02/18/1980-CC-Minutes-Regular"Welcome to Sanger." Stated he would be willing to p11 ay on. it. Lloyd told Parrent that the Beautification Committee was working on this. (b) Lloyd to talk with Alvin Brown regarding his duties as Fire Marshall. Lloyd would also like to have an audit done on the Fire 9epartment records and look to the future with regards to the Aubrey Lake Project and find out about rescue eouipment and medical personnel. (c) Lloyd stated that he was checking into the ennineerinq firm of Allaier & Martin. Stated prices are much more reasonable and he has not been Bettina the response he needs from Hunter & Associates. (d) Lloyd to call Emmett Baker and see if City can get the agenda for the next meeting to discuss acquisition of land. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council February 18, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John Coker Othe rs Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Kathy Toups, Lynn Mullin, Vance Travelstead, Sidney George 1. "�inutes were approved with correction to Item PJo. 5. �l.R. Barr and Johnnie Richardson requested their names be withdrawn For consideration as City Judge. Bridges stated he wants to stay with what we have. 2. Disbursements for $5,477.59 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Hampton second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for December, 1979 in the amount of $4,064.ti0 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Hampton second. Voted unan. 4. Lynn Mullin with CATV met with Council to update Council regarding the progress of the cable installation and -make the following requests: 1. CATV be permitted to install two antennas on the catwalk of the elevated storage. tank. 2. Space below the elevated storage tank. to be used for their disc and eouipment bu%1 ding. This- area would 6e approximately 30` x 30' and would be fenced. 3. CATV proposes to pay $500. per year for use of the Cfitv's fac%1%ties. f1r. Plullin presented Council with a copy of the lease contract. Council wanted to take time to study the lease and refer to City Attorney, John L. Sullivan for comments.- Mr. Mullin was iInvited to come back to the next council meeting at which time Council is to give their decision. 5. Council accepted the letter of resignation dated 2/8/80 from Gene Nughes as City Judge. P1ayor Cole read aloud a letter he received from Merve Waage in which he stated that Texas law requires that a municipal ,judge take at least an eight hour course every year to "keep abreast" of the law in regards to municipal ,judges. lJith regards to the fare $1�0 per session. Mr. l�Jaage is reauesting, he stated he had to pay all his expenses connected with the judgeship seminar and two days off from his law practice. Stated there were more expense to being a municipal judge than "meets the eye." Mayor Cole stated that Glenna Krueger had asked to be considered. Bridges made the motion to annoi nt �"erve ►�laage for $100. 00 �ner month for 1 - court session. Spindle second. Voted unan. 6. Mayyor Cole stated he had members and they are getting the power line north and get of the purchase. talked w�rth the school board an appraiser to value the�land from back with the cit�i about the cost 7. There was nothing to discuss about the landfill at this time. 8. Other such matters: (A.) Bridges gave a report on the'prngram of the new post office facility. Stated Lindon Carr needs to know what. he's looking at electrical wise. (B.) Lloyd informed Council that Centel will be changing over to one -plus dialing February 23, 1980. (C.) The City has purchased a new street sweeper for $770.00 from the Government Surplus. Bolain to pick up and check out for the City. (D.) Lloyd informed Council that the overhead and ground storage tanks had been cleaned out. Also notice is going in the paper letting the citizens know that the City will be flushing out, on a systematic basis, the fire hydrants within the City. Pressure on the hydrants will. be nerforr?e�. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council March 4, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Spindle, and Bridges Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Kathy Toups, Mike Walsh, Smith Murrin, Virginia Gossett, Betty and Claudio Escobedo, Lindon Carr, John L. Sullivan, Vance Travelstead 1. The minutes of the February 18, 1980 meeting were approved as printed.. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $25,053.28 were approved on a motion by Spindle. Hampton second. Voted unan.