03/12/1980-CC-Minutes-Regularthis agreement regarding the street. Her lawyer has suggested a Quit Claim Deed. John L. read aloud the Quit Claim Deed prepared by Mr. Phillips, attorney for Mrs. Gossett. John L. stated that the Burgess Addition had been platted many years ago and that he could check this out. He advised Plrs. Gossett to have her attorney call him and they could work out what was needed in order for him to close the sale of this property. Mayor Cole said if necessary Council could be.called in special session to take any action on this matter. 7. Budget Amendment - Lloyd stated the City needed to purchase four more commercial garbage containers at approximately $450.00 each. Motion was made by Hampton to approve the amendment. Bridges second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Spindle to approve Ordinance No. 80-4; appointments to the Tax Equalization Board. .Those appointed are .Jack Armstrong, Aaron Yeatts, and Billye Hollingsworth. Motion was second by Cooper. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Hampton to appoint Mary Jo Stover as Municipal Court Clerk. Bridges second. Voted unan. 10. Lindon Carr presented Council with a cost estimate of $5,748.75 to serve the new post office with electrical service. This would include line construction cost of $1,764.39; Installation of a Transformer Bank $2,506.73; Retire Secondary and relocate City fire siren $1,112.74; and retire material related to reroute of secondary and City fire siren. Spindle made the motion to approve the expenditure for construction of the electrical to new post office. Hampton second. Voting for were Spindle, Hampton and Cooper. Bridges abstained. Motion carried. Council asked about easements. Lloyd explained that Mr, Chambers said he was required to have the property surveyed before closing and he would have the utility easements drawn in. 11. Other such matters: (a) Motion was made by Bridges that Lloyd Henderson be appointed as NCTOG liason. Spindle second. Voted unan. (b) Lloyd reported that Fire Marshall Alvin Brown does make regular visits to stores in town. Bridges stated he would like him to inspect the Post Office. Mr. Brown makes monthly report and the City will be getting a copy for their files. (c) Lloyd was requested to call Tony Wright about doing an audit on the Fire Department. (d) Council discussed garbage complaint of Connie Mask. ATTEST: MAYOR Minutes: City Council March 12, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Spindle, Bridges and. Hampton Absent: John Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson - 1. Hution was made by Bridges and seconded by Spindle to approve the-ch.it Claim Deed requested by Mrs. Virginia Stanford Gossett abandoning an undeveloped street right-of-way on Pecan extending T^Test of 10th Street. 2. Other Matters. (a.) Single District Tax Board (b..) Land Purchase for water facilties (c.) Shirley Subdivision construction. MAYOR Minutes:, City Council March 17, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John Coker & J. P. Hampton Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, .Mazy Jo Stover, Uance Travelstead, John L. Sullivan, and Mike Walsh 1. The minutes of the March 4, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. - 2. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amrxmt:of $6,891.71 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle secor_d. Voted �,anan. - 3. Zoning Petition Z-47 for Vance Travelstead was discussed. Mr. Travels1. tead was asking that this property on the Southwest corner of T�7illow and 5th be changed from R-1 Single Family to IB Local Business. This request was denied by P & Z in their regular meeting of February 12, 1980. Vance had previously asked for Light Industry which was also denied. Councilman Bridges stated that it was his opinion to stick with the P & Z decision. Bridges made the motion the petition Z-47 for Vance Travelstead be denied. Spindle second. Voted unan. 4. Fire Marshall position_ vacancy -Danny Spindle stated he had talked with a few people about the Fire Marshall vacancy (did not mention any names) but none were interested. Council discussed the Possibility of Ken Swindle. Questions arose regarding nepotism and conflict of interest since Ken's father, John Swindle is running unopposed for Council and also has a business. Lloyd read the City Policy and John L. read from the law regarding such an appointment. If the appointment were done simultaneously it could be done if the family member abstained from voting. Anything connected with employ - rent or salary would disqualify_ John Swindle from voting. Lloyd was asked to talk with Ken Swindle about the Fire Marshall position. Joe Howard's name was also mentioned. It was noted that he was qualified ---- to be a fire marshall. 5. Appointments for P & Z Vacancy -Virgil ward and Cecil Snellgrove have asked to be relieved of their responsibilities on the P & Z COmRLission. Wards term exgires June, 1980. The following names were presented fram P & Z: Nelva Higgs, Sue Cook, Betty Kincaid, Carl Ray Higgs, and John D. Sp_ringer. Cooper recanmtended Sue Cook to fill Virgil U7ard' s term and Carl Pay Higgs to fill Cecil Snellgrove's term. Lloyd was ask to see if they would be willing to serve. An alternate .aas requested in case one of these did not want to serve. John Springer xp,7as chosen to be alternate.