11/05/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularZ (c) Streets - city and all were in determine which gets willing to do"'Willow (d) building ATTEST: Lloyd and need of priority. Street. Henry drove every street in the repair. Council will need to Lloyd stated the County is Lloyd to c,et with Doctor Chapman about Chatfield being a health hazard and Mary Jo to send Weed Letter. Minutes: City Council Special Called Meeting November 2, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Hampton, Cooper, Bridges and Coker Absent: Spindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson; City Manaqer, Berry Forrest and Ron Richardson 1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Cole for the purpose of receiving the results of the inspection of the elevator water storage tank. This inspection was done by Water Tank Service, Inc. at no cost to the City. Inspection revealed pit holes and deterioration on the inside of the tank. Water Tank Devices, Inc. had made a proposal to repair inside of tank, repaint inside and outside at a cost of $9,700.00. 2. Motion was made by Cooper that City of Sanger take bids on the repair job rather than accept offer made by Water Tank Service, Inc. Motion second by Hampton. Voted unan. 3. Water Tank Services, Inc. made another proposal to clean and paint inside of tank for $4,900.00. Motion was made by Hampton to accept this proposal. Motion dies for lack of second. 4. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST Minutes: Present: Others Present: Carr, Joe MAYOR November 5, 1979 City Council Mayor Cole, Cooper. Hampton, Spindle, Bridges and Coker Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lester Horstman, Lindon Roeder, Mike Walsh, and Jane Ragsdale 1. The minutes of the October 15, 7979 and November 2, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $27,006.81 were approved on a motion by Hampton. Coker second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for the amount of $10,R94.18 were approved on a motion by Hampton. Coker second. Voted unan. 4. Electric Service for the Assembly of God Church - Mayor Cole explained to Council that the line would not be built until February. Lindon Carr was asked about such delay. He explained that the bid process took time and that it would take from five to six months to get materials. Mayor Cole stated he felt Sanger Electric should get a new supplier list so that materials could be received sooner. Lindon explained that the plans called for a primary line to extend down the western edge.of the church's property. The present temporary line can be increased to carry the 50 amperage necessary for the church to use their facility until the primary line can be installed. The cost to convert the temporary line would be approximately $150.00. Tony Franzen was working on the easements but he and the preacher had a misunderstanding. Dis- cussion. Freese Drive was brought up. Mayor Cole stated there was no doubt in his mind that the church would build the street. Coker: Everytime we've varied from our ordinances we have gotten something crammed down our throats. Bridges: They knew over two years ago that the street had to be paved and guttered. Lindon Carr: Mr. Bucklew gave us a verbal agreement that we could cross his land to give the church service. The line goes over the street/ We will set one pole. A total of 465' is needed. Discussion. Coker made the motion the City run temporary service to the Assembly of God Church with a maximum amperage service as requested by the Church subject to securing the necessary 72" utility easement along the western property line of church property. Bridges second. Discussion. Coker stated he still thinks its wrong that the church takes advantage of the City because they are a church. Lindon Carr -was advised that construction was to held up until. the necessary easements are secured. 5. Fair Housing Ordinance - Mayor Cole explained to Council this would cost the Cit��any money. Spindle made the motion the City adopt a Fair Housing Ordinance. Bridges second. Voted unan. FAIR HOUSING ORDINANCE N0. 79-11 IT IS THE POLICY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TO BRING ABOUT THROUGH FAIR, ORDERLY, AND LAWFUL PROCEDURES THE OPPORTUNITY FOR EACH PERSON TO OBTAIN HOUSING WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, COLOR, SEX, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, OR HANDICAP. THIS POLICY IS GROUNDED UPON A RECOG PJITION OF THE RIGHT OF EVERY PERSON TO HAVE ACCESS TO ADEQUATE HOUSING OF THAT PERSON'S CHOICE, AND THE DENIAL OF THIS RIGHT BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, SEX, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, OR HANDICAP, IS DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE INHABITANTS OF THIS CITY AND CONSTITUTES AN UNJUST DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS, WHICH IS WITHIN THE POWER AND PROPER RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT TO PREVENT, 6. Lone Star Gas statement of intent to change residential and commercial gas cost adjustment and service charges - Niayor Cole brought out the fact there was no change in the base rates. He read the schedule of service charges to be added. It was noted that the charge for returned checks would be $5.00. Mayor Cole q estioned Item B of the Ordinance which was the Gas Cost Adjustment. Cole ask Horstman if the gas company pays a franchise tax to the City on the fuel adjustment' Horstman replied "yes, it is included on the customers -bill and is paid to the city through gross revenues." It was noted that a line loss factor of 1.056 was added to the new ordinance. Horstman stated only 5% of recovery on line loss is permitted by the railroad commission. Mayor Cole stated that Item B-3 would allow the franchise tax to be fixed by ordinance. The tax factor to be used is 1.02649. Horstman stated in the past the cost of adjustment was 3 months behind. In the new ordinance it would be calculated on a current calendar month. Mayor Cole told Council it would be a 1.63% rate increase to the consumer. Horstman stated Lone Star was trying to delay a rate increase and this would generate an approximate $6,000 per year. Mayor Cole requested that Mr. Horstman meet with him on Wednesday and explain with the proper document how the franchise tax and cost adjustment is determined and applied. Discussion. It was agreed by Council to table this item and place on agenda for November 19, 1979 meeting. State- ment attached. 7. An ordinance adopting the municipal budget for FY 1979-80 was approved on a motion by Spindle. Bridges second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 79-10 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR , BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1, 1979 AND ENDING AUGUST 31, 1980; AND APPROPRIATING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS THEREOF. 8. Coker made the motion the city cast its ten votes for Harold Easley to serve as director if elected on the Denton County Single Appraisal District. Cooper second. Voted .unan. 9. Item to consider repair work on the overhead water storage was acted on at the called meeting on November 2, 1979. 10. Other such matters: (a) Joe Roeder spoke to Council about where fie parks his tractor trailer rig. Mayor Cole read the Minutes of the two prevaoGs meetings. Some of the Council understood that Roeder would leave the trailer out at the Conoco Station. Roeder understood that he could bring it in unloaded. It is now agreed upon that Joe Roeder will leave the trailer out at the Conoco Station until he gets gravel to park it on his property. (Only he needs to work it out) The City will write Mr. Roeder a letter with police receiving a copy in order to alleviate future problems.)- (b) Bridges would like for the City and school to work together and coordinate some type of action with regard to parking at the Halloween Carnival. It was requested that an officer be present to keep some type of order. (c) Cooper stated the City needs to check about getting the power plant painted. (d) Coker asked Lloyd if he talked to Dr. Chapman about the Chatfield building. Lloyd stated Clyde was willing to sign anything that John L. would prepare. John L. agreed to write a letter to Chatfield advising him that Council will take action if the debris is not cleaned up. (e) Hampton wanted to know where the center line was in the street. (f) Mayor Cole ask i�f City was going to patch First Baptist Church parking lot. Cooper stated he thought the city should fix their streets before doing this type of work. Mtg. adjourned. ATTEST: 0