11/19/1979-CC-Minutes-RegularB Minutes: November 19, 1979 City Council Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges, Coker and Spindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lester Horstman, Donn Nesbitt, Kathy Toups, Mike Walsh 1. Mayor Cole opened the sealed bids for the construction signs and barricades. Some of the bidders did not bid on all items. Bids and amounts are as follows: Speciality Sign Mfg. Co., Inc. - $ 720.50 K. A. Sutton - 510.50 F. S. Co - 1034.84 Barco Inc. - 1921.78 (All items) Custom Engraving - 2463.30 (All items) Alternate Bid - 2913olO Price Barricade - 2890028 (All items) Mayor Cole recommended the bids lay over until the next council meeting so they can be studied and tabulated. It was agreed. 2. Minutes of the November 5, 1979 meeting were approved with the following corrections: Item #4 from 72 to 72 easement; Item #6...an approximate $3.678 per year in lieu of $6,000 pr. year. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $4627.79 were approved on a motion by Coker. Bridges second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Cole stated again the Ordinance requested by Lone Star Gas would be a 1.62% rate increase and would generate an approximate $3678 in revenues over a 12 month period. The City c-an either approve the ordinance or suspend action for 120 days. Coker made the motion to suspend action for 120 days. Dicussion. Motion died for lack of a second. Ralph stated -the city gate rate would remain the same. The ordinance would notbe retroactive. Hampton made the motion the ordinance be adopted. Bridges second. Voting for were Bridges, Spindle, Hampton and Cooper. Voting against was Coker. Motion carried 4-1. Councilman Bridges stated he was not at all satisfied in the manner this request was presented to Council. He said they were advised prior to the meeting that this was not a rate increase but a user fee increase. However it did include a rate increase. Mr. Horstman apologized and stated he was in no way trying to put anything over Council. It was requested by Council the time the gas company had a request that it be explained honestly and in detail. 5. Other Matters: (a) Donn Nesbitt thanked Council for the work done on North 8th. (b) Lloyd attended a meeting Saturday of the Denton County Mayors. They learned about hospital service with the mainI interest in organizing a Mayor's Organization. They plan to meet again on January 12th. Lloyd felt the underlying purpose was the releasing of water out of Red River and the Mayor of Denton wants strength to back him on the Lake Aubrey project; that he is moving with this vision as a realty in the near future. (c) Mayor Cole stated that he and James Monohan with Brazos met earlier this year and agreed to sit down and work on -the Sanger Electric Budget, They have scheduled a meeting for Dec. loth. Budget comes up in January. The City's position is to have no rate increase. (d) First Baptist Chruch parking also was discussed, Billy to get estimated cost to repair. (e) Lloyd reported that Cable T.V. was presently walking out the lines. Sometime between January 20th and no later than March 1, 1980 is their cut-off date. Their office is to be located downtown and their head is to be on the southwest part of Sanger. (f) Those appointed to the District Tax Appraisal Board are as follows: Carl Degan, Lewisville, Texas; Bill R. Weaver, Lewisville, Texas; Raymond Pitts, Denton, Texas; Joe Turner, Lewisville, Texas; Tom Harpool, Denton, TX. (g) The drainage ditch work was reported to be 65 to 70% completed. (h) The City has a water pump out. Can replace motor, pump and all for $2100. Can use old motor for back up. (i) Lloyd attended two meetings on grants. One at COG and one with Community Development people in Wh.itesboro. Glenna Krueger and Lloyd attended meeting on park grant. Trend now is something for all ages. (j) Bridges stated Willow Street needs to be repaired. Lloyd to talk with Switzer. If he dosen't do something City is supposed to get repaired. P1eeting adjourned. ATTEST Minutes: Present: Absent City Council December 3, 1979 Coker, Cooper, Spindle, Hampton, and Bridges Mayor Cole, John L. Sullivan Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Donn Nesbitt, Benny Parrent, Don Holson, Mike Walsh, and Kathy Toups 1. Mayor Protem Coker presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Cole. Minutes of the November 19, 1979 meeting were approved with the following correction: Item (e) under #5, other matters: Delete cut-off and add cut -on. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $17,121.32 were approved on a motion by Spindle. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements to be placed on next agenda. Not available for this meeting.: 4. Bids on the construction signs and barricades were discussed. Mayor Protem Coker read about each bid amount from the different companies. Lloyd stated the Office of Traffic Safety has agreed to provide $2670.00 for this program. Motion was made by J.P. Hampton that the City accept the alternate bid of Custom Engraving for a total of $2913.10 with the City paying the additional cost. Spindle second. Voted unan.