Culverts were requested for McCuistion, Pitcock and Harvey on 3rd Street. (e) Council went over water and of Hunter Associates. Item to be after budget presentation. ATTEST: sewer rate study with Tom Perdue given careful consideration t. MAYOR MINUTES: City Council Emergency Meeting August 29, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker and Spindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson 1. The emergency meeting was called by Mayor Cole to consider a variance on Lot 5, V.H. Ward, Jr., Sub -division caused by a protusion of the improvements over the building line by one (l) foot at the north east corner of the house. Motion by Coker and second by Hampton to approve the variance. Cooper, Hampton, and Coker voted in favor of granting the variance. Spindle abstained. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR