02/04/1980-CC-Minutes-Regularused for other purposes than storage. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: February 4, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Bridges and Spindle Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Donn Nesbitt, Kathy Toups, John L. Sullivan, Benny Parrent, Mike Walsh The Council meeting opened b.y having a moment of silent prayer for Councilman Coker. 1. The minutes of the January 21, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $13,733.17 were approved on a motion by Hampton. Bridges second. 3. Mayor Cole proclaimed the week of March 29, 1980 through April 5, 1980 as city cleanup week. City to assist with trucks. 4. Zoning Petition Z-46 for Vance Travelstead was denied on a motion by Spindle. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. N.R. Barr and Johnnie Richardson requested their names be withdrawn for consideration. The only names left to consider is Merve Waage or Gene Hughes. Bridges stated he wants to stay with what we got. Lloyd to try and negotiate with Hughes. 6. Street name program - Mayor Cole re-emphasized to .Council that anything over $3,000 would require bids and that the City should come up with the money before they let bids. Council was in agreement to keep using the street fund money for repair and building of streets. Spindle preferred to hold off on the street name signs. It was agreed to postpone until May, 1980. 7. Mayor Cole called Council into executive session for personnel and land matters. 8. Council reconvened to open session. Cooper made the motion to give Lloyd a $1,000 raise retroactive tv January 28, 1980. Hampton second. Voted unan. Ralph commended Lloyd for his good work. 9. Other matters: (a) Benny Parrent stated he had purchased a lot on 7th Street and would like to build a duplex. Council stated it was zoned for Multi -family and that he would need to get a building permit. Curb and gutter was brought up. Item would need to qo before P & Z. Lloyd to research about curb and guttering. Parrent wants City to erect a sign which reads "Welcome to Sanger." Stated he would be willing to pay on it. Lloyd told Parrent that the Beautification Committee was working on this. (b) Lloyd to talk with Alvin Brown regarding his duties as Fire Marshall. Lloyd would also like to have an audit done on the Fire 9enartment records and look to the future with regards to the Aubrey Lake Project and find out about rescue eouipment and medical personnel. (c) Lloyd stated that he was checking into the engineering firm of Allaier & Martin. Stated prices are much more reasonable and he has not been Bettina the response he needs from Hunter & Associates. (d) Lloyd to call Emmett Baker and see if City can get the agenda for the next meeting to discuss acquisition of land. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council February 183 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Kathy Toups, Lynn Mullin, Vance Travelstead, Sidney George 1. "linutes were approved with correction to Item Pdo. 5. �i.R. Barr and Johnnie Richardson requested their names be withdrawn For consideration as City Judge. Bridges stated he wants to stay with what we have. 2. Disbursements for $5,477.59 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Hampton second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for December, 1979 in the amount of $4,064.tiO !Here approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Voted unan. 4. Lynn Mullin with CATV met with Council to update Council regarding the progress of the cable installation and'make the following requests: 1. CATV be permitted to install two antennas on the catwalk of the elevated storage tank. 2. Space below the elevated storage tank. to 6e used for their disc and egufipment build%ng. This area would 6e approximately 30`x 30' and would 6e fenced. ties 3. CATV proposes to -pay $500. per year for use of the Citv's faci.l% . Mr. P1ullin presented Council with a copy of the lease contract. Council wanted to take time to stud .v the lease and refer to City Attorney, John L. Sullivan for comments.. Mr. Mullin was invited to come back to the next council meeting at which time Council