12/17/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular5. Request for garbage pickup by Benny Parrent was misunderstood to be for his personal use. Parrent explained that the request is for the Indian Springs Subdivision residents which is now outside the City. Council to consider and place on the next agenda. 6. Other Matters: (a) Donn Nesbitt thanked Council for accepting his bid. fib) J.P. Hampton asked about work on Willow Street. Lloyd stated Bill Switzer would be doing it although it has not yet been done. ATTEST: ® l/ MAYOR Minutes: City Council Emergency Meeting December 75 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges, Spindle and Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Burle Henderson, and Bob Roberts 1. Council received a request from Jesse Coffey for a variance on street construction in Gateway Addition. This variance would permit Joe Sigmund Construction Company to apply lime in a manner described in the attached letter from Schoell and Fields engineers. The variance is requested because of the unusual amount of rock in the street construction area. Motion was made by Coker to grant variance as described in letter. Bridges second. Voted unan. ATTEST: Minutes.-. City Council December 17, 1979 Present; Mavor Cole, Coker, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Spindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, J.W. Bucklew, and Mike Walsh_ 1. The minutes of the December 3rd and December 7th, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $12,295.40 plus the statement not on the schedule to Pump Equipment Company for $2169.00 was approved on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Voted unan. - ,el 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for October in the amount of $6386.91 were approved on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Sanger Electric Proposed Budget for 1980- Mayor Cole went over the proposed budget with Council. Stated Brazos had requested no rate increase and they would not be requesting the $4239.00 the City budgeted for debt retirement for 1979. The net increase for cash 1980 is projected to be $9429.00. The net system debt to the Cooperative at the end of 1980 is projected to be $42,274.00 with only four contract years remaining as of December 2, 1980. Contract payments to the City are estimated to be $133,988. J.P. Hampton made the motion the City accept the 1980 Proposed Sanger Electric Budget with the same $4239.00 guarantee they had in 1979. Cooper second. Voted unan. 5. Request for garbage pickup for Indian Springs residents was denied on a motion by Coker. Cooper second. Voted unan. 6. Water Line - Frazier and Rodgers - It was stated that the water line was laid only 12" in the ground instead of 18". The line itself was supposed to be a 2" line as agreed upon in the May 2, 1979 meeting, but Frazier and Rodgers had installed a 12" line. The type of line was SDR26 160PSI. ASTMD221-76 and Hunter and Associates recommends a SDR18 as`aminimum. Danny Spindle stated that Billy Barclay had seen the line and had told them to cover it up after he had inspected same. Also Danny stated that Tony Franzen had been shown the pipe. It was agreed by Council, with Danny abstaining, that Frazier and Rodgers would have 120 days to replace the water line from the meter to the houses as specified above or the meter will be removed by the City and services discontinued. 7. Request for street construction variance on Freese Drive - In the emergency meeting. on December 7, 1979, Council agreed to allow Burle Richardson with the Assembly of God ChzkK.ch to proceed with the construction of Freese Drive without lime treatment but could not take official action at that meeting. Tonight on a motion by Bridges and a second by Cooper, it was voted unanimous that this variance be allowed. 8. Extension of Houston Street between Fifth and Third Streets - Royce Jones, Jimmy Rehm, and Wade Parsons have inquired about the possibiltity of opening Houston Street between 5th and 3rd Streets. Opening the street would help the drainage problem in that part of town which catches all the runoff coming down Houston Street from Kathryn Lane. These three property owners claim there was no drainage problem in the area before the property was subdivided and developed along Houston Street, Hillcrest Street, Kathryn Lane, and Marcia Street. They feel the City should have required a better drainage plan of the developers and that the City is somewhat responsible for allowing the drainage across their property. They come to Council inquiring what the City will do toward working with them to solve the drainage problem. The estimated cost for the street work for 2 blocks is $25,200 ($60.00 a running foot). Residents want to know if the City would be willing to participate in any part of the construction. Cooper was for the City possibly providing the base work such as grading. Mayor Cole stated the City should not do anything until the drainage ditches were opened up and easements secured. It was mentioned that the Jones' and possibly Neilan Cook would be willing to buy underground tile if the City would bury it. The residents did not want an open drainage area. Lloyd to get back in touch with residents and see exactly what they want the city to contribute. 9. On a motion by Hampton, seconded by Coker, it was voted unanimous to approve the resolution allowing the Denton Housing Authority to come into Sanger and assist the Blanche Rose family. 10. Policy statement regarding city ordinance to be drawn up by Lloyd and be presented to Council at next meeting, Mayor Cole requested it be a simple statement stating the City Staff will abide by all ordinances and they will not grant any variances unless instructed by Council. ll. City audit to be placed on next agenda due to absence of Tony Wright. 12. It was motioned by Bridges that the City adopt the rrtunicipal Maintenance Ordinance and sign the agreement with the State Highway Department. Cooper second. Voted unan. 13. Other Such Matters: (A) Coker made the motion that all city employees receive $25.00 each as extra work performed. Hampton second. Voted unan. (B) Cooper requested Lloyd to check about meter readers leaving city truck running while walking their route. (C) Coker suggested the City participate more with fire department and sponsor a special banquet for the firemen, possibly when they select their firemen of the year. All council in favor of this. Lloyd to talk with Looper. (D) J.W. Bucklew met with Council regarding a half street on Freese Drive where his property adjoins with Holsom's property. Property runs about 60' past the Assembly of God'_sproperty. He stated he has water and sewer on the lot and an 8" base for street is already there. Council suggested this go to P & Z first before they act on it. Lloyd to call a special meeting with P& Z for Thursday, December 20th at 5:15 PvM* ATTEST: MAYOR Minutes: Emergency Called Meeting City Council - December 28, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, J.P. Hampton, Danny Spindle and Benny Bridges Absent: John Coker Others Present. Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and J.W. Bucklew 1. Consider J.W. Bucklew's request for the construction of a half street on Freese Drive - Mayor Cole brought out the fact that the last thing to come before the Council was the approval of the Preliminary Plat on Section III, Block A. Bucklew-Freese Addition. Staff reviewed previous city council minutes and found that Bucklew's Final Plat had not been approved by Council or Planning & Zoning. A final plat is however on record at the County Clerks Office but it is unsigned by the city officials and does not bear the appropriate seals, which makes it an illegal document. It was the general consensus of the Council that the unaccounted for "final plat" be sent back to P & Z. In the last P & Z meeting they said they felt like, if the subdivision had already been approved then the half street should be granted, if not, P & Z opposed the half street. If not apprOVed, then Bucklew should submit back to P &Z and start all over.