08/06/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES. City Council Meeting August 6, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Spindle, And Bridges Others Present: Rosalie Shuffield, City Attorney, Lindon Carr, Tom Perdue, Alford Talley,.Joe Olegar, Brook Brown, Don Innes, Billy Barclay, Gene Hughes, Smith D. Murrin and Sidney George 1. Mayor Cole opened the sealed bids for the sign program. Price "Barricade" - $1571.78, Barco Municipal Products, Inc.- $2,386.28 Custom Engraving-$2926.50, FSC Sales Co.-$2199.79 Decision on accepting a bid was postponed until they gathered more information on the.low bid. 2. Minutes of the four previous meetings were approved as printed on a motion by Coker, seconded by Bridges. Voted unan. 3. Disbursements - Coker made the motion to pay disbursements in the amount of $13,536.08. Spindle seconded. Boted unan. 4. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for the amount of $6,213.96 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle seconded. Boted unan. 5. Water and Sewer Rate Study was presented by Tom Perdue from Hunter & Associates. He advised Council that we will definitely need to increase our rates. The increase will provide for funds to meet our emergency needs. The way the system is set up now it is not paying for itself. Mayor Cole asked Bill to find out how much it cost to produce a gallon of water before Council made a decision on increasing the rate. Coker stated that we are borrowing money to keep Sanger Electric in operation. Each year it gets financially worse. We will need to increase something. More discussion followed. 6. Amendment of Sub -division Ordinance requested by Planning & Zoning was postponed until next meeting since Jack Armstrong was not at the meeting to answer any questions Council might have. 7. Alford Talley, Brook Brown, Joe Olegar and Don Innes were answering questions concerning Centels rate increase. Joe Olegar stated that the Micro -wave network will be completed in September of this year. This will hopefully eliminate any problem from incoming or outgoing calls. Traffic studies are still being conducted on long distance calls to find out if there is any blockage on the lines. Mayor Cole asked Mr. Olegar if they -were adding 19 circuits altogether. Mr. Olegar stated when the system is completed it will have 12 additional circuits, 21 initially from Sanger to Decatur. Coker asked if it will eliminate the problems of the lines being busy. Mr. Olegar tried to explain that it depends on how many calls were made and the length of time. On July's study 610 of calls in Sanger were completed and 13 out of 100 were given a busy signal. This meets the standards for the Utility Commission. Hampton asked if Sunday was a bad day of incoming calls. Answer no. Hampton said several cities tried calling him on Sunday and could not get through to him. Hampton, Bridges, and Coker agreed that the system is poorly run today as it was a year ago. Bridges mentioned the fact that he didn't understand how the Utility Commission has agreed that Centel meets the requirement standards to operate the system. A lengthy discussion followed concerning the EAS service charge. Coker quoted from Centel Telephone Rate-1959-2 which stated that "extended area service shall be maintained in the -City of Sanger, attended by resident telephone operators, on a 24 hour daily basis, working in said central office in the City of Sanger, Texas, and-,further.-thattelephone users in said City. of Sanger shall be able to dial directly telephone users in Greenwood, Slidell, and Krum, -Texas, and telephone users -in Greenwood, Slidell, and Krum, Texas and rural telephone users within said areas, may dial directly telephone users in said City of Sanger, Texas, without toll charges or other additional charges ab6ve the established monthly rates." .....0 .k: +., Mayor Cole stated that Centel was in violation of the franchise. Brook Brown tried to explain that we must have had a misconception that the EAS service was free. We were always charged for this service but it had never been broken down before and stated on out monthly bill. Mayor Cole further added that at one time we were thinking of having EAS service to Denton but decided against it since Denton was facing a rate increase, now Sanger is also facing a rate increase. More discussion followed. Bridges made the motion to turn franchise over to the City Attorney to abort franchise over EAS charge. Hampton second. Voted unan. John L. Sullivan stated that even though we are getting unsatisfactory service we might not be entitled to this type of hearing. John L. advised Council if we filed a direct law suit we might get some relief from the Public Utility Commission but he was doubtful. The franchise terminates in 1984. John L. will look into our pole rental use contract agreement before he advises Council further on the matter. Lindon asked if Dentel provided weekend service. Mr. Talley said since 12 years ago they started having someone on call 24 hours daily. Spindle asked about the charge on the fire phones. He said in the past the fireman had never been charged for the fire phones. Mr. Talley said he would check on the matter and get back in touch with the City on his findings. 8. CATV - Smith D.. Murrin, Vice President of CATV was there to answer any questions concerning cable T.V. Coker and Spindle were on a committee along with John L. to get information needed on the cable service. John L. still has doubts about the system's financial status. It was his recommendation that CATV provide us with a financial statement. A charter must be presented in order to see what financial backing they have. John L. advised Council to postpone a decision until he had sufficient time to get more information before City signed the 15 year franchise agreement. Smith Murrin tried to clarify to John L. all doubts he had about CATV. Mr. Murrin agreed to furnish a performance bond and any necessary information the Council and John L. needed to speed up their decision. Action delayed until Sept. 3. 9. Water Pressure - Billy Barclay stated to Council that he had all valves checked and said there was no problem. There are still some areas where there is low pressure. Bill said he would keep on checking the valves. Cooper asked if he had fixed the leak at the slaughter house. Answer: yes. The Shamrock leak could not be fixed since it was under concrete pavement. Hampton asked about the leak at the middle school in front of the two story house on 7th Street. Bill advised that he has not been able to locate that particular leak but will go back and do some more checking. l0.Resolution designating a new representative to Grant C-48-1340-01 was made. Cooper made the motion that our new City Manager Lloyd Henderson be made authorized representative to the Texas Water Department of Water Resources. Hampton second. Unan. 11. Constitutionality of Sales Tax -Mayor Cole explain that we arrive at the figure. we pay in by multiplying 5.005 by the amount of sales tax we had last year which was $25,708.89. Mayor Cole calculated $128.50. Bridges made the motion to.pay it. Hampton seconded. Unan. 12. Contract between Gene Hughes and Billy Jack Hollingsworth was not signed for the reason that the Council and John L. felt that the City should not intervene in a situation like this. 13. Preliminary Plat, Block A. Section IV Bucklew Freese for George Clements was. approved on a motion by Spindle. Bridges Second. Unan. 14, Other Matters: a. Bennie Bridges told Council that Mrs. Ida Richie expressed her thanks in getting her water problem straighten out. b. Lone Star Gas is wanting to increase "City Gate Rate" from 2.0027 to 2.2100 which reflects a cost of their operation. They filed with the Railroad Commission on July 20, 1979. Bridges made the suggestion that we investigate this matter further. Meeting adjourned. PAGE I b U A ATTEST: MAYOR