01/07/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council January J. 1980 Present: Mayor Protem Coker, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Spindle Absent: Mayor Ralph Cole Others Present. Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, J.W. Bucklew, John L. Sullivan, and Mike Walsh 1. Mayor:= Protem Coker presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Cole. The minutes of the December 17, 1979 and December 28, 1979 meetings were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for a total of $9,236.99 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second.- Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for a total of $2,285.00 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Voted unan. 4. City Audit was explained by Tony Wright. The following recommendations were made in order to strengthen the internal controls. ( 1) Asset Protection An inventory of all assets owned by the City should be made on an annual basis. A card file should be maintained on these assets with each card bearing the description of the item, date of purchase, and the cost. (2) -Night Deposit A night deposit box should be purchased or constructed to help insure that all night payments are protected from misuse. (3) Deposit Cards Cards maintained on customer deposits should be balanced with the general ledger on a quarterly basis. (4) Narcotics Use safe for all narcotics confiscated by the Sanger Police Force. This should be controlled to insure no misuse of the controlled substance, nor the possible weakening of the States case due to easy access. (5) General Time cards should be required on all hourly people. These cards should be signed by the employees supervisor to help determine responsibility for the hours worked. Postage machine should be locked and key removed when machine is not in use. The signature stamp should be controlled to insure that not any one person can write, sign and cash checks. Customer deposits be refunded after a specific time established by the Council if no delinquent bills have occurred for the utilities. Lloyd then went over the items with Council and advised what the staff was doing. On the inventory, Billy Barclay has been informed regarding inventory of tools, equipment, vehicles, etc... and staff will be setting up card file on the assets Lloyd stated he had talked with Hollingwsorth Mfg. about a metal box to be attached to night deposit drop to insure all payments are protected. Deposit Cards will be balanced on a quarterly basis. Lloyd explained that the large safe he removed from his office in the near future be used to provide protection of the narcotics confiscated by the Police Department and when the post office section is available for city use the.evidence will be kept in the safe in the police department. Time cards are now being used on all hourly personnel. Bennie Bridges suggested that the head of the postage meter be removed and locked in safe over night and it was agreed. Also agreed by Council was the elimination of the signature stamp of Mayor Ralph Cole. Checks will still require two signatures, but this can be done by any two on the signature card. On the possible refunding of customer deposits, Lloyd requested if Council decided to do this that it be budgeted since deposits areput directly into operational funds. Discussion of the value of the electric plant followed. Tnlright explained that the assets are carried at cost and that it would probably be three years before the depreciation would reduce the asset under 10o enabling them to give a qualified opinion. Wright stated that Sanger Electric had sold scrap for $1,400.00 and Brazos had included it in depreciation but he picked it up as income. Questions arose from Council on this. John L. stated it should be 100o to the city since the city pays for everything under capital improvements. City to check into this. Motion was made by Cooper that the audit be accepted and the statement for $2,975.00 to Montgomery and Wright be paid. Spindle second. Voted unan. It was requested by Council the City write a letter of commendation to the audit firm. 5. Mayor Protein Coker read aloud. the following policy statement regarding city ordinances: City Manager is hereby instructed to provide strict enforcement on all subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. Variances are to -come to Council through regular channels with either approval or disapproval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Variances are to be granted only in exceptional circumstances caused by undue hardships. Any authorizedagreements made between city administration and developers/builders are not binding. Developers/ builders will be -expected to meet all requirements of the City where existing ordinances require work to be done as a condition precedent to the granting of building permits or approval of plats. Bridges made the motion to adopt -th_e, policy statement. Spindle second. Voted unan. 6. J. W. Bucklew's Final Plat on Section III, Block A,.Bucklew Freese Addition- Lloyd explained to Council that P & Z had approved the Final Plat for Bucklew with a variance to use the north paved 25' footage of Lot 8 for a driveway entrance with no half street to be built on the remainder of the frontage of this lot. Lloyd stated after an inspection of Freese Drive prior to the Council meeting he and J. W-. had discovered that the Assembly of God's portion stopped short about 25' from their property line; there- fore, there is no paved portion in front of Lot 8. Bucklew stated that he had talked to the Pastor of the Assembly of God Church and that they would complete Freese Drive to the end of their property, If not, J. W. said he would. Mr. Bucklew presented a Final Plat to Council but it was not the same plat approved by P & Z. Lloyd presented the plat that was approved. It was explained to Council that the water line comes all the way across Bucklews property; however, the sewer cleanout box is only 6 ft. from where the present asphalt ends. The pro- rata ordinance requires it to be across the entire property. Lloyd stated it would be Bucklew's responsibility to extend the sewer, and for the city's own protection, it should go the length of the property. Bucklew asked if the City would lay the rest of the line across his property. He stated that he would pay the City for the construction of the line. A motion was made by Bridges, if the Assembly of God Church extends the 25ft. of paved street to their South property line, the city will grant a variance as approved by P & Z to allow for a driveway entrance on the North boundary of Lot 8, The City will be responsible for laying the sewer pipe the full length of Lot 8, Block A. Section III, Bucklew-Freese, at Bucklew's expense. The City is not responsible for the upkeep of the unpaved south portion of Freese Drive in front of Lot 8. Bucklew is to pave his side of the street for 25' adjacent to the church's 25'. Danny second the motion. Discussion regarding dedication of the street followed. It was requested that the Assembly of God Church officials sign the Final Plat the way the deed is made out. Also, on the final plat the remainder of the unpaved street portion should be marked "Utility Easement." This final plat is approved once all require- ments are fullfilled and does not have to come back before Council. Council asked John L. about blockading the south. end of Freese Drive where th.e pavement will end, to stop through traffic. He saidAit was legal and the City should also put up a sign showing it to be a Dead -End Street. 7. Bridges made the motion to approve the Ordinance Amending the street lights portion of the Subdivision Ordinance. Spindle seconded the motion. Voted unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 80 = 1 Ai�T ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1-20-72 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE PLATTING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JUR ISDICTION, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2-19 OF SAID ORDINANCE RELATING TO INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS. 8. Hampton made the motion to approve the specifications for painting the exterior of the elevated water storage tank as prepared by Hunter & Associates. Bids to be let now, and re- ceived by Noon of April 7, 1980. Bids to be awarded on April 21, with work beginning the first part of May, 1980. Bridges seconded. Voted unanimously. 9. Hampton made the motion the City require a building permit without charge for demolition of buildings. Discussion followed. Motion was withdrawn. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance regarding building permits for the demolition of buildings. Spindle seconded. Voted unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 80-2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1964-2 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR A COMPREHENSIVE ZONING DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER AND ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION, BY AMENDING SECTION 19-C OF SAID ORDINANCE RELATING TO BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10. Motion was made by Hampton to approve the Ordinance Amending the Solid Waste Ordinance, establishing boundaries and permitting only residents within the boundaries to use the landfield. Cooper seconded. Voted unanimously. ORDINANCE N0. 80-3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF BANGER SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR RESTRICTED USE OF CITY DUMP GROUNDS, ESTABLISHING A METHOD FOR COLLECTING FEES, AND. DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11. The request for $200.00 per month from Municipal Judge Gene Hughes was tabled till the next Council Meeting by Cooper. 12. Cther such matters: (a) Hampton requested the City to check about a street light at the North side exit from the Burrus parking lot on to FTC[ 455. (b) Discussion regarding Jesse Coffey's subdivision not being all -electric. (c) Donn Nesbitt demonstrated street construction signs and barricades. (d) Lloyd requested that the dump be opened only in the afternoons. Possibly from 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. Stating - he could use the man at the dump in other ways. Council agreed to try closing for 1/2 day. (e) Lloyd explained that the Gateway water line had been installed by Dickerson Construction Company. Dickerson will be responsible for the line for one year from the date of acceptance by City. Schoell and Fields have run the necessary tests on the water and sewer lines. Their letter is attached and also the maintenance bond on Dickerson Construction Company in the amount of $56,237.28. Motion was made by Cooper to accept the water and sewer lines on the basis of the test done by Schoell, Fields & Associates. Hampton seconded. Voted unanimously. (f) Donn Nesbitt stated he would give the City a free estimate regarding replacement of all street name signs. (g) Lloyd gave each councilman a brochure prepared by Hunter .and Associates on the Sanger Water System Improvements. The City will be seeking HUD funds -- for those improvements. Lloyd will be meeting with Jeff Harkinson at the COG this week. about the A-95 Review. -" Meeting adjourned 11:00 P.M. ATTEST: MAYOR ��