11/02/1979-CC-Minutes-Special(c) Streets - city and all were in determine which gets willing to do Willow (d) building ATTEST: Lloyd and need of priority. Street. Henry drove every street in the repair. Council will need to Lloyd stated the County is Lloyd to c,et with Doctor Chapman about Chatfi e1 d being a health hazard and Mary Jo to send Weed Letter. Minutes: City Council Special Called Meeting November 2, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Hampton, Cooper, Bridges and Coker Absent: Spindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson; City Manager, Berry Forrest and Ron Richardson 1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Cole for the purpose of receiving the results of the inspection of the elevator water storage tank. This inspection was done by Water Tank Service, Inc. at no cost to the City. Inspection revealed pit holes and deterioration on the inside of the tank. Water Tank Devices, Inc. had made a proposal to repair inside of tank, repaint inside and outside at a cost of $9,700.00. 2. Motion was made by Cooper that City of Sanger take bids on the repair job rather than accept offer made by Water Tank Service, Inc. Motion second by Hampton. Voted unan. 3. Water Tank Services, Inc. made another proposal to clean and paint inside of tank for $4,900.00. �1otion was made by Hampton to accept this proposal. Motion dies for lack of second. 4. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST Minutes Present: Others Present: Carr, Joe M YOR November 5, 1979 City Counci 1 Mayor Cole, Cooper. Hampton, Spindle, Bridges and Coker Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lester Horstman, Lindon Roeder, Mike Walsh, and Jane Ragsdale 1. The minutes of the October 15, 1979 and November 2, 1979 meeting were approved as printed.