12/28/1979-CC-Minutes-Emergency11. City audit to be placed on next agenda due to absence of Tony Wright. 12. It was motioned by Bridges that the City adopt the Municipal Maintenance Ordinance and sign the agreement with the State Highway_ Department. Cooper second. Voted unan. 13. Other Such Matters: (A) Coker made the motion that all city employees receive $25.00 each as extra work performed. Hampton second. Voted unan. (B) Cooper requested Lloyd to check about meter readers leaving city truck running while walking their route. (C) Coker suggested the City participate more with fire department and sponsor a special banquet for the firemen, possibly when they select their firemen of the year. All council in favor of this. Lloyd to talk with Looper. (D) J.W. Bucklew met with Council regarding a half street on Freese Drive where his property adjoins with Holsom's property. Property runs abo �Lt 60' past the Assembly of God'sproperty. He stated he has water and sewer on the lot and an 8" base for street is already there. Council suggested this go to P & Z first before they act on it. Lloyd to call a special meeting with P& Z for Thursday, December 20th at 5:15 P.M. ATTEST: Minutes: Emergency Called Meeting City Council - December 28, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, J.P. Hampton, Danny Spindle and Benny Bridges Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and J.V11. Bucklew 1. Consider J.W. Bucklew's request for the construction of a half street on Freese Drive - Mayor Cole brought out the fact that the last thing to come before the Council was the approval of the Preliminary Plat on Section III, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition. Staff reviewed previous city council minutes and found that Bucklew's Final Plat had not been approved by Council or Planning & Zoning. A final plat is however on record at the County Clerks Office but it is unsigned by the city officials and does not bear the appropriate seals, which makes it an illegal document. It was the general consensus of the Council that the unaccounted for "final plat" be sent back to P & Z. In the last P & Z meeting they said they felt like, if the subdivision had already been approved then the half street should be granted, if not, P & Z opposed the half street. If not apprGVed, then Bucklew should submit back to P &Z and start all over. Councilman Bridges requested the Final Plat be sent back to P & Z. It was agreed. 2. City Manager Henderson requested councils mput on the Building Permit Ordinance which requires a permit fee on old buildings being torn down. Lloyd stated he felt this was a deterent for those trying to clean up their property. Council advise Lloyd to have an amendment drawn up. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR Minutes: City Council January 7, 1980 Present: Mayor Protem Coker, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Spindle Absent: Mayor Ralph Cole Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, J.W. Bucklew, John L. Sullivan, and Mike Walsh 1. Mayor-= Protem Coker presided over. the meeting in the absence of Mayor Cole. The minutes of the December 17, 1979 and December 28, 1979 meetings were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for a total of $9,236.99 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second.- Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for a total of $2,285.00 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Voted unan. 4. City Audit was explained recommendations were made in controls. by Tony Wright. The following order to strengthen the i nternal (1) Asset Protection An inventory of all assets owned by the City should be made on an annual basis. A card file should 5. be maintained on these assets with each card bearing the description of the item, date of purchase, and the cost. (2 ) Night Deposit A night deposit box should be purchased or constructed to help insure that all night payments are protected from misuse. (3) Deposit Cards Cards maintained on customer balanced with the general ledger (4) Narcotics Use safe Sanger Police no misuse of weakening of deposits should be on a quarterly basis. the for all narcotics confiscated by the Force. This should be controlled to insure controlled substance, nor the possible the States case due to easy access.