09/17/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: September l7, 1979 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges, and Spindle Others, Present: City Mgr., City Sec., Lindon Carr, Emmett Baker, Georgia Royal 1. Minutes. were approved as printed with the following corrections: #12 to read - Motion was made by Bridges to renegotiate the pole contract with Centel for a proposed $3.50 per pole. Spindle second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $4,045.81 were approved on a motion by Coker. Hampton second. Voted unan. 3. Approval for construction of power facilities for Shirley Addition, Krueger Addition, Gateway Addition and Gheen Addition was requested by Lindon Carr. The estimated construction cost to provide electrical service to these subdivisions are as follows: Shirley Addition (Gene Hughes) 18 houses - $10,649. Krueger Addition (Harold Easley) 8 houses - 4,618. Gateway Addition - (Jesse Coffey) 40 houses Gheen Addition (Jack Gheen) 4 houses - 31202. Motion to approve and provide electrical service to Shirley Addition was made by Bridges. Hampton second. Voted unan. Motion to approve and provide electrical services to Krueger Addition was made by Cooper. Hampton second. Voted unan. Motion to approve and provide electrical service to Gateway Addition was made by Spindle. Bridges second. Voted unan. Hampton made the motion to approve the purchase of materials only for the Gheen Addition. Electrical work would not-�o-be done until Council approved. Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Resolution to allow City to have say-so in how the 5 people on the Appraisal Board are elected was discussed by Emmett Baker. He stated at the meeting held in Lake Dallas 19 entities were represented with the majority wanting the 5 member board. Although the City of Sanger and Sanger ISD would have a vote it would mean nothing. If 750 of the taxing entities want a resolution then we could decide on how the board is chosen. The taxing entities will contribute a percentage of tax levy, this to be paid four times per year beginning Jan. 1. Mayor Cole and Council were in favor of the resolution. Coker made the motion the City of Sanger participate in the resolution to decide how the appr 'sal board would be chosen. Hampton second. Voted unan. 5. The Committee on the dually certified areas met with Louis Herring and agreed to stay like they were with the areas they already had. In the future they would work together as they have in past. It was noted that this was not something that had to be done. 6. A budget workshop was scheduled for Thursday, September 21, 1979 at 6:30 P.M. 7. Other such matters: a. Georgia Royal met with Council and requested that Sims Street be reopened. The bridge on this section of the street caved in and was never put back. Also the drainage ditch to the north or her property over flows when we get heavy rainfall and backs into her garage. She is asking for the Cityof help them in this matter. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd to check out the street and ditch problem. b. Mayor Cole advised Council of a paving demonstrationCo be held at DFW in Arlington and Lloyd planned to attend. Anyone interested could go. Coker stated he would try to go. c. Lloyd discussed the poor condition of the curbs on Wayne -- Drive. Stated we may eventually have to put the curbs back. d. Coker requested that Lloyd have Luke Construction people to take a look at the problemof poor drainage in front of the middle school Gym and see if they could help us with what needs to be done to alleviate this problem. e. It was requested that a policeman be present at the varsity football games. ATTEST: MAYOR Minutes: October 1, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Bridges, Hampton and Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Glenna Krueger, salie Shuffield, Ted Fox, and Benny Parrent 1. Mayor Cole declared the Revenue Sharing proposed use hearing open. No one spoke in favor or against use of the funds. No written comments were received. 2. Minutes of the September 17, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. J.P. Hampton made the motion to approve disbursements for the amount of $22,258.0=5. Henry Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Henry Cooper to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements bill for $5,336.17. J.P. Hampton second. Voted unan. 5. Glenna Krueger spoke to Council about two projects the Chamber of Commerce is planning for the future. (1) A downtown beautification project which is chaired by Lloy(9. (2) To help the Little :League get a baseball field built. She stated that these two projects were not going to cost the City anything but she did want to request the City to furnush two street signs to show where the downtown area is located. During the Sanger Sellabration out-of-towners could not find downtown. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd to check and see if we could possibly get the signs through the sign program or from the State Highway Department. 6. Skelly Sewer Line - Pair. Ted Fox requested to tie on to the existing sewer line that crossed the back side of his property.