10/01/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular�'of and backs into her garage. She is asking for the City' help them in this matter. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd to check out the street and ditch problem. b. Mayor Cole advised Council of a paving demonstration.to be held at DFW in Arlington and Lloyd planned to attend. Anyone interested could go. Coker stated he would try to go. c. Lloyd discussed the poor condition of the curbs on Wayne Drive. Stated we may eventually have to put the curbs back. d. Coker requested that Lloyd -have Luke Construction people to take a look at the problem of poor drainage in front of the middle school Gym and see if they could help us with what needs to be done to alleviate this problem. e. It was requested that a policeman be present at the varsity football games. ATTEST: MAYOR Minutes: October 1, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Bridges, Hampton and Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Glenna Krueger, salie Shuffield, Ted Fox, and Benny Parrent 1. Mayor Cole declared the Revenue Sharing proposed use hearing open. No one spoke in favor or against use of the funds. No written comments were received. 2. Minutes of the September 17, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. J.P. Hampton made the motion to approve disbursements for the amount of $22,258.05. Henr�T Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Henry Cooper to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements bill for $5,336.17. J.P. Hampton second. Voted unan. 5. Glenna Krueger spoke to Council about two projects the Chamber of Commerce is planning for the future. (1) A downtown beautification project which is chaired by Lloyd. (2) To help the Little :League get a baseball field built. ,She stated that these two projects were not going to cost the City anything but she did want to request the City to furnush two street signs to show where the downtown area is located. During the Sanger Sellabration out-of-towners could not find downtown. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd to check and see if we could possibly get the signs through the sign program or from the State Highway Department. 6. Skelly Sewer Line - Mr. Ted Fox requested to tie on to the existing sewer line that crossed the back side of his property. Mr. Fox stated he was willing to be annexed into the city as long as he could raise horses. There are two properties be- tween Fox and the City Limits. Lloyd is to talk with Charlie Belz and John Porter about their annexing into the City in order to service Mr. Fox. Mayor Cole stated if this could not be accomplished the City would try and work with him in some other way to get him service. 7. The monthly budget report for August, 1979 was accepted by Council. 8. Salary Increase Proposal - John Coker made the motion to approve a 7% across the board raise for employees (this to include Lloyd) retroactive to 9-1-79. A 2% merit consideration was scheduled for March, 1980. Bridges second. Voted unan. 9. Water and Sewer Rate Increases - John Coker made the motion to raise water rates to a $7.00 base or minimum rate (0-3000) gallons and 1.00 for every thousand gallons thereafter. Rate to become effective on the October billing. Cooper second. Voted unan. Benny Bridges made the motion to increase sewer residential rates from $2.25 to $3.25 per month and commercial rates from $3.50 to $5.50 per month. All other businesses with fees set by higher usage will be increased by 70% per month. Rates to become effective on the October billing. J.P. Hampton second. Voted unan. 10. Consider appointments of person to Denton County Single Appraisal District to postpone appointment until Lloyd get Baker and they come up with a nominee. 11. Other Matters: serve on Board of Directors , - Council's decision was together with Emmett (a) Corner of Keaton Road needs to be repaired. (b) Council discussed the priority streets that need to be repaired.Those mentioned were Willow, Pecan, and 4th Streets. Lloyd to get with Cooper on this matter. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: October 15, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Cofcer, Bridges and Sp%ndle Others Present; Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Ida Pearl Brown, Brenda Lanier, Georgia Royalz Lindon Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Tucker, Gentle,_Mich_ael Walsh., Cathy Toups, and Julie Jerome (N.T.S.U. Students) 1. The Revenue Sharing Budget for FY 1979-1980 for the amount of $9591.00 were approved on a motion by Benny Bridges. Henry Cooper second. Voted unan. 2. Minutes of the October 1, 1979 meeting were approved as printed.