01/21/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council January 21, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Plary Jo Stover, Vance and Bonnie Travelstead, Tom Pardue, -Donn Nesbitt 1. P�inutes of the January 79 1980 meeting were approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements for $2,994.96 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Voted unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-46 for Vance Travelstead - It was noted that P & Z's m.inutes reflected petition Z-46 was denied due to the heavy classifications renuested. Mayor Cole read aloud the uses under the Light Industry Classification. Mr. Travel - stead stated he would like to know how some businesses got the change and others like himself could not. Mayor Cole explained that area had to do with qettina a change and also the classification that was involved. Council asked Vance if he would be willing to give the City a legal document prepared by his attorney stating he would put only mini - warehouses on the property and not use any other of the classes granted under Light Industry. Travelstead said he would. Motion was made by Cooper to table the item until the next council meeting and give Vance time to.have the document prepared for consideration. Hampton second. Voted unan. 4. Amendment on Paving - Subdivision Ordinance. Lloyd stated that one sentence in Article 2-7E which would permit a subdivider to construct new streets by using the sprayed on tar and rock had been eliminated. This portion of the ordinance was confusing to the street builders on Freese Drive. The Citv engineer said that sprayed tar should never be used for new streets and the City should require Type D hot mix roll on asphaltic concrete. Motion was made by Bridges to amend the ordinance. Spindle second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 80-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING NO. 1-20-72 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE PLATTING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDIC- TION, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2-7E OF SAID ORDINANCE RELATING, TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF RESInENTIA,L STREETS WITHIN SUBDIVI- SIONS, AND DECLARING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 5. Three names were submitted for the City Judge's position -.- They are: Merve Waag,i, Attorney; Johnnie Richardson, retired postmaster; and N.R. parr: retired minister. Discussion. Council agreed thatwhoever was appointed would be expected to acquire schooling in this position. Action was delayed until next Council meeting. 6. Street Variance for Harold Easley - Krueger Addition - Easley was told it was not necessary to lime treat his east half street on 7th if the Ulest half already built did not have lime. The west half did not have lime so Easley went ahead with the rock base and assumed it would not be necessary to lime 6th street. P & Z recommends this variance to Council due to the cost involved in removing the base work then replacing it. Cooper made the motion the variance be granted. Bridges second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt the order for the City Officials Election to be held April 5, 1980. Cooper second. Voted unan. Those places un for election are P"avor Cole, John Coker - Place 2, and J.P. Hampton - Place 4. 8. Gene Hughes has withdrawn his request for variance until a test can be made to see if he is reouired to do the lime treat- ment in the W.B. Shirley Addition. 9. Discuss Inflow/Infiltration Study and consider Evaluation Survey - On May 30, 1980, Council voted to participate in an EPA Grant Program to evaluate and make improvements on the sewer system. An outline of theprogram is as follows. EPA GRA�JT 1. Preliminary and Planning Stage City EPA Total :'_. Step I: Infiltration/Inflow Analysis 2,695 8,085 Evaluation Survey 16,058 483172 645230 Facility Plan 1,348 45042 Enviromental Assessment 13348 43042 3. Step II: Plans and Specifications 4. Step III: Construction TOTAL 21,449 64,341 64,230 A smoke test will be done at this stage. Original intent of the phase will be to find the area where water is oettina into the sewer lines and repair them. Also remaining sewer bond funds will be used to pay the City's oortion of the grant. This entire project will take 32 to 4 years to complete. The project will enable a rehabilitation of the collection system and increase the capacity of the sewer treatment facility. Hunter and Associates will be sub -contracting the work to Gutierrez, Smouse, Wi lmut, and Associates, Inc. They are a minority Firm and is necessary to use them in programs such as this in order to get funding. It was approved by Council to adopt the contract amendment between the City and Hunter Associates, Inc. Lloyd was given authority to sign for the City. 10. Variance requested by Ken Cornell for Building Permit - Krueger Addition - Request came in too late to go to P .� Z before coming to Council. Cornell has reouested issuance of a permit on Lot 5, Block 2, of the Krueger Addition before the Streets, curbs and gutters, and utilities are completed. Easley is negotiating for the street construction at present. Cornell has agreed that the house will not be occupied until all ordinance requirements have been completed. Cooper made the motion Council annrove the permit subject to P & Z's approval. Spindle second. Voted unan. A meeting of the P & Z was set for Friday. 11. Other Such Matters: (A) Lloyd stated the City had made $624.0� from the auction held Friday, January 18, 1980. (B) Donn Nesbitt presented Council with a street name sign replacement estimate of $11,048.05. Alternatives for the expense of the project were discussed. Those mentioned were possible grant funding, budget over the next several years or possibly pay out of street funds. Item to be placed on next Agenda and financial statement he worked up. (_C) Henry Cooper wants to paint the old power plant. He was placed in charge of getting cost to do this. Also mentioned that Myrtle .Haynie wants a street light placed across from her home. Lloyd to check with her. (0) Bridges stated his feelings on the mini -warehouses as proposed by Vance Travelstead. Stated they could be used for other purposes than storage Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: Present: Absent: Others Present. MAYOR February 4, 1980 Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Spindle John Coker Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Donn Nesbitt, Kathy Toups, John L. Sullivan, Benny Parrent, Mike Walsh The Council meeting opened by having a moment of silent grayer for Councilman Coker. 1. The minutes of the January 21, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $13,733.17 were approved on a motion by Hampton. Bridges second. 3. Mayor Cole proclaimed the week of March 29, 1980 through April 5, 1980 as city cleanup week. City to assist with trucks. 4. Zoning Petition Z-46 for Vance Travelstead was denied on a motion by Spindle. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. N.R. Barr and Johnnie Richardson reouested their names be withdrawn for consideration. The only names left to consider is Merve Waage or Gene Hughes. Bridges stated he wants to stay with what we got. Lloyd to try and negotiate with Hughes. 6. Street name program - Mayor Cole re-emphasized to .Council that anything -over $3,000 would require bids and that the City should come up with the money before they let bids. Council was in agreement to keep using the street fund money for repair and building of streets. Spindle preferred to hold off on the street name signs. It was agreed to postpone until May, 1980. 7. Mayor Cole called Council into executive session for personnel and land matters. 8. Council reconvened to open session. Cooper made the motion to give Lloyd a $1,000 raise retroactive to January 28, 1980. Hampton second. Voted unan. Ralph commended Lloyd for his good work. 9. Other matters: (a) Benny Parrent stated he had purchased a lot on 7th Street and would like to build a duplex. Council stated it was zoned for Multi -family and that he would need to get a building permit. Curb and gutter was brought up. Item would need to go before P & Z. Lloyd to research about curb and guttering. Parrent wants City to erect a sign which reads