03/17/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularClaim Deed requested by Mrs. Virginia Stanford Gossett abandoning an undeveloped street right-of-way on Pecan extending TtxTest of loth Street. 2. Other Matters: (a.) Single District Ta.� Board (b..) Land Purchase for water facilties (c.) . Shirley Subdivision construction Minutes:_ City Council March 17, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John Coker & J. P. Hampton Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Vance Travelstead, John L. Sullivan, and Mike UTalsh 1. The minutes of the March 4, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. Sanger Electric Capital I�rovements in the amoMt:of $6,891.71 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted .�nan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-47 for Dance Travelstead was discussed. Mr. Travelstead was asking that this property on the Southwest corner of T�7illow and 5th be changed from R-1 Single Family to LB Local Business. This request was denied by P & Z in their regular meeting of February 12, 1980. Vance had previously asked for Light Industry which was also denied. Councilman Bridges stated that it was his opinion to stick with the P & Z decision. Bridges made the motion the _Petition Z-47 for Vance Travelstead be denied. Sn_indle second. Voted unan. 4. Fire Marshall position_ vacancy -Danny Spindle stated he had talked with a few people about the Fire Marshall vacancy (did not mention any names) but none were interested. Council discussed the Possibility of Ken Swindle. Questions arose regarding nepotism and conflict of interest since Ken's father, John Swindle is running unopposed for Council and also has a business. Llovd read the City Policy and John L. read from the law regarding such an appointment. If the appointment were done simultaneously it could be done if the family member abstained from voting. Anything connected with employ- rent or salary would disqualify John Swindle from voting. Lloyd was asked to 'walk with Ken Swindle about the Fire Marshall position. Joe Howard's name was also mentioned. It was noted that he was qualified to be a fire marshall. 5. Appointments for P & Z Vacancy - Virgil ward and Cecil Snellgrove have asked to be relieved of their responsibilities on the P & Z Commission. Wards term expires June, 1980. The following names were presented from P & Z: Melva Higgs, Sue Cook, Betty Kincaid, Carl Pay Higgs, and John D. Springer. Cooper recommended Sue Cook to fill Virgil Ward's term and Carl Pay Higgs to fill Cecil Snellgrove's term. Lloyd was ask to see if they would be willing to serve. An alternate was requested in case one of these did not want to serve. John Springer 1Aas chosen to be alternate. 6. Allocation of funds for County Single District Tax Authority - The Denton County Single District Tax Board is in the process of establishing an office, hiring a Chief Tax Appraiser, and developing a budget. Lloyd advised the Council the expense for establishing this office would eventually be ?pro -rated to the 35 taxing agencies in Denton County. He told Council that this money was not in our budget and that he would like to set up a savings account, putting $500.00 per month into it to pay the City s part when it became necessary. It was the general consensus of the Mayor and Council not to set up, this account. They are in favor of the state funding thc: si.^ it was their dscision to set up the taxing authority or let it be deducted from the taxes collected. 7. Executive Session - Land acquisiton for Water Well - This item was passed over. Nothing new has developed. 8. Variance request for Benny Parrent - It was mentioned by City Manager that P & Z does not want a half street. Parrent has asked that he not be required to put in curb and gutter and'pavement on his side of the half street. P & Z recommends that this request be denied. Parrent ask to be permitted to construct surmountable curbs and not be required to put lime in the street construction. P & Z recommends approval not to require lime treatment since it was not used in the street which is already there. Parrent also requested to use the laydown or surmountable type curb which P & Z agreed. Motion was made by Cooper to accent the P & Z °s recommendation and that Parrent curb and gutter his side of the street (using the laydown or surmountable type curb) and that he pave his side of the street but he is not required to put lime in the street construction. Spindle second. Voted unan. 9. Other such matters: (A.) Discussion of the street construction of the Ul.B. Shirley Addition. Lloyd informed Council that he had asked the contractor to stop work on the street construction in the W. B. Shirley Addition. (This had nothing to do with the quality of the street, it simply did not conform to the City Subdivision Ordinance). Lloyd stated when he talked with Gene Hughes that he was ready to scrap the whole thing and told Lindon Carr to take down the poles. Lloyd stated he had talked to Hughes' engineer and told him that Council would probably grant a variance but Hughes did not want to come before Council. The City received a certified letter from Isbell Engineering, through which Mr. Hughes asks the City to make one of the following decisions. l.) Re -approve the original plans as submitted and approved last June and give approval to continue construction work. 2.) Require the streets and curb to be built according to present city specs. Under this alternate, I cannot take responsibility for the design and the contractor will not give a maintenance bond. Therefore, we would rewire a letter releasing Mr. Hughes, myself, and the contractor of any liability regarding the street performance. 3.) Condemn the street as not acceptable, remove the electrical poles and submit a letter to Ms. Hughes saying that the street construction is below standards and is condemned. Mayor Cole stated the Council had told Hughes to follow the sub- division ordinance. If he can't get a Performance Bond Hughes needs to get another engineer. Council wants Hughes to build his streets according to the Ordinance. City :Manager was advised to notify Gene Hughes and tell him to either follow the Subdivision Ordinance or file for a variance. (B.) Councilman Bridges informed Council that the bids on the new Post Office were way above what was allowed. Rebidding to be held between March 27t1a and April 15th. Stated the Post Office might have to ask for an extension on their lease. Meeting adjourned 9:15 P.M. 1�TZ'EST Ntir_utes : City Council Peril 7, 1980 Present: ?'ilayor Cole, Cooper Hampton, Bridges and Spindle Absent: Coker Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Donn D;esbitt, John Stai.:,:.d1e, Tore Pardue, Renea Heard, Deborah Roeder, and Albert Cline 1. The City received a total of three bids on painting the elevated water storage tank. They are as followsr Pittsburg Tank and Tower Co. Dean Jones Contractor [�7ater Tank Service Co. - $:7,566.00 Paint 595.99 �'� xtur_e 1; 754. R0 5afety $ 9,915.00 Total -- $14,500.00 Paint 2,000.00 Fixt�zsP 2,800.00 Safety $19.300 00 Total - $J_4,OOO.O0 Paint 945.00 Fixture 1,455.00 Safety $16,400.00 Total Bids will lay over until they can be studied by the City`s engineering firm. 2. Council canvassed the election returns of the April 5, 1980 City_ Officials Election. Results are as follows: "7ayor 199 Votes Ralph B. Cole Place ?_ 199 Votes John Swindle P__lace 4 121 Votes Donn Nesbitt 98 Votes Homer C. Riley Cooper made the motion to accept the election. returns as presented, Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Newly elected officials were sworn in by Mayor_ Cope 4. A plar�ue of appreciation was presented to J. P. Hamoton. John Coker was not at the meeting, due to a recent illness, to _receive his plague. 5. Minutes of the March 12, 1980 Special Called nrteetina and minutes of the 14arch 17, 1980 Regular rZeeting were approved as printed. 6. Disbursements totaling $20,R49.86 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted unan.