03/04/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council March 4, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, C000er, Hampton, Spindle, and Bridges Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Kathy Toups, Mike Walsh, Smith Murrin, Virginia Gossett, Betty and Claudio Escobedo, Lindon Carr, John L. Sullivan, Vance Travelstead 1. The minutes of the February 18, 1980 meeting were approved as printed.: 2. Disbursements in -the amount of $25,053.28 were aporoved on a motion by Spindle. Hampton second. Voted unan. 3. CATV Lease - Mr. Smith Murrin spoke on behalf of the Cable T.V. Firm. CATV would like to have a small 30' x 30' space that does not infringe upon the City's operation. Their disc antenna would need to face South Southwest at 230f angle. They would also need. to out their receiving antenna ray in the general vicinity. Murrin likes the yard area because it is close to the downtown business area and they hope to out an office downtown. John L. Sullivan stated the lease contained no property description and cautioned the City about getting locked into a long term lease. Stated the Cable Company wanted to place an antenna on the overhead tower which they would possibly need an air easement for. J.P. Hampton ask how the cable firm proposed to get the cable to the tower. Murrin stated it would be run underground (in conduit) to the tower. h1ayor Cole polled to see if they wanted to qo into a lease agreement with the Cable Company. Spindle and Bridges were for negotiating lease while Cooper and Hampton felt the City had no land to lease. Mayor Cole was in favor of the leasing, but not the proposed amount of $500.00. Mayor Cole felt that $1500 to $2000 per year would be a more negotiable fee. Bridges made the motion the City negotiate a lease with C,4TV. Spindle second. Voting for were Bridges and Spindle. Voting against were Cooper and Hampton. Vote was tied 2-2. Mayor Cole broke the tie by voting in favor of negotiating the lease. Motion carried 3-2. Bridges made the motion the City second. Voting for were Bridges, Hampton. Motion carried 3-1. lease at a fee of $200 per year. Cooper Cooper and Spindle.. Voting against was Murrin stated he would talk to his people and get back in touch with the City. He felt at the price City was requesting there would be a counter offer. Lloyd brouqht uD the property at the sewer treatment plant. .Murrin stated this site was not out of the question as yet, but the cable firm is also looking at oroperty on I-35. 4. Mayor Cole called the meeting into Executive Session to discuss the acouisi- tion of land for a new water well site. Mayor Cole reconvened to open session. 5. Council was given a letter from Mr. Jack Russell specifying what he proposed to do in assisting the City in receiving grants. The scope of services are as follows: 1. Examine the City's needs and match those that can be met through grants with the appropriate grant program. 2. Outline procedures for obtaining grants in those areas where the use of grant funds as appropriate. 3. Describe actions which the City can take to improve its probability of funding. 4. Evaluate City's chances of funding under the various programs recommended. 5. Prepare written summary of findings of survey and make presentation to City Council after completion. -- Fee Structure and Timetable The services outlined above will 6e completed within sixty (60) days after aoproval of this oroposal by the City. The total sum fee for the services Drov%ded is FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) payable upon completion. 6. Mrs. Virginia Stanford Gossett quit Claim Deed Several years ago Ray McClendon made an agreement with Mr. Stanford when the City was considering opening Peach Street from loth through. Interstate 35 frontage road. To extend Peach would cut through the middle of Mr. Stanford's garage located at 507 No. loth. Mr. Stanford agreed to give 50` for the street if the City would relocate it 140' north. As a result th.e street running behind Sanger Manor was built as an extension of Peach. All of this was by verbal agreement. Mrs. Gossett wants to sell this property and her deed does not reflect this agreement regarding the street. Her lawyer has suggested a Quit Claim Deed. John L. read aloud the Quit Claim Deed prepared by Mr. Phillips, attorney for Mrs. Gossett. John L. stated that the Burgess Addition had been platted many years ago and that he could check this out. He advised Plrs. Gossett to have her attorney call him and they could work out what was needed in order for him to close the sale of this property. Mayor Cole said if necessary Council could be called in special session to take any action on this matter. 7. Budget Amendment - Lloyd stated the City needed to purchase four more commercial garbage containers at approximately $450.00 each. Motion was made by Hampton to approve the amendment. Bridqes second. Voted unan. 8. Plotion was made by Spindle to approve Ordinance No. 80-4; appointments to the Tax Equalization Board. .Those appointed are .Jack Armstrong, Aaron Yeatts, and Billye Hollingsworth. Motion was second by Cooper. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Hampton to appoint Mary Jo Stover as Municipal Court Clerk. Bridges second. Voted unan. 10. Lindon Carr presented Council with a cost estimate of $5,748.75 to serve the new post office with electrical service. This would include line construction cost of $1,764.39; Installation of a Transformer Bank $2,506.73; Retire Secondary and relocate City fire siren $1,112.74; and retire material related to reroute of secondary and City fire siren. Spindle made the motion to approve the expenditure for construction of the electrical to new post office. Hampton second. Voting for were Spindle, Hampton and Cooper. Bridges abstained. Motion carried. Council asked about easements. Lloyd explained that Mr. Chambers said he was required to have the property surveyed before closing and he would have the utility easements drawn in. 11. Other such matters: (a) Motion was made by Bridges that Lloyd Henderson be appointed as NCTOG liason. Spindle second. Voted unan. (b) Lloyd reported that Fire Marshall Alvin Brown does make regular visits to stores in town. Bridges stated he would like him to inspect the Post Office. Mr. Brown makes monthly report and the City will be getting a copy for their files. (c) Lloyd was requested to call Tony Wright about doing an audit on the Fire Department. (d) Council discussed garbage complaint of Connie Mask. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council March 12, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Spindle, R.r_idges and. Hampton Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson L. P'lotion was made by Bridges and seconded by Spindle to apx rove the- c)uit